In Maven how do I build the modules, but not the aggregator project itself? - maven

I would like to build modules via an aggregator, but avoid the aggregator project being built itself. In my use-case, the aggregator is a dummy wrapper simply used for grouping together a build, and has no significance as a project in its own right
Is it possible to remove the aggregator from the reactor somehow?

AFAIK there's no way of doing that. But I believe your real problem is that this aggregator artifact is deployed to remote repository along with other modules and it doesn't make sense, as you said. What I recommend then is to set <skip>true</skip> for maven-deploy-plugin in aggregator's pom.xml to disable its deploy, like this:
maven-deploy-plugin supports this since version 2.4.


Required to create Maven plugin or 'some kind of wrapper' or should I use a parent pom

We are using the frontend-maven-plugin in several (10+) projects.
These projects are build in combination with our own CMS. These projects are using a specific 'parent' in the pom, such as:
In this 'corporate pom', we have some predefined configuration and 'plugin management', such as:
<!-- Generic configuration for plugins used by (almost) all projects. -->
<id>install node and yarn</id>
This way we don't have to copy/manage all configuration in each project.
This works great.
But: we are now also creating more and more new applications (based on Spring Boot) which are independent from our CMS and where we cannot use this 'parent pom' because Spring Boot has it's own (spring-boot-starter-parent) and our 'corporate pom' also contains very specific plugins / configuration which only applies to our CMS (which we are not including in these Spring Boot projects).
So what I need is something more 'standalone' for the frontend-maven-plugin configuration (and maybe in the future more 'platform' independent config/plugins). As far as I know, it's not possible to have more then 1 parent, so are there any other options?
I thought of creating a new 'companyname-frontend-maven-plugin' which both contains the PluginManagement as all the (extendable) configuration for the Frontend Maven Plugin. But I don't know if this will work and also it's a lot of work creating and maintaining this in git / Jenkins etc.
Are there any other options I could look in to?
Thank you all for your time!
maybe you can use a profile.
You can create a "corporate" pom that inherit from spring-boot-starter-parent and that contains a maven profile with all the properties and plugins required by your cms. So, when you are working on the CMS you will enable the "cms-profile".
Kind regards.

How to disable jar creation in commandline in a maven project?

I have a maven project for which I'm running two separate builds.
In one build I want to save the build time by disabling the jar creation of maven modules in it.(There are 45 maven modules). There is a Maven-Jar-Plugin that is being used to create the jars.
I want to conditionally disable the jar creation at the command line, that is, looking for something similar to -Dskiptests used to skip the unit tests though there is a surefire plugin by default.
The maven-jar-plugin does not provide any skip option.
However, several ways are possible to achieve your requirement.
You may just skip the phase which brings by default (via default mappings) the jar creation, that is, the package phase, and as such simply invoke
mvn clean test
The additional phases would not make sense if you do not create a jar file anyway: package, install, deploy would not have anything to process. Moreover, the additional integration phases may also be impacted depending on your strategy for integration tests, if any.
Alternatively, you can configure your pom as following:
As such, the default behavior would still provide a jar creation, while executing maven as following:
mvn clean install -Djar.creation=false
Would instead skip the creation of the jar.
What we are actually doing:
We are re-defining the default execution of the maven-jar-plugin
We are overriding its execution id, as such getting more control over it
We are placing its execution phase binding to a configurable (via property) phase
Default phase (property value) keeps on being package
At command line time you can still change it to any value different than a standard maven phase. That is, -Djar.creation=none would also work.

