For instance, consider the DFT or DCT. Precisely, what would be the differences between an image transformed by sub-blocks, and an image transformed whole? Is the resulting file size smaller? Is the algorithm more efficient? Does the transformed image look different? Thanks.
They are designed so they can be implemented using parallel hardware. Each block is independent, and can be calculated on a different computing node, or shared out to as many nodes as you have.
Also as noted in an answer to Why JPEG compression processes image by 8x8 blocks? the computational complexity is high. I think (block_y_size × block_y_size)2
It's to make the image smaller. There a many ways to subdivide an image into blocks. The most simple is by complete rows. More advance tiling is with fractals, i.e hilbert curve. Jpeg 2000 uses a hilbert curve. It uses additional spatial information and it's also used in mapping applications.
I can find plenty of resources on how laplacian and gaussian image pyramids are constructed but I can't find any information on what are the advantages/disadvantages of using one over the other.
Since the Laplacian pyramid is saving only the difference of images, it consists of sparse matrix (lots of zeroes) which can be saved much more efficiently. It is also used for image compression (Link)
Low memory requirement is the main advantage of Laplacian pyramid.
I have been thinking about this for quite some time, but never really performed detailed analysis on this. Does the foreground segmentation using GrabCut[1] algorithm depend on the size of the input image? Intuitively, it appears to me that since grabcut is based on color models, color distributions should not change as the size of the image changes, but [aliasing] artifacts in smaller images might play a role.
Any thoughts or existing experiments on the dependence of size of the image on image segmentation using grabcut would be highly appreciated.
[1] C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, and A. Blake, GrabCut: Interactive foreground extraction using iterated graph cuts, ACM Trans. Graph., vol. 23, pp. 309–314, 2004.
Size matters.
The objective function of GrabCut balances two terms:
The unary term that measures the per-pixel fit to the foreground/background color model.
The smoothness term (pair-wise term) that measures the "complexity" of the segmentation boundary.
The first term (unary) scales with the area of the foreground while the second (smoothness) scales with the perimeter of the foreground.
So, if you scale your image by a x2 factor you increase the area by x4 while the perimeter scales only roughly by a x2 factor.
Therefore, if you tuned (or learned) the parameters of the energy function for a specific image size / scale, these parameters may not work for you in different image sizes.
Did you know that Office 2010 "foreground selection tool" is based on GrabCut algorithm?
Here's a PDF of the GrabCut paper, courtesy of Microsoft Research.
The two main effects of image size will be run time and the scale of details in the image which may be considered significant. Of these two, run time is the one which will bite you with GrabCut - graph cutting methods are already rather slow, and GrabCut uses them iteratively.
It's very common to start by downsampling the image to a smaller resolution, often in combination with a low-pass filter (i.e. you sample the source image with a Gaussian kernel). This significantly reduces the n which the algorithm runs over while reducing the effect of small details and noise on the result.
You can also use masking to restrict processing to only specific portions of the image. You're already getting some of this in GrabCut as the initial "grab" or selection stage, and again later during the brush-based refinement stage. This stage also gives you some implicit information about scale, i.e. the feature of interest is probably filling most of the selection region.
Display the image at whatever scale is convenient and downsample the selected region to roughly the n = 100k to 200k range per their example. If you need to improve the result quality, use the result of the initial stage as the starting point for a following iteration at higher resolution.
Fractals have always been a bit of a mystery for me.
What practical uses (beyond rendering to beautiful images) are there for fractals in the various programming problem domains? And please, don't just list areas that use them. I'm interested in specific algorithms and how fractals are used with those algorithms to solve something in practice. Please at least give a short description of the algorithm.
Absolutely computer graphics. It's not about generating beautiful abstract images, but realistic and not repeating landscapes. Read about Fractal Landscapes.
Perlin Noise, which might be considered a simple fractal is used in computer graphics everywhere. The author joked around that if he would patent it, he'd be a millionare now. Fractals are also used in animation and lossy image compression.
A Peano curve is a space-filling fractal, which allows you to cover a 2-D area (or higher-dimensional region) uniformly with a 1-D path. If you are doing local operations on a multidimensional array, storing and/or accessing the array data in space-filling curve order can increase your cache coherence, for all levels of cache.
