I'm not sure what's going on here. I've reformed the links in every way I can think of to try and reference my Script libraries, but nothing seems to work.
When I upload it to my web host it works fine, locally it doesn't work at all.
The weirdest part is, it references my CSS files fine and nothing else seems to have any issues.
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/main.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
//Doesn't work
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
I'm not sure what could be going on here or really even where to debug from here. I've tried removing the #Url.Content(...) and pointing directly to the directory, but that doesn't do anything at all. Hopefully someone else has run into this issue and has figured out a solution.
Using: ASP.NET MVC3 Razor, Visual Studio 2010 Professional
If you're using the default directory setup then your Scripts folder is a sub-directory of the Content folder; in which case:
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Content/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js")"></script>
I am publishing my Web App using the VS2013 publish mechanism. For some reason it has just started corrupting the js and css filenames. e.g.
<link href="/Content/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/css?v=puREEettBuwGkRK7y27hOQwXg4qvcAYRnG8wxc0gvnU1" rel="stylesheet"/>
This is only happening on publish to the live site. It works fine on publish to the localhost site. It looks like possibly some kind of versioning.
The defined bundles in BundleConfig are not being expanded, instead parsed with the above result.
Any ideas? I have not seen it before and its not showing up on Google searches. Thanks for any suggestions.
For anyone else getting this problem - Once I realised it was the Bundles I found this which gave a lots of thoughts. However my specific issue was that I had installed Select2 via NuGet which had added a css directory in Content. As I was creating a Bundle pointing at Content\css these clashed. I removed the css directory and republished. Still didn't work. But when I removed that directory on the server manually it all started working again.
I have included the CDN of the bootstrap CSS in my project. Everything works absolutely fine, except when I type
<div class="
Then Visual Studio pops up an error saying:
Unable to edit
here`The style sheet must be part of the current project and the project must be a Web Site or Web Application project
I can hit OK to dismiss these errors, and then everything works fine as well - it reads the CSS classes and populates Intellisense and works correctly when I build. But why is Visual Studio trying to edit the remote CSS file? How can I tell it not to?
I was having the same problem and a little search brought me to the following page:
In a nutshell: Add a fake parameter to the end of your CDN URL to get rid of your errors. This also makes intellisense work correctly.
<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css?parameter=1" rel="stylesheet">
I'm having trouble figuring out why when I create a new MVC 3 application the jQuery intellisence is not working until I alter the script tag in my _Layout page. According to a tutorial I watched, as long as I placed the vsdoc file in my scripts folder, I should have jQuery intellisense but that is not the case, at least thats not happening for me. After creating a new project, here is what the script tag looks like in my _Layout.cshtml page:
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
I have included the vsdoc file in my Scripts folder but I do not have jQuery intellisense. If I do a view sorce on the page here is what I see:
<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
It doesn't look as if the path is correctly resolved.
So I then delete this tag and replace it by dragging and dropping the file to the page and end up with this:
<script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Now I get jQuery intellisense. So why do I have to make these changes befeore I get intellisense? Is this something that others have experienced or am I possibly doing something wrong? It seems like the #Url.Content functionality is broke and leads me to wonder if maybe I will have problems with it for other uses like placing images on a form.
As far as I am aware, your vsdoc.js script cannot just exist in the scripts folder. It has to be referenced in every view that will use it.
You should reference it like this:
#if (false) {
<script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.5.1-vsdoc.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Note: Check the version of the file that you reference is correct.
The if statement will prevent the browser from actually downloading the file.
I first created an MVC3 Intranet web application in Visual Studio 2010 Professional.
It worked just fine.
I then right-clicked on the application and chose "Use IIS Express..."
I also edited the application properties and disabled Anonymous Authentication but enabled Windows Authentication.
Nothing more. This is a bare-bones, default skeleton of an application that I want to start from.
Now when I run, I first get a pop-up window to login with my username and password. This is just as I expect. However, when I log in, the "Home" and "About" pages are not formatted correctly. It looks like IIS Express isn't reading my Site.css file.
How do I fix this?
- Paul
The default links for the style sheets typically use the ../../ directory navigation. When you're on a real webserver, those links typically fail 'cause now you're in a different folder setup. An easy way to correct them is to use:
<link href="<%: Url.Content("~/Content/style.css") %>"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
The url.content part will rebase the links to the current directory and will link up it's content correctly.
Hope this helps some, and good luck on your project.
Hi I'm editing a website that has been made compatable with internet explorer so it doesn't work in firefox.
Is there any way to add a firefox or mozilla stylesheet?
Thanks for you help
<!--[if FIREFOX]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/AEBP_Homepage_12887/css/firefox.css" />
You can't do anything as elegant as the Paul Irish solution for IE but you can create a FF specific set of definitions using:
#-moz-document url-prefix() { CSS BLOCK }
Before anyone starts jumping up and down screaming "THIS SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO HAPPEN UNLESS YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG" - it totally happens when we're talking about Firefox vs Chrome vs IE font rendering on a tightly constrained grid with a lot of left to right text justification.
You might also try out the CSS Browser selector:
This simple JS file allows you to append things like .gecko and .ff3 to your CSS.
* APPENDED - 2014 *
I want to actually append this because, two years later, the standard solution is to perform feature detection through modernizr.js instead of browser detection. "Firefox" is a very blunt instrument with all the versions hanging around the net. This answer still works, it's just not the recommended solution unless you very specifically need the browser, all versions, and nothing else.
One way to do this, with php is to look at the user agent and see what browser is it. This is what I use:
if (preg_match('/Firefox|Chrome|Opera|Safari|MSIE 8.0/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
link rel="stylesheet" href="one.css" type="text/css" media="screen"
else {
link rel="stylesheet" href="other.css" type="text/css" media="screen"
Also in the preg_match function you should enter the agents that you want.
Have in mind, if you don't know php, that the example I wrote needs editing and correct formatting.
No. The <!--[if IE]><![endif]--> syntax is Internet Explorer specific. It is a non-standard microsoft extension to CSS.
See conditional comments for more details.
No, conditional comments are entirely an Internet Explorer thing AFAIK.
However, you can create a conditional comment that IE will not parse and thus is for non-IE browsers only:
<![if !IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/AEBP_Homepage_12887/css/firefox.css" />
this is however not valid HTML. There seem to be workarounds to make it valid. Check out the "Downlevel-Revealed conditional comment" paragraph in the Wikipedia article.