How to use maven to publish multiple artifacts of an ivy project(with multiple modules) to a maven repository(nexus)

I'm working on a complex multi-module open source ivy project, which has ant's build.xml at the top level to kick off each ivy module's build. But the goal here is not to modify the original build scripts(both ivy.xml and build.xml), and using maven as an outer layer to kick off ant build, and then fetch the built results and publish them to nexus server.
The difficulty here is that, the built artifacts here are multiple jars, and we need to publish all these jars to nexus server with maven. Since one pom.xml only maps one maven artifafct, and in this case multiple artifacts are build not through maven but ivy. So I wonder if there's a feasible way to achieve my goal.
Currently, in the top level pom.xml, I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to invoke build.xml on top level, and using build-helper-maven-plugin to attache artifacts, but it doesont' work.
Currently I'm working on a similar task to yours. We have a huge, full of legacy system with whole build written in ant. That is how we handle this task:
No matter what, you will have to accept it, maven = jar per artifact (well, you can use attachments with qualifiers, but it's a real abuse and highly NOT recommended). It has it's philosophy after it: in the end of the day your system consists of (as you said yourself) modules, so each module has to have it's version, sources and (most important) the dependencies to other modules.
To reuse the existing ant code you can look on the antrun plugin. What we did, is "simply" separated all the common build code (i.e generators execution, attachments creation, assemblies and so on) to parent poms that are of type "pom". Then we execute the relevant targets simply by activating properties in children poms. Here is an example
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
And in the child pom we simply define
remember to look at maven lifecycle guide to choose the proper phase for your execution.
Don't forget that you can use maven plugins to make things easier. E.g instead of running <javac> task in ant, breaking to artifacts with jar type do all the compile for you. You can also find plugins that generate javadoc, jaxws and so on.
As you can see it's not that simple to make your system work with maven. It will require you to rethink how your build works. On the other hand the ability to see and understand your dependencies, the ease of working in modern IDE's, binary repositories and so on are worth it in most of the cases.

Maven test-jar for children

We have many modules in our project and we want to enable test-jar creation for some of those. I tried adding maven jar plugin to the parent pom's pluginmanagement
But, now it is creating test-jar for all the modules.
As per documenation: Plugin Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that rather than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However, this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children. The children have every right to override pluginManagement definitions.
It should not create test-jar for the modules we haven't included in, but somehow it does. None of my modules has maven-jar-plugin added in its build module.
To stop it creating test-jar for all, I can add it only in the module I am interested in.
Is there any other better solution to achieve this?
Normally, what your describing shouldn't be possible. If I had to guess, I would say that since your packaging type is jar configuration for the maven-jar-plugin gets inserted into your effective pom. Then, since the configuration is there, it also uses the configuration from the plugin management section. Running mvn help:effective-pom might provide some insight into whether or not this is true.
I would also make sure that no parent in your hierarchy contains any concrete configuration for the maven-jar-pom that would be inherited by children. If the child inherits a concrete section, I think that will also trigger it to include the plugin management configuration.

How should I get Maven to deploy artifacts for all supported architectures at the same time?

I have a question that's probably pretty similar to this. I need to solve what I have to imagine to be a pretty common problem -- how to configure Maven to produce multiple variations on the same artifact -- but I have yet to find a good solution.
I have a multi-module project, that eventually results in the assembly plugin generating an artifact. However, part of the assembly includes libraries that have changed substantially in the recent past, with the result that some consumers of the project need library version N, while others need version N+1. Ideally, we'd just automatically generate multiple artifacts, e.g. theproject-1.2.3.thelib-1.0.tar.gz, theproject-1.2.3.thelib-1.1.tar.gz, etc. (where that's release 1.2.3 of our project, running against either library version 1.0 or 1.1).
Right now, I have a bunch of default properties, which build against the latest version of the library in question, plus a profile to build against the older version. I can deploy one or the other this way, but cannot deploy both in one build. Here's the key wrinkle that differs from the above question: I can't automate build-one-clean-build-the-other inside of the release plugin.
Normally, we'd mvn release:prepare release:perform from the root of the multi-module project to take care of deploying everything to our internal Nexus. However, in that case, we have to pick one -- either run the old-library profile, or run without and get the new one. I need the release plugin to deploy both. Is this just impossible? I have to imagine we're not the first people who want to have our automated builds generate support for different platforms....
You may install additional artifacts with differrent types/classifiers. Use attach-artifact goal of the build-helper-maven-plugin to achieve this. Here is a small example - we are deploying a Windows and a Unix installers of the product as windows/exe and unix/sh files. These files will be installed to the local repo and deploy to the distribution management.
Hope this helps.
