Windows32 API: "mov edi,edi" on function entry? - windows

I'm stepping through Structured Error Handling recovery code in Windows 7
(e.g, what happens after SEH handler is done and passes back "CONTINUE" code).
Here's a function which is called:
7783BD9F mov edi,edi
7783BDA1 push ebp
7783BDA2 mov ebp,esp
7783BDA4 push 1
7783BDA6 push dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
7783BDA9 push dword ptr [ebp+8]
7783BDAC call 778692DF
7783BDB1 pop ebp
7783BDB2 ret 8
I'm used to the function prolog of "push ebp/mov ebp,esp". What's the purpose
of the "mov edi,edi"?

Raymond Chen (one of the Microsoft developers) has answered this exact question:
Why do Windows functions all begin with a pointless MOV EDI, EDI instruction?
And he links an even earlier reference:
Why does the compiler generate a MOV EDI, EDI instruction at the beginning of functions?
Basically, it leaves space for a jump instruction to be inserted during hot patching.


Why is my branch instruction not jumping to the given address?

I'm currently learning reverse engineering and therefore I need to learn assembly. The code is running well, but I got an error on JE and JNE instructions. To be more specific: I'm doing a detour hook as a practice and the program crashes, because it jumps to the false address.
I wanted to write this, but the compiler gave me an error (LNK2016):
JE 0x123 (0x123 example address)
I fixed that problem by writing:
JE short 0x123
Full function code:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov dword [rcx + 0x18], 99
test rcx, rcx
je 0x7FF7847902EE
lock dec dword [rcx + 0x08]
jne 0x7FF7847902EE
mov rcx, [rsp + 0x30]
But the problem now is, that it is jumping to the beginning of the function instead of 0x123 in our case.
The conditional jump instructions on x86 all take a relative displacement, not an absolute address. They work to jump to another label in your code, since the assembler can compute the displacement between the jump instruction and the destination, but you can't use them jump to an absolute address unless you know, at assembly time, the address where your code will be loaded.
Near absolute jumps on x86 are indirect: you need to have the address in a register or memory. And such jumps are only available in an unconditional form, so you'll have to use the conditional jump to get to them.
You could do
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov dword [rcx + 0x18], 99
test rcx, rcx
je jump_elsewhere
lock dec dword [rcx + 0x08]
jne jump_elsewhere
mov rcx, [rsp + 0x30]
mov rax, 0x7FF7847902EE
jmp rax
If you can't spare a register, you could instead do
jmp [rel elsewhere_addr]
dq 0x7FF7847902EE
but this is more bytes of code.
If you do know the address where your code will be loaded, and it's within 2 GB of the destination address, you can use the ORG directive to tell the assembler about it. So if my_hook will be at address 0x7ff7DEADBEEF, you can do
org 0x7ff7DEADBEEF
; ...
je 0x7FF7847902EE
and the assembler will compute the correct 32-bit displacement.
By the way, the test rcx, rcx doesn't really make sense: if rcx were zero then the previous instruction mov dword [rcx + 0x18], 99 would have faulted, since on any decent operating system, the zero page will be unmapped. Maybe you wanted this test and conditional jump to go before the mov. Unless this is some sort of strange bare-metal code that you're patching?

How to use printf without storing data into a variable nasm?

I am trying to print a string in assembly without having to store my data into a variable.
What works:
global _main
extern _printf
section .data:
message: db 'AAAA'
section .text
push message
call _printf
add esp, 4
Now, what I want is to push AAAA directly to stack and call printf to print it without having to store it in message.
I spent good few hours with different methods trying to do it myself, but so far failed.
Method #1:
push 41414141h
call _printf
Method #2:
mov esi, 41414141h
push esi
call _printf
Method #3:
mov esi, 41414141h
mov edi, 7325 ; '%s'
call _printf
; or storing 'AAAA' in EDI and storing '%s' in ESI
Method #4:
mov esi, 41414141h
mov edi, 7325 ; '%s'
push esi
push edi
call _printf
; or storing 'AAAA' in EDI and storing '%s' in ESI
Method #5:
mov esi, 41414141h
mov edi, 7325 ; '%s'
push esi
xor eax, eax
push eax ; just push a null byte to the stack
push edi
call _printf
; or storing 'AAAA' in EDI and storing '%s' in ESI
and many more that I don't even remember.
So, what is the proper way of printing a value stored in a register.
and if possible to answer below too, I would really appreciate it.
After investigating a bit on how does the first attempt works. I realized that, the the data or AAAA is stored in program's stack and then the address of the data is pushed to ESP.
enter image description here
Unfortunately, I don't how to push data to program's stack\ .data section or if that is even possible and how to push the address of that section to ESP.
I'm not used to using the _printf function, but I can show how you can do this with the syscall:
mov dword [esp-4], 'AAAA' ; This is the red-zone, try googling it
; The actual printing
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
lea ecx, [esp-4]
mov edx, 4
int 80h
(This uses the Linux 32-bit syscalls by the way, not sure what the windows syscalls are)
Maybe try pushing [esp-4]?
[EDIT] Forgot to mention a major limitation of this (At least with the syscall, still not sure about _printf) that this can only print a max of 4 characters, no more.
[ANOTHER EDIT] As other commenters have pointed out, this method is possibly unsafe (check comments), so you may decide to avoid it.

