Is there a way to add url as a link to visual studio project - visual-studio-2010

Is there a way of adding a URL to a Visual Studio Project or Solution such that when clicking on it the web page is brought up as a tabbed document within VS)?
(I wish to get a MantisBT web page up as a tab within Visual Studio and this seemed to be the best way of doing it).
If I create a link as a shortcut in the project folder, or create a link by dragging the page from IE to the folder, this file is opened as an XML file. Open with Browser opens it externally to VS.
If I open the .url I can then CTRL+Click on the url in the link and it will open the page as a tabbed item. Is there a way to do this in one step?

I think that in the play button you have a few options like page inspector, maybe you can try that? Ctrl+Shift+W is the shorcut


Navigating pages in options dialog (Visual Studio Extension)

Visual Studio Extension
I have a custom page that is in options dialog. I want to navigate to another page (via a link) in the same instance of that dialog. How would i go around to do so?
I am using MenuCommandService to open invoke command that opens Options page. I can do the same for another page, but that opens a new instance of options dialog

View of the resource tab in visual studio

I tried adding a resource to a project in visual studio 2015 community.
However the resource tab is blank. I know its supposed to look like the image below, but I don't have anything on the left. No application or settings. What went wrong?
enter image description here
Seems like you need to double click the properties folder in the Solution Explorer,
If you open the resources.resx folder Directly you wont see the toolbar on the left.
alternatively you can look at the properties tab at the bottom of the project Menu

Visual Studio 2012 change web browser

If I click control-click a hyperlink in the text editor, it opens the URL in a new Visual Studio tab. I would rather the link open outside Visual Studio in my system's default web browser (happens to be Google Chrome). How can I arrange this?
I'm talking about hyperlinks in code comments.
I am using Visual Studio 2012. I found a similar question dated 2009, however the accepted answer (a macro) doesn't work in Visual Studio 2012.
Frustratingly, this isn't possible in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013.
Bug reported to developers at Please add your vote!
There is an extension Open in External Browser.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Professional. It works for me.
To install:
Go to "Tools" - "Extension and Updates..."
Choose "Online" - "Visual Studio Gallery" on left pane
Type in search field "open in external browser"
Click "Install"
It seems that it is not possible (except if your default browser is IE, so you would not know the difference).
As Anand wrote above, you could ctrl + right click on the link and then select open link in external window (you cannot do that on the start page, only on an opened webpage) but it still opens the window in IE no matter what your default browser is.
Even if you go to TOOLS --> Options --> Environment --> Web Browser, you will notice that it indicated that IE and the internal VS web browser are siblings.
So just copy the URL from the address bar and paste it to your default browser (it's not too much trouble in my opinion).
In VS 2012 Professional, on the toolbar next to the run debug icon, is the word 'Start' which can be expanded. When expanded you have the option to 'Open with...' and you can select the browser to open the web project up in. It does not run the debugger, it only opens the website in the selected browser. (toolbar > Start (expanded) > Open with...)
You can use the default browser switcher application if you are using Visual Studio 2010 for this kind of situation:
On your tool bar menu select "TOOLS"
Then from options choose "EXTENSION Manager"
It will open the extension manager window in the left hand side there are options choose the "Online Gallery" option
In Online Gallery search for "WoVS Default Browser Switcher"
Download it and Install it
After download restart VS
Hope this works best for you
I found a way to change the default browser for all actions in Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web. It's documented here:
By default, Visual Studio uses your default browser to test pages. To use a different browser or Page Inspector, right-click [an .aspx] page in [the] Solution Explorer and then click [...] Browse With [, which] lets you select a browser from a list, add new browsers to the list, or set one as the default browser. (The default browser setting here applies only to the Visual Studio environment and not to Windows.)
This also changes the default browser for F5'ing an MVC project, because I'm used to closing IE to stop debugging. When I let Visual Studio use my system's default browser, I first have to switch back to it from my browser to stop debugging, because closing the browser tab doesn't.
Unfortunately it still doesn't open links in comments in a browser.
I don't actually know what you mean under hyperlink, but you can easily make VS2012 working with another browser by simply.. uninstalling IE9 (Control Panel->Software->Windows components->bye bye IE9).
Well I found a workaround that is not so clean :P
Add a .html file to your project
Open the new .html file and click inside the editor.
Now Goto 'File' > 'Browse With...' from the Visual Studio Top Menu.
In the 'Browse With' Window, select the desired browser and click
the 'Set as Default' button.
Click the Browse button to set the new default selection.
This is what you have to do:
Go to the standard menu toolbar
Click on 'Add or Remove Buttons'
Tick the 'Debug Target' option
VS 2012 -->> File -->> Browse With -- >> Select Browser -->> Click on "set Default" Button -->> Now Click "Browse" Button
Go thru this setting...
Hope this will help you

How to configure Visual Studio (2010) to open aspx pages on code behind by default on double click?