Fractal image compression. There are some more applications thought not all in programming here.
Error diffusion along a Hilbert curve.
It's a simple idea - suppose that you convert an image to a 0-1 black & white bitmap. Converting a 55% brightness pixel to white yields a +45% error. Instead of just forgetting it, you keep the 45% to take into account when processing the next pixel. Suppose its value is 80%. Normally it would be converted to white, but a neighboring pixel is too bright, so taking the +45% error into account, you convert it to black (80%-45%=35%), keeping a -35% error to be spread into next pixels.
This way a 75% gray area will have white/black pixel ratio close to 75/25, which is good. But if you process the pixels left-to-right, the error only spreads in one direction, which yields worse looking images. Enter space-filling curves. Processing the pixels along a Hilbert curve gets good locality of the error spread. More here, with pictures.
Fractals are used in finance for analyzing the prices of stock. The are also used in the study of complex systems (complexity theory) and in art.
One can use computer science algorithms to compute the fractal dimension, or Haussdorff dimension of black-and-white images.
It is not that difficult to implement.
It turns out that this is used in biology and medicine to analyze cell samples, for example, analyze how aggressive a cancer cell is, or how far a disease have gone. A cell is in general more healthy the higher the dimension is, meaning you wish for low fractal dimension for cancer samples.
Another uses of fractal theory is fractal image interpolation. For example, Perfect Resize 7 is using fractals to resize images with very good quality. They are, most likely, using partition iterated function systems (PIFS), that assume that different parts of an image are self-similar to each other. The algorithm is based on searching of self-similar parts of an image and describing transformation between them.
used in image compression, any mobile phone, the antenna chip design is a fractal for maximum surface area, texture generation, mountain generation, understanding trees, cliffs, jellyfish, emulating any natural phenomena where there is a degree of recursion and self similarity at different scales. a lot of scientific applications.
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What's a fast way to sort a given set of images by their similarity to each other.
At the moment I have a system that does histogram analysis between two images, but this is a very expensive operation and seems too overkill.
Optimally I am looking for a algorithm that would give each image a score (for example a integer score, such as the RGB Average) and I can just sort by that score. Identical Scores or scores next to each other are possible duplicates.
0499994 <- possible dupe
0499999 <- possible dupe
RGB Average per image sucks, is there something similar?
There has been a lot of research on image searching and similarity measures. It's not an easy problem. In general, a single int won't be enough to determine if images are very similar. You'll have a high false-positive rate.
However, since there has been a lot of research done, you might take a look at some of it. For example, this paper (PDF) gives a compact image fingerprinting algorithm that is suitable for finding duplicate images quickly and without storing much data. It seems like this is the right approach if you want something robust.
If you're looking for something simpler, but definitely more ad-hoc, this SO question has a few decent ideas.
I would recommend considering moving away from just using an RGB histogram.
A better digest of your image can be obtained if you take a 2d Haar wavelet of the image (its a lot easier than it sounds, its just a lot of averaging and some square roots used to weight your coefficients) and just retain the k largest weighted coefficients in the wavelet as a sparse vector, normalize it, and save that to reduce its size. You should rescale R G and B using perceptual weights beforehand at least or I'd recommend switching to YIQ (or YCoCg, to avoid quantization noise) so you can sample chrominance information with reduced importance.
You can now use the dot product of two of these sparse normalized vectors as a measure of similarity. The image pairs with the largest dot products are going to be very similar in structure. This has the benefit of being slightly resistant to resizing, hue shifting and watermarking, and being really easy to implement and compact.
You can trade off storage and accuracy by increasing or decreasing k.
Sorting by a single numeric score is going to be intractable for this sort of classification problem. If you think about it it would require images to only be able to 'change' along one axis, but they don't. This is why you need a vector of features. In the Haar wavelet case its approximately where the sharpest discontinuities in the image occur. You can compute a distance between images pairwise, but since all you have is a distance metric a linear ordering has no way to express a 'triangle' of 3 images that are all equally distant. (i.e. think of an image that is all green, an image that is all red and an image that is all blue.)
