Using batch script to automatically copy latest file to folder - windows

I would like to call for help on my attempt to create a script which will automatically check last modified file and transfer it to destination.
What I have is this:
#Echo Off
Set _Delay=1
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims==" %%a in (config.ini) do (
if %%a==source set _Monitor=%%b
if %%a==destination set _Dest=%%b
if %%a==timer set _Timer=%%b
Set _Base=%temp%\BaselineState.dir
Set _Chck=%temp%\ChkState.dir
Set _OS=6
Ver|Findstr /I /C:"Version 5">Nul
If %Errorlevel%==0 Set _OS=5 & Set /A _Delay=_Delay*1000
Goto :_Xfer
#echo off
SET R1=Start /w Sync1.vbs
Call :_SetBaseline "%_Base%" "%_Monitor%"
If %_OS%==5 (Ping -n 1 -w %_Delay%>Nul) Else Timeout %_Delay%>Nul
Call :_SetBaseline "%_Chck%" "%_Monitor%"
FC /A /L "%_Base%" "%_Chck%">Nul
If %ErrorLevel%==0 Goto _MonLoop
for /l %%a in (%_Timer%,-1,0) do (
#Echo:: SEC Auto Transfer ::
#Echo:: Aizal 16 June 2012 ::
#Echo This script will scan SEC Data Folder for
#Echo new files every 30 minutes and will copy
#Echo it to the Server. Make sure you set correct
#Echo folder before using this script.
ECHO Currently recording:
FOR /F %%a in ('xcopy "%_Monitor%\*.SEC" "%_Dest%" /L /Y') DO (
IF NOT EXIST "%_Dest%.\%%~nxa" ECHO %%~nxa
ECHO Refreshing...
ECHO Please wait %%a seconds...
FOR /F %%a in ('xcopy "%_Monitor%\*.SEC" "%_Dest%" /L /Y') DO (
IF NOT EXIST "%_Dest%.\%%~nxa" xcopy "%%a" "%_Dest%" /Y
Echo.Change Detected
Goto :_StartMon
:: Subroutine
If Exist "%temp%\tempfmstate.dir" Del "%temp%\tempfmstate.dir"
For /F "Tokens=* Delims=" %%I In ('Dir /S "%~2"') Do (
Set _Last=%%I
>>"%temp%\tempfmstate.dir" Echo.%%I
>"%~1" Findstr /V /C:"%_Last%" "%temp%\tempfmstate.dir"
Goto :EOF
Now, if you noticed the script will compare the content of source folder with the content of the destination folder and will copy the files from source if there is not already file in destination. I would like to know if someone can help me figuring out how to make the script to check the last modified file in source folder and ONLY copy it to the destination AND if the said file is currently in use/being write to then script will wait until it finished before trying to copy it again.
Also, right now I have to edit source.ini file to specify which folder I want to monitor and each time I have to change the subfolder path to watch for changes, is there a way to watch parent folder for any new files and take that file to the destination?
I found this script on the net but hoping to check the file not based on day but instead of time.
::Copy Files Made Or Modified Today
#echo off
set source= <source directory>
set dest= <destination directory>
pushd "%source%"
set t=%date:~4%
::for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d') do call :PROCESS "%%a"
goto :eof
for /f %%j in ('echo %~t1') do set d=%%j
if "%d%"=="%t%" copy %1 "%dest%"
goto :eof
Hope to find the solution from here.
Many thanks

With this you'll get the last modified file:
for /f %%A in ('dir /b /tw /o-d not-mandatory-file-mask') do (
set last_file=%%A
goto :endloop
With this you'll copy the file if it is possible. If not it will try again and again:
set /a errorlevel=0
copy some_dir\%last_file% %destination%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
sleep 10
goto :tryagain
) else (
goto :end


Loop that appends filename when copying same filename from different folders to a new folder

I have the following code to search for a specific file name (ratings.zil) across multiple folders and copy them to a new folder:
for /R %f in (ratings.zil) do #IF EXIST %f copy "%f" "C:\here"
But when the file copies to the new folder it overwrites instead of appending a number at the end of each ratings.zil – i.e. ratings(1).zil, ratings(2).zil. Is there a way to add a loop to the above code that will append a number after each file?
This question was originally marked as a duplicate, except the answer for the duplicate only works when you’re copying a file within the same folder.
Here is a slightly ammended version of DBenhams answer.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
if "%~2" equ "" echo Error: Insufficient arguments>&2&exit /b 1
set "source=%~f1"
set "target=%~f2"
md "%target%"
set /a cnt=0
for /r "%source%" %%F in (ratings.zil) do if "%%~dpF" neq "%target%\" (
if exist "%%F" (
if exist "%target%\%%~nxF" (
set /a cnt+=1
set "full=%%F"
set "name=%%~nF"
set "ext=%%~xF"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
copy "!full!" "!target!\!name!(!cnt!)!ext!" >nul
) else copy "%%F" "%target%" >nul
In order to run this, you need to save the file as something like myRename.cmd then simply open cmd.exe and run it as:
myRename.cmd "C:\Source of files" "D:\Destination"
If you perfer to place this in a set directory and have a static destination folder and be able to just double click it, then this will do:
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "target=C:\here"
md "%target%"
set /a cnt=0
for /r %%F in (ratings.zil) do if "%%~dpF" neq "%target%\" (
if exist "%%F" (
if exist "%target%\%%~nxF" (
set /a cnt+=1
set "full=%%F"
set "name=%%~nF"
set "ext=%%~xF"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
copy "!full!" "!target!\!name!(!cnt!)!ext!" >nul
) else copy "%%F" "%target%" >nul

