Magento Record Amount of Money Used on Coupon Code - magento

I am well aware of finding out the number of times a coupon code was used (salesrule/coupon model). However, I would like to know how to intercept the use of a coupon and record its grand total in a table.
I have tried to do this by overriding the successAction() method of the Mage_Checkout_OnepageController, however if I try to get the coupon code with
$couponCode = (string) Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getCouponCode();
$couponCode turns out to be a blank string. It would seem that, by the time the successAction is called, the checkout/cart singleton has already been emptied. How can I intercept the 'place order' button and still be able to get the coupon code the customer used?
All help is greatly appreciated and I always accept an answer!

Upon entry of the successAction the _quote property of the checkout/cart object is already nullified.
However, you still can get your data upon entry of the successAction by using:
$oOrder = Mage::getModel('sales/order')
But I'd recommend to create an observer for the checkout_onepage_controller_success_action event instead. This way you don't have to override anything at all. And usually nothing to maintain when it comes to Magento upgrades.
The code of such observer would look similiar like this:
* checkout_onepage_controller_success_action event observer
* #param object $oObserver
* #return null
public function checkoutOnepageControllerSuccessAction($oObserver)
$aOrderId = $oObserver->getOrderIds();
foreach ($aOrder as $iOrderId) {
$oOrder = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($iOrderId);


Magento: catching a placed order, but the transaction id is empty

I want to catch all placed order with an observer to use the data in a further process.
In my Observer I wrote:
class Custom_CrmApi_Model_Observer extends Varien_Object {
public function placeOrder( $observer ){
$order = $observer->getOrder();
$payment = $order->getPayment();
$transId = $order->getPayment()->getTransactionId();
//$transId = $order->getPayment()->getLastTransId();
But the transaction ID of all ebay orders is empty (but not in the backend). I am using the M2E extension for ebay integration. But that shouldn’t be the problem, because the observer catch any placed order, or? At this time the transaction Id supposed to be available. But for some reason it isn’t available.
Any ideas? Perhaps a work around?
Thank you so much in advanced,
It may be too late for you but maybe works for someone else.
I used this code to get the Transaction id for my report. It is on a different place then the normal ones for m2epro orders.
$additional_data = $order->getPayment()->getData();
$component_mode = $additional_data['additional_data'];
additional_data in payment gives you the information about the transaction.
I am getting channel, payment, channel_order_id, channel_final_fee, transaction_id, fee, sum and transaction_date from aditional_data of the order. It is possible to get the same data from the same place on placeOrder function in m2epro.
app\code\community\Ess\M2ePro\Model\Magento\Order.php -> placeOrder
if (version_compare(Mage::helper('M2ePro/Magento')->getVersion(false), '1.4.1', '>=')) {
/** #var $service Mage_Sales_Model_Service_Quote */
$service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $this->quote);
// You can get this order before you return it and get the data maybe!
return $service->getOrder();
Worths to try.

How to override save() method in a component

Where and how I am overriding the save method in Joomla 3.0 custom component ?
Current situation:
Custom administrator component.
I have a list view that displays all people stored in table.
Clicking on one entry I get to the detailed view where a form is loaded and it's fields can be edited.
On save, the values are stored in the database. This all works fine.However, ....
When hitting save I wish to modify a field before storing it into the database. How do I override the save function and where? I have been searching this forum and googled quiet a bit to find ways to implement this. Anyone who give me a simple example or point me into the right direction ?
Just adding this for anyone who wants to know the answer to the question itself - this works if you explicitly wish to override the save function. However, look at the actual solution of how to manipulate values!
You override it in the controller, like this:
* save a record (and redirect to main page)
* #return void
function save()
$model = $this->getModel('hello');
if ($model->store()) {
$msg = JText::_( 'Greeting Saved!' );
} else {
$msg = JText::_( 'Error Saving Greeting' );
// Check the table in so it can be edited.... we are done with it anyway
$link = 'index.php?option=com_hello';
$this->setRedirect($link, $msg);
More details here: Joomla Docs - Adding Backend Actions
The prepareTable in the model (as mentioned above) is intended for that (prepare and sanitise the table prior to saving). In case you want to us the ID, though, you should consider using the postSaveHook in the controller:
protected function postSaveHook($model, $validData) {
$item = $model->getItem();
$itemid = $item->get('id');
The postSaveHook is called after save is done, thus allowing for newly inserted ID's to be used.
You can use the prepareTable function in the model file (administrator/components/yourComponent/models/yourComponent.php)
protected function prepareTable($table)
$table->fieldname = newvalue;

