grails + singleton service for object saving to database for cloud application - spring

Here I have one service Called 'DataSaveService' which I used for Saving Objects like..
class DataSaveService {
static transactional = true
def saveObject(object)
if(object != null)
println( ' failed to save ! ')
return false
return true
catch(Exception e)
System.err.println("Exception :" + e.getMessage())
return false
System.err.println("Object " + object + " is null...")
return false
this service is common, and used by many class`s object for storing.
when there is multiple request are there at that time is very slow for saving or you can say its bulky. Because of default scope i.e. singleton.
So, I think for reducing work, I am going to make this service as session scope. like..
static scope = 'session'
then after I am accessing this service and method in controller it generated exception..
what to do for session scope service?, any other idea for implementation this scenario......?
Main thing is I want need best performance in cloud. yeah, I need answer for cloud.

Singleton (if it's not marked as synchronized) can be called from different thread at same time, in parallel, w/o performance loss, it's not a bottleneck.
But if you really need thread safety (mean you have some shared state, that should be used inside one method call, or from different parts of application during one http request or even different requests from same user, and you aren't going to run your app in the cloud), then you can use different scopes, like session or request scope. But i'm not sure that it's a good architecture.
For your current example, there are no benefits of using non singleton scope. And also, you must be know that having few instances of same service requires extra mem and cpu resources.


handle shutdown of Java AWS Lambda

Is there a way to hook into a Lambda's shutdown? I am opening a database connection and want to keep it open, but I want to make sure it gets closed when the Lambda is terminated.
You are probably interested in an event that is thrown when the Lambda instance is being killed and not when a single invocation ends, right? You have one option for both though, but I doubt that they'll help you..
You can either use the context method getRemainingTimeInMillis() (links to Node.js but similar in other programming languages) to find out when the current invocation of your Lambda function times out. This might be helpful to cleanup things or use the time of your Lambda function to the full extent. I don't recommend to cleanup your database connections at the end of each invocation because then you won't reuse them for future invocations which slows down your Lambda function. But if you're okay with that, then go for it. Remember that this only works as long as your function is running. As soon as you have returned a response, you can't perform any cleanup operations because your Lambda function will get into a 'sleep mode'. You need to do this before you return something.
Alternatively, you can make use of the Extensions API. It offers a shutdown phase and triggers an extension with a Shutdown event. However, since an extension sits besides your function (and not within your function code), I'm not sure if you have a chance to clean up any database connections with this approach... See also Lambda Execution Environment for additional information.
Assuming you have a pooled connection for a warm lambda, you may register a shutdown hook to close the DB connection or release any other resources, you only have 500 ms to perform this task.
class EnvironmentConfig {
private static volatile boolean shutdownRegistered;
private static volatile HikariDataSource ds;
private void registerShudownHook() {
if (!shutdownRegistered) {
synchronized (lock) {
if (!shutdownRegistered) {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
if (ds != null) {
EnvironmentConfig.shutdownRegistered = true;
public DataSource dataSource() throws PropertyVetoException {
HikariDataSource _ds = EnvironmentConfig.ds;
if (_ds == null) {
synchronized (lock) {
_ds = EnvironmentConfig.ds;
if (_ds == null) {
_ds = new HikariDataSource();
// TODO: set connection props
EnvironmentConfig.ds = _ds;
return _ds;
You can reference the datasource anywhere to get a singleton copy which will create the instance and register the shutdown hook.
Your shutdown hook could do other tasks, provided it does them quickly, or you can register more than one hook, just don't go nuts with how many threads you're registering.
No, you can't hook into the shutdown of a Lambda Execution context.
Lambda handles that on it's own an decides if and when to re-use or destroy execution contexts.
You'll probably have to rely on the connections to time out on their own.

