User space Vs Kernel space program performance difference - performance

I have a sequential user space program (some kind of memory intensive search data structure). The program's performance, measured as number of CPU cycles, depends on memory layout of the underlying data structures and data cache size (LLC).
So far my user space program is tuned to death, now I am wondering if I can get performance gain by moving the user space code into kernel (as a kernel module). I can think of the following factors that improve the performance in kernel space ...
No system call overhead (how many CPU cycles is gained per system call). This is less critical as I am barely using any system call in my program except for allocating memory that too just when the program starts.
Control over scheduling, I can create a kernel thread and make it run on a given core without being thrown away.
I can use kmalloc memory allocation and thus can have more control over memory allocated, may can also control the cache coloring more precisely by controlling allocated memory. Is it worth trying?
My questions to the kernel experts...
Have I missed any factors in the above list that can improve performance further?
Is it worth trying or it is straight way known that I will NOT get much performance improvement?
If performance gain is possible in kernel, is there any estimate how much gain it can be (any theoretical guess)?

Regarding point 1: kernel threads can still be preempted, so unless you're making lots of syscalls (which you aren't) this won't buy you much.
Regarding point 2: you can pin a thread to a specific core by setting its affinity, using sched_setaffinity() on Linux.
Regarding point 3: What extra control are you expecting? You can already allocate page-aligned memory from user space using mmap(). This already lets you control for the cache's set associativity, and you can use inline assembly or compiler intrinsics for any manual prefetching hints or non-temporal writes. The main difference between memory allocated in the kernel and in user space is that kmalloc() allocates wired (non-pageable) memory. I don't see how this would help.
I suspect you'll see much better ROI on parallelising using SIMD, multithreading or making further algorithmic or memory optimisations.

Create a dedicated cpuset for your program and move all other processes out of it. Then bump your process' priority to realtime with FIFO scheduling policy using something like:
struct sched_param schedparams;
// Be portable - don't just set priority to 99 :)
schedparams.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &schedparams);
Don't do that on a single-core system!
Reserve large enough stack space with alloca(3) and touch all of the allocated stack memory, map more than enough heap space and then use mlock(2) or mlockall(2) to pin process memory.
Even if your program is a sequential one, if run on a multisocket Nehalem or post-Nehalem Intel system or an AMD64 system, NUMA effects can slow your program down. Use API functions from numa(3) to allocate and keep memory as close to the NUMA node where your program executes as possible.
Try other compilers - some of them might optimise better than the compiler that you are currently using. Intel's compiler for example is very aggresive on laying out instructions as to benefit from out of order execution, pipelining and branch prediction.


Is it possible to "gracefully" use virtual memory in a program whose regular use would consume all physical RAM?

I am intending to write a program to create huge relational networks out of unstructured data - the exact implementation is irrelevant but imagine a GPT-3-style large language model. Training such a model would require potentially 100+ gigabytes of available random access memory as links get reinforced between new and existing nodes in the graph. Only a small portion of the entire model would likely be loaded at any given time, but potentially any region of memory may be accessed randomly.
I do not have a machine with 512 Gb of physical RAM. However, I do have one with a 512 Gb NVMe SSD that I can dedicate for the purpose. I see two potential options for making this program work without specialized hardware:
I can write my own memory manager that would swap pages between "hot" resident memory and "cold" on the hard disk, probably using memory-mapped files or some similar construct. This would require me coding all memory accesses in the modeling program to use this custom memory manager, and coding the page cache and concurrent access handlers and all of the other low-level stuff that comes along with it, which would take days and very likely introduce bugs. Also performance would likely be poor. Or,
I can configure the operating system to use the entire SSD as a page file / SWAP filesystem, and then just have the program reserve as much virtual memory as it needs - the same as any other normal program, relying on the kernel's memory manager which is already doing the page mapping + swapping + caching for me.
The problem I foresee with #2 is making the operating system understand what I am trying to do in a "cooperative" way. Ideally I would like to hint to the OS that I would only like a specific fraction of resident memory and swap the rest, to keep overall system RAM usage below 90% or so. Otherwise the OS will allocate 99% of physical RAM and then start aggressively compacting and cutting down memory from other background programs, which ends up making the whole system unresponsive. Linux apparently just starts sacrificing entire processes if it gets too bad.
Does there exist a kernel command in any language or operating system that would let me tell the OS to chill out and proactively swap user memory to disk? I have looked through VMM functions in kernel32.dll and the Linux paging and swap daemon (kswapd) documentation, but nothing looks like what I need. Perhaps some way to reserve, say, 1Gb of pages and then "donate" them back to the kernel to make sure they get used for processes that aren't my own? Some way to configure memory pressure or limits or make kswapd work more aggressively for just my process?

