OSX 10.8: Where is eventkit.h? - cocoa

Am I the only one, or do others also have an error when doing
#import <EventKit/EventKit.h>
For some reason, this file cannot be found (10.8, XCode 4.4) even if XCode suggests it to me after typing a few letters!

I tried this in a new project with Xcode 4.4. It worked fine.
Is your project you pinned to the 10.7 SDK? Check your Base SDK setting. It should be set to Latest OS X (OS X 10.8).
This is usually set in the project, but you may be overriding it in your target's settings as well.

Before XCode 4.4, I used to just drag a framework into the framework section of the navigator on the right. That worked and was intuitive. For some reason, it does not work for the EventKit framework (perhaps even all other frameworks). The framework is recognized, but breaks the #include. If it is done using the method in Adding Framework in Xcode 4, it works fine.


Xcode switching between Swift 2.2 and Swift 3.0

Ever since I downloaded the new Xcode and converted/updated my syntax, Xcode has been randomly switching between the above mentioned versions of Swift. I ran 'swift -version' in my Terminal and it confirmed (for the moment) that I am running Swift 2.2
I saw this question (Swift compiler is confusing version 2 and 3) but I'm too new to add a comment and ask more questions (like why can't I find that in the targets section of my project?).
How can I set my syntax so that it stays on Swift 3 and doesn't change without warning? This will be about the fourth time I've updated everything for the sake of testing/running my app.
Hopefully this is an issue for other people and this question helps them too - I feel awful asking when I'm new. I hope to be able to know enough to help other users soon.
You can set Swift in the Terminal to be the same version as Xcode 8's with xcode-select. Point it at Xcode beta like this:
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode-beta.app
You can also set the toolchain right in Xcode 8, in menu Xcode > Toolchains > Manage Toolchains:

Xcode - symbol not found importing big bsd project

OSX yosemite 10.10.3
Xcode 6.3.1
Importing freebsd tree in xcode.
Works beautifully in eclipse.
Sucks in xcode.
Xcode takes it very fine if I create a new project with a few files.
I am new to xcode though.
When I command click on most (~95%) variables / functions xcode tells me symbol not found. Works perfectly in eclipse.
After importing and recreating the index (deleting the DerivedData) the problem is still there.
Do I miss something ? Not so many options in xcode as it seems.
Is xcode only for apple'ish code ?
Is freebsd code too large to be handled correctly?

Is it possible to build iphoneos6.1 projects in Xcode 5, preserving the behaviour of views laid out in an Xcode 4.6.3 storyboard?

Our build server was recently updated to use Xcode 5's xcodebuild. We've installed the iphoneos6.1 so that we can still use iPhone SDK 6.1 for some legacy projects that do not yet support iOS7. However, when we use xcodebuild to build these projects using -sdk iphoneos6.1, we still see problems with UIViewController's contents being laid out underneath navigation bars and tab bars.
Is there some way to build these projects that were developed with Xcode 4.6.3/base sdk iOS 6.1 using Xcode 5's xcodebuild, but preserving the views as they were laid out in the storyboard developed using Xcode 4.6.3? I took a look at the man page for ibtool, but I'm not seeing any option related to choosing a target SDK, or anything else that seems relevant to the "extends edges" problem I noted above.
Note that we haven't updated the storyboard using Xcode 5 - the project is continuing to be developed in Xcode 4.6.3, and only touches the Xcode 5 toolchain when our build server clones the project's git repo and builds using xcodebuild.
Yes. On the Storyboard, go to the Interface Build Document section and there are two selection items. One for Builds For and one for View As. You can select anything from 7.0 down to 4.3 for the Builds For and you can select '7.0 and later' or '6.1 and earlier'.
While it isn't exactly what you are looking for, you can keep both Xcode 4 and Xcode 5 in the same build environment and control which xcodebuild is run by using an environment variable (see man page for xcrun. We have just set this up on one of our build servers. In your build definition, just set the following environment variable:
DEVELOPER_DIR=<path to Xcode 4.app>/Contents/Developer
For us, it ended up as:
This overrides the xcode-select setting and allows you to use the correct Xcode environment. Again, this depends on the ability of your build system to set environment variables, plus having both versions of Xcode installed. You can download older versions of code at Downloads for Apple Developers