The question says it all... its pretty simple, and it can be done by selecting the file and pressing F7 but I'm always double clicking accidentally and visual studio takes forever to open the design view page (even if its almost empty), but I just wanna go straight to the code.
Any tips?
I had this problem too. My solution was to change Visual Studio to open up pages in HTML view by default. Because VS doesn't need to format the page, this is MUCH quicker. You can see how to get Visual Studio to open pages in HTML view at
To tell Visual Studio 2010 to open files automatically in Source view,
Tools -> Options
Select the General section of the HTML Designer tab.
Choose to start pages in Source View.
Just incase Andy's link dies, the method to make Visual Studio open ASPX pages in HTML view rather than the default designer view:
Go to Tools -> Options. Select HTML Designer from the menu at left. Select "HTML View" for HTML pages, Active Server Pages and Web Form pages. Click OK.
This forces VS to open pages in HTML view, which for developers is usually the view we work in for editing ASPX templates. In addition, it addresses the original issue of this question, which is getting VS to open pages faster, since it doesn't have to render a designer view.
I think you are asking to configure VS2010 to take you to the .cs / .vb file when you double click on the aspx page, but you could also be asking about make it go to the html source view.
If you are wondering about the latter (html source view), here is a screenshot of what setting to change.
I hope this helps.

How to change the default browser to debug with in Visual Studio 2008?

When you hit F5, the browser windows pops up, how do you set which browser the debugger users in Visual Studio 2008?
Update 1
I have looked for the 'Browse with' option and not found it.
Visual Studio opens the default browser instead of Internet Explorer
Update 2
If you are already debugging you dont have the 'Browse with' option.
Stop debugging and then its there!
Update 3
The accepted answer below is also relevant to changing the default browser to debug with in Visual Studio 2010.
(In the Project Solution window) Right click a page (.aspx, or on a folder)
Select Browse With...
Choose your browser
Click Set as Default
Click Browse
ASP.NET projects:
Right click a webpage (.aspx, or on a folder)
Select Browse With...
Choose your browser
Click Set as Default
Click Browse
ASP.NET MVC 1 projects:
Right click Default.aspx, then follow steps above.
ASP.NET MVC 2 projects:
As there is no Default.aspx, you need to create a Web Form (right-click project > Add > New Item) and follow the steps above.
If you use ASP-NET MVC, you need to right-click on Default.ASPX which will have a Browse With menu.
To permanently make Visual Studio open a project in IE without changing the default browser you can do the following:
Project Properties -> Web -> Start Action
Start external program: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
Command line arguments: Enter the url of the path to your start page ie http:\localhost\myproject\default.aspx
This won't allow you to debug client side script in Visual Studio though.
If you are using MVC 2 you do not need to create another project, just add component -> webform to the project then:
* Right click the webform
* Select Browse With...
* Choose your browser
* Click Set as Default
* Delete the webform
If you use MVC, you don't have this menu (no "Browse With..." menu)
Create first a normal ASP.NET web site.
I have passed this problem in VS2012. When I can't find "Browse with.." on the right-click of the project, I found it on File Menu -> Browse with. If it doesn't appear, first you have to click on menu bar, then try open file menu again. If it still doesn't appear, you can just go to Quick Launch on the top right of menu bar then type it "Browse with".
In VS 2010 just make the browser as your default broswer in which you want to run your application and there is no need to set anything in visual studio. I did it for google chrome and its working for me. I just made google chrome as my default browser and its working fine. I am almost sure that this should work in VS 2008 also.
First click show all files. Then in the bin folder choose any xml file and then right click and by selecting 'browse with' select your desired browser.
I find that the Browse With.. menu item only appears in Visual Studio 2010 when I Run as administrator. And in that case it is available even while in debug mode.
An easier way to do this is simply by selecting the arrow next to the Start Debugging:
Then in the Drop Down goto Web Browser and select the browser you would like to debug the site with, you can also select Browse with... to set the default as explained in other answers.
ie ---> Tools ----> Internet options -----> Programe ------> Make Defualt