How does cache affect while a same kernel is being launched repeatedly

I recently start learning OpenCL and have a question about interaction between cache and kernel in OpenCL. I am writing a program to measure a latency for accessing main memory.(bypassing caches) Therefore, I am wondering whether cache memory is cleared automatically after a kernel execution is finished or it will be remained and be used while the same kernel is executed repeatedly?
For AMD Radeon GCNs, L1 and L2 cache is persistent between all kernels and all different kernels. A kernel can use cached data from any other kernel. Additionally, Local Memory inside a Compute Unit is not cleared/zeroed between kernel runs (more precisely, between work-group runs). This means you have to initialize local variables. The same should apply for nVidia/CUDA devices and generic SIMD CPUs.
That being said, OpenCL does not know or define different level of caches, caches are vendor specific. Any functionality that handles or manages caching is a vendor specific extension.
To test latency, use a pseudo-random number generator in your kernel, and read random memory addresses. Use 2 kernels, the 1st one pollutes all caches, the 2nd one then does the actual latency measuring.
in OpenCL memory hierarchy there are NO "caches" (in the sense of CPU). In OpenCL there are different kind of memories that you can controll with some instructions. Here you can have a look on what I mean:
The fastest memories are the Private memory and the Local Memory. You can declare Variables in this memory space and controll, moving them in the way that you prefer. You should be careful because in the Local memory you can share data among "Block" and data inside the Privite is visible only by the Thread. Here you can find a lot of other informations.
So if you run repeatedly a kernel you can store your variables in the memory that you prefer and you will notice that if the variables are in the privite mamory you will be realy fast in comparison with the other solutions.

Stack and Heap locations in RAM

This image and others like it have been bothering me for a while now. When I use malloc, this should be a part of the dynamic data, the heap. However, this seems to be bounded from above by the stack, which seems very ineffective. A program cannot predict how much memory I plan on allocating, so how does the program judge how far up to put the stack? It seems as though all of the memory in the middle is wasted, and I would like to know how this works for programs that could potentially range from a small service program that doesn't use any dynamic memory verses a videogame that could potentially allocate huge sections of memory.
Say, for example, I open up Microsoft paint. If I paste a high resolution picture into it, the memory allocation of paint skyrockets. Where was this memory taken from? What I would truly like is a snapshot of my entire RAM stick labelled as above to visualize how the many programs of a computer partition the computer's memory as a whole, but I can only find diagrams like this one for a single process and a single section of RAM.
Your picture is not of the RAM, but of the address space of some process in virtual memory. The kernel configures the MMU to manage virtual memory, provide the virtual address space of a process, and do some paging, and manage the page cache.
BTW, it is not the compiler which grows the stack (so your picture is wrong). The compiler is generating machine code which may push or pop things on the call stack. For malloc allocated heap, the C standard library implementation contains the malloc function, above operating system primitives or system calls allocating pages of virtual memory (e.g. mmap(2) on Linux).
On Linux, a process can ask its address space to be changed with mmap(2) -and munmap and mprotect. When a program is started with execve(2) the kernel is setting its initial address space. See also /proc/ (see proc(5) and try cat /proc/$$/maps....). BTW mmap is often used to implement malloc(3) and dlopen(3) -runtime loading of plugins, both heavily used in the RefPerSys project (it is a free software artificial intelligence project for Linux).
Since most Linux systems are open source, I suggest you to dive into implementation details by downloading then looking inside the source code of GNU libc or musl-libc: both implement malloc and dlopen above mmap and other syscalls(2).
Windows has similar facilities, but I don't know Windows. Refer to the documentation of the WinAPI
Read also Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, and, if you code in C, some good book such as Modern C and some C reference website. Be sure to read the documentation of your C compiler (e.g. GCC). See also the OSDEV website.
Be aware that modern C compilers are permitted to make extensive optimizations. Read what every C programmer should know about undefined behavior. See also this draft report.
In modern systems, a technique called virtual memory is used to give the program its own memory space. Heap and stack locations are at specific locations in virtual memory. The kernel then takes care of mapping memory locations between physical memory and virtual memory. Your program may have a chunk of memory allocated at 0x80000000, but that chunk of memory might be stored in location 0x49BA5400. Your actual RAM stick would be a jumbled mess of chunks of all of those sections in seemingly random locations.

