jqgrid display on chrome vs firefox - jqgrid

I am not sure if this is bug on chrome but my last td on the grid is not displaying properly.
Below is screen shot if using FIREFOX
While displaying on CHROME is just like this. The width settings is 80px. Temporarily I align it left to at least show the content.
{name:'act', index:'act', width:80, align:"left"}
Any experienced with this? my chrome version is 19.0.1084.56 m

What version of jqGrid are you using? The team recently released version 4.4.0 which corrects some of the display bugs that were showing up in Chrome viz a viz Internet Explorer/Firefox. I upgraded and many of these display anomalies went away.


Oracle APEX Font APEX Issue with IE

We just upgraded to APEX 19.2 from 5.14. The applications seemed to migrate fine in general but I have noticed an issue with applications in IE 11. The font apex icons are not displaying. I have regions with a refresh icon and they do not display. The button operates fine but it's just an empty square. Has anyone else encountered this or know of a solution? This is mainly on my home page. If I navigate away to another page in the application they are also missing from that page. But when I navigate back they show up. Everything is fine in Chrome but not IE. I have to have this work in both.
Any help here is appreciated.
To be honest, you should be recommending that your users use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Even if you do manage to find a workaround for your icon issue, Oracle has stated that they will be dropping support for IE 11 in APEX 20.2.

How to prevent Firefox Developer Tools to scroll page to top?

I've noticed that when I've the Firefox Developer Tools opened and I open any page (i.e. http://www.bbc.com/news) it scrolls the page to the top.
I've the 53.0.3 (64 bit). 32bit is the same.
How can I prevent this?
This is obviously a regression in the Firefox DevTools. So I've created bug 1371050 for it.
My bug report got marked as duplicate of bug 1365209.

Firebug 1.11.2 is not working on Mozilla Firefox 18.0.2

Right clicking "inspect element with firebug" used to show me the HTML content but suddenly it stopped. I removed it and installed Firebug 1.11.2 on Mozilla Firefox 18.0.2. Still "inspect element with firebug" shows nothing. I have user agent switcher and view cookies installed as well.
Also, i cant do much without firebug in Firefox because in chrome the "Firebug Lite for Google Chrome™" does not give the option of edit HTML content. Hence it is not much useful. If only i can check HTML in Firefox.
I know that the problem is very specific, still anything would do...
Try to update Firefox to version 19

Scrollbars not showing on WebKit (Mac OS X)

For some reason I am not aware of, one day the scrollbars in my App's DIVs disappeared.
I decided to finally look into the issue, but it's been days and had no luck.
Basically, you can scroll through these divs, however, the OS X scrollbars won't show up. If anyone could take a look and see what I am missing, I'd really appreciate it!
To replicate this:
Go to http://objectsapp.com/ with Safari or Chrome.
Use the search bar to search for: Inception
Position your pointer on the movie poster.
Scroll! (It will work, but scrollbars won't show).
Any idea why the scrollbars might be missing? (must be tested on OS X only).
Thank you!
You don't mention which version of Safari on OS X you're testing with so its difficult to determine what problem you're seeing.
In Safari 6.0 there was a WebKit bug that would cause elements with "overflow: scroll" set to not display the new overlay style of scrollbars. This issue was resolved in Safari 6.0.1. If you're using a newer version of Safari than that yet are still experiencing the issue, it's possible that you're seeing a different WebKit bug. If so, you could test the latest WebKit nightly build to see if the problem has already been addressed. It you still see it with the WebKit nightly build, I'd recommend filing a bug report.

Firebug Not working after updating Firefox 14.0.1 (inspect element does not display HTML)

Firebug stops working after auto-updating of Mozilla Firefox V 14.0.1.
I have updated my Firebug but it's still not working. "Inspect Element" does not display HTML.
Found the solution
Firebug stops working after auto updating of Mozilla firefox V 14.0.1 I have updated my Firebug but still it's not working As you can follow the steps to star you firebug inspect element do not work
Just following the following step’s
Open the following link
or for win 32
Download firebug-1.10.0b4-fx.xpi 12-Jul-2012 05:25 1.5M
Or Latest verson
Save on Hard disk
Open download file with fire fox
Click on Install
And FireBug is Again for you to again Play with web....:)
And it works for me
For more information view following link.
Check Firebug's compatibility table on their page and make sure your version is compatible with your version of Firefox.