Performance in microservice-to-microservice data transfer

I have controller like this:
public class StatisticsController {
private LeadFeignClient lfc;
private List<Lead> list;
private int getCount(#RequestParam(value = "count", defaultValue = "1") int countType) {
list = lfc.getLeads(AccessToken.getToken());
if (countType == 1) {
return MainEngine.getCount(list);
} else if (countType == 2) {
return MainEngine.getCountRejected(list);
} else if (countType == 3) {
return MainEngine.getCountPortfolio(list);
} else if (countType == 4) {
return MainEngine.getCountInProgress(list);
} else if (countType == 5) {
return MainEngine.getCountForgotten(list);
} else if (countType == 6) {
return MainEngine.getCountAddedInThisMonth(list);
} else if (countType == 7) {
return MainEngine.getCountAddedInThisYear(list);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong mapping param");
private boolean getTrend() {
return MainEngine.tendencyRising(list);
It is basically a microservice that will handle statistics basing on list of 'Business Leads'. FeignClient is GETting list of trimmed to the required data leads. Everything is working properly.
My only concern is about performance - all of this statistics (countTypes) are going to be presented on the landing page of webapp. If i will call them one by one, does every call will retrieve lead list again and again? Or list will be somehow stored in temporary memory? I can imagine that if list become longer, it could take a while to load them.
I've tried to call them outside this method, by #PostConstruct, to populate list at the start of service, but this solution has two major problems: authentication cannot be handled by oauth token, retrieved list will be insensitive to adding/deleting leads, cause it is loaded at the beginning only.
The list = lfc.getLeads(AccessToken.getToken()); will be called with each GET request. Either take a look at caching the responses which might be useful when you need to obtain a large volume of data often.
I'd start here: Baeldung's: Spring cache tutorial which gives you an idea about the caching. Then you can take a look at the EhCache implementation or implement own interceptor putting/getting from/to external storage such as Redis.
The caching is the only way I see to resolve this: Since the Feign client is called with a different request (based on the token) the data are not static and need to be cached.
You need to implement a caching layer to improve performance. What you can do is, you can have cache preloaded immediately after application starts. This way you will have the response ready in the cache. I would suggest to go with Redis cache. But any cache will do the job.
Also, it will be better if you can move the logic of getCount() to some service class.

Passing data to dependencies registered with Execution Context Scope lifetime in Simple Injector

Is there a way to pass data to dependencies registered with either Execution Context Scope or Lifetime Scope in Simple Injector?
One of my dependencies requires a piece of data in order to be constructed in the dependency chain. During HTTP and WCF requests, this data is easy to get to. For HTTP requests, the data is always present in either the query string or as a Request.Form parameter (and thus is available from HttpContext.Current). For WCF requests, the data is always present in the OperationContext.Current.RequestContext.RequestMessage XML, and can be parsed out. I have many command handler implementations that depend on an interface implementation that needs this piece of data, and they work great during HTTP and WCF scoped lifestyles.
Now I would like to be able to execute one or more of these commands using the Task Parallel Library so that it will execute in a separate thread. It is not feasible to move the piece of data out into a configuration file, class, or any other static artifact. It must initially be passed to the application either via HTTP or WCF.
I know how to create a hybrid lifestyle using Simple Injector, and already have one set up as hybrid HTTP / WCF / Execution Context Scope (command interfaces are async, and return Task instead of void). I also know how to create a command handler decorator that will start a new Execution Context Scope when needed. The problem is, I don't know how or where (or if I can) "save" this piece of data so that is is available when the dependency chain needs it to construct one of the dependencies.
Is it possible? If so, how?
Currently, I have an interface called IProvideHostWebUri with two implementations: HttpHostWebUriProvider and WcfHostWebUriProvider. The interface and registration look like this:
public interface IProvideHostWebUri
Uri HostWebUri { get; }
container.Register<IProvideHostWebUri>(() =>
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return container.GetInstance<HttpHostWebUriProvider>();
if (OperationContext.Current != null)
return container.GetInstance<WcfHostWebUriProvider>();
throw new NotSupportedException(
"The IProvideHostWebUri service is currently only supported for HTTP and WCF requests.");
}, scopedLifestyle); // scopedLifestyle is the hybrid mentioned previously
So ultimately unless I gut this approach, my goal would be to create a third implementation of this interface which would then depend on some kind of context to obtain the Uri (which is just constructed from a string in the other 2 implementations).
#Steven's answer seems to be what I am looking for, but I am not sure how to make the ITenantContext implementation immutable and thread-safe. I don't think it will need to be made disposable, since it just contains a Uri value.
So what you are basically saying is that:
You have an initial request that contains some contextual information captured in the request 'header'.
During this request you want to kick off a background operation (on a different thread).
The contextual information from the initial request should stay available when running in the background thread.
The short answer is that Simple Injector does not contain anything that allows you to do so. The solution is in creating a piece of infrastructure that allows moving this contextual information along.
Say for instance you are processing command handlers (wild guess here ;-)), you can specify a decorator as follows:
public class BackgroundProcessingCommandHandlerDecorator<T> : ICommandHandler<T>
private readonly ITenantContext tenantContext;
private readonly Container container;
private readonly Func<ICommandHandler<T>> decorateeFactory;
public BackgroundProcessingCommandHandlerDecorator(ITenantContext tenantContext,
Container container, Func<ICommandHandler<T>> decorateeFactory) {
this.tenantContext = tenantContext;
this.container = container;
this.decorateeFactory = decorateeFactory;
public void Handle(T command) {
// Capture the contextual info in a local variable
// NOTE: This object must be immutable and thread-safe.
var tenant = this.tenantContext.CurrentTenant;
// Kick off a new background operation
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
using (container.BeginExecutionContextScope()) {
// Load a service that allows setting contextual information
var context = this.container.GetInstance<ITenantContextApplier>();
// Set the context for this thread, before resolving the handler
// Resolve the handler
var decoratee = this.decorateeFactory.Invoke();
// And execute it.
Note that in the example I make use of an imaginary ITenantContext abstraction, assuming that you need to supply the commands with information about the current tenant, but any other sort of contextual information will obviously do as well.
The decorator is a small piece of infrastructure that allows you to process commands in the background and it is its responsibility to make sure all the required contextual information is moved to the background thread as well.
To be able to do this, the contextual information is captured and used as a closure in the background thread. I created an extra abstraction for this, namely ITenantContextApplier. Do note that the tenant context implementation can implement both the ITenantContext and the ITenantContextApplier interface. If however you define the ITenantContextApplier in your composition root, it will be impossible for the application to change the context, since it does not have a dependency on ITenantContextApplier.
Here's an example:
// Base library
public interface ITenantContext { }
// Business Layer
public class SomeCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<Some> {
public SomeCommandHandler(ITenantContext context) { ... }
// Composition Root
public static class CompositionRoot {
// Make the ITenantContextApplier private so nobody can see it.
// Do note that this is optional; there's no harm in making it public.
private interface ITenantContextApplier {
void SetCurrentTenant(Tenant tenant);
private class AspNetTenantContext : ITenantContextApplier, ITenantContext {
// Implement both interfaces
private class BackgroundProcessingCommandHandlerDecorator<T> { ... }
public static Container Bootstrap(Container container) {
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<ITenantContext, AspNetTenantContext>();
container.Register<ITenantContextApplier>(() =>
container.GetInstance<ITenantContext>() as ITenantContextApplier);
A different approach would be to just make the complete ITenantContext available to the background thread, but to be able to pull this off, you need to make sure that:
The implementation is immutable and thus thread-safe.
The implementation doesn't require disposing, because it will typically be disposed when the original request ends.

