CMFCVisualManager custom theme for MFC MDI tabbed app - mfc-feature-pack

Does anyone have or can create a sample for a MFC MDI tabbed App custom theme using CMFCVisualManager ?
I may even pay for it..

You already examples in the MFC source, e.g. CMFCVisualManagerVS2005, CMFCVisualManagerOfficeXP. Just inherit from one of those and change the bits you want.


How to change titlebar color in Delphi 10.4 FMX application?

Why there is no property about Form TitleBar in Delphi 10.4 FMX multi-device application? (Windows 64bit application)
How to change the form TitleBar color?
I can not edit the custom or the default style for Form either.
Found a third-party site that shows some styles have colored TitleBar.
So, does anyone knows the mystery part about it?
In order to edit Title bar style the style editor that is built into Delphi IDE won't be enough. The built in style designer is mostly intended to quickly create custom styles for specific components.
What you want to use is standalone Bitmap Style Designer that you launch from Tools-> Bitmap Stlye Designer

What is this gtk widget called

I'm talking about the circled part and to give further context you can drag it then it becomes a standalone window looking thing.
They're the tabs of a GtkNotebook.
For future reference, if you want a visual overview of the widgets in GTK: the documentation provides a widget gallery

Widgets change places when running from design tab

I am building a visual studio application and have designed it using visual studio windows form. I am using the siticone library for the GUI but when i lay widgets out on the designer and then run the application all the widgets move. The buttons do not but the labs on them do. Also i have added a user control page that moves aswell. Please Help.
Cheers.enter image description here
Make sure that your Winform Font style and size match with all child controls including all Siticone controls.
Verify that you have anchored your controls accordingly on your form or panel control.

Can such a UI be created with unmanaged Visual C++ and MFC?

I need to create a shoebox-style native Windows app in C++. A good example of such a UI would be CleanMyPC:
I've tried the various options of the MFC App wizard in Visual Studio 2019 to see what that would give, but it's either document-based (SDI), or too limited (dialog-style). The closest was an empty Win32 app, which just displays a menu bar and a blank window beneath it. At least it matches the Windows style. But that would mean using bare Win32 API, which doesn't seem like a good idea.
Can a UI like in the screenshot be created with MFC? If so, would that be a reasonable approach? Can MFC be effectively used in a non-document-style, non-dialog-style UI like this?
I understand that there's heavy customization of the controls going on in the screenshot; the question is can it be done with MFC?
It looks like the left sidebar and the right details areas could be made of customized list controls. I'll be looking into how a dialog-based sample app arranges the window, so that no document stuff is involved, but without immediate termination on a button click.

Is there an easy way to recreate the WinForms layout experience at runtime for user positioning of controls

When laying out a WinForm in Visual Studio you get the ability to resize and align your controls very easily with drag handles and border alignment hints.
I'd like to do the same with a runtime control to enable the user to position an image on a page.
For example, if the user has a photo and they want to place it as a background on the desktop I'd like the control to help them move and size the photo thumbnail in a mini desktop visual.
I can do all of this, but my real question is, does anyone know of a way to inherit from the standard WinForms layout editor so that I can choose to use the nice docking, alignment hints and control resizing without coding it all again?
Thanks in advance
I don't know about easy, but you can host the actual winforms designer in your own applications without too many problems.. See here.