Getting "Missing SDK in target picChoice: iphoneos4.0" error when building a test release of my app in Xcode 4, pvw 5

I have opened a functioning Xcode 3x project in Xcode 4.0 pvw 5 and am getting the following error whei I try to build a debug version of the app: "Missing SDK in target picChoice: iphoneos4.0"
I am trying to find where and how to remedy this, and I am coming up with bupkus.
I apologize if this is not very clear, but I am rather flummoxed by Xcode 4 so far....
Your problem was probably that Xcode 4 only came with SDK 4.2, and the project pointed to 4.0.
It's pretty common!
The solution is to go to the project info | Build settings | Base SDK and setting it to "Latest iOS" so that you don't have to touch it for future updates.
When you close the window, you'll have to switch config from debug to release or distribution and back so that it updates and Xcode removes the "Missing SDK" problem.
I just wanted to put the full answer up here to help others who have the same problem ;)
Ok...I resolved this, but I did not properly track HOW I resolved it....
I think my Target's Base SDK was not set, and I set it to: Latest iOS (iOS 4.2)....
I think that's how I did it....
But, now it builds with no errors and loads onto my iPhone as expected.
That is exactly what you needed to do. Xcode 4 introduced the Latest iOS. If you wish to test the app for older versions, select target > summary > deployment target and set that to an older iOS version and then in simulator you will see more version options available to you.

Installing iOS SDK 4.1 on xcode 3.2.5

I've read through a lot of posts and couldn't really figure out the answer to this question. So I apologize if I duplicating it here.
I have installed xcode 3.2.5 to my machine and it comes with SDK 4.2. My iPhone is on 4.1 and I am not planning to move it to 4.2 just yet. Problem is that I can't use this phone for testing. Since the only SDK that I have installed is 4.2, when I try to run debug with my iPhone, I get this message:
Can't install application
The info.plist for application at /blabla/app.app specifies a minimum OS of 4.2, which is too high to be installed on this device.
So, I got to Targets -> Get Info and I see that it is indeed targeting 4.2 (but that is the only option available - since I don't have the other SDK's installed).
So, the question is: how to I keep xcode 3.2.5, but install SDK 4.1 in addition to 4.2?
It took a while to figure this out.
I couldn't see 'iOS Deployment Target' on the info.plist either. Here's what I did.
a) Project -> Edit Project Settings
b) go to 'deployment' section
c) Change
'Targeted Device Family' = iPhone/iPad
'iOS Deployment Target = 'iOS 4.1'
Open up your info.plist in your project. There is a place where you can define for iOS 4.1.
Just open the previous SDK dmg, then go to Packages, and install the SDK 4.1 package.
More info : Install sdk 2.0 to 3.1 for xcode 3.2
Note : the "Packages" directory is not visible in the dmg since xcode_3.2.5_and_ios_sdk_4.2_final. Just use the Terminal (or finder "Go to folder") to open "/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Packages".
Edit : the xcode4.1 for Snow Leopard create an app called "Install Xcode.app". The packages directory is inside the app package.
The best way to do this is to find a copy of Xcode 3.2.4, with iOS 4.1, and install it in a separate directory. When you install, take the dropdown that's set to Developer and switch it to DevOld, or something similar. As there's no way to install new SDKs in the new version of Xcode, keeping multiple versions is the best you can do.
If you simply want to be able to run your app in 4.1, not necessarily develop in it, go into your target's settings, and under the build tab, set the iOS Deployment Target key to 4.1 or below.
Good luck!
What you need to do is:
In the BUILD section of the Project info click on Show and change its value from Setting defined at this level to All Settings.
In the updated list of settings you will surely locate the desired one.
Good Luck!