That means that any real solution to your problem will need O(n^2) operations in the number of images you have. Whereas if it had been possible to linearize the measure, you could require just O(n log n), or O(n) if the measure was suitable for, say, a radix sort. That said, you don't need to spend O(n^2) since in practice you don't need to sift through the whole set, you just need to find the stuff thats nearer than some threshold. So by applying one of several techniques to partition your sparse vector space you can obtain much faster asymptotics for the 'finding me k of the images that are more similar than a given threshold' problem than naively comparing every image against every image, giving you what you likely need... if not precisely what you asked for.
In any event, I used this a few years ago to good effect personally when trying to minimize the number of different textures I was storing, but there has also been a lot of research noise in this space showing its efficacy (and in this case comparing it to a more sophisticated form of histogram classification):
If you need better accuracy in detection, the minHash and tf-idf algorithms can be used with the Haar wavelet (or the histogram) to deal with edits more robustly:
Finally, Stanford has an image search based on a more exotic variant of this kind of approach, based on doing more feature extraction from the wavelets to find rotated or scaled sections of images, etc, but that probably goes way beyond the amount of work you'd want to do.
I implemented a very reliable algorithm for this called Fast Multiresolution Image Querying. My (ancient, unmaintained) code for that is here.
What Fast Multiresolution Image Querying does is split the image into 3 pieces based on the YIQ colorspace (better for matching differences than RGB). Then the image is essentially compressed using a wavelet algorithm until only the most prominent features from each colorspace are available. These points are stored in a data structure. Query images go through the same process, and the prominent features in the query image are matched against those in the stored database. The more matches, the more likely the images are similar.
The algorithm is often used for "query by sketch" functionality. My software only allowed entering query images via URL, so there was no user interface. However, I found it worked exceptionally well for matching thumbnails to the large version of that image.
Much more impressive than my software is retrievr which lets you try out the FMIQ algorithm using Flickr images as the source. Very cool! Try it out via sketch or using a source image, and you can see how well it works.
A picture has many features, so unless you narrow yourself to one, like average brightness, you are dealing with an n-dimensional problem space.
If I asked you to assign a single integer to the cities of the world, so I could tell which ones are close, the results wouldn't be great. You might, for example, choose time zone as your single integer and get good results with certain cities. However, a city near the north pole and another city near the south pole can also be in the same time zone, even though they are at opposite ends of the planet. If I let you use two integers, you could get very good results with latitude and longitude. The problem is the same for image similarity.
All that said, there are algorithms that try to cluster similar images together, which is effectively what you're asking for. This is what happens when you do face detection with Picasa. Even before you identify any faces, it clusters similar ones together so that it's easy to go through a set of similar faces and give most of them the same name.
There is also a technique called Principle Component Analysis, which lets you reduce n-dimensional data down to any smaller number of dimensions. So a picture with n features could be reduced to one feature. However, this is still not the best approach for comparing images.
There's a C library ("libphash" - that will calculate a "perceptual hash" of an image and allow you to detect similar images by comparing hashes (so you don't have to compare each image directly against every other image) but unfortunately it didn't seem to be very accurate when I tried it.
You have to decide what is "similar." Contrast? Hue?
Is a picture "similar" to the same picture upside-down?
I bet you can find a lot of "close calls" by breaking images up into 4x4 pieces and getting an average color for each grid cell. You'd have sixteen scores per image. To judge similarity, you would just do a sum of squares of differences between images.
I don't think a single hash makes sense, unless it's against a single concept like hue, or brightness, or contrast.
Here's your idea:
0499994 <- possible dupe
0499999 <- possible dupe
First of all, I'm going to assume these are decimal numbers that are R*(2^16)+G*(2^8)+B, or something like that. Obviously that's no good because red is weighted inordinately.
Moving into HSV space would be better. You could spread the bits of HSV out into the hash, or you could just settle H or S or V individually, or you could have three hashes per image.
One more thing. If you do weight R, G, and B. Weight green highest, then red, then blue to match human visual sensitivity.
