installation and configuration of james server on local host - windows

i tried google, youtube for some kind of demo's or instructions .. but couldn't find any..
i tried going through the james server's website and i also tried some article on ibm
but everything in vain..
i am new to these things and i am trying to host a mail server on my machine to send mails using php code..
i downloaded a source package of stable version of james from
the instructions i found told me to redirect to james/bin and run a file called run.bat
but when i run it all i get is
using phoenix home
using phoenix tmpdir
using java home
and then
shutting sown
phoenix 4.2
i am installing it on windows 7
can someone help me out with it please..

According to described symptoms I suppose that you downloaded wrong version (smth like as
In your case (windows 7) you need other one has the same easy installation. Just unzip files under any directory. launch [INSTALLDIR]\bin\run.bat


Apache remains stopped in Ampps windows 10

To use an open source software on GitHub it was recommended to use Ampps.
I installed Ampps on Windows 10. Then installed Apache, MySQL, and PHP 7.1.
I can open Ammps and start MySQL but Apache remains stopped.
I tried to run \Ampps\apache\bin\httpd.exe in the command prompt and recieved this error:
AH00526: Syntax error on line 144 of C:/Program Files/Ampps/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf:
SSLCertificateFile: file 'C:/Program Files/Ampps/apache/conf/ssl_crt/server.crt' does not exist or is empty
It's right, I can't find any ssl_crt folders in conf, let alone server.crf file.
I'd like to know why this file is missing.
Is there any issues with my installation process?
How can I solve this problem?
Many thanks
After many inspections, I found that the problem was with my laptop lacking IIS URL Rewrite Module2.
I installed IIS URL Rewrite Module2, changed Apache's configuration to listen to port 8080 instead of 80, and everything worked like a charm. is not available on Websphere 9?

I'm trying to integrate IBM Http Server to WAS on windows server. Webspher, IHS, Plugins, all installed on same server by installation manager, all of them are version 9 and 64bit.
Then I follow the steps on this( to start my integration, but something when wrong: I cannot find in my plugin folder. I when to check the folder X:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\64bits and D:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\32bits, I see mod_was_ap24_http.dll and mod_was_ap22_http.dll but not the .so that I need. I also tried to use mod_was_ap24_http.dll in my httpd.conf file but it's not working, then I got the following error
The IBMHTTPServer9 service is successfully installed.
Testing httpd.conf....
Errors reported here must be corrected before the service can be started.
httpd: Syntax error on line 116 of X:/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot loa
d X:/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/bin/64bits/mod_was_ap24_http.dll into server: %1 \xa4
\xa3\xacO\xa6\xb3\xae\xc4\xaa\xba Win32 \xc0\xb3\xa5\xce\xb5{\xa6\xa1\xa1C
Is there something that I'm not doing right?
The guide is written for Linux and you're on Windows. Further, the guide has typos in configuration files. I'd suggest following the official docs and running PCT/WCT instead of manually configuring all of this.
Just add mentioned module:
[root#172 bin]# locate
Go to location:
vim http.conf
(add mentioned below module)
LoadModule was_ap22_module /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/bin/64bits/
./apachectl -k start

