How can I increase SSL performance with Elastic Beanstalk - performance

I really like Elastic Beanstalk and managed to get my webapp (Spring MVC, Hibernate, ...) up and running using SSL on a Tomcat7 64-bit container.
A major concern to me is performance (I thought using the Amazon cloud would help here).
To benchmark my server performance I am using (which uses the amazon cloud to have multiple clients access my webservice simultaneously).
My very first simple performance test already got me wondering:
I benchmarked a health check url (which basically just prints "I'm ok").
Without SSL: Looks fine.
13 Hits/s with a response time of 9ms
230 Hits/s with a response time of 8ms
With SSL: Not so fine.
13 Hits/s with a response time of 44ms (Ok, this should be a bit larger due to encryption overhead)
30 Hits/s with a response time of 3.6s!
Going higher left me with connection timeouts (timeout = 10s).
I tried using a larger EC2 instance in the background with essentially the same result.
If I am not mistaken, the Load Balancer before the EC2 Instances serves as an endpoint for SSL encryption. How do I increase this performance?
Can this be done with elastic beanstalk? Or do I need to setup my own load balancer etc.?
I also did some tests using Heroku (albeith with a slightly different technology stack, play! vs. SpringMVC). Here I also saw the increased response time, but it stayed mostly constant. I am assuming they are using quite performant SSL endpoints. How do I get that for Elastic Beanstalk?

It seems my testing method was flawed.
Amazon's Elastic Load Balancers seem to go up to 10k SSL requests per second.
See this great writeup:

SSL requires a handshaking before a secure transmission channel is opened. Once the handshaking is done, which involves several roundtrips, the data is transmitted.
When you are just hitting a page using a load tester, it is doing the handshake for each and every hit. It is not reusing an already established session.
That's not how browsers are going to do. Browse will do handshake once and then reuse the open encrypted session for all the subsequent requests for a certain duration.
So, I would not be very worried about the results. I suggest you try a tool like to see how long a full page with many image, js, css etc takes to load over SSL vs non-SSL. That will be a fair comparison.


Difference between HTTP and HTTPS while performing Stress Tests

I am doing stress tests / load tests on a mobile application using Jmeter.
The problem is that when i perform tests using HTTP it works fine, but using HTTPS makes the server go down.
Is there a mechanism included in HTTPS that blocks a load of simultaneous queries ? What can be the problem please ?
EDIT : The question is about Jmeter and the HTTP/HTTPS.
Jmeter simulates a query and starts to re send it like 1000, 2000, etc... time for a specified interval. The use of Jmeter and HTTP works, but Jmeter and HTTPS makes the server go down. Is it possible that the HTTPS have an inside mechanism that could classify the test as DoS attack and block it ?
Notice that HTTP and HTTPS uses different ports
Different ports can route to different IPs and even application, for example go straight to tomcat without apache server
About performance it depends, but overall ~insignificant
HTTPS requires an initial handshake which can be very slow. The actual amount of data transferred as part of the handshake isn't huge (under 5 kB typically), but for very small requests, this can be quite a bit of overhead. However, once the handshake is done, a very fast form of symmetric encryption is used, so the overhead there is minimal. Bottom line: making lots of short requests over HTTPS will be quite a bit slower than HTTP, but if you transfer a lot of data in a single request, the difference will be insignificant.

How is Ruby Mechanize fast after first get request?

I recently programmed a scraper with Ruby's Mechanize gem for the first time. It had to hit the server (some '') where the number will be generated by the script. Like '' and ''.
It turned out that the first request took a lot of time -- around 1.5s on a 512kbps connection. But the next request was done in 0.3ms.
How could it be done so fast? Did it have some caching mechanism?
There are lots of possible sources for a speed change between requests. A few that immediately spring to mind:
DNS lookup cached on your client. The first call must convert "" to "", involving a DNS lookup which may be slow.
HTTP keep-alive. There is an initial conversation between client and server to start an HTTP data transfer. On a high-latency connection you will notice this. If server and client both respect HTTP keep-alive, then a connection can be established once to cover multiple requests.
Server-side caching. The server you are scraping uses caching to speed up multiple similar requests. It might be caching data to do with your current session for example, or even just not fully compiled the script yet until your first request.
Server-side VM resource allocation. If the server is sharing space on a virtualised system, and does not serve high traffic, then it may become more responsive after the first request ensures everything is in RAM and has CPU allocated.
This is by no means exhaustive. The above examples are just to illustrate that this behaviour - initial slow response, followed by faster ones - is very common for web services, and has multiple causes.

