How to build a very basic Guard example? - ruby

My goal is to build a simple custom guard with Guard. The gem install and bundler install for my app went fine. My Guardfile contains:
notification :growl
guard 'eyeball' do
watch %r{^app/(.*)}
watch %r{^config/(.*)}
watch %r{^lib/(.*)}
Ok, next, I need to tell Guard what to do when a match happens. But I don't know where to do that. (In this case, I want to watch my application for changes and run some arbitrary code. Assume that there isn't a guard available for what I want. I want to learn how to do it myself.)
In true 'blunder and see what errors pop up next' style, when I run guard I get this error message:
ERROR: Could not load 'guard/eyeball' or find class Guard::Eyeball
ERROR: cannot load such file -- guard/eyeball
ERROR: Invalid Guardfile, original error is:
undefined method `new' for nil:NilClass
ERROR: No guards found in Guardfile, please add at least one.
Guard uses Growl to send notifications.
Guard is now watching at '/Users/my-user-name/dev/my-project-name'
So, that gives me a hint that I need to create a guard/eyeball.rb file. Maybe? But how was I supposed to know this from the documentation?
I've read (several times) the very detailed and useful Guard README but haven't found a good simple example that shows someone how to do 'just the basics' of writing your own guard. Unexpectedly, RailsCasts didn't really answer my question either: see RailsCast #264 Guard.
Did I overlook something in the Guard README? Can you help or point to a good example? Thanks!

Sweet! I just found a Wiki page on the Guard wiki titled Create a guard that answers my questions. It was not mentioned in the README, so I had to dig for it.


can't get ruby omniauth-ebay-oauth gem example code working

I am trying to setup and use omniauth-ebay-oauth ( gem to use eBay rest APIs in my app without success.
I set up the required environment variables and run the example code but get a message saying "Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty.". It does not recognise the '/auth/ebay' route, not sure if I have to declare that route myself nor what to put in it if I do. I'm new to ruby and Sinatra so do apologise if this is just something silly and obvious that I'm missing.
require 'omniauth-ebay-oauth'
use Rack::Session::Cookie
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :ebay_oauth, ENV['EBAY_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['EBAY_CLIENT_SECRET'],
callback_url: ENV['EBAY_RU_NAME'], name: 'ebay'
get '/' do
redirect '/auth/ebay'
get '/auth/ebay/callback' do
"Hello, #{request.env['omniauth.auth'].dig('info', 'name')}"
I appreciate any help and insight in getting this working. I've googled everywhere and asking here as my last resort.
I opened an issue on the GitHub repository and the gem creator replied in 3 hours. Totally life saver. I will post the solution here to help others.
It is because of security settings of OmniAuth 2.x.
Add the following line at the top, after requires:
OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods += %i[get]
This worked like a charm and I can now move forwards with the project.

humanize NoMethodError on padrino-

I used padrino- and activesupport-5.1.1 in combination and I generate padrino admin app. When I display the login page (/admin/sessions/new) the following error occurred and become 500 error page.
DEBUG - TEMPLATE (0.0007s) /sessions/new
2017-11-07 20:23:01 - NoMethodError - undefined method `humanize' for "login.title":String:
/Path/to/app/'vendor/bundle' /ruby/2.3.0/gems/padrino-admin- `padrino_admin_translate'
I think it is not a bug of Padrino, because I cannot find same problems in the Internet. And I add the following require to the beginning of view_helpers.rb provisionaly.
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/core_ext/string'
However, I think it is not good to edit Padrino's files because of my application problem. Please let me know if you have any other good countermeasures.
I got the answer of this question from Padrino maintainer on Github.
And I tried the suggestion in the answer, that worked well.
The answer is following.
Looks like a bug due to the ongoing effort to remove the ActiveSupport dependency from Padrino.
You don't need to update view_helpers.rb - creating a file in config/initializers should be sufficient as a temporary stop-gap until the bug is fixed.
# config/initializers/extra_requires.rb
require "active_support"
require "active_support/core_ext/string" and error handling in Golang

I wrote a library for Instagram API and tell to check my repository
but tell me that all of the error handlers in my source code isn't Good. see this
How can I handle errors perfectly and say it's good :smile:
sorry for my English
I think it's trying to tell you that your tests are not covering that path. It means that the tests you wrote are probably testing only the "happy path" and not going into those error handling branches.

Twitter handler (sensu and ruby) troubleshooting

I'm trying to get Sensu twitter-handler working on my environment. The issue is that I'm not getting any errors on screen or logs when I cat a .json event into the twitter-handler and, the tweets are not being shown on the linked account.
Here're are my config files:
This is the output I get:
One important note is that in sensu-api.log the request are being recieved:
So, my question is: is there a way to troubleshoot this issue? Any way to debug the handler.rb?
Finally got it working! Thing was the new 'twitter' gem (in my case v5.6) won't work with the code as it was written. I needed to follow this great answer and this thread too. Was just a matter of sintaxis (as usual).

Codeigniter hiding errors from libraries. Why?

So I has a small problem as I outlined here.
I have made a new question because this is more general and will perhaps help others.
So essentially, I integrated the Facebook SDK Into Codeigniter as a library.
The SDK requires Json and Curl.
In the base_facebook.php file there is the following code:
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
throw new Exception('Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.');
if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
throw new Exception('Facebook needs the JSON PHP extension.');
If these functions are not available I expect an error to be fired to tell me such. Then I can install the correct packages and continue.
What actually happened is that even when I had error reporting set to E_ALL a blank page was returned.
This made it impossible to debug and after lots of playing I worked out it was because CURL was not installed on my server.
My question is why does codeigniter show blank pages rather than library based exceptions?
Furthermore even if there is an exception in a library why does the rest of the page not continue executing.
Essentially CI is seemingly making the use of exceptions worthless..
COuld anyone advise?
My question is why does codeigniter show blank pages rather than library based exceptions?
Most likely because display_errors is set to “off”.
While this is recommended for a production environment (web site users are not supposed to see internal error messages – it might give them info about internals, that they are not supposed to have) – it’s not very helpful while developing, where you as the developer want to be informed about what went wrong.
So check if CI has a “debug” setting for this, or if it’s maybe already set to off in your PHP configuration.
(Maybe CI or your config are set up in a way that errors are logged to a file instead. Also recommended for production; while developing, you’d have to keep an eye on this file then.)
Furthermore even if there is an exception in a library why does the rest of the page not continue executing.
Because that’s how exceptions are supposed to work – if they are not being caught when they reach the “top level” of your app, they cause a fatal error, and scripts die when those occur.
Familiarize yourself with the concept of try { … } catch(…) { … } to handle exceptions that might occur in script flow.
(Actually, it’s kinda surprising you don’t know all this already, if you’re working with an advanced PHP framework …)