Seeking articles on shared memory locking issues

I'm reviewing some code and feel suspicious of the technique being used.
In a linux environment, there are two processes that attach multiple
shared memory segments. The first process periodically loads a new set
of files to be shared, and writes the shared memory id (shmid) into
a location in the "master" shared memory segment. The second process
continually reads this "master" location and uses the shmid to attach
the other shared segments.
On a multi-cpu host, it seems to me it might be implementation dependent
as to what happens if one process tries to read the memory while it's
being written by the other. But perhaps hardware-level bus locking prevents
mangled bits on the wire? It wouldn't matter if the reading process got
a very-soon-to-be-changed value, it would only matter if the read was corrupted
to something that was neither the old value nor the new value. This is an edge case: only 32 bits are being written and read.
Googling for shmat stuff hasn't led me to anything that's definitive in this
I suspect strongly it's not safe or sane, and what I'd really
like is some pointers to articles that describe the problems in detail.
It is legal -- as in the OS won't stop you from doing it.
But is it smart? No, you should have some type of synchronization.
There wouldn't be "mangled bits on the wire". They will come out either as ones or zeros. But there's nothing to say that all your bits will be written out before another process tries to read them. And there are NO guarantees on how fast they'll be written vs how fast they'll be read.
You should always assume there is absolutely NO relationship between the actions of 2 processes (or threads for that matter).
Hardware level bus locking does not happen unless you get it right. It can be harder then expected to make your compiler / library / os / cpu get it right. Synchronization primitives are written to makes sure it happens right.
Locking will make it safe, and it's not that hard to do. So just do it.
#unknown - The question has changed somewhat since my answer was posted. However, the behavior you describe is defiantly platform (hardware, os, library and compiler) dependent.
Without giving the compiler specific instructions, you are actually not guaranteed to have 32 bits written out in one shot. Imagine a situation where the 32 bit word is not aligned on a word boundary. This unaligned access is acceptable on x86, and in the case of the x68, the access is turned into a series of aligned accesses by the cpu.
An interrupt can occurs between those operations. If a context switch happens in the middle, some of the bits are written, some aren't. Bang, You're Dead.
Also, lets think about 16 bit cpus or 64 bit cpus. Both of which are still popular and don't necessarily work the way you think.
So, actually you can have a situation where "some other cpu-core picks up a word sized value 1/2 written to". You write you code as if this type of thing is expected to happen if you are not using synchronization.
Now, there are ways to preform your writes to make sure that you get a whole word written out. Those methods fall under the category of synchronization, and creating synchronization primitives is the type of thing that's best left to the library, compiler, os, and hardware designers. Especially if you are interested in portability (which you should be, even if you never port your code)
The problem's actually worse than some of the people have discussed. Zifre is right that on current x86 CPUs memory writes are atomic, but that is rapidly ceasing to be the case - memory writes are only atomic for a single core - other cores may not see the writes in the same order.
In other words if you do
a = 1;
b = 2;
on CPU 2 you might see location b modified before location 'a' is. Also if you're writing a value that's larger than the native word size (32 bits on an x32 processor) the writes are not atomic - so the high 32 bits of a 64 bit write will hit the bus at a different time from the low 32 bits of the write. This can complicate things immensely.
Use a memory barrier and you'll be ok.
