How to stop infinite loop in bash script gracefully? - bash

I need to run application in every X seconds, so, as far as cron does not work with seconds this way, I wrote a bash script with infinite loop having X seconds sleep in it.
When I have to stop the running script manually, I would like to do it in a correct way - let the application complete functioning and just do not enter the loop for the next time.
Do you have any idea, how this can be achieved?
I thought about passing arguments, but I could not find how to pass argument to running script.

You could trap a signal, say SIGUSR1:
echo "My pid is: $$"
trap 'finish=1' SIGUSR1
while (( finish != 1 ))
sleep 42
Then, when you want to exit the loop at the next iteration:
kill -SIGUSR1 pid
Where pid is the process-id of the script. If the signal is raised during the sleep, it will wake (sleep sleeps until any signal occurs).

You may pass some arguments by a file. On each iteration you may read this file and see if your running condtions got changed.

The following structure may be appropriate if you have to do some cleanup anyway. Use kill as shown in cdarke's answer.
# . . .
#=== FUNCTION ================================================
# NAME: cleanup
cleanup ()
# wait for active children, remove empty logfile, ..., exit
exit 0
} # ---------- end of function cleanup ----------
trap cleanup SIGUSR1
echo -e "Script '$0' / PID ${$}"
while : ; do # infinite loop
# . . .
sleep 10
# . . .

The trap solution posted earlier is good for large loops, but cumbersome for the common case where you are just looping over a single or a few commands. In this case I recommend the following solution:
while whatever; do
command || break
This will exit the loop if command has a non-zero exit code, which will happen if it is interrupted. So unless command handles SIGINT, pressing ctrl-C will both stop the current command and exit the loop.
Edit: After reading your question more closely, I see that you want the current command to continue executing. In that case this solution does not apply.


How to kill a sleep process using a script

I want to write a script that will do the following things:
start a sleep 500 command in the foreground.
then send the sleep 500 command in the background so that I can get my prompt back
I have tried doing this inside the script:
sleep 500
kill `pidof sleep`
But when I am running the script, the sleep command does not stop and I do not get my prompt back.
I can't find the exact dup I was looking for so here is a short example. If I understand what you are wanting, you want to start a sleep process and then at any time you want to be able to quit the sleep process returning you to your prompt. You say "background" the sleep process, but I'm not sure whether you actually need to background it to let it expire on its own in the future, or if just need a way out of the sleep whenever you choose (that would make more sense)
While you can simply use Ctrl + C to interrupt the process, you won't be returned to your script. So if you need a way to return to your script, you need to trap SIGINT. When you set a trap 'some command' SIGINT your script will intercept and process the interrupt and control will return to the point following the sleep command, e.g.
## set trap
trap 'printf "\n[Ctrl + C] SIGINT intercepted\n"' SIGINT
printf "sleeping 500...\n"
sleep 500
## rest of script after sleep
printf "control returned to script\ncontinuing to process commands\n"
Example Running Script Above
$ bash
sleeping 500...
[Ctrl + C] SIGINT intercepted
control returned to script
continuing to process commands
That may or may not satisfy what you need. However, you can build on that to control what happens after an interrupt a bit further. When you set the trap you can have it call a separate function within your script that can conditionally execute code and end the script on that separate branch by calling exit. That has the effect of transferring control back to your script to only execute commands from the path that starts with the function you specify. This provides away to avoid executing code that follows the sleep, while providing a separate execution path in your script to run whatever is needed after interrupt from sleep.
Conditionally Executing Commands After Interrupt
Rather than just sleep 500, in the next example we will repeatedly call two functions sleep_a which calls a nested sleep function sleep_b. Following SIGINT control will be passed to a function named handle_interrupt where additional commands can be executed calling exit to exit the script and return you to your prompt. An additional function called actual_exit is called to perform the exit.
## function called to exit, returning you to prompt
function actual_exit
printf " Exiting after '%s'\n\n" "$1"
## function called after SIGINT, calls actual_exit to disply signal caught
function handle_interrupt
printf "\n Signal SIGINT Caught! [ctrl + c]\n\n"
actual_exit 'SIGINT'
## set trap
trap handle_interrupt SIGINT # calls handle_interrupt on [ctrl + c]
declare -i idx=0 ## loop counter
function sleep_b
printf "\nentering sleep_b\n"
sleep 2
printf "executing post sleep_b index: %s\n" $((idx++))
function sleep_a
printf "\nentering sleep_a\n"
sleep 2
printf "executing post sleep_a index: %s\n" $((idx++))
## repeatedly call nested sleep until signal received
while :; do
## rest of script after sleep
printf "control returned to script\ncontinuing to process commands\n"
When the script is interrupted, the command following below the while loop are never reached as the script exits through the code path provided by the function called on SIGINT.
Providing Common Commands On exit
You can add yet another layer of execution by setting a trap on EXIT. If you have a collection of signal you set a trap for, you can have all end though a common function. For example if you monitored multiple signals each returning to a function ultimately calling exit, you can set a trap on EXIT calling a final function holding commands to be executed before the script exits.
For example, you could do:
trap final_function EXIT # calls final_function on exit() from script
where a call to exit anywhere within the script would invoke the trap on EXIT calling final_function before returning control back to you.
Let me know if something like one of the incremental levels of handling canceling sleep though an interrupt will do what you need. Technically it doesn't "background" sleep, but does allow you to cancel the sleep at any moment conditionally returning control within your script to wherever you choose.

Prevent SIGINT from interrupting current task while still passing information about SIGINT (and preserve the exit code)

I have a quite long shell script and I'm trying to add signal handling to it.
The main task of the script is to run various programs and then clean up their temporary files.
I want to trap SIGINT.
When the signal is caught, the script should wait for the current program to finish execution, then do the cleanup and exit.
Here is an MCVE:
trap 'stop_this=1' 2
while true ; do
result="$(sleep 2 ; echo success)" # run some program
echo "result: '$result'"
echo "Cleaning up..." # clean up temporary files
if [ $stop_this -ne 0 ] ; then
echo 'OK, time to stop this.'
exit 0
The expected result:
Cleaning up...
result: 'success'
Cleaning up...
^Cresult: 'success'
Cleaning up...
OK, time to stop this.
The actual result:
Cleaning up...
result: 'success'
Cleaning up...
^Cresult: ''
Cleaning up...
OK, time to stop this.
The problem is that the currently running instruction (result="$(sleep 2 ; echo success)" in this case) is interrupted.
What can I do so it would behave more like I was set trap '' 2?
I'm looking for either a POSIX solution or one that is supported by most of shell interpreters (BusyBox, dash, Cygwin...)
I already saw answers for Prevent SIGINT from closing child process in bash script but this isn't really working for me. All of these solutions require to modify each line which shouldn't be interrupted. My real script is quite long and much more complicated than the example. I would have to modify hundreds of lines.
You need to prevent the SIGINT from going to the echo in the first place (or rewrite the cmd that you are running in the variable assignment to ignore SIGINT). Also, you need to allow the variable assignment to happen, and it appears that the shell is aborting the assignment when it receives the SIGINT. If you're only worried about user generated SIGINT from the tty, you need to disassociate that command from the tty (eg, get it out of the foreground process group) and prevent the SIGINT from aborting the assignment. You can (almost) accomplish both of those with:
while true ; do
trap 'stop_this=1' INT
{ sleep 1; echo success > tmpfile; } & # run some program
while ! wait; do : ; done
trap : INT
result=$(cat tmpfile& wait)
echo "result: '$result'"
echo "Cleaning up..." # clean up temporary files
if [ $stop_this -ne 0 ] ; then
echo 'OK, time to stop this.'
exit 0
If you're worried about SIGINT from another source, you'll have to re-implement sleep (or whatever command I presume sleep is a proxy for) to handle SIGINT the way you want. The key here is to run the command in the background and wait for it to prevent the SIGINT from going to it and terminating it early. Note that we've opened at least 2 new cans of worms here. By waiting in a loop, we're effectively ignoring the any errors that the subcommand might raise (we're doing this to try and implement a SIGRESTART), so may potentially hang. Also, if the SIGINT arrives during the cat, we have attempted to prevent the cat from aborting by running it in the background, but now the variable assignment will be terminated and you'll get your original behavior. Signal handling is not clean in the shell! But this gets you closer to your desired goal.
Sighandling in shell scripts can get clumsy. It's pretty much impossible to
do it "right" without the support of C.
The problem with:
result="$(sleep 2 ; echo success)" # run some program
is that $() creates a subshell and in subshells, non-ignored (trap '' SIGNAL is how you ignore SIGNAL)
signals are reset to their default dispositions which for SIGINT is to terminate the process
($( ) gets its own process, thought it will receive the signal too because the terminal-generated SIGINT
is process-group targeted)
To prevent this, you could do something like:
trap '' INT #ignore; could get killed right before the trap command
sleep 2; echo success)"
result="$( trap : INT; #no-op handler; same problem
sleep 2; while ! echo success; do :; done)"
but as noted, there will be a small race-condition window between the start of the
subshell and the registration of the signal handler during which
the subshell could get killed by the reset-to-default SIGINT signal.
Both answers from #PSkocik and #WilliamPursell have helped me to get on the right track.
I have a fully working solution. It ain't pretty because it needs to use an external file to indicate that the signal didn't occurred but beside that it should work reliably.
touch ./continue
trap 'rm -f ./continue' 2
( # the whole main body of the script is in a separate background process
trap '' 2 # ignore SIGINT
while true ; do
result="$(sleep 2 ; echo success)" # run some program
echo "result: '$result'"
echo "Cleaning up..." # clean up temporary files
if [ ! -e ./continue ] ; then # exit the loop if file "./continue" is deleted
echo 'OK, time to stop this.'
) & # end of the main body of the script
while ! wait ; do : ; done # wait for the background process to end (ignore signals)
wait $! # wait again to get the exit code
result=$? # exit code of the background process
rm -f ./continue # clean up if the background process ended without a signal
exit $result
EDIT: There are some problems with this code in Cygwin.
The main functionality regarding signals work.
However, it seems like the finished background process doesn't stay in the system as a zombie. This makes the wait $! to not work. The exit code of the script has incorrect value of 127.
Solution to that would be removing lines wait $!, result=$? and result=$? so the script always returns 0.
It should be also possible to keep the proper error code by using another layer of subshell and temporarily store the exit code in a file.
For disallowing interrupting the program:
But if a sub-command handles traps by itself, and that command must really complete, you need to prevent passing signals to it.
For people on Linux that don't mind installing extra commands, you can just use:
waitFor [command]
Alternatively you can adapt the latest source code of waitFor into your program as needed, or use the code from Gilles' answer. Although that has the disadvantage of not benefiting from updates upstream.
Just mind that other terminals and the service manager can still terminate "command". If you want the service manager to be unable to close "command", it shall be run as a service with the appropriate kill mode and kill signal set.
You may want to adapt the following:
rm -f $tmpfile
trap : INT
# put the action that should not be interrupted in the innermost brackets
# | |
( set -m; (sleep 10; echo success > $tmpfile) & wait ) &
wait # wait will be interrupted by Ctrl+c
while [ ! -r $tmpfile ]; do
echo "waiting for $tmpfile"
sleep 1
result=`cat $tmpfile`
echo "result: '$result'"
This seems also to work with programs that install their own SIGINT handler like mpirun and mpiexec and so on.

Run / Close Programs over and over again

Is there a way I can write a simple script to run a program, close that program about 5 seconds later, and then repeat?
I just want to be able to run a program that I wrote over and over again but to do so Id have to close it like 5 seconds after running it.
If your command is non-interactive (requires no user interaction):
Launch your program in the background with control operator &, which gives you access to its PID (process ID) via $!, by which you can kill the running program instance after sleeping for 5 seconds:
# Start an infinite loop.
# Use ^C to abort.
while :; do
# Launch the program in the background.
/path/to/your/program &
# Wait 5 seconds, then kill the program (if still alive).
sleep 5 && { kill $! && wait $!; } 2>/dev/null
If your command is interactive:
More work is needed if your command must run in the foreground to allow user interaction: then it is the command to kill the program after 5 seconds that must run in the background:
# Turn on job control, so we can bring a background job back to the
# foreground with `fg`.
set -m
# Start an infinite loop.
# CAVEAT: The only way to exit this loop is to kill the current shell.
# Setting up an INT (^C) trap doesn't help.
while :; do
# Launch program in background *initially*, so we can reliably
# determine its PID.
# Note: The command line being set to the bakground is invariably printed
# to stderr. I don't know how to suppress it (the usual tricks
# involving subshells and group commands do not work).
/path/to/your/program &
pid=$! # Save the PID of the background job.
# Launch the kill-after-5-seconds command in the background.
# Note: A status message is invariably printed to stderr when the
# command is killed. I don't know how to suppress it (the usual tricks
# involving subshells and group commands do not work).
{ (sleep 5 && kill $pid &) } 2>/dev/null
# Bring the program back to the foreground, where you can interact with it.
# Execution blocks until the program terminates - whether by itself or
# by the background kill command.
Check out the watch command. It will let you run a program repeatedly monitoring the output. Might have to get a little fancy if you need to kill that program manually after 5 seconds.
A simple example:
watch -n 5
To literally answer your question:
Run 10 times with sleep 5:
while [ $COUNTER -lt 10 ]; do
# your script
sleep 5
Run continuously:
while [ 1 ]; do
# your script
sleep 5
If there is no input on the code, you can simply do
while [ 1 ]
if [ $? == 0 ]
sleep 5

How to handle signals in bash during synchronous execution?

I have a bash script process which at some point executes a long-running subprocess synchronously.
During the run of that subprocess, a signal is sent directly to the bash script process requesting the script to terminate.
Is there any way to intercept that signal, terminate the subprocess and then exit the bash process?
Apparently, bash's signal handling never interrupts synchronous calls?
I cannot control the fact that the termination signal is sent to the bash process. Although if the signal could propagate to the child process, that would also solve my issue.
thanks in advance,
See the man page of bash, chapter SIGNALS:
If bash is waiting for a command to complete and receives a signal for which a trap has been set, the trap will not be executed until the command completes. When bash is waiting for an asynchronous command via the wait builtin, the reception of a signal for which a trap has been set will cause the wait builtin to return immediately with an exit status greater than 128, immediately after which the trap is executed.
So, run your external program asynchronously and use wait. Kill it using $!.
Here's a bash utility function I wrote to handle this. It's proved useful and robust. I hope you find it useful.
# Run a command in a way that can be interrupted by a signal (eg SIGTERM)
# When bash receives a SIGTERM it normally simply exits. If it's executing a subprocess
# that subprocess isn't signaled. (Typically that's not a problem for interactive shells
# because the entire Process Group gets sent the signal.)
# When running a script it's sometimes useful for the script to propagate a SIGTERM
# to the command that was running. We can do that by using the trap builtin to catch
# the signal. But it's a little tricky, per the bash manual:
# If bash is waiting for a command to complete and receives a signal for
# which a trap has been set, the trap will not be executed until the
# command completes.
# so a script executing a long-running command with a signal trap set won't
# notice the signal until later. There's a way around that though...
# When bash is waiting for an asynchronous command via the wait builtin, the
# reception of a signal for which a trap has been set will cause the wait
# builtin to return immediately with an exit status greater than 128,
# immediately after which the trap is executed.
# Usage:
# interruptable [options] command [args]
# Options:
# --killall - put the child into a process group (via setsid)
# and send the SIGTERM to the process group
# --debug - print a message including pid of the child
# Usage examples:
# interruptable sleep 3600
# If not interrupted, the exit status of the specified command is returned.
# If interrupted, the specified command is sent a SIGTERM and the current
# shell exits with a status of 143.
interruptable() {
# handle options
local setsid=""
local debug=false
while true; do
case "${1:-}" in
--killall) setsid=setsid; shift ;;
--debug) debug=true; shift ;;
--*) echo "Invalid option: $1" 1>&2; exit 1;;
*) break;; # no more options
# start the specified command
$setsid "$#" &
local child_pid=$!
# arrange to propagate a signal to the child process
trap '
exec 1>&2
set +e
trap "" SIGPIPE # ensure a possible sigpipe from the echo does not prevent the kill
echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]} caught SIGTERM while executing $* (pid $child_pid), sending SIGTERM to it"
# (race) child may have exited in which case kill will report an error
# if setsid is used then prefix the pid with a "-" to indicate that the signal
# should be sent to the entire process group
kill ${setsid:+-}$child_pid
exit 143
# ensure that the trap doesn't persist after we return
trap 'trap - SIGTERM' RETURN
$debug && echo "interruptable wait (child $child_pid, self $$) for: $*"
# An error status from the child process will trigger an exception (via set -e)
# here unless the caller is checking the return status
wait $child_pid # last command, so status of waited for command is returned
Yes, the signal can be intercepted with the trap command. See the example below:
function wrap {
local flag=0
trap "flag=1" SIGINT SIGTERM
xeyes &
while :
if [ $flag -ne 0 ] ; then
kill $subppid
sleep 1
trap "flag=1" SIGINT SIGTERM
wrap &
while : # This is the same as "while true".
if [ $flag -ne 0 ] ; then
kill $wrappid
sleep 1 # This script is not really doing anything.
echo 'end'
What trap basically does is that it executes the command between "". So here the main function is in the while loop below. In every iteration the script checks if the flag is set, if not, it sleeps for a second. Before that, we remembered the pid of the child process via $!. The trap issues the command when the SIGINT or SIGTERM is caught (for other signals see kill manual).
The wrapper function does the same, as the main function. Additionally it calls the actual subprocess function (in this case subprocess is xeyes). When the wrapper function receives SIGTERM signal from the main function (main function also caught one of the signals), the wrapper function can clean up things before actually killing the subprocess. After that it breaks from the while loop and exits the wrapper function. Then the main function also breaks and prints 'end'.
Hope I understand this correctly, you are forced to execute xeyes &. Then the steps would be as follows (in terminal):
xeyes &
trap "kill $subpid && exit " SIGINT SIGTERM
.... other stuff
.... more stuff
^C #TERMINATE - this firstly kills xeyes and then exits the terminal

start and monitoring a process inside shell script for completion

I have a simple shell script whose also is below:
echo "starting the process which is a c++ process which does some database action for around 30 minutes"
#this below process should be run in the background
<binary name> <arg1> <arg2>
Now what I want is to monitor and display the status information of the process.
I don't want to go deep into its functionality. Since I know that the process will complete in 30 minutes, I want to show to the user that 3.3% is completed for every 1 min and also check whether the process is running in the background and finally if the process is completed I want to display that it is completed.
could anybody please help me?
The best thing you could do is to put some kind of instrumentation in your application,
and let it report the actual progress in terms of work items processed / total amount of work.
Failing that, you can indeed refer to the time that the thing has been running.
Here's a sample of what I've used in the past. Works in ksh93 and bash.
#! /bin/ksh
set -u
max=30 interval=1 n=0
main() {
($prog_under_test $args_for_prog) & pid=$! t0=$SECONDS
while is_running $pid; do
sleep $interval
(( delta_t = SECONDS-t0 ))
(( percent=100*delta_t/max ))
report_progress $percent
is_running() { (kill -0 ${1:?is_running: missing process ID}) 2>& -; }
function report_progress { typeset percent=$1
printf "\r%5.1f %% complete (est.) " $(( percent ))
If your process involves a pipe than would be an excellent solution or an alternative is . But these are essentially like "cat" with a progress bar and need something to pipe through them. There is a small program that you could compile and then execute as a background process then kill when things finish up, that would probablly work if you just want to dispaly something for 30 minutes and then print out almost done in the console if your process runs long and it exits, but you would have to modify it. Might be better just to create another shell script that displays a character every few seconds in a loop and checks if the pid of the previous process is still running, I believe you can get the parent pid by looking at the $$ variable then check if it is still running in /proc/pid .
You really should let the command output statistics, but for simplicity's sake you can do something like this to simply increment a counter while your process runs:
cmd & # execute a command
pid=$! # Record the pid of the command
while sleep 60; do
: $(( i += 1 ))
e=$( echo $i 3.3 \* p | dc ) # compute percent completed
printf "$e percent complete\r" # report completion
done & # reporter is running in the background
pid2=$! # record reporter's pid
# Wait for the original command to finish
if wait $pid; then
echo cmd completed successfully
echo cmd failed
kill $pid2 # Kill the status reporter
