does post-redirect-get need to happen for an ajax request? - ajax

is there any reason to use the post-redirect-get (prg) for a request that you know will only happen via an ajax request?
in this scenario, you might have a request that is sent (either via ajax or direct), and we're assuming on the back-end we can distinguish which is which. In the case where the direct request is handled using prg, is there any reason to also handle the ajax request with a prg too?
or can an ajax post just be responded to directly?

For something that only uses AJAX, I can't see a reason to use prg. Since it is not a user controlled action with the possibility of duplication, the only way the AJAX call would be duplicated is if the original page was refreshed before the action finished, and since prg has that same one flaw, you may as well use the direct approach.


Writing cookies on Rails besides the controller, possible?

I'm working on an application stack that has a rather particular architecture. The forms component is loaded on a view, and when the action is submitted, an async call using sidekiq is performed. This calls an endpoint that validates the form data, but none of this is returned back to the server and after this process is fired, there is a redirect to another page.
We want to add cookies to write the status of this call sidekiq did. This is not possible to do on the controller as the controller when it is rendering the destination page has no knowledge of this event that occurred. The possibility of writing this cookie on the async callback is tempting but this is not done on the controller (The controller loads a class that contains a module with this functionality)
Question: Is it possible to write cookies in places not in the controller, such as classes or models? I'm assuming no, but I figured it might be an interesting question.
It's not possible. Writing a cookie is a part of HTTP response, so you need to be in the request-response cycle, i.e. in the controller.
What you could do (and I did that more than once) is to have some kind of record in the database, storing a status of a background job, and from the page you redirected to periodically poll some endpoint with AJAX (or establish a Websocket connection) to check if the job has finished and with what status. Then you'll be able to set the cookie.

redirection after 'delete' in express

From the client side, I am making an Ajax request of type "delete" using jquery.On the server side, I am doing res.redirect(URL).But instead of redirecting, browser is again making a delete request with URL returned from server side for redirecting.
However, it is not happening for a post request.Everything is OK with post request.
Short version
Ajax is trying to follow the request to it's bitter end to get a successful response (2xx). If you want to delete a resource and send the user to a new web page, you will need to handle that after receiving a success response from your Ajax call.
Full explanation
While redirects are sometimes used after processing a request (such as a successful / failed login) it's not really what they're intended for. Generally you would only redirect the user to get them to the resource their looking for. For example, you might move an endpoint such as POST /blog-post to the new location of POST /blog-article. What you're saying to the requester here is that something used to be where it is, but now they need to make a request elsewhere to find what they're after. This is incredibly important when trying to prevent link rot.
The idea of accepting and processing a request, and then moving the user off to another page is more of a coincidence really. It just happens to work due to how a browser handles URL requests.
I expect your POST request is actually using a form, in this case the browser is following the redirect because it received something like a 301 and is attempting to see a request chain through. However when using Ajax a redirect is being handled by the Ajax call itself, not the entire browser. Ajax in this case is acting as if you'd expect if the endpoint had been moved. So for example, if you moved the endpoint on the server side, your application would still function as it would follow the redirect instruction.
What you really need to do is return a successful response to your Ajax call such as a 204 (No content) and then in your frontend move the user on to a new page.
This isn't as convenient I'll admit, but when you understand why the redirects actually exist it makes more sense. They're not a way of telling a user to move onto something else, they're a way of trying to prevent link rot and enable applications to continue working against an API which may have changed slightly.

Does AJAX have any special security concerns?

I know all about SQL injections, and peeking into javascript files that a website uses, and also that GET requests contain all of the information in a URL.
Is there any security concern that is special to AJAX and only pertains to using AJAX?
For example, sending post requests via AJAX seems completely safe to me. Barring SQL injections, I can't think of one thing that could go wrong... is this the correct case?
Also, are "requests" of any kind that a user's browser sends or any information it receives available to be viewed by a third party who should not be viewing? And can that happen to AJAX post requests ('post' requests specifically; not 'get')?
It's like any other form of data input: validate your values, check the referrer, authenticate the session, use SSL.

will the webserver [IIS] possibly know whether a request is an AJAX request or a Normal one

will any webserver [IIS possibly] know whether a request is an AJAX request or a Normal one.
If you are using native XmlHttpRequests then there is no difference between this request and once generated by visiting a page or submitting a form. If you use jQuery to create the AJAX request then is adds a request header X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest. This header could be used to distinguish AJAX and non-AJAX requests.
Some (most?) frameworks can send a custom header, but, really, an ajax request is just the same as a "normal" request from the point of view of the server.
If you use curl, wget, telnet, or a program you write yourself, then the web server handles the request the same way - at the end of the day, it's all HTTP.
The easiest way for the receiving page to 'know' would be to send a query string parameter. This isn't 100% safe though.
Firebug can show you what is being sent to the server from both types of requests, try it out.
Possibly, it is not the webserver that can distinguish, but the server side code might be able to distinguish. If you are talking about ASP.NET and AJAX, then ScriptManager.IsInAsyncPostBack can be used to find whether a postback is from AJAX or not.

What are the benefits of a XMLHttpRequest?

What are the benefits of a XML HTTP request? A given server could send data (e.g. some JSON serialization) for a normal request (non-XHR) as it would send data for a XHR request. And that data could be processed asynchronously (by a browser for example) as well. So why was the XMLHttpRequest invented?
Some things I can think of:
To use the same URL for HTML and a web service
To let the server know that this must be processed fast.
As far as I recall, one of the first uses of XmlHttpRequest was for OWA, which used WebDAV on the wire. So show me how to do methods other than GET/POST without it.
One important thing about XHR is that it's asynchronous and you can have several concurrently running XHR requests. For example you can have several informers on your web page, all updating independently and concurrently.
XMLHttpRequest (or ActiveXObject in IE) is what allows Javascript to make HTTP requests. It was created to be able to retrieve data in Javascript without having to change the page/refresh the browser.
There are non-javascript ways of retrieving data without refreshing the page, but if you are using Javascript XMLHttpRequest is the way to go. Many libraries have simplified the use of this call by implementing ajax functions in their libraries (jQuery.ajax() for example) which causes most people to not even realize that XMLHttpRequest is the underlying call behind it.
I think the biggest reason it exists is that it predates an Ajax JSON request. It was originally the only way to do AJAX based things. It's still useful when requesting an HTML page and populating an HTML element with the information requested. It's much simpler to use XHR in that instance instead of parsing the JSON and reading out a variable.
I guess the simple answer is that if you're looking for a single piece of data it would be a simpler request to process.