It is not possible to download large files at Jetty server

I made a few test downloads using the Jetty 9 server, where it is made multiple downloads of a single file with an approximate size of 80 MB. When smaller number of downloads and the time of 55 seconds is not reached to download, all usually end, however if any downloads in progress after 55 seconds the flow of the network simply to download and no more remains.
I tried already set the timeout and the buffer Jetty, though this has not worked. Has anyone had this problem or have any suggestions on how to solve? Tests on IIS and Apache Server work very well. Use JMeter for testing.
Marcus, maybe you are just hitting Jetty bug 472621?
Edit: The mentioned bug is a separate timeout in Jetty that applies to the total operation, not just idle time. So by setting the http.timeout property you essentially define a maximum time any download is allowed to take, which in turn may cause timeout errors for slow clients and/or large downloads.
A timeout means your client isn't reading fast enough.
JMeter isn't reading the response data fast enough, so the connection sits idle long enough that it idle times out and disconnects.
We test with 800MB and 2GB files regularly.
On using HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/2 protocols.
Using normal (plaintext) connections, and secured TLS connections.
With responses being delivered in as many Transfer-Encodings and Content-Encodings as we can think of (compressed, gzip, chunked, ranged, etc.).
We do all of these tests using our own test infrastructure, often spinning up many many Amazon EC2 nodes to perform a load test that can sufficiently test the server demands (a typical test is 20 client nodes to 1 server node)
When testing large responses, you'll need to be aware of the protocol (HTTP/1.x vs HTTP/2) and how persistence behavior of that protocol can change the request / response latency. In the real world you wont have multiple large requests after each other on the same persisted connection via HTTP/1 (on HTTP/2 the multiple requests would be parallel and be sent at the same time).
Be sure you setup your JMeter to use HTTP/1.1 and not use persisted connections. (see JMeter documentation for help on that)
Also be aware of your bandwidth for your testing, its very common to blame a server (any server) for not performing fast enough, when the test itself is sloppily setup and has expectations that far exceed the bandwidth of the network itself.
Next, don't test with the same machine, this sort of load test would need multiple machines (1 for the server, and 4+ for the client)
Lastly, when load testing, you'll want to become intimately aware of your networking configurations on your server (and to a lesser extent, your client test machines) to maximize your network configuration for high load. Default configurations for OS's are rarely sufficient to handle proper load testing.

Elastic Search Load Testing

I have a single node elastic search server running on ec2. I want to do some load testing using search requests with random search queries. I am using JMeter for load testing with two different approaches -
HTTP Client - When I test using these clients with 10k/20k/50k of requests, it works fine.
ES Transport Client - This works fine with approx 2k of requests.
Here are the steps I have followed -
Instantiating client on every run and close it once the test finished.
Once client instantiates, I start the jmeter sampling and send the search request.
After this run, stops the sampling.
I am getting No Node Available Exception after 2k of request with transport client.
ES Server is running with 3g of memory and have given 6g of memory to load tester.
Please help me if there is some config modification required and if I am not using the correct approach to test the load.
Thanks in Advance.
What kind of responses are you getting from the http test? Have you verified you are getting valid responses for all 10~50k requests? It might be perhaps your cluster cannot take on the load you're putting on it for either test. Since TransportClient is more intimately coupled to the ES server, you will explicitly see errors that come back from TransportClient, but if you're simply sending requests via HTTP without validating the response, it's easy to miss any issues.
Although, before taking a stab in the dark like I just did, I would also check to see what kind of QPS you are getting using the HTTP method vs the TC method, what your CPU/memory look like throughout both tests, what the response times look like, etc. It helps to monitor the health of your system throughout the process to detect any symptoms that might help explain the cause.

Heroku: Really slow connect times to RDS

We're stumped by this, been trying to solve it for a month. It looks like every once in a while (maybe one in 100 requests) our connection time to RDS or RabbitMQ takes > 0.5 seconds.
We're using Heroku with Django, amazon RDS and S3 (we do tons of image uploads).
Here's a sample slow connection (fast connections are really fast, like < 20 ms):
It's worth mentioning both Heroku and RDS are in the us-east region. Also when we use Redis Cloud (Heroku add-on) we see slow connection speeds to that too.
I've also found that these same delays exist for Memcached. In fact, on average Memcached takes roughly the same amount as a request to the database. I'm just using Memcached for storing API keys and there's plenty of memory left.
It resembles something I read earlier on a blog where it seemed that on Heroku a request might be routed to a dyno that is handling a long running request. That way the old request blocks the execution of the next request. The routing isn't quite as "intelligent" as it is advertised.
I'm not 100% sure that this is the problem you are experiencing as is seems that the slowness shouldn't be in the connection but in the handling of the request to Heroku.
You can find more details on the problem describes here:
