How can I use XCode 4 to build an application that uses py2app? - xcode

Recently I finally figured out how to package a Python app (Mnemosyne) using py2app. This is cross-platform software and py2app pulls in a lot of dependencies-- PyQt, cherrypy, etc.-- so re-writing is not an option.
However, if possible, I would like to submit this application to the App Store or at least sign the code so that when Mountain Lion is released next month users will be able to install it without a warning. However, when I launch Xcode (I've never used it before), I am prompted to choose a template and I have no idea what to choose.
I can easily build the application like this:
sudo python py2app
Could someone give me a rough idea of the things I have to do in order to be able to build this instead in Xcode?

You don't need to use Xcode to sign the .app. You can also use the standalone command called codesign (that's code-sign, not co-design). Once you've created your .app, you can sign it using a command such as
codesign -s "Your Developer ID Profile Name Here" "Your"
You'll need to read the man pages to figure out what options you need exactly, but hopefully this at least points you in the right direction. Also, you obviously need to have your Developer ID certs etc in your keychain for this to work.

I have not used py2app, but I can give you a rough idea of what you have to do to build your app in Xcode. Start by creating an external build system project. An external build system project allows you to use Python's tools to build the project.
After creating the project, you may need to configure the build tool to build the project properly. Select the project file from the project navigator on the left side of the project window. This opens the project editor. Select your target on the left side of the project editor. Click the Info button at the top of the editor to configure the build tool.


How to modify Xcode project settings from command line? - so it produces a MacAppStore app and a non-MacAppStore app

I have a Xcode project that outputs a Mac app that is distributed outside the Mac App Store. It works fine. Now, the client wants it in the Mac App Store. To achieve this I've disabled several features of the original app. Now, I'm facing the question: how to integrate the build process of the Mac App Store app in a painful-less way? For the Non-Mac App Store app we use Jenkins.
I thought it could be possible to keep the non-Mac App Store project settings and then enable/disable/modify it with command line. Errrrr!. I'm wondering if anyone else have faced the same situation and how did you solve it?. Or maybe I'm opening Pandora's box wit my current approach.
To list the stuff I need to enable/disable:
Disable source code. Solution: ifdefs
Enable the app-sandbox. Solution: adding '' to entitlements.
Delete dependencies in the 'Target dependencies'. Solution: ????.
Delete libraries in the "link binary with libraries". Please, note that the libraries are already listed in Xcode project settings, I want to delete them.
Change the signing profile. Solution: Add a new scheme with the right values (Mac App Store).
FYI. I'm using Xcode 5.1.1.
To modify Xcode project settings from command line, you could try a python module pbxproj.
You can pip install pbxproj to have it.
And here's an example provided in the official repo:
from pbxproj import XcodeProject
# open the project
project = XcodeProject.load('myapp.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj')
# add a file to it, force=false to not add it if it's already in the project
project.add_file('MyClass.swift', force=False)
# set a Other Linker Flags
# save the project, otherwise your changes won't be picked up by Xcode
I'm not sure about Xcode 5.1.1. But if you're already using a new scheme to change the signing profile, why can't you use it to delete the dependencies and linked libraries? These can be changed in the Build Phases for this specific target. Or you have some more context to explain why you can't do this?

Xcode 5.1 access the app itself

I began coding Objective C last night and i made my first basic Cocoa app for my Macbook Air.
I have built it and everything, but i can't find the executable app in the project folder?
I am using 5.1
A faster way would be:
In the Project Navigator (if it's not shown: cmd + 1 or View -> Navigators -> ...) expand the folder Products, then right-click on the ".app" and then "Show in Finder"
Look in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. Then find the folder for your program.
Build data doesn't go in the project because (i) it's logically a separate thing; (ii) therefore you want to keep it in a separate place; and (iii) keeping it in the same place will usually confuse the issue of source control, either your repository or you.
Apple's preferred approach is that you Build -> Archive, which will (unless you've specified otherwise) always be a release build, then export as a .app or publish to the App Store from the Organiser.
That'll keep that version of the build with all symbolication data on your machine until you delete it. So you can send exactly the same build to someone else, definitely decide any crash logs that come back, etc.

Define schemes in an xcode phonegap project from terminal

I'm writing a script to archive the iOS portion of a phonegap project. The script wipes the directory that the project is in and then repopulates it using the latest code from source control. I then run$ phonegap local build ios in order to build the project. However in order to archive the project I need its schemes to be defined. I have tried building the project from the command line but I get the message ** BUILD FAILED **. As of right now I have the code open the xcode project (the only way that I've found to get the schemes defined) and then sleep for 30 second while I wait for xcode to work its magic. My question is how can I either simulate opening xcode or otherwise define the scheme from the command line.
Thanks in advance for any help.
This is a completely fair question given that Xcode schemes are somewhat less than thoroughly documented and schemes have this feeling of being somewhat magical until you see how they hook into the build process as a whole.
Based on the workarounds you are seeking, it sounds as though you need to promote a scheme to being "Shared" so that automated tools (or other developers) do not have to first open your project and wait for Xcode to auto-generate the default scheme. This is an entirely normal 'ask' from developers trying to make their Xcode projects work with Continuous Integration systems or with other command line tools acting on an Xcode 4 or Xcode 5 project. The great news is that there are Xcode-native ways to configure your project without having to resort to messy or error prone workarounds.
TL;DR Version:
The default Xcode behavior for schemes is to treat them as a developer-specific setting and not share with other developers or tools. We need to promote your project's scheme to being 'Shared' and commit those changes to your version control system:
Start with a clean checkout of your project.
Navigate Xcode's Menus: Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes... menu option
Uncheck 'Autocreate Schemes' in the upper left corner of the scheme sheet,
Check the 'Shared' checkbox next to the scheme that should be made available to all developer users and build systems.
Finally commit all project changes back to your version control system.
This will make a single Scheme shared across all developer using this project, regardless of OS X username and make it such that unattended builds via xcodebuild or the build tool of choice will have a scheme to work with.
...And now, on to the the longer answer for the curious
First a bit of background before we dive into your direct questions:
Target: The app, static library, bundle, or more generally the 'product' constructed from the source code, assets, plists, build settings, and other files contained within the project. This 'product' is generated when a build operation is invoked either via Xcode's "Run" button or via the command line tool xcodebuild
Build Configuration: A named set of build settings that can be identified by a human-readable label. By default, all Xcode projects start with a "Debug" configuration that generates build targets with the greatest amount of transparency aiding developers in debugging their applications and a "Release" configuration that strips the resulting build of this diagnostic information and optimizes the build to reduce its size. Some developers elect to create additional configurations based on their team's needs: "Ad-Hoc" might be created so that the Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile settings can be changed for code signing the app for installation via an Ad-Hoc provisioning profile. "AppStore" or "Distribution" are other common custom Build Configurations one might see in other projects.
Action: A set of related activities supporting different phases involved in the development, diagnosis, and testing of a product. As of the time of writing there are six actions: "Build", "Run", "Test", "Profile", "Analyze", and "Archive". As a developer the two you will most frequently use are "Build" and "Run".
Build Scheme: An Xcode 4 invention for managing project build target dependencies, build parallelization options, for a specified Build Target. Each Scheme allows a developer to select exactly one Build Configuration (ex. "Debug" or "Release") for each Action ("Build", "Run", etc.) of a project's lifecycle as well as define other behaviors or options associated with that specific Action. For example, the "Profile" action in a scheme allows the developer to select which diagnostic instrument will be loaded by default when Profiling code in
With these definitions in mind, lets get back to your questions:
How can I either simulate opening xcode or otherwise define the scheme from the command line?
Very simply: You don't need to do either, there is an Xcode-native mechanism for making schemes available and we just need to do some minor scheme reconfiguration to get you up and running then commit those changes to version control (I'm going to refer to this as 'SCM' for the rest of this answer).
The behavior you are facing is Xcode's default project behavior when it comes to persisting project settings. By default, many things are considered developer-specific settings and reside in a set of files mapping to the specific username of the account that opened the Xcode project itself (more on this in a moment). The policy governing these settings could be distilled down to the rule that Xcode settings were considered 'developer private until explicitly promoted to shared'. Although this was present in versions of Xcode prior to Xcode 4, it wasn't until the introduction of Schemes as the primary vehicle for invoking builds that this approach caused development teams and their Continuous Integration systems problems.
Schemes came along and consolidated a great number of settings screens from early versions of Xcode into a single editor window where a developer could take a look at the highest-level settings for each of the different Action phases of the app:
When running the "Build" action, one could define which targets need to get constructed, or if Xcode should try and identify build dependencies on its own.
For a "Run" action, select which Build Configuration should be used as well as which Debugger to use.
For a "Test" action, select which Build Configuration should be used as well as which Test Classes and Test Data Bundles should be used to test application behavior.
...etc...There are lots of other high-level settings but I'm going to leave exploring them as an exercise for the reader...or an opportunity to ask another SO question!
In each case, these settings cause something of a cascade effect -- Selecting a "Debug" configuration keeps as much diagnostic data in the app as possible to aid developers in tracing the source of problems, this in turn would invoke the "Debug" specific Build Settings as configured in the Build Target itself that may also run "Debug" specific scripts or enable "Debug" specific settings.
Naturally, these selections needed to live somewhere so that they could be persisted between Development sessions or on the rare occasion that Xcode decides to crash. The behavior of "Developer private until promoted" reigned supreme and these Scheme settings were persisted in the "xcuserdata" folder within the .xcodeproj file itself -- This still holds true for those projects that reside as a part of an .xcworkspace.
You can see this for yourself in your own project. First, ensure you are working with a clean version of your code, then open the Xcode project or workspace to ensure that your personal version of the default scheme is available when we walk through your project file:
Switch from Xcode to Finder, then navigate to your project's checkout directory.
Right-click on the .xcodeproj file for your project and select 'Show Package Contents'. If you use a workspace, still select the .xcodeproj that contains your project files, and not the .xcworkspace itself
Navigate into "xcuserdata".
Depending on the number of developers that have been involved with this project or the number of different machines with different usernames that have committed against this project, it is distinctly possible to have more than one .xcuserdatad folder.
Select the folder that matches your OS X username. For me, my OS X username is 'bmusial' so I would select the 'bmusial.xcuserdatad' folder.
Navigate into 'xcschemes' folder.
Observe that you have two files: "[TARGET NAME].xcscheme" and "xcschemenamagement.plist" that contains information about the order of schemes and if schemes should be auto-generated or not.
Ah ha! Schemes are treated as developer-private data and are auto-generated on the first launch of the project!
This realization starts to get at the core of what we need to do -- migrate this scheme out of the developer-specific xcuserdata folder into something shared among all developers, disable auto-scheme-generation to prevent others from falling into the trap in the future, and commit those changes back to your SCM. Switch back to Xcode, let's reconfigure a few things:
Navigate Xcode's Menus: Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes... menu option
Uncheck 'Autocreate Schemes' in the upper left corner of the scheme sheet,
Check the 'Shared' checkbox next to the scheme that should be made available to all developer users and build systems.
Switch back to your Finder window and go up a two levels to get back to the contents of the .xcodeproj folder (the one that contains a 'xcuserdata' folder). Notice that you now have a 'xcshareddata' folder. This folder contains a 'xcschemes' folder that contains the scheme we just shared and the .xcscheme in our own xcuserdata folder is now gone. We have just promoted your private Scheme as a shared, public scheme that will be available to all developers and tools, even those that have never launched the Xcode project directly.
Commit all of the changes we've made (there will be some new folders and files!) back to your SCM so that everyone receives the same configuration changes when the next time they update their source code!
The next time you run phonegap it will reset your checkout as your indicated but because you have a scheme committed it will have build actions it can work with.
Give this a shot and let us know how things go and if you run into any followup questions or problems along the way.
You may also find the ruby gem xcodeproj useful. It can create schemes without having to open xcode.
You can read more about it here.
For phonegap/cordova, save the share_schemes.rb script in a scripts directory in the cordova project.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# share_schemes.rb
require 'xcodeproj'
xcproj ="platforms/ios/MyProject.xcodeproj")
Then add a hook to run it in your config.xml.
<platform name="ios">
<hook type="after_platform_add" src="scripts/share_schemes.rb" />
Now you don't have to open xcode to make changes, or check in any changes in your platforms folder. Every time you add the ios platform, your scheme will be created by this script.