XAMPP - Apache could not start - Attempting to start Apache service

While trying to start Apache using XAMPP, I was receiving - "Attempting to start Apache service..." message in XAMPP UI. No further details were available.
Where can I see the logs (I was running XAMPP as Admin) ?
Check to see if the port 80 is in use first as this can be an issue.
You can do this by typing "netstat -an" into cmd. The look for under Local Address, if you find this is in use then follow the solution from #Karthik. However, I had a similar issue but my port 80 was not in use.
My XAMPP had wrong paths locations, steps to fix this:
1.Find out the Apache version you are using, you can find this by looking in Services (Control panel, Admin Tools, Services) and finding Apache in my case it was listed as Apache2.4
2.Close XAMPP.
3.Run cmd as admin.
4.execute 'sc delete "Apache2.4"' (put your version in place of mine and without the surrounding ' ', but with the " " around Apache).
5.execute 'sc delete "mySQL"', again remove the '' when you type it.
6.reopen XAMPP and try starting Apache
If you are having trouble with FileZill, Mercury, or Tomcat you could try it here too, but I have not tested that myself.
Hope this helps!
I realized it was a port issue since I was running IIS and other web servers in my machine. But I was more interested to see a detailed error message with the port number in the UI.
Seems like it was not logged in the UI or log file (at least in my case), but in the Event viewer (Control panel -> View Event Logs). Under the Even viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application
I could see a permission error something like the below one:
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
To fix this permission issue for SSL port, Please change the below line in httpd-ssl.conf (C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra)
# When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the
standard HTTP port (see above) and to the HTTPS port
Listen xxx
Replace XXX with any valid port number that is open in your machine
If you are having issues with Port 80, then change the httpd.conf file (C:\xampp\apache\conf)
# Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to
# prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
I have also summarized other solutions that I came across:
Most often Skype blocks the Apache port. So terminate it and try again.
Find the process id (PID) that is using the Blocked port ( netstat -ano) and kill the corresponding process in Windows Task Manager.
For those who have accidentally (or not) changed one of the .conf files and apache does not run even after trying all the above solutions.
One easy way to track where the issue is located, is to run Apache via command prompt:
(On windows) : open command prompt as admin then navigate inside the bin folder of Apache , next run
httpd in order to run apache
For my case it was :
someone had added a virtual host in the specific file that caused the problem . I commented the lines and Apache ran fine.
start xampp (as administrator),
(1) right click C:\xampp\xampp-control.exe, and run as administrator.
(2) unistall service module and then install service module.
(3) now try start the apache and mysql.
Check your DocumentRoot path (in httpd.conf); a typo there can cause this problem.
Had the same issue while updating to PHP7.2
First I closed skype and then checked whether port 80 is not an issue. How you can check that? See #AlexT comment above.
In my case, port 80 wasn't an issue. So now I had to figure out what was wrong. So I checked Error Logs Control Panel > Even viewer > Windows Logs > Application and found following error against Apache2.4
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 520 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 18 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf: Cannot load C:/xampp/php/php7ts.dll into server: The Apache service named is not a valid Win32 application.
Which means I had installed wrong PHP version. Actually I downloaded win64 version while the required version was Win32 for me.
So I downloaded correct version from: Download PHP 7.2.0 extracted it in C:/xampp/php folder, restarted the apache and it worked :)
I had the same issue, executing "setup_xampp.bat" in xampp folder solved my issue.
I had the same problem but it was because I had a previous version of xampp already installed and I tried to install a newer version. I had installed the newer version in another file directory (I had named the file directory xampp2). I solved the problem by uninstalling the newer version, renaming the old one (I renamed it xamppold) and I installed xampp again.
I guess if you haven't installed xampp in another file directory , it should be enough to reinstall xampp. If you are worried about your files , you always can make a backup before reinstalling xampp.
I solved the problem after watching the xampp activity log (the list of the bottom) and realizing xampp was trying to open the custom file path but I had another route path. If the first option didn't work, at least you can scroll up in the activity log and see what's error you get while starting as admin and trying to re install the Apache module or trying to start the module.
You may wander why I didn't just simply uninstall the whole thing from the beginning , and the answer would be because I had to tweak a couple of things in xampp for some different projects (from changing the ports , to add .dll to run mongo.db in Apache), and I was just too lazy to re-do everything again :b
I hope my answer can be helpful for anyone since this is my first time writing in stackoverflow :)