Batch script file to copy and rename files

I'm writing batch script which I'll use to copy files from location A to location B with rename of a source file from location A if the same file exists already in location B.
Currently Im using snippet from another topic here on stack but it doesnt work on files from subfolders, could anyone help me with code below so it work on all files and subdirectiories from both locations? Many thanks!
SET sourcedir="D:\TEST\FROM"
SET destdir="D:\TEST\TO"
SET /a count=0
for %%c in (%sourcedir%\*.*) do (
CALL :select
ECHO copy "%%c" "%destdir%\%%~nc_!count!%%~xc" /s
SET /a count+=1
IF EXIST "%destdir%\%%c" GOTO select
GOTO :eof
Replace your for loop with the following for loop:
for /R "%sourcedir%" %%c in (*.*) do (what you like)
Also, why do you want the following piece of code?
copy "%%c" "%destdir%\%%~nc_!count!%%~xc" /s
Just copy "%%c" %destdir%
More generally you can write:
SET sourcedir="D:\TEST\FROM"
SET destdir="D:\TEST\TO"
:: SET /a count=0
for /R "%sourcedir%" %%c in (*.*) do (
:: SET /a count+=1
IF NOT EXIST "%destdir%\%%c" (
echo copy "%%c" %destdir%
Hope you are fine with this, possible dublicate of Windows batch file with loop through subfolders
Sharing with what I managed to get so far, works for what I needed, however still not doing well for subfolders:
SET "sourcedir= "
SET "destdir= "
SET "HH=%TIME:~0,2%"
SET "MM=%TIME:~3,2%"
SET "SS=%TIME:~6,2%"
SET "_Time=%HH%%MM%%SS%"
FOR /R "%sourcedir%" %%G IN (*.*) DO (
IF EXIST "%destdir%\%%~nG%%~xG" (
COPY /V /Z "%%G" "%destdir%\%%~nG_duplicate_%_Time%%%~xG"
) ELSE (
COPY /V /Z "%%G" "%destdir%\%%~nG%%~xG")

Parse through folders and sub folders to copy text file

Hi I am trying to copy all text files from a directory to another using a batch file. If in case the directory contains any sub folder the program must also parse the subfolder and copy the text file from folder and sub folder. If the files have the same name in the target folder(dTarget) rename the file before copying.
Following Is the code used
#echo off &setlocal
set "dSource=c:\test\a"
set "dTarget=c:\test\op"
set "fType=*.txt"
for %%i in ("%dSource%\%fType%") do if not exist "%dtarget%\%%~nxi" (copy /b "%%~i" "%dtarget%") else call :process "%%~i"
goto :eof
set /a cnt=-1
set /a cnt+=1
set "fname=%dtarget%\%~n1(%cnt%)%~x1"
if exist "%fname%" goto :loop
copy /b "%~1" "%fname%"
goto :eof
This program Works fine if there exist no subdirectory, I tried to use /R but of no use, only the directory files are copied. Any help would be appreciated.
This should work:
#echo off &setlocal
set "dSource=c:\test\a"
set "dTarget=c:\test\op"
set "fType=*.txt"
DIR /A:D /B %dSource% > folders.txt
for /f %%G in (folders.txt) do for %%i in ("%dSource%\%%G\%fType%") do if not exist "%dtarget%\%%~nxi" (copy /b "%%~i" "%dtarget%") else call :process "%%~i"
goto :eof
set /a cnt=-1
set /a cnt+=1
set "fname=%dtarget%\%~n1(%cnt%)%~x1"
if exist "%fname%" goto :loop
copy /b "%~1" "%fname%"
goto :eof
This is another method which should succeed:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /r %%a in (*.txt) do copy /-Y "%%a" "d:\target\folder\%%~na - !random!!random!%%~xa"

batch script to zip IIS Log files(text files) and copy to another folder with daily scheduling

