Run scala script save in utf-8 gets error - windows

I am new to scala and I tried some small programs in book "Programming in Scala", when the scala script is saved in ANSI, it works well. But when I saved it in UTF-8, a error was thrown up as "error: illegal character ?import". I run this small example program on windows. And the example program is like
Source.fromFile(args(0)).getLines.toList.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (line, i) => println(i + " "+line)}
what's going on there?

I guess you saved your file with BOM.
If you save your source code without BOM (How to do it depends on which text editor you are using), it will works fine.


ASCII incompatible encoding with normal run, not in debug mode

I'm really confused on this one, and maybe it's a bug in Ruby 2.6.2. I have files that were written as UTF-8 with BOM, so I'm using the following:
filelist = Dir.entries(#input_dirname).join(' ')
filelist = filelist.split(' ').grep(/xml/)
filelist.each do |indfile|
filecontents_tmp ="#{#input_dirname}/#{indfile}", :encoding =>'bom|utf-8')
puts filecontents_tmp
If I put a debug breakpoint at the puts line, my file is read in properly. If I just run the simple script, I get the following error:
in `read': ASCII incompatible encoding needs binmode (ArgumentError)
I'm confused as to why this would work in debug, but not when run normally. Ideas?
Have you tried printing the default encoding when you run the file as opposed to when you debug the file? There are 3 ways to set / change the encoding in Ruby (that I'm aware of), so I wonder if it's different between running the file and debugging. You should be able to tell by printing the default encoding: puts Encoding.default_external.
As for actually fixing the issue, I ran into a similar problem and found this answer which said to add bin mode as an option to the call and it worked for me.

what is the encoding of the subprocess module output in Python 2.7?

I'm trying to retrieve the content of a zipped archive with python2.7 on 64bit windows vista. I tried by making a system call to 7zip (my favourite archive manager) using the subprocess module:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os, subprocess
Extractor = r'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe'
ArchiveName = r'C:\temp\'
output = subprocess.Popen([Extractor,'l','-slt',ArchiveName],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
This works fine as long as the archive content contains only ascii filenames, but when I try it with non-ascii I get an encoded output string variable where ä, ë, ö, ü have been replaced by \x84, \x89, \x94, \x81 (etcetera). I've tried all kinds of decode/encode calls but I'm just too inexperienced with python (and generally too stupid) to reproduce the original characters with umlaut (which is required if I would like to follow-up this step with e.g. an extraction subprocess call to 7z).
Simply put my question is: How do I get this to work also for archives with non-ascii content?
... or to put it in a more convoluted way: Is the output of subprocess always of a fixed encoding or not?
In the former case -> Which encoding is it?
In the latter case -> How can I control or uncover the encoding of the output of subprocess? Inspired by similar questions on this blog I've tried adding
import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)
and I've also tried
my_env = os.environ
my_env['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8'
output = subprocess.Popen([Extractor,'l','-slt',ArchiveName],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,env=my_env)
but neither seems to alter the encoding of the output variable (or to reproduce the umlaut).
You can try using the -sccUTF-8 switch from 7zip to force the output in utf-8.
Here is ref page:

Copy yaml formatting (indent) from one file to another

A translator completely messed up a yaml file by copying everything into word (don't ask).
I have already cleaned up the file using regexes, but the indent (spacing) is now missing; everything starts at the first character:
thank_you_html: "thank you text"
instead of
thank_you_html: "thank you text"
Do you have a good idea on how to automatically copy the format/structure/indent from the correct file (say en.yml) to the corrupt one (say es.yml)? (I'm using textmate 2.0 as editor)
Assuming the original and the translation contain exactly the same strings per line (except for the indentation problem), a quick&dirty script scanning the leading whitespace may solve this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
indented = File.readlines(ARGV[0]).map do |l|
l.scan(/^\s+/)[0][1])).map { |e| e.join }.join[1], "w") { |io| io.write(indented) }
Save it, make it executable and call
./script_name.rb en.yml es.yml
Wouldn't mess with Textmate if this is not a regular task, but you could easily transform this to a command and either prompt for the two files via a dialog or select both in the file browser, open one of them in the current tab and differentiate them via environment variables ($TM_FILEPATH, $TM_SELECTED_FILES)