In my case, with the same problem and Xampp window, I had copied \apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf entries from an old Xampp version to a newly installed one so I could continue to open local projects in browsers. One of the vhosts paths was wrong. After deleting that entry Apache started without problem.
The reference by #Karthik to "in the Event viewer (Control panel -> View Event Logs" saved me time. It's all too easy to presume Xampp logs will point to the problem. It doesn't.
Also check if your xampp is installed in the main directory like C or D or E and not in or within a folder of that directory? i.e. ( "D:/Xampp" or is it "D:/something/Xampp") if its not in the main path of the directory, it will show this error.
copy your xampp directory from "D:\Something\Xampp" to "D:"
So it becomes like this "D:\Xampp"
and the issue will be resolved.
Starting Xampp as a console application (simply by doubleclicking xampp_start.exe in the Xampp root folder) was the only thing that worked for me on Windows 10 (no Skype, no Word Wide Web Publishing Service). WampServer and UwAmp also didn't work.
I had a hard-coded IP in httpd.conf and my local IP had changed which was causing my issue, changed IP over and all worked again
My scenario was different after I tested all the possible options. If you have changed the ports and still get the same problem, well here's something you can try out. This was done in Windows 7.
Step 1: Confirm the cause of the error by going to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application -> Error. Mine said "The Apache service named reported the following error:
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 424 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load c:\xampp\php\php5apache.dll into server: The specified module could not be found." So I needed to change \php5apache.dll to the version of my php and apache version installed which was php7apache2_4.dll
Step 2: To get the correct name for your .dll php and apache file, got to C:\xampp\php. You will see something like php7apache2_4.dll with other files in the folder.
Step 3: Go to C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf and edit the configuration file and change "c:\xampp\php\php5apache.dll" to "c:\xampp\php\php7apache2_4.dll" in my case. Make sure you open the file as administrator save changes made.
Step 4: Run the xampp server and everything should work fine. Do not forget to shut down the xampp server before doing the changes to the apache configuration file.
Hope this helps. Cheers! :)
Try to install x86 version of XAMPP. The default XAMPP version on their website is x64 (maybe because I'm using x64 Windows 7).
download link here
I had this issue when I installed under Program Files, which they do not recommend due to write issues. This might only be a problem if you are not logged in as an admin and use a password to install. I just uninstalled and installed in a directory that did not need admin privileges.
Make sure Apache didn't get Disabled in Services (Control panel, Admin Tools, Services). If it's Disabled then Set it to Manual and it should run. That was my case, I found Apache Disabled.
Solution for my particular scenario (It had been working a couple days before getting borked):
Port 80 was not the problem, but something I had done while messing around with Services and Startup.
Type msconfig on Windows' Start menu
Click System Configuration
Screenshot for System Configuration
In the Services tab, search for Apache24 (Click "Hide all Microsoft services" in the checkbox at the bottom of the window to make it easier to find)
If its checkbox isn't checked, check it
If it was already checked, then this guide isn't going to help. However if it is:
Click OK, your PC will have to restart
Try once again! In my case Apache was already running once I opened Xampp
I had the same issue.Just click on services button.Then find apache and right cick > properties > set startup type as Automatic/ Manual. Now close apache and try again.It will work!
For me it wasn't a port or service issue; I had to re-run the XAMPP setup script. Although this didn't directly fix the issue for me, the script was much more verbose than the XAMPP log, pointing me in the right direction to actually solve the problem.
From the XAMPP GUI, click on Shell, type set, press Tab to autocomplete to the setup_xampp.bat file, and then press Enter to run it.
In my case I got the following output:
[ERROR]: Test php.exe failed !!!
[ERROR]: Perhaps the Microsoft C++ 2008 runtime package is not installed.
[ERROR]: Please try to install the MS VC++ 2008 Redistributable Package from the Mircrosoft page first
This particular error is misleading. Although it specifies the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package, PHP 7.4.x requires the Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package.
After installing that and following the prompt to restart, sure enough I'm now able to start Apache as normal.
make sure no space in front of the port number if you ever edited it.
From Xampp control panel, click on config (next to Apache), then choose Apache(httpd.config), search for listen 80 and change the port to another port.
If nothing works with you, I would suggest you download MAMP and use it instead.
It does the same thing, if not better.
Comment this lines from httpd.conf:
# Virtual hosts
#Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
In the case you're using them it may solve.
when i run xampp control panel normal:
I had been run
I can’t start apache
So, I will run it with administrator:
I can run apache

Missing conf directory on windows 32 bit neo4j 1.9.4 community edition installation on remote connection

Im trying to follow in order to setup the server to accept external connections (org.neo4j.server.webserver.address= on conf/ according to that docs).
I downloaded the installer from here Note that this is an installer not a archive(rar, bz or whatever).
The "conf" directory does not appear. I have been working around (pass vm arguments at the startup etc but im going nowhere). Until now i have found:
C:\Documents and Settings[myuser]\Datos de
C:\Documents and
Settings\xp\Datos de programa\Neo4j Community[direcory with a logs
C:\Documents and Settings[myuser]\Mis
documentos\Neo4j\default.graphdb[directory for default graphdb i
think, here is a files, is this the files that docs tell me?]
C:\Archivos de programa\Neo4j Community[directory with
.install4j,bin,jre(i dont have java installed on system)
The bin folder on C:\Archivos de programa\Neo4j Community just contain:
- neo4j-community.exe
- neo4j-community.vmoptions
- neo4j-community-user-vmoptions.loc
- neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar
As you could see there is nothing here like the so mentioned (on docs) Neo4j.bat.
My neo4j server its running perfectly. Even i played a while with the so fun webadmin on localhost:7474. But when i needed to connect from a ubuntu pc and went to docs for help run into the misterious case of missing conf directory.
Are this docs not related to community edition or at least not to the windows 1.9.4 installer?
Right now i just need to connect from a external client, not localhost, but tomorrow i could want to fly in a cow and i suspect for that i will need the conf directory. Any help, in the particular case of remote connection to neo4j server or the general case of missing conf directory will be appreciated.
PS.I found neo4j community V1.9.4 - how to configure IP address and default database location? just a few seconds before i finished to write this. Where i could download the distribution and not the installer? In the official site dont seems to be more choices tan 32/64 bit installer???
If you want to download the distribution, you can download from here
In community version if you notice, there will be option to download "Installer" or "Binary"
just download the binary package and extract, everything (including conf folder) are inside that.
Btw, If you using the window installer, Neo4J will provide you with user-friendly GUI, if you notice, there will be "Settings.." button there for you to configure your server,
To change the server address for ex, you need to modify
Configuration will be the same, just the location of the config file is different. not running on Apache 2 on OSX Lion - Getting a Forbidden 403 response

As of the current time of writing (2012-03-05) I'm running the following components:
OSX Lion
Default Apache installation (Apache2)
SSLEngine on Apache is "on" (doing some dev, but not trying to access .net through ssl yet)
Mono 2.10.8
xsp 2.10.2
mod_mono 2.10
I'm an Win/IIS guy so this is all new to me, but trying to get the xsp test ASP.NET app running on my mac (the app is in the xsp folder and is referenced in the mod_mono install guide).
I've run through the INSTALL guide for xsp and mod_mono.
As far as I can tell everything is running. Appache seems to have loaded the mono module, as it's ok with the mono configuration elements in it's httpd.cong file.
However, when I try to browse to an ASP.NET page, for example, the xsp test one (, I get:
You don't have permission to access /demo/index.aspx on this server.
Apache/2.2.20 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.20 OpenSSL/0.9.8r DAV/2 mod_mono/2.10 Server at Port 80
The mono_mod troubleshooting guides say this might happen if Apache doesn't have read acess, but read access on the xsp test folder is set to:
everyone: Read & Write
I'm thinking it's not a directory permissions issue?
I wonder if the mono mod isn't running properly so actually Apache is trying to do a directory listing, which would give a 403?
What could be causing this? And is there any way to diagnose if all the mono mod stuff is installed and running correctly with Apache?
A script might also require execute permission, try from the command line:
chmod +x /path/to/script.aspx
This let's OS X (and other unixes) know that the file can be run.