How can I add a file to an existing Mac OS X .app bundle?

I'm writing a modification for Arduino that turns an Arduino board into a game controller.
In order to add my board-specific files to the programming environment, right now, the user needs to open up the package, and then add a few different files into a various folders in the package. It is hardly user friendly. How can I make an installer which automatically moves my files into the appropriate locations within, or is that impossible?
You can download PackageMaker (available here, in the Auxiliary Tools for Xcode download).
You will then be able to make a .pkg that the user will be able to install simply by double clicking. You can also make a script that will check if Arduino is already installed and stop the installation if it's not. You get the idea.
Normally, especially in today's code-signed MacOS app approach (where any modifications to the app or its resources/files would break the app & make it not-launchable), I would say "you're out of luck".
But Arduino is one of the rare OPEN SOURCE apps.
You can fetch the source code from this page:
And make your modifications to the project and then build a fresh, customized copy for yourself.
I figured out how to do it using the magic of scripting!
You can take a look at my solution here:
The folder structure it's in makes it show up as an app on OSX, and the two scripts (LeoJoy Installer and LeoJoyInstaller.command) copy the files. There's two scripts there because I wanted to have a console window pop up to show the user progress, and that's the only way I could figure out how to do that. But, if you run this app in the same directory as the Arduino app, it copies files from the installer app into the package, updating the Arduino app so I don't have to distribute a whole separate version of Arduino.

Xcode IOKit builds well but makes no Build folder or driver

I am familiar with windows driver developing (WinDDK) but recently changed to Xcode for mac and now I am absolutely newbie in this field.
I am trying to make a sample project from Apple tutorial from here:
I have added all settings and now it is turn to make kextlibs try but I can't find any Build folder or driver.
In fact when writing other programs in Xcode , I can run them successfully in simulator but never could make a .dmg file to use without the simulator. Am I missing something?
There should be a 'Products' group in your XCode project's file tree. It should contain your .kext bundle. If you right-click that after a successful build, you can select "Show in Finder". Unlike earlier versions, XCode 4 places build products in a folder somewhere under ~/Library/ - it's not exactly easy to find by hand.