You need locking somewhere. If not at the code level, then at the hardware memory cache and bus.
You are probably OK on a post-PentiumPro Intel CPU. From what I just read, Intel made their later CPUs essentially ignore the LOCK prefix on machine code. Instead the cache coherency protocols make sure that the data is consistent between all CPUs. So if the code writes data that doesn't cross a cache-line boundary, it will work. The order of memory writes that cross cache-lines isn't guaranteed, so multi-word writes are risky.
If you are using anything other than x86 or x86_64 then you are not OK. Many non-Intel CPUs (and perhaps Intel Itanium) gain performance by using explicit cache coherency machine commands, and if you do not use them (via custom ASM code, compiler intrinsics, or libraries) then writes to memory via cache are not guaranteed to ever become visible to another CPU or to occur in any particular order.
So just because something works on your Core2 system doesn't mean that your code is correct. If you want to check portability, try your code also on other SMP architectures like PPC (an older MacPro or a Cell blade) or an Itanium or an IBM Power or ARM. The Alpha was a great CPU for revealing bad SMP code, but I doubt you can find one.
Two processes, two threads, two cpus, two cores all require special attention when sharing data through memory.
This IBM article provides an excellent overview of your options.
Anatomy of Linux synchronization methods
Kernel atomics, spinlocks, and mutexes
by M. Tim Jones (, Consultant Engineer, Emulex
I actually believe this should be completely safe (but is depends on the exact implementation). Assuming the "master" segment is basically an array, as long as the shmid can be written atomically (if it's 32 bits then probably okay), and the second process is just reading, you should be okay. Locking is only needed when both processes are writing, or the values being written cannot be written atomically. You will never get a corrupted (half written values). Of course, there may be some strange architectures that can't handle this, but on x86/x64 it should be okay (and probably also ARM, PowerPC, and other common architectures).
Read Memory Ordering in Modern Microprocessors, Part I and Part II
They give the background to why this is theoretically unsafe.
Here's a potential race:
Process A (on CPU core A) writes to a new shared memory region
Process A puts that shared memory ID into a shared 32-bit variable (that is 32-bit aligned - any compiler will try to align like this if you let it).
Process B (on CPU core B) reads the variable. Assuming 32-bit size and 32-bit alignment, it shouldn't get garbage in practise.
Process B tries to read from the shared memory region. Now, there is no guarantee that it'll see the data A wrote, because you missed out the memory barrier. (In practise, there probably happened to be memory barriers on CPU B in the library code that maps the shared memory segment; the problem is that process A didn't use a memory barrier).
Also, it's not clear how you can safely free the shared memory region with this design.
With the latest kernel and libc, you can put a pthreads mutex into a shared memory region. (This does need a recent version with NPTL - I'm using Debian 5.0 "lenny" and it works fine). A simple lock around the shared variable would mean you don't have to worry about arcane memory barrier issues.
I can't believe you're asking this. NO it's not safe necessarily. At the very least, this will depend on whether the compiler produces code that will atomically set the shared memory location when you set the shmid.
Now, I don't know Linux, but I suspect that a shmid is 16 to 64 bits. That means it's at least possible that all platforms would have some instruction that could write this value atomically. But you can't depend on the compiler doing this without being asked somehow.
Details of memory implementation are among the most platform-specific things there are!
BTW, it may not matter in your case, but in general, you have to worry about locking, even on a single CPU system. In general, some device could write to the shared memory.
I agree that it might work - so it might be safe, but not sane.