Azure cache write implementation approaches - when to use which

I used to call the Put(Key, Value) method to set data in Azure cache. I later learnt that this method could lead to race conditions during writes and introduced the following code for setting data into cache.
if (GetData(key) == null)
_cache.Add(key, "--dummy--");
DataCacheLockHandle lockHandle;
TimeSpan lockTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
_cache.GetAndLock(key, lockTimeout, out lockHandle);
if (ttlInMinutes == 0)
_cache.PutAndUnlock(key, value, lockHandle);
TimeSpan ttl = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(ttlInMinutes);
_cache.PutAndUnlock(key, value, lockHandle, ttl);
catch (Exception e)
This involves two IOs as against one in the previous call. Is this locking really needed in application code? Is cache consistency not taken care of by Azure's caching framework? What is the standard way of managing cache writes in Azure? When to use Put and when PutAndUnlock?

Session not committed before the end of function

I have a big action that takes 50 seconds to process.
But, at the same time, I have another action that could be processed on the server (by clicking on a link).
However, if my second action try to access session's attributes put by my first action, they are note available until the end of the first action.
This is my big action:
public String bigAction() {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
synchronized (session) {
for(int i = 0 ; i < 100000 ; ++i)
session.setAttribute("foo_"+i, "bar");
return SUCCESS;
And this is my smaller action:
public String smallAction() {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
synchronized (session) {
session.getAttribute("foo_1", "bar");
return SUCCESS;
First action: -----------------------------------------------
Second action: --- -- --- - ---
So, in this example, my second action needs session's attributes created by the first action, but, actually, they don't exist.
How may I synchronize my session?
As per Servlet spec:
Multiple servlets executing request threads may have active access to the same session object at the same time. The container must ensure that manipulation of internal data structures representing the session attributes is performed in a threadsafe manner. The Developer has the responsibility for threadsafe access to the attribute objects themselves. This will protect the attribute collection inside the HttpSession object from concurrent access, eliminating the opportunity for an application to cause that collection to become corrupted.
This is safe:
request.getSession().setAttribute("bar", "foo");
This is not guaranteed to be safe:
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
synchronized (session) {
String value = (String) session.getAttribute("bar");
Moreover , the locks will work if on the same object , don't rely on request.getSession() returning same object. There is nothing in the Servlet specification that says a HttpServletSession instance can't be recreated as a facade object every time it is requested.
Read Java theory and practice: Are all stateful Web applications broken? and How HttpSession is not thread safe.
One of the approach is defined here , Java-synchronizing-on-transient-id.
Changes for today:
I am using Struts 2 so I implemented SessionAware because I read it could be a good solution. But this is the same.
