Joomla banners are not rotating - joomla

I need to rotate some banners. But they are not rotating, just displayed both:
Are there any ideas, why it is happening and how can i fix this problem?

I know this question is a little old, but I just finished thoroughly reviewing the banners component in Joomla 3.0
If your banners are not rotating, I suggest the following:
Checking the banner module's Randomise setting is set to Sticky, Randomise
Check your banner's sticky settings, having just one sticky banner can cause them not to rotate
Check your banner module's cache setting, try changing it to no caching
Ensure your banner module's Count (under basic options in Joomla 3) is not too high. If you have 3 banners and set the count to 3, then it will show all three. Setting the count setting to one will make sure only 1 shows and they rotate
Check your banner's Max impressions setting (under the banner details) tab. If the banner has hit the max impression limit, it will not be included in the rotation of the banners.
I've documented these, and added more thorough info and screenshots here.

You have 2 versions of jQuery running on your site which are conflicting, which I why I think they aren't working properly.
JoomShopping component and PPC Simple Spotlight mdoule are using it. Try opening file in the simple spotlight folder that includes jquery and replace it with this:
$document->addScript(JURI::root() . "modules/mod_ppc_simple_spotlight/js/jquery-1.5.min.js");


oracle apex floating Region that is fixed in place while scrolling screen

There are 2 regions on my Oracle apex page, the top one is like a header section, which I want to keep it "floating" on the top the screen while the rest of the page scroll. (like the invoice header info always available when the user scrolls through a long transaction log.)
I have done some google search on this and someone suggested identifying the parent class(e.g. "parent_class") to the Region Header, and add the following CSS to the header of the region
I tried but seems like not working unless I got the parent class wrong.
Can someone please give me some advice on this?
You need to use top instead of margin-top.
Here is the technique I have used in the past...
You wont need the JS stuff I don't think, as that's about switching a region between fixed and static, but the technique may interest you.

Joomla - use full article image instead of intro image

I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to force Joomla to use full article image if intro image is empty (everywhere where image should be visible).
Is there a setting for this? Is it a feature of a template or Joomla engine itself? Right now I always have to specify both of this images, cause if I specify one only full article image Joomla does not display miniature in many places. If I specify the other one miniature is there but when I enter article it is missing.
I always end up having to specify the same image twice. Is there any way around this?
I ended up overwriting the template for article to display $images->intro_image whenever $images->image_fulltext is not available.
This solves my problems yet one joomla user tells me she is sure that they were able to do that before without any modifications in the template. So now I'm just wondering if there is a setting for this in Joomla Admin so that it does not have to be forced in template code
It turned out that each element of my page except full article used intro_image. So what I did was to copy out the part responsible for showing article into the html folder of my template and just added a php code to use intro image instead of fulltext image (if it is present). You basically need to change $image->fulltext to $image->intro_image in the condition. But remember to keep the original condition as an elseif condition if you want to be able to still use full text image

Magento move search result

For some reason when somebody performs a search on my site the search results do not display underneath the search box, they appear on the far left of the screen.
Any ideas of what file this would be configured in?
Let me correct myself it's not the search results but the search suggestions
I can't offer a direct solution to your problem, but turning on template hints might point you in the right direction. In the Admin, go to System > Configuration, Select your store view from the scope drop down at the top left. Unless you're running multi-store, or have changed the name of the default store it'll be called "Default Store View". Then scroll down to "Developer" and open up the "Debug" section. Turn on both Template Path Hints" and "Add Block Names to Hints". This will add a div with a red border around each template in your layout and a heading which includes the name of the template. It will liklely completely screw up your page layout, but will show you which template generated every tag on the page and help you track down the issue.
The DeveloperToolbar extension makes turning this on/off quickly much easier, but I wouldn't recommend deploying it to a production site.
Alan Storm's indispensable CommerceBug is another tool which is very handly for tracking down front end issues. CommerdeBug can show you the layout handles and the aggregate layout XML used to generate the current page. Both of which are useful for determing why a specific block was (or wasn't) included.
So in case anybody else runs into this or wants to move where their search suggestions display it is in styles.css under .searchautocomplete.

Joomla 1.5 / Modification of YooTheme "ZOO" Component

I'll start out by mentioning that there is a developer forum for Zoo and I have used it already. My purpose posting here is that I typically get a thorough answer within minutes or hours at SO, whereas the responses on dev forums can be slow or non-existent due to the smaller population base.
My question regards Yootheme's ZOO 2.3.2. By default, a product "Frontpage" appears to have a "Categories" box rendered on top of the items. If one turns off all the available options in Frontpage/Template configuration (hide Titles, Count, Descriptions, etc.), an empty box still remains on top of the items.
I've been able to manually remove the box in its entirety by addressing the following file:
media/zoo/applications/product/templates/default/frontpage.php, and commenting out lines 84-92:
<!-- <?php
// render categories
if ($this->category->childrenHaveItems()) {
$categoriestitle = $this->application->getParams()->get('content.categories_title');
echo $this->partial('categories', compact('categoriestitle'));
?> -->
Seems like there should be a more eloquent way of doing this on the admin backend, but I couldn't find one. Am I missing something or is my solution the best one?
ZOO is designed to easily be able to modify the built in templates to suit your needs. ZOO templates are meant to be overridden much like Joomla uses template overrides. Rather than editing the default template, you simply create a new template that does what you want it to. The default template should not be changed.
Here is the documentation on ZOO templates -
Rather than edit the file you mention above, you make a new template here -
Then do all the changing you want without messing up the default.
There is an easier way: First, you must identify what calls the item called "frontpage". In PURE yootheme at least it is called from "home" in the "mainmenu". So click "home" buton of the mainmenu, then over the right menu "Parameters(Basic)" you just chose "-select aplication-" instead "frontpage" and that's it.The Frontpage and its "box" are now gone. At least it works for me.

Article not following site's layout (Joomla)

please go to first and notice how the second article has been 'crushed' to the left - half of the article's normal width.
Anyway, I don't think I can explain much more, my question is very clear: Why is this happening? I do want mention that the content of the article itself has nothing to do (or maybe just a bit), as I tried changing it, and the text did expand to the article's normal width; however, the bar on top (with the article's title "Espacio Asir" and the PDF, print & mail icons was still only at half-width).
I also tried changing the site back to Joomla's default theme, but this did not help. I guess it could be a Joomla 1.5 bug, but I really don't think such obvious error would be present in this version.
I'd really appreciate any help in advance, and if I did not explain myself clear enough, please let me know and I'll add the info needed and post some screens.
It's a feature, not a bug. If you add a third article, the third one will be on the second row, to the right of the second article, also "crushed". -- Or "1/2 column" rather than full column width.
Information on overriding the default layout. For more help, ask in the Joomla forums.
This how Joomla shows a blog layout. Its working properly.
If you want to change the layout type, you need to go to the Main Menu, and edit the Home menu item. You will see that its set to blog layout. You can click on the change type button to choose a different one.