Observe customer account verification event in Magento

Is there a way to catch the event when the customer verifies it's account? I need this feature to enable user's access to other integrated subsystem
Since confirmAction() doesnt seem to fire any events in
You could do either
Overriding Frontend Core Controllers to create you own event using Mage::dispatchEvent() or add code directly to confirmAction in AccountController.php
Use #Pavel Novitsky answer but you may need to check that you are on the confirm account controller or check for the changing of email verification flag, because this event will trigger every time a customer information is change/updated
public function myObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
if(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName() == '....account_confirm'){
$customer = $observer->getCustomer();
Every model has standard load_before, load_after, save_before, save_after, etc. events. Look at the Mage_Core_Model_Abstract to get the list of all predefined events.
For customers you can use customer_save_after event. In observer check original data vs new data:
public function myObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$customer = $observer->getCustomer();
$orig_active_flag = $custoner->getOrigData('is_active');
$new_active_flag = $customer->getData('is_active');
// do something here …
return $this;
Even you can create your own event after customer vefication using below code.
Mage::dispatchEvent('Yuor_Unique_Event_Name', array());
Now using this event you can do anything you want.

Magento - getting data from an order or invoice

I'm trying to write a Magento (CE 1.4) extension to export order data once an order has been paid for. I’ve set up an observer that hooks in to the sales_order_invoice_save_after event, and that is working properly - my function gets executed when an invoice is generated. But I’m having trouble getting information about the order, such as the shipping address, billing address, items ordered, order total, etc.
This is my attempt:
class Lightbulb_Blastramp_Model_Observer {
public function sendOrderToBlastramp(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
$invoice = $observer->getEvent()->getInvoice();
$order = $invoice->getOrder();
$shipping_address = $order->getShippingAddress();
$billing_address = $order->getBillingAddress();
$items = $invoice->getAllItems();
$total = $invoice->getGrandTotal();
return $this;
I tried doing a print_r on all those variables, and ended up getting a lot of data back. Could someone point me in the right direction of getting the shipping address of an order?
Many Magento objects are based on Varien_Object, which has a method called getData() to get just the usually interesting data of the object (excluding the tons of other, but mostly useless data).
With your code you could either go for all the data at once:
$shipping_address = $order->getShippingAddress();
or directly for specific single properties like this:
$shipping_address = $order->getShippingAddress();
To understand how this works, I'd recommend to make yourself more familiar with the Varien_Object and read a bit about PHPs magic methods, like __call(), __get() and __set().
Try print_r($shipping_address->toArray());

Magento: Obtain Id for order, listening to the event checkout_onepage_controller_success_action

When I look at the event checkout_onepage_controller_success_action and works, but I can not get the Id of the newly created order.
Anyone have any idea??
Use magento-
The event is dispatched like this:
Mage::dispatchEvent('checkout_onepage_controller_success_action', array('order_ids' => array($lastOrderId)));
So to get the last orderId, simply make your observer method like this:
public function orderSuccessEvent($observer)
This is an answer provided by Branko Ajzele and I've just successfully tested:
$order = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order();
$incrementId = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastRealOrderId();
Thanks to him and hope it'll work.
That event probably gets called before the action itself executes. Can you use sales_order_save_after instead?
EDIT: Here's your ID code. In your observer:
public function setLinkStatus($observer) {
$order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
$id = $order->getId();
// do something useful
The Onepage Checkout controller in the Magento version 1.4.1 is not updated to have functions that can obtain the Order ID and thus you cant have the order object and data from the event observer. To have this working in Magento 1.4.1 simply update your OnepageController with the necessary functions.
The best approach would be to create your own module and override the core controller.
Add this in the config xml of your module so that your controller is called before the core OnepageController.
<frontend><routers><checkout><use>standard</use><args><modules><MyCompany_MyModule before="Mage_Checkout">MyCompany_MyModule</MyCompany_MyModule></modules></args></checkout></routers></frontend>
Hope this helps