In the age of web services you could try
The question Good way to identify similar images? seems to provide a solution for your question.
i assumed that other duplicate image search software performs an FFT on the images, and stores the values of the different frequencies as a vectors:
Image1 = (u1, u2, u3, ..., un)
Image2 = (v1, v2, v3, ..., vn)
and then you can compare two images for equalness by computing the distance between the weight vectors of two images:
distance = Sqrt(
(u1-v1)^2 +
(u2-v2)^2 +
(u2-v3)^2 +
One solution is to perform a RMS/RSS comparison on every pair of pictures required to perform a bubble sort. Second, you could perform an FFT on each image and do some axis averaging to retrieve a single integer for each image which you would use as an index to sort by. You may consider doing whatever comparison on a resized (25%, 10%) version of the original depending on how small a difference you choose to ignore and how much speedup you require. Let me know if these solutions are interesting, and we can discuss or I can provide sample code.
Most modern approaches to detect Near duplicate image detection use interesting points detection and descriptors describing area around such points. Often SIFT is used. Then you can quatize descriptors and use clusters as visual word vocabulary.
So if we see on ratio of common visual words of two images to all visual words of these images you estimate similarity between images. There are a lot of interesting articles. One of them is Near Duplicate Image Detection: minHash and tf-idf Weighting
For example using IMMI extension and IMMI you can examine many different ways how to measure similarity between images:
By defining some threshold and selecting some method you can measure similarity.
How do I segment a 2D image into blobs of similar values efficiently? The given input is a n array of integer, which includes hue for non-gray pixels and brightness of gray pixels.
I am writing a virtual mobile robot using Java, and I am using segmentation to analyze the map and also the image from the camera. This is a well-known problem in Computer Vision, but when it's on a robot performance does matter so I wanted some inputs. Algorithm is what matters, so you can post code in any language.
Wikipedia article: Segmentation (image processing)
[PPT] Stanford CS-223-B Lecture 11 Segmentation and Grouping (which says Mean Shift is perhaps the best technique to date)
Mean Shift Pictures (paper is also available from Dorin Comaniciu)
I would downsample,in colourspace and in number of pixels, use a vision method(probably meanshift) and upscale the result.
This is good because downsampling also increases the robustness to noise, and makes it more likely that you get meaningful segments.
You could use floodfill to smooth edges afterwards if you need smoothness.
Some more thoughts (in response to your comment).
1) Did you blend as you downsampled? y[i]=(x[2i]+x[2i+1])/2 This should eliminate noise.
2)How fast do you want it to be?
3)Have you tried dynamic meanshift?(also google for dynamic x for all algorithms x)
Not sure if it is too efficient, but you could try using a Kohonen neural network (or, self-organizing map; SOM) to group the similar values, where each pixel contains the original color and position and only the color is used for the Kohohen grouping.
You should read up before you implement this though, as my knowledge of the Kohonen network goes as far as that it is used for grouping data - so I don't know what the performance/viability options are for your scenario.
There are also Hopfield Networks. They can be mangled into grouping from what I read.
What I have now:
Make a buffer of the same size as the input image, initialized to UNSEGMENTED.
For each pixel in the image where the corresponding buffer value is not UNSEGMENTED, flood the buffer using the pixel value.
a. The border checking of the flooding is done by checking if pixel is within EPSILON (currently set to 10) of the originating pixel's value.
b. Flood filling algorithm.
Possible issue:
The 2.a.'s border checking is called many times in the flood filling algorithm. I could turn it into a lookup if I could precalculate the border using edge detection, but that may add more time than current check.
private boolean isValuesCloseEnough(int a_lhs, int a_rhs) {
return Math.abs(a_lhs - a_rhs) <= EPSILON;
Possible Enhancement:
Instead of checking every single pixel for UNSEGMENTED, I could randomly pick a few points. If you are expecting around 10 blobs, picking random points in that order may suffice. Drawback is that you might miss a useful but small blob.
Check out Eyepatch ( It should help you during the investigation phase by providing a variety of possible filters for segmentation.
An alternative to flood-fill is the connnected-components algorithm. So,
Cheaply classify your pixels. e.g. divide pixels in colour space.
Run the cc to find the blobs
Retain the blobs of significant size
This approach is widely used in early vision approaches. For example in the seminal paper "Blobworld: A System for Region-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval".