Ruby string with quotes for shell command args? - ruby

Hi I need to create string like this:
I want to do something like
str = Q%[drawtext="fontfile=/Users/stpn/Documents/Video_Experiments/fonts/Trebuchet_MS.ttf:text='content':fontsize=100:fontcolor=red:y=h/2"]
I am getting this:
=> "drawtext=\"fontfile=/Users/stpn/Documents/Video_Experiments/fonts/Trebuchet_MS.ttf:text='content':fontsize=100:fontcolor=red:y=h/2\""
The escape characters after equals sign in drawtext=" is what I want to get rid of.. How to achieve that?
The string is to be used in a command line args.

Like many languages, Ruby needs a way of delimiting a quoted quote, and the enclosing quotes.
What you're seeing is the escape character which is a way of saying literal quote instead of syntactic quote:
foo = 'test="test"'
# => "test=\"test\""
The escape character is only there because double-quotes are used by default when inspecting a string. It's stored internally as a single character, of course. You may also see these in other circumstances such as a CR+LF delimited file line:
The \r and \n here correspond with carriage-return and line-feed characters. There's several of these characters defined in ANSI C that have carried over into many languages including Ruby and JavaScript.
When you output a string those escape characters are not displayed:
puts foo


Is there a method in shell to ignore escape characters?

In C#, there is a verbatim string so that,
string c = "hello \t world"; // hello world
string d = #"hello \t world"; // hello \t world
I am new to shell script, is there a similar method in shell?
Because I have many folders with the name like "Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Activewear", I want to know if there is a easy way to process the escape characters without write so many .
director="Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Activewear"
# any action to escape spaces, &, > ???
hadoop fs -ls $director
For definining the specific string in your example, Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Activewear, either double quotes or single quotes will work; referring to it later is a different story, however:
In the shell (any POSIX-compatible shell), how you refer to a variable is just as important as how you define it.
To safely refer to a previously defined variable without side-effects, enclose it in double quotes, e.g., "$directory".
To define [a variable as] a literal (verbatim) string:
(By contrast, to define a variable with embedded variable references or embedded command substitutions or embedded arithmetic expressions, use double quotes (").)
If your string contains NO single quotes:
Use a single-quoted string, e.g.:
directory='Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Activewear'
A single-quoted string is not subject to any interpretation by the shell, so it's generally the safest option for defining a literal. Note that the string may span multiple lines; e.g.:
multiline='line 1
line 2'
If your string DOES contain single quotes (e.g., I'm here.) and you want a solution that works in all POSIX-compatible shells:
Break the string into multiple (single-quoted) parts and splice in single-quote characters:
Note: Sadly, single-quoted strings cannot contain single quotes, not even with escaping.
directory='I'\''m here.'
The string is broken into into single-quoted I, followed by literal ' (escaped as an unquoted string as \'), followed by single-quoted m here.. By virtue of having NO spaces between the parts, the result is a single string containing a literal single quote after I.
Alternative: if you don't mind using a multiline statement, you can use a quoted here document, as described at the bottom.
If your string DOES contain single quotes (e.g., I'm here.) and you want a solution that works in bash, ksh, and zsh:
Use ANSI-C quoting:
directory=$'I\'m here.'
Note: As you can see, ANSI-C quoting allows for escaping single quotes as \', but note the additional implications: other \<char> sequences are subject to interpretation, too; e.g., \n is interpreted as a newline character - see
Tip of the hat to #chepner, who points out that the POSIX-compatible way of directly including a single quote in a string to be used verbatim is to use read -r with a here document using a quoted opening delimiter (the -r option ensures that \ characters in the string are treated as literals).
# *Any* form of quoting, not just single quotes, on the opening EOF will work.
# Note that $HOME will by design NOT be expanded.
# (If you didn't quote the opening EOF, it would.)
read -r directory <<'EOF'
I'm here at $HOME
Note that here documents create stdin input (which read reads in this case). Therefore, you cannot use this technique to directly pass the resulting string as an argument.
use strong quotes i.e. 'string', allowing escape char or special char for string.
e.g. declare director='Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Activewear'
also using declare is a good practice while declaring variable.

How come you can't gsub this string in Ruby?

These \\n are showing up in my strings even though it should only be \n.
But if I do this :
It returns :
Ideally, I'm trying to find a regex that could rewrite this string :
To not display two backslashes, but just one like this :
But any of the regex I do will not work. I can gsub out the \n and put something like X there, but if I put a \ in it, then Ruby escapes it with an additional \ which consequentially destroys my encryption module as it needs to be specific.
Any ideas?
You are falling into the trap of a different meaning of escapes when used in strings with double quotes vs single quotes. Double-quoted strings allow escape characters to be used. Thus, here "\n" actually is a one-character string containing a single line feed. Compare that to '\n' which is a two-character string containing a literal backslash followed by a character n.
This explains, whey your gsub doesn't match. If you use the following code, it should work:
For your actual issue, you can use this
string = "R3pQvDqmz/EQ7zho2mhIeE6UB4dLa6GUH7173VEMdGCcdsRm5pernkqCgbnj\\nZjTX\\n"
new_string = string.gsub("\\n", "\n")

Take in escaped input in Ruby command line app

I'm writing a Ruby command line application in which the user has to enter a "format string" (much like Date.strptime/strftime's strings).
I tried taking them in as arguments to the command, eg
> torque "%A\n%d\n%i, %u"
but it seems that bash actually removes all backslashes from input before it can be processed (plus a lot of trouble with spaces). I also tried the highline gem, which has some more advanced input options, but that automatically escapes backslashes "\" -> "\\" and provides no alternate options.
My current solution is to do a find-and-replace: "\\n" -> "\n". This would take care of the problem, but it also seems hacky and awful.
I could have users write the string in a text file (complicated for the user) or treat some other character, like "&&", as a newline (still complicated for the user).
What is the best way for users to input escaped characters on the command line?
(UPDATE: I checked the documentation for strptime/strftime, and the format strings for those functions replace newline characters with "%n", tabs with "%t", etc. So for now I'm doing that, but any other suggestions are welcome)
What you're looking for is using single quotes instead of double quotes.
> torque '%A\n%d\n%i, %u'
Any string quoted in single quotes 'eg.' is does not go through any expansions and is used as is.
More details can be found in the Quoting section of man bash.
From man bash:
Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash.
p eval("\"#{gets.chomp}\"")
Example use:
\n\b # Input by the user from the keyboard
"\n\b" # Value from the script
%A\n%d\n%i, %u # Input by the user from the keyboard
"%A\n%d\n%i, %u" # Value from the script

split string by spaces properly accounting for quotes and backslashes (ruby)

I want to split a string (insecure foreign line, like exim_mainlog line) by spaces, but not by spaces that are inside of double quotes, and ignore if the quote is escaped by a backslash like \", and ignore the backslash if it is just escaped like \\. Without slow parsing the string manually with FSM.
Example line:
U=mailnull T="test \"quote\" and wild blackslash\\" P=esmtps
Should be split into:
["U=mailnull", "T=\"test \\\"quote\\\" and wild blackslash\\\"", "P=esmtps"]
(Btw, I think ruby should had method for such split.., sigh).
I think I found simple enough solution: input.scan(/(?:"(?:\\.|[^"])*"|[^" ])+/)

Ruby - Making a newline within usage of gsub

I'm a bit stuck on this issue. I'm trying to make a newline using '\n'. I'm opening a file, then replacing the text, then writing it back as an html file:
replace = text.gsub(/aaa/, 'aaa\nbbb')
But this results in:
I'm trying to make do:
In single-quoted strings a backslash is just a backslash (except if it precedes another backslash or a quote). Use double quotes: "aaa\nbbb" .
You'll want to read:Backslashes in Single quoted strings vs. Double quoted strings in Ruby?.