The main question is if this low-level sharing is really needed - I am not an expert on Linux, but I would consider to use for instance a FIFO queue for the master shared memory segment, so that the OS does the locking work for you. Consumer/producers usually need queues for synchronization anyway.
Legal? I suppose. Depends on your "jurisdiction". Safe and sane? Almost certainly not.
Edit: I'll update this with more information.
You might want to take a look at this Wikipedia page; particularly the section on "Coordinating access to resources". In particular, the Wikipedia discussion essentially describes a confidence failure; non-locked access to shared resources can, even for atomic resources, cause a misreporting / misrepresentation of the confidence that an action was done. Essentially, in the time period between checking to see whether or not it CAN modify the resource, the resource gets externally modified, and therefore, the confidence inherent in the conditional check is busted.
I don't believe anybody here has discussed how much of an impact lock contention can have over the bus, especially on bus bandwith constrained systems.
Here is an article about this issue in some depth, they discuss some alternative schedualing algorythems which reduse the overall demand on exclusive access through the bus. Which increases total throughput in some cases over 60% than a naieve scheduler (when considering the cost of an explicit lock prefix instruction or implicit xchg cmpx..). The paper is not the most recent work and not much in the way of real code (dang academic's) but it worth the read and consideration for this problem.
More recent CPU ABI's provide alternative operations than simple lock whatever.
Jeffr, from FreeBSD (author of many internal kernel components), discusses monitor and mwait, 2 instructions added for SSE3, where in a simple test case identified an improvement of 20%. He later postulates;
So this is now the first stage in the
adaptive algorithm, we spin a while,
then sleep at a high power state, and
then sleep at a low power state
depending on load.
In most cases we're still idling in
hlt as well, so there should be no
negative effect on power. In fact, it
wastes a lot of time and energy to
enter and exit the idle states so it
might improve power under load by
reducing the total cpu time required.
I wonder what would be the effect of using pause instead of hlt.
From Intel's TBB;
PUBLIC __TBB_machine_pause
dw 090f3H; pause
add ecx,-1
jne L1
Art of Assembly also uses syncronization w/o the use of lock prefix or xchg. I haven't read that book in a while and won't speak directly to it's applicability in a user-land protected mode SMP context, but it's worth a look.
Good luck!
If the shmid has some type other than volatile sig_atomic_t then you can be pretty sure that separate threads will get in trouble even on the very same CPU. If the type is volatile sig_atomic_t then you can't be quite as sure, but you still might get lucky because multithreading can do more interleaving than signals can do.
If the shmid crosses cache lines (partly in one cache line and partly in another) then while the writing cpu is writing you sure find a reading cpu reading part of the new value and part of the old value.
This is exactly why instructions like "compare and swap" were invented.
Sounds like you need a Reader-Writer Lock :
The answer is - it's absolutely safe to do reads and writes simultaneously.
It is clear that the shm mechanism
provides bare-bones tools for the
user. All access control must be taken
care of by the programmer. Locking and
synchronization is being kindly
provided by the kernel, this means the
user have less worries about race
conditions. Note that this model
provides only a symmetric way of
sharing data between processes. If a
process wishes to notify another
process that new data has been
inserted to the shared memory, it will
have to use signals, message queues,
pipes, sockets, or other types of IPC.
From Shared Memory in Linux article.
The latest Linux shm implementation just uses copy_to_user and copy_from_user calls, which are synchronised with memory bus internally.

Memory Allocation/Deallocation Bottleneck?

How much of a bottleneck is memory allocation/deallocation in typical real-world programs? Answers from any type of program where performance typically matters are welcome. Are decent implementations of malloc/free/garbage collection fast enough that it's only a bottleneck in a few corner cases, or would most performance-critical software benefit significantly from trying to keep the amount of memory allocations down or having a faster malloc/free/garbage collection implementation?
Note: I'm not talking about real-time stuff here. By performance-critical, I mean stuff where throughput matters, but latency doesn't necessarily.
Edit: Although I mention malloc, this question is not intended to be C/C++ specific.
It's significant, especially as fragmentation grows and the allocator has to hunt harder across larger heaps for the contiguous regions you request. Most performance-sensitive applications typically write their own fixed-size block allocators (eg, they ask the OS for memory 16MB at a time and then parcel it out in fixed blocks of 4kb, 16kb, etc) to avoid this issue.
In games I've seen calls to malloc()/free() consume as much as 15% of the CPU (in poorly written products), or with carefully written and optimized block allocators, as little as 5%. Given that a game has to have a consistent throughput of sixty hertz, having it stall for 500ms while a garbage collector runs occasionally isn't practical.
Nearly every high performance application now has to use threads to exploit parallel computation. This is where the real memory allocation speed killer comes in when writing C/C++ applications.
In a C or C++ application, malloc/new must take a lock on the global heap for every operation. Even without contention locks are far from free and should be avoided as much as possible.
Java and C# are better at this because threading was designed in from the start and the memory allocators work from per-thread pools. This can be done in C/C++ as well, but it isn't automatic.
First off, since you said malloc, I assume you're talking about C or C++.
Memory allocation and deallocation tend to be a significant bottleneck for real-world programs. A lot goes on "under the hood" when you allocate or deallocate memory, and all of it is system-specific; memory may actually be moved or defragmented, pages may be reorganized--there's no platform-independent way way to know what the impact will be. Some systems (like a lot of game consoles) also don't do memory defragmentation, so on those systems, you'll start to get out-of-memory errors as memory becomes fragmented.
A typical workaround is to allocate as much memory up front as possible, and hang on to it until your program exits. You can either use that memory to store big monolithic sets of data, or use a memory pool implementation to dole it out in chunks. Many C/C++ standard library implementations do a certain amount of memory pooling themselves for just this reason.
No two ways about it, though--if you have a time-sensitive C/C++ program, doing a lot of memory allocation/deallocation will kill performance.
In general the cost of memory allocation is probably dwarfed by lock contention, algorithmic complexity, or other performance issues in most applications. In general, I'd say this is probably not in the top-10 of performance issues I'd worry about.
Now, grabbing very large chunks of memory might be an issue. And grabbing but not properly getting rid of memory is something I'd worry about.
In Java and JVM-based languages, new'ing objects is now very, very, very fast.
Here's one decent article by a guy who knows his stuff with some references at the bottom to more related links:
A Java VM will claim and release memory from the operating system pretty much indepdently of what the application code is doing. This allows it to grab and release memory in large chunks, which is hugely more efficient than doing it in tiny individual operations, as you get with manual memory management.
This article was written in 2005, and JVM-style memory management was already streets ahead. The situation has only improved since then.
Which language boasts faster raw
allocation performance, the Java
language, or C/C++? The answer may
surprise you -- allocation in modern
JVMs is far faster than the best
performing malloc implementations. The
common code path for new Object() in
HotSpot 1.4.2 and later is
approximately 10 machine instructions
(data provided by Sun; see Resources),
whereas the best performing malloc
implementations in C require on
average between 60 and 100
instructions per call (Detlefs, et.
al.; see Resources). And allocation
performance is not a trivial component
of overall performance -- benchmarks
show that many real-world C and C++
programs, such as Perl and
Ghostscript, spend 20 to 30 percent of
their total execution time in malloc
and free -- far more than the
allocation and garbage collection
overhead of a healthy Java
In Java (and potentially other languages with a decent GC implementation) allocating an object is very cheap. In the SUN JVM it only needs 10 CPU Cycles. A malloc in C/c++ is much more expensive, just because it has to do more work.
Still even allocation objects in Java is very cheap, doing so for a lot of users of a web application in parallel can still lead to performance problems, because more Garbage Collector runs will be triggered.
Therefore there are those indirect costs of an allocation in Java caused by the deallocation done by the GC. These costs are difficult to quantify because they depend very much on your setup (how much memory do you have) and your application.
Allocating and releasing memory in terms of performance are relatively costly operations. The calls in modern operating systems have to go all the way down to the kernel so that the operating system is able to deal with virtual memory, paging/mapping, execution protection etc.
On the other side, almost all modern programming languages hide these operations behind "allocators" which work with pre-allocated buffers.
This concept is also used by most applications which have a focus on throughput.
I know I answered earlier, however, that was ananswer to the other answer's, not to your question.
To speak to you directly, if I understand correctly, your performance use case criteria is throughput.
This to me, means's that you should be looking almost exclusivly at NUMA aware allocators.
None of the earlier references; IBM JVM paper, Microquill C, SUN JVM. Cover this point so I am highly suspect of their application today, where, at least on the AMD ABI, NUMA is the pre-eminent memory-cpu governer.
Hands down; real world, fake world, whatever world... NUMA aware memory request/use technologies are faster. Unfortunately, I'm running Windows currently, and I have not found the "numastat" which is available in linux.
A friend of mine has written about this in depth in his implmentation for the FreeBSD kernel.
Dispite me being able to show at-hoc, the typically VERY large amount of local node memory requests on top of the remote node (underscoring the obvious performance throughput advantage), you can surly benchmark yourself, and that would likely be what you need todo as your performance charicterisitc is going to be highly specific.
I do know that in a lot of ways, at least earlier 5.x VMWARE faired rather poorly, at that time at least, for not taking advantage of NUMA, frequently demanding pages from the remote node. However, VM's are a very unique beast when it comes to memory compartmentailization or containerization.
One of the references I cited is to Microsoft's API implmentation for the AMD ABI, which has NUMA allocation specialized interfaces for user land application developers to exploit ;)
Here's a fairly recent analysis, visual and all, from some browser add-on developers who compare 4 different heap implmentations. Naturally the one they developed turns out on top (odd how the people who do the testing often exhibit the highest score's).
They do cover in some ways quantifiably, at least for their use case, what the exact trade off is between space/time, generally they had identified the LFH (oh ya and by the way LFH is simply a mode apparently of the standard heap) or similarly designed approach essentially consumes signifcantly more memory off the bat however over time, may wind up using less memory... the grafix are neat too...
I would think however that selecting a HEAP implmentation based on your typical workload after you well understand it ;) is a good idea, but to well understand your needs, first make sure your basic operations are correct before you optimize these odds and ends ;)
This is where c/c++'s memory allocation system works the best. The default allocation strategy is OK for most cases but it can be changed to suit whatever is needed. In GC systems there's not a lot you can do to change allocation strategies. Of course, there is a price to pay, and that's the need to track allocations and free them correctly. C++ takes this further and the allocation strategy can be specified per class using the new operator:
class AClass
void *operator new (size_t size); // this will be called whenever there's a new AClass
void *operator new [] (size_t size); // this will be called whenever there's a new AClass []
void operator delete (void *memory); // if you define new, you really need to define delete as well
void operator delete [] (void *memory);define delete as well
Many of the STL templates allow you to define custom allocators as well.
As with all things to do with optimisation, you must first determine, through run time analysis, if memory allocation really is the bottleneck before writing your own allocators.
According to MicroQuill SmartHeap Technical Specification, "a typical application [...] spends 40% of its total execution time on managing memory". You can take this figure as an upper bound, i personally feel that a typical application spends more like 10-15% of execution time allocating/deallocating memory. It rarely is a bottleneck in single-threaded application.
In multithreaded C/C++ applications standard allocators become an issue due to lock contention. This is where you start to look for more scalable solutions. But keep in mind Amdahl's Law.
Pretty much all of you are off base if you are talking about the Microsoft heap. Syncronization is effortlessly handled as is fragmentation.
The current perferrred heap is the LFH, (LOW FRAGMENTATION HEAP), it is default in vista+ OS's and can be configured on XP, via gflag, with out much trouble
It is easy to avoid any locking/blocking/contention/bus-bandwitth issues and the lot with the
option during HeapAlloc or HeapCreate. This will allow you to create/use a heap without entering into an interlocked wait.
I would reccomend creating several heaps, with HeapCreate, and defining a macro, perhaps, mallocx(enum my_heaps_set, size_t);
would be fine, of course, you need realloc, free also to be setup as appropiate. If you want to get fancy, make free/realloc auto-detect which heap handle on it's own by evaluating the address of the pointer, or even adding some logic to allow malloc to identify which heap to use based on it's thread id, and building a heierarchy of per-thread heaps and shared global heap's/pools.
The Heap* api's are called internally by malloc/new.
Here's a nice article on some dynamic memory management issues, with some even nicer references. To instrument and analyze heap activity.
Others have covered C/C++ so I'll just add a little information on .NET.
In .NET heap allocation is generally really fast, as it it just a matter of just grabbing the memory in the generation zero part of the heap. Obviously this cannot go on forever, which is where garbage collection comes in. Garbage collection may affect the performance of your application significantly since user threads must be suspended during compaction of memory. The fewer full collects, the better.
There are various things you can do to affect the workload of the garbage collector in .NET. Generally if you have a lot of memory reference the garbage collector will have to do more work. E.g. by implementing a graph using an adjacency matrix instead of references between nodes the garbage collector will have to analyze fewer references.
Whether that is actually significant in your application or not depends on several factors and you should profile the application with actual data before turning to such optimizations.