The task is to Zip IIS Log Files(text files) and copy to another folder based on yesterday's date. And this batch script has to be Scheduled everyday.
I am very new to batch scripting. Any help is appreciated..!! Thanks.
I have this code which is copying the latest 3 files. But, I want to copy files only created on yesterday's date. And my file naming format is a_bc130510(a_bcYYMMDD).
enter code here
SET srcdir=D:\IIS LOGS
SET tgtdir=D:\FileCopy
SET /A topcnt=3
SET /A cnt=0
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%F IN ('DIR /A-D /OD /TW /B "%srcdir%"') DO (
SET /A cnt+=1
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
IF !cnt! GTR !topcnt! (ENDLOCAL & GOTO :EOF)
COPY "%srcdir%\%%F" "%tgtdir%"
This is modified to copy the newest file from yesterday, as you asked.
This assumes your log filenames are abcYYMMDD.log
Change the term "%srcdir%\*%day%.log" if you need something else.
#echo off
call :getdate today -1
SET "srcdir=D:\IIS LOGS"
SET "tgtdir=D:\FileCopy"
FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN ('DIR /A-D /O-D /TW /B "%srcdir%\*%day%.log"') DO (
COPY "%srcdir%\%%F" "%tgtdir%"
goto :done
rem extra code after the copy goes here
goto :EOF
set date1=%1
set qty=%2
set separator=%~3
if /i "%date1%" EQU "TODAY" (set date1=now) else (set date1="%date1%")
echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%qty%,%date1%)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+month(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+day(s),2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set result=%%a
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
endlocal& set "YY=%result:~2,4%"&set "MM=%result:~4,2%"&set "DD=%result:~6,2%"
set "day=%YY%%separator%%MM%%separator%%DD%"
goto :EOF

Randomly choose 15 files and copy them to output folder

Must work on XP/Vista/7. Can use batch, VBS, or whatever else anyone with the mentioned O/Ses can run (except PE).
Need to choose 15 random files, and also similarly named folders (which are in a different location), and copy them to their own folder at the same time.
I've scoured google and websites like, and found a few close examples, but I'm too inexperienced to adapt the examples to what I need without going cross-eyed. I'd appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction (most efficient/easiest method to use), or some example possibly with a brief explanation I can also learn from.
Layout description:
30 files:
%~dp0\mod\store\XMLs -> %~dp0\mod\0.1.2\map\data
30 folders:
%~dp0\mod\store\models -> %~dp0\mod\0.1.2\sky\stuff
The code below is what I'm trying to adopt this to, but it only chooses 15 files/folders in order. Tried using the %random% environment var in an equation for SrcMax, but that just chooses a random amount of files and always starts with the first file.
(old code)
SET SrcCount=0
SET SrcMax=15
FOR %%F IN (%~dp0\mod\store\XMLs\*.*) DO IF !SrcCount! LSS %SrcMax% (
SET /A SrcCount += 1
ECHO !SrcCount! COPY %%F %~dp0\mod\0.1.2\map\data\
COPY %%F %~dp0\mod\0.1.2\map\data\
ECHO XCOPY /s "%~dp0\mod\store\Models\!FNAME:~3!_map" "%~dp0\mod\0.1.2\sky\stuff\!FNAME:~3!_map\"
XCOPY /s "%~dp0\mod\store\Models\!FNAME:~3!_map" "%~dp0\mod\0.1.2\sky\stuff\!FNAME:~3!_map\"
I believe this should work.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set XMLs_src=.\mod\store\XMLs
set XMLs_dest=.\mod\0.1.2\map\data
set maps_src=.\mod\store\models
set maps_dest=.\mod\0.1.2\sky\stuff
rmdir /q /s "%XMLs_dest%" 2>NUL
rmdir /q /s "%maps_dest%" 2>NUL
mkdir "%XMLs_dest%"
mkdir "%maps_dest%"
for /L %%X in (1,1,15) do (
call :rnd rn
call :xml !rn!
call :map !rn!
copy "%XMLs_dest%\*.*" "%XMLs_src%" >NUL
echo d | xcopy /q /f /e /y "%maps_dest%\*" "%maps_src%" >NUL
echo Done.
goto :EOF
set c=0
for /d %%I in (%maps_src%\*) do set /a c+=1 >NUL
set /a %1=%RANDOM% * %c% / 32768 + 1 >NUL
goto :EOF
set c=0
for /f %%I in ('dir /b /o:n "%XMLs_src%"') do (
set /a c+=1 >NUL
if !c!==%1 (
echo %XMLs_src%\%%I -^> %XMLs_dest%\%%I
move "%XMLs_src%\%%I" "%XMLs_dest%" >NUL
goto :EOF
goto :EOF
set c=0
for /f %%I in ('dir /b /o:n "%maps_src%"') do (
set /a c+=1 >NUL
if !c!==%1 (
echo %maps_src%\%%I -^> %maps_dest%\%%I
echo d | xcopy /q /f /e /y "%maps_src%\%%I" "%maps_dest%\%%I" >NUL
rmdir /q /s "%maps_src%\%%I"
goto :EOF
goto :EOF
It basically moves to prevent duplication, then copies from destination back to source to restore what was moved away.