Reopening closed file: Lua

I have a file called backup.lua, which the program should write to every so often in order to backup its status, in case of a failure.
The problem is that the program writes the backup.lua file completely fine first-time round, but any other times it refuses to write to the file.
I tried removing the file while the program was still open but Windows told me that the file was in use by 'CrysisWarsDedicatedServer.exe', which is the program. I have told the host Lua function to close the backup.lua file, so why isn't it letting me modify the file at will after it has been closed?
I can't find anything on the internet (Google actually tried to correct my search) and the secondary programmer on the project doesn't know either.
So I'm wondering if any of you folks know what we are doing wrong here?
Host function code:
function ServerBackup(todo)
local write, read;
if todo=="write" then
write = true;
read = true;
if (write) then
local source ="Mods/Infinity/System/Read/backup.lua", "w");
System.Log(TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(2).." for 2, and for 1: "..TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(1))
System.LogAlways("[System] Backing up serverdata to file 'backup.lua'");
source:write("--[[ The server is dependent on this file; editing it will lead to serious problems.If there is a problem with this file, please re-write it by accessing the backup system ingame.--]]");
source:write("Backup = {};Backup.Time = '""%H:%M").."';Backup.Date = '""%d/%m/%Y").."';");
source:write(XFormat("TeamInstantAction:SetTeamScore(2, %d);TeamInstantAction:SetTeamScore(1, %d);TeamInstantAction:UpdateScores();",TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(2), TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(1) ));
for i,player in pairs( or {}) do
if (IsModerator(player)) then
CMPlayer(player, "[!backup] Completed server backup.");
--local source ="Mods/Infinity/System/Read/backup.lua", "r"); Can the file be open here and by the Lua scriptloader too?
if (read) then
System.LogAlways("[System] Restoring serverdata from file 'backup.lua'");
Backup = {};
if not Backup or #Backup < 1 then
System.LogAlways("[System] Error restoring serverdata from file 'backup.lua'");
Thanks all :).
Although the file is now written to the disk fine, the system fails to read the dumped file.
So, now the problem is that the "LoadScript" function isn't doing what you expect:
Because I'm psychic, i have divined that you're writing a Crysis plugin, and are attempting to use it's LoadScript API call.
(Please don't assume everyone here would guess this, or be bothered to look for it. It's vital information that must form part of your questions)
The script you're writing attempts to set Backup - but your script, as written - does not separate lines with newline characters. As the first line is a comment, the entire script will be ignored.
Basicallty the script you've written looks like this, which is all treated as a comment.
--[[ comment ]]--Backup="Hello!"
You need to write a "\n" after the comment (and, I'd recommend in other places too) to make it like this. In fact, you don't really need block comments at all.
-- comment

What might explain an "invalid stored block lengths" error?

I am running a Rails (3.2.3) application with Ruby 1.9.3p194 on the basic Ubuntu lucid32 image in a Vagrant virtual box. The virtual box is running on Leopard, for what it's worth. I'm trying to use rubyzip in the application to decompress a zip archive - Using code directly from examples in the rubyzip repository, I can confirm that I can list the archive file contents:
#f is the absolute path to (string) { |zf| zf.entries[0] }
=> 20090101_da_lmp.csv #that is indeed a file in the archive.
Using some more code from the examples in the repository, I try to get at an actual file in the archive: { |zis|
entry = zis.get_next_entry
print "first line of '#{}' (#{entry.size} bytes: ) "
puts "'#{zis.gets.chomp}'" }
=> first line of '20090101_da_lmp.csv' (826610 bytes: ) Zlib::DataError:
invalid stored block lengths #and a long stack trace I can provide
#if that might help
The Mac OS decompression utility unzips the archive fine. I was wondering if it was some kind of encoding-related thing (my locale is set to en_US.UTF-8 because to make using PostgreSQL in dev less painful), but I don't know how to tell if that's the case. I can't find any information on what might cause this error.
This is a typical error found when feeding random data to an inflater. In fact you will get this error about 1/4 of the time from random data (when the low three bits of the first byte are 000 or 001). So I would guess that the inflation is simply starting at the wrong byte for some reason.
