Why are there no WS-Security/WS-Policy declarations in the Amazon EC2 WSDL? - amazon-ec2

The AWS EC2 SOAP API documentation discusses securing the SOAP message using the WS-Security standard (specifically the X509 token profile).
However, the WSDL linked from the page doesn't have any WS-Security/WS-Policy declarations. What am I missing? Is the requirement to use X509 meant to be conveyed completely out-of-band through this documentation? That seems odd. I noticed that the WSDL was updated 2012-06-01 - is it possible that the WS-Security requirement has been relaxed?

You'll need to request a certificate for SOAP operations under your Amazon account. It will provide two files (private key and cert, both are PEM files).
Follow this link, login if needed and take a look into the "Access Credentials
" section. There's a "X.509 Certificates" tab, where you can download existing certificates or create a new one.


How do I find my server's public key info to do certificate pinning in OkHttp?

I have a server with a custom certificate on it issued by my own personal certificate authority. It's not on a public domain so it's not possible to use a standard certificate authority. I want to get an Android client to connect to this server using OkHttp. According to the docs, the code should look like this:
CertificatePinner certificatePinner = new CertificatePinner.Builder()
.add("myserver.com", "sha256/afwiKY3RxoMmLkuRW1l7QsPZTJPwDS2pdDROQjXw8ig=")
Where the SHA256 hash is, quoting the docs: "a hash of a certificate’s Subject Public Key Info, base64-encoded and prefixed with either sha256/ or sha1/". I have the cert and the key files for the server, but how can I get the required hash?
I'm using OkHttp 3.
Try making a request to your server with the configuration above to see how that fails. The exception should tell you which pins were found.
You must do certificate pinning in coordination with your server team! Otherwise a change they make will prevent your client from being able to reach the server.

How to share a public key for OAuth2 JWT validation?

I am implementing an app that connects to an OAuth2 server and it gets back a Json Web Token (JWT). I am passing the token along and I want to independently validate that the token came from the issuing source.
I can do this, no problem, with the public key from the issuing source. I have it available to me for now. Everything works.
But what if the OAuth server changes the signing key? How does the validating app get the new key? Is there a "best practices" convention for sharing the public key from an OAuth2 server? Do we just expose it from an endpoint on the auth server?
There's no solution that is standardized as part of the OAuth 2.0 protocol suite (today).
It was considered to be a single-domain problem that would be solved in various ways that were considered to be out of scope for the core OAuth specifications (much like the API between Resource Server and Authorization Server is/was), and much like any PKI based mechanism in general works today.
But OpenID Connect is a cross-domain SSO protocol that was built on top of OAuth 2.0, which also defined a more standardized option of dealing with key distribution in the form of JWKs URIs as part of the Discover, see the jwks_uri entry at:
REQUIRED. URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set [JWK] document. This
contains the signing key(s) the RP uses to validate signatures from
the OP. The JWK Set MAY also contain the Server's encryption key(s),
which are used by RPs to encrypt requests to the Server. When both
signing and encryption keys are made available, a use (Key Use)
parameter value is REQUIRED for all keys in the referenced JWK Set to
indicate each key's intended usage. Although some algorithms allow the
same key to be used for both signatures and encryption, doing so is
NOT RECOMMENDED, as it is less secure. The JWK x5c parameter MAY be
used to provide X.509 representations of keys provided. When used, the
bare key values MUST still be present and MUST match those in the
This would expose the key material over HTTPs protected channel, effectively leveraging the SSL CA for publishing and rollover of JWT signing key material.
At some point the jwks_uri definition may be part of the standardized OAuth 2.0 protocol extensions as well, but for now you'd have to rely on a custom agreement between Client and Authorization Server to do so. That may not be too hard to implement yourself though.
You may get lucky if your Authorization Server happens to be an OpenID Connect provider as well and uses the same key material for signing ID tokens as well as JWT access tokens.
Updated 4/22/2019: the Authorization Server metadata document is now also standardized it its own OAuth 2.0 extension OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata RFC8414

CXF STS client throws Request does not contain Security header/Response message does not contain WS-Addressing properties [duplicate]

When adding an STS reference, I input the my windows azure federation metadata URL and it gives me the error in the title. It works if I create a new namespace, but a lot of stuff is configured on the current namespace, so I can't delete it.
So for anyone that would get this error, it's a simple fix.
You need a X.509 certificate configured as primary in your ACS namespace.
To do this you go under your acs configurations, in certificates and keys then you add a X.509 by uploading a .pfx file to the server and entering the password.
You might also need a symmetric key also set as primary depending on your configuration.

Alternative authentication if certificate authentication fails (IIS,C#,ASP.NET MVC3)

Our project(web application C# ASP.NET MVC3) is hosted on IIS 7.5 and we use certificate authentication. So we have SSL-require configured IIS.
Now we have a business task to allow some users to use our system. And there is no way to provide client certificates for them. In that case we need to use some additional authentication model (user-password or ntdomain based).
I don't know how to realize such model:
User gets on our project url;
If he has valid client certificate - we let him iteract with our application;
If he hasn't cert we show him a login form with "user-password";
If we use SSL-required configured IIS users would not be able to iteract with application without valid certificate at all right? And how to authenticate with certificate if IIS is configured with SSL-Accept?
Maybe you can configure two sites on your IIS? One with SSL and another without it? Your url will point to the SSL enabled site, and when a user without a valid certificate arrives you use some backup code to send him to the SSL free site?
Just guessing actually... I think this probably deserves a more meditated answer...
The problem was not so large as i thought before. IIS provides a check box to require certificate even if combobox(in SSL options of web application) is set to Accept instead of require. In that case IIS tries to get certificate at first. And if there is no cert it lets the user to iteract with application. And we can make custom authentication on that level.
With MVC (v.3+) there is nice way to use IAuthorizationFilter in that case

Accept SSL Certificate in vb6 using the Webbrowser control

The Problem:
I am creating a vb6 application that will connect to a particular web service located on a a HTTPS site. The problem is, the HTTPS site I'm accessing requires all request to accept it's certificate policy. (as its a self-signed ssl certificate)
Basically I need the application to accept security certificate dialog boxes automatically. A sample security dialog is shown below:
Cheers in advance.
I Cant' post an image yet as i am a new user... Please see the url below for a sample image:
Look for a property named Silent.
You will have to catch some other event, to reply to that dialog box. Although, I am not sure what is the behavior, if you set the Silent to true (i.e does it assume it to be Yes or otherwise?).
Most of HTTPS sites I know use self-signed certificates.
I don't know VB6 APIs for HTTPS, but for example in Java you should provide it a copy of the site certificate beforehand. That is:
export a copy of the certificate, for example from your browser certificate repository (in Firefox: Tools->Options->Advanced->Encryption->View Certificates etc.) - supposing you have have already visited the site with your browser;
detect which certificate repository your HTTPS API points to (there certainly is one)
import certificate into that repository
execute your program
