Visual Studio 2010 current row highlight - visual-studio-2010

I'm using Productivity Power Tools' Highlight current line feature. However, I'd also like to highlight the current column (i.e. have a vertical highlighting bar).
How can I do this?

I don't think it's possible. How could you have a common highlight column when the font is not Fixed.


How to disable reference highlighting in Visual Studio 2022

The problem is displayed in this image.
Changing the item background color for Highlighted Reference helps a bit but they are still highlighted with boxes around them. In the old versions of Visual Studio it was caused by productivity power tools extension and there was an option to disable it. I do not have productivity power tools extension installed on Visual Studio 2022.
There seems to be options to disable this for languages like c#. Is there a way to completely remove this highlighting in editors for "All Languages"?
There doesn't seem to be a setting that turns it off for all languages, however if you change the RBG values to 30 for all three (if you are using the default dark theme in Visual Studio), you can essentially achieve this, since the highlighting will be the same exact color as the background, thus hiding it. To change these, click the "Custom..." button for both the items foreground and background and set the red, green, and blue values to 30. The rest of the values should automatically adjust.
The problem is, Highlighted Reference doesn't cover everything. You probably will also want to set the same RGB values for Highlighted Written Reference and Highlighted Definition, otherwise some things will still get highlighted.
Here is a .gif showing how this works will all three of these settings set to 30 in a C# code file:
You actually have one more Highlighted setting than my Visual Studio installation (perhaps I need an update) and that is the Highlighted Parameter one. Presumably, that controls the highlight of parameters to methods and such. I would assume you'd want that to also be set to 30 for the RBG values.
Also, you may notice that in the .gif it looks like there is a box around the item my cursor is under - that is because of the Highlight Current Line setting. You can also set that to 30 for the RBG values to achieve a 100% un-highlighted experience, but that might be going a bit extreme!

Visual Studio - disable reversed cursor to select line

I hope this is okay to ask on SO, I'm not sure. I apologize if it shouldn't be here.
I reinstalled Visual Studio Professional 2015 yesterday due to a few issues I was having. With the new installation, my line numbers have a very wide section where the mouse reverses direction and select the entire line if clicked. I don't recall this area being so wide on any of my previous installations of VS2015; I know it was there in the first place. Is there a way to disable this?
This is the area where this happens, boxed in green. It's much wider than the line numbers fill (only 147 lines in this file).
There are two "margins" available in Visual Studio 2015: Selection and Indicator available under Tools > Options > Text Editor > General > Display. Turning these off remove some, but not all of the "extra space" and the feature of highlighting an entire line is still there.
If you want to turn them off because the extra space is bothersome, keep in mind you will not be able to see breakpoints unless "highlight current line" is checked.

How to locate the formatting of a line in the Options/Fonts and Colors dialog?

I am using Resharper 6.x with VS2010. One of the features is that if you double click on a variable, it is highlighted and then other usages of the variable are highlighted, like so:
The background and foreground colors of the highlighted variable are too close to each other and I am trying to change it in the Options/Fonts and Colors dialog. It has a small Sample window (below). I've gone through the entire list of display items and can't find the one matching what I see in the coding window.
So 2 questions:
Which display item should I change to affect the back/fore colors of the highlighted variables?
Is there some tool that that will point me to the display item in question for any piece of code?
P.S. I am using the Ragnarok as my base color theme.
P.P.S. This may have nothing to do with Resharper. I turned it off and the coloring was still there. I guess my original question still stands - how to affect the colors of the highlighted variables.
Visual Studio 2010 Reference Highlighting
As you already presumed: The reference highlighting of current selection is not a ReSharper feature but a VS 2010 feature. So you need to look at VS items in Fonts and Colors dialog.
The right display item is Highlighted Reference.
ReSharper Reference Highlighting
ReSharper's equivalent is Highlight usages in file by pressing Shift+Alt+F11.
Then all read references have light blue background color (related display item in Fonts and Colors dialog is ReSharper Read Usage).
And all write references have rose background color (related display item in Fonts and Colors dialog is ReSharper Write Usage).
But the disadvantage of ReSharper's reference highlighting is that you need to press a shortcut. VS does the highlighting automatically.

What's the 2010 color item name for highlighted text when searching?

Whenever I do a find/replace in 2010, I can barely see where the highlighted text is on y screen.
I want to change the background color of the highlighted text during find/replace etc.
In settings (font and colors), what is the item name that is for the highlighted text during find/replace?
Within Visual Studio 2010
menu: Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors
in the Selected Items window: choose "Selected Text" (it's the second from the top for me.)
You can then change the background color (on the right side of the dialog window.)
The correct item is inactive selected text.
See Dave's answer here:
visual studio find and replace highlight color
You have to install the Productivity Power Tools extension to change this setting. Then it will be under Find Highlight (Extension).
For me, the selected text setting does not affect the color of highlighting when doing a find/replace or a quick find.
You'll find that one at: Text Editor -> Selected Text. You're looking to set the Item Background property. Be aware, it's the same format used for any time text is selected, not just when find/replace is invoked -- that specific action doesn't have a specific format associated with it.

Using the selection margin and outlining region to select text in VS2010 beta 2

Is it possible to get the selection margin and outlining region in VS2010 to work the way it does in VS2008 when you are trying to select a line of text with the mouse?
In 2010 you have to move an extra little way over to the left past the outlining region to select a line with the mouse, whereas in 2008 clicking in the outlining region also let you select the line.
In VS2010 dbl clicking in the outlining region on the gray line between the glyphs will expand/collapse the region but I'd prefer to be able to select the text instead..
Seems so specific that i highly doubt that it would be a setting. So i guess not, but correct me if im wrong.