FASM assembly program waits before exiting

This is the code that I use with FASM:
format PE console
entry main
include '..\MACRO\'
section '.data' data readable writeable
msg db "привіт!",0dh,0ah,0 ;hi
lcl_set db ?
section '.code' code readable executable
;fail without set locale
push msg
call [printf]
pop ecx
;succeed with set locale
push msg
call _liapnuty
pop ecx
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
;sub esp, 0
mov ebx,[ebp+8] ; 1st arg addr
mov al, [lcl_set]
or al, al
jnz _liapnuty_rest
call __set_locale
push ebx
call [printf]
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
mov al, [lcl_set]
or al, al
jnz __set_locale_rest
push 1251
call SetConsoleCP
call SetConsoleOutputCP
pop ecx
mov [lcl_set], 1
;push lcl
;call [system]
; pop ecx
; mov [lcl_set], 1
;push cls
;call [printf]
; pop ecx
ret 0
section '.idata' import data readable
library kernel,'kernel32.dll',\
import kernel,\
import msvcrt,\
It works almost perfectly, except that before exiting it waits for like a second for some reason. It outputs data almost instantly, yet it fails to shut down quickly. If the reason is using these libraries or not clearing the stack after calling ExitProcess (which obviously can't be done), then let me know and I will mostly gladly accept this answer, but I want to be 100% sure I'm doing everything correctly.
The reason for all of it was because kernel32 functions pop their parameters themselves on return. If I remove unnecessary pops it starts working fast again. Of course, the program still runs with damaged stack but it does a lot of damage control at the end. That's why it was slow, but still worked. For everyone facing this issue, make sure to be careful with the calling convention.
To debug the application and find the error I used OLLYDBG. It's free and it works. It helps you debug EXEs and DLLs, allowing to step one command at a time. Also it shows the memory, the stack and all of the registers and flags.
Using the stack I was able to find out that it gets corrupted.

Xcode how to view assembly with virtual memory locations of code

I'm not even sure if I'm phrasing my question correctly, but the reason why I'm asking is because I was recently reading a Mike Ash blog
If you scroll halfway down to "Examining Frame 1", he says "Let's look at the actual assembly code for..." then pastes some assembly code:
0x103fbf0ba -[EXNetConnection execute:timeout:completionBlock:] proc near
0x103fbf0ba var_20 = qword ptr -20h
0x103fbf0ba push rbp
0x103fbf0bb mov rbp, rsp
0x103fbf0be push r15
0x103fbf0c0 push r14
0x103fbf0c2 push rbx
0x103fbf0c3 push rax
0x103fbf0c4 mov r14, rcx
0x103fbf0c7 movsd [rbp+var_20], xmm0
0x103fbf0cc mov r15, rdi
0x103fbf0cf mov rdi, rdx
0x103fbf0d2 call cs:_objc_retain_ptr
0x103fbf0d8 mov rbx, rax
0x103fbf0db mov rsi, cs:selRef_execute_timeout_completionBlock_updateCallback_
0x103fbf0e2 mov rdi, r15
but his paste includes the memory addresses for what I can only assume is the location at which the instruction lives in memory? (Somebody please validate/invalidate this hypothesis for me)
I figured out how to view assembly code (Assistant editor, click manual->assembly) But I can't figure out how to view the locations in memory at runtime.
Does anybody know how Mike was able to do this?

Linker replacing valid code with invalid code

So I've got a very strange and specific problem here. We're putting seemingly valid code into a linker, and then the linker is making some mistakes, like removing a valid ptr label and instead of replacing it with a value, it's putting in 0 instead. But not everywhere either. It starts at a pretty arbitrary point.
So, some background: we have an interpreted language that is converted into assembly by putting together hand-generated chunks of assembly (by an in-house compiler-like application) and adding in variables where required. This is a system that has been working for around 10 years if not longer, in pretty much it's current form, so the validity of this method is not currently in question. This assembly is assembled to an obj file using the Microsoft Assembler (ml.exe or MASM).
Then in a separate step, this obj file is linked using the Microsoft Incremental Linker together with some other libraries (static, and import libraries for dlls) to create an executable.
Following is a portion of the assembly (.asm) file that the assembler outputs when it creates the obj file in the first step:
call _c_rt_strcmp
mov di, 1
mov ebp, esp
cmp ax, 0
je sym2148
dec di
sym2148: mov [ebp+6], di
add esp, 6
mov ebx, dword ptr [_smfv1_ptr]
add ebx, 0bb49h
pop ax
mov byte ptr [ebx],al
mov ebx, dword ptr [_smfv1_ptr]
add ebx, 012656h
push ebx
mov eax, OFFSET sym2151
push eax
call _c_rt_strcmp
mov di, 1
mov ebp, esp
cmp ax, 0
je sym2152
dec di
sym2152: mov [ebp+6], di
add esp, 6
mov ebx, dword ptr [_smfv1_ptr]
add ebx, 0bb32h
pop ax
mov byte ptr [ebx],al
mov ebx, dword ptr [_smfv1_ptr]
add ebx, 012656h
push ebx
mov eax, OFFSET sym2155
push eax
call _c_rt_strcmp
mov di, 1
mov ebp, esp
cmp ax, 0
je sym2156
dec di
sym2156: mov [ebp+6], di
add esp, 6
mov ebx, dword ptr [_smfv1_ptr]
add ebx, 0bb4ah
pop ax
mov byte ptr [ebx],al
mov ebx, dword ptr [_smfv1_ptr]
add ebx, 0126bbh
push ebx
mov eax, OFFSET sym2159
push eax
call _c_rt_strcmp
As far as I can see, that is correct, and makes sense. I believe that code that generates this does a string compare and then stores a value based on the result of the string compare, and it's a section of 20-30 of them, so there are 10 or so more groups before the first bit I posted, and about 15-20 after the last bit I posted.
Following is the disassembled view of the crash location that Visual C++ 5.0 (old I know, but this is on a legacy system unfortunately) shows when the executable crashes:
004093D2 call 00629570
004093D7 mov di,1
004093DB mov ebp,esp
004093DD cmp ax,0
004093E1 je 004093E5
004093E3 dec di
004093E5 mov word ptr [ebp+6],di
004093E9 add esp,6
004093EC mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[64174Ch]
004093F2 add ebx,0BB49h
004093F8 pop ax
004093FA mov byte ptr [ebx],al
004093FC mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[64174Ch]
00409402 add ebx,12656h
00409408 push ebx
00409409 mov eax,0
0040940E push eax
0040940F call 00409414
00409414 mov di,1
00409418 mov ebp,esp
0040941A cmp ax,0
0040941E je 00409422
00409420 dec di
00409422 mov word ptr [ebp+6],di
00409426 add esp,6
00409429 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[0]
0040942F add ebx,0BB32h
00409435 pop ax
00409437 mov byte ptr [ebx],al
00409439 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[0]
0040943F add ebx,12656h
00409445 push ebx
00409446 mov eax,0
0040944B push eax
0040944C call 00409451
00409451 mov di,1
00409455 mov ebp,esp
00409457 cmp ax,0
0040945B je 0040945F
0040945D dec di
0040945F mov word ptr [ebp+6],di
00409463 add esp,6
00409466 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[0]
0040946C add ebx,0BB4Ah
00409472 pop ax
00409474 mov byte ptr [ebx],al
00409476 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[0]
0040947C add ebx,126BBh
00409482 push ebx
00409483 mov eax,0
00409488 push eax
00409489 call 0040948E
The actual crash location is 0x00409429.
The two bits of code match, as in they are the same section of code, except the first from the .asm file is what is going into the linker, and the second one is that has come out of the linker.
From what I can see, it's crashing at that location because it's attempting to de-reference an address of 0, right? So of course that's going to fail. Also, if you take a look at the different function calls at 0x004093D2, 0x0040940F, 0x0040944C and 0x00409489, only the first one is valid, the others are simply doing a function call to the line directly after them! And this broken code continues on for the next 15-20 similar segments of code that is defined in that file.
If you look at the corresponding lines for the function calls and the bad pointers in both sections, you will see that in the .asm file everything appears to be correct, but somehow the linker just breaks it all when it compiles the exe, and in a very specific spot, as there are similar chunks of code previous in the file which are constructed correctly.
We do get some linker warnings of the form: "LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_smfv1_ptr" imported". But we were getting those same warnings even when it was working.
The assembler used was ml.exe version 6.11, and the linker was link.exe version 5.10.7303 which were both the version from Visual C++ 5.0. Since the assembled code seems to be right, I'm going to be trying the linker from Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 and see if anything changes.
I can't really imagine what could create this kind of error, and I thought maybe it was symbols getting messed up, but there are jumps to locations (for small 'if' statements) which are stored as symbols which still work fine after they get through the linker.
Is it possible that a symbol table or something similar is getting overloaded inside the linker, and it's just reverting to bad or default values?
Call to the following address is a clear sign of unresolved symbol reference (it makes sense if you notice that all calls in .obj files are emitted as E8 00 00 00 00). You have zeroes for some data references as well (sym2151, some references to _smfv1_ptr, sym2159). What's strange is that the first call to _c_rt_strcmp did get resolved. I would suggest turning on all warning/debugging/verbose switches that you can find, and generating all kinds of listing and map files. Maybe something will jump out.
Okay, so the end result seems to be that it is a bug with the Visual C++ version of the masm assembler "ml.exe" (big surprise, huh?)
So, moving to the versions of masm and link that were provided in Visual Studio 2005 seems to be the best solution for us.
Thanks for your help guys :)
