Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket tmp/mysql.sock - macos

Having just tried to access some mysqladmin privileges within terminal (flush_hosts), I have noticed that the socket problem has resurfaced with the error
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)*.
I have no servers running currently.
How can this be solved?

Wow, yourself mentioned, you 'must' run a server that can to connect it,Please consider:
root#debian:/etc/init.d# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
[ ok ] Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.
root#debian:/etc/init.d# mysql
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
root#debian:/etc/init.d# /etc/init.d/mysql start
[ ok ] Starting MySQL database server: mysqld ..
[info] Checking for tables which need an upgrade, are corrupt or were
not closed cleanly..
root#debian:/etc/init.d# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 37
Server version: 5.5.24-5 (Debian)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

OK, it appears that there must have been some messed up configurations along the way. I went back to scratch and installed the latest .DMG for MySQL and everything is working fine now. If you have .sock issues I'm guessing your best bet is to reinstall MySQL, it doesn't take very long at all. Thanks for the help!

try removing socket field in the database.yml file or change it with the right path to mysql.sock if you know where it is in you machine.


Oracle XE 18c, on every connect attempt, Oracle listener OracleOraDB18Home1TNSListener stops, and I am unable to connect to any connection

For the purpose of learning, I have installed Oracle 18c XE v18.4.0.0 and Oracle SQL Developer v21.4.2. I have no previous experience with Oracle database.
Command LSNRCTL stat seems to show correct results:
LSNRCTL stat output
I am trying to connect to XEPDB1 Plugin database by using sqlplus command:
sqlplus system/oracle#
( is my local IP)
but everytime I tried so, service OracleOraDB18Home1TNSListener (and listener also) stops.
Then I start it again manually and try again to connect to XEPDB1 but the same thing happen again.
Respond to connection command after few minutes is: ERROR: ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed.
Files listener.ora and tnsnames.ora are not modified after fresh installation of Oracle 18c XE.
Much appreciate if anybody can help me.

Oracle 19c and "no valid ip address returned for the host"

I installed oracle 19c on centos 8, there was an error during installation when configuring the listener.
Manually running Net Assistance (/bin/netca) and trying to add a listener ends with a message: "no valid ip address returned for the host":
I performed an installation on Centos 7 with automatic preinstallation configuration under oracle and the same message.
I probably didn't configure something in linux, because I don't know much about it.
After a week of hard work...
I managed to install, two possible reasons for this error:
I installed from my ORACLE account, but by "SU ORACLE" I did not log in as ORALCE, because then all the environment settings are loaded
I used another (newer) version of the oracle package for automatic configuration (
It's possible that I had a different hostname set in the oracle scripts than on the server in /etc/hostname - very likely, due to the content of the error...
In my case, I was installing Oracle 19c in CentOS stream 8 in a VM with VirtualBox.
I added in /etc/hosts: centoss8 centoss8.local
(before this I added CentOSs8 and CentOSs8.local as an alias of and didn't work)
and in /etc/hostname: centoss8.local
reboot, and run
/etc/init.d/oracledb_ORCLCDB-19c configure
it's worked for me

How can I solve "Got minus one from a read call" in oracle sql developer?

When I run the sql developer and set the all data,click the connect but i get this error:
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call
I am beginner in Oracle. How can I solve that error?
I use 64-bit Windows7 and oracle 12c.
In my case the error is connected to a problem about the client's (SQL Developer) ojdbc8 driver and the Oracle 19.3 docker container. The solution for me was to set a system property on the client -- you can do it within the JDBC connection string):
This is the thread that lead me to the answer.
The cause of the error is described here:
You can also solve this problem by dissabling OOB on server side in the sqlnet.ora:
Another workaround is to use the ojdbc7 driver.
Hope this helps some of us.
From your inputs in the dialog, you are using port 5500. That port is what is used for EM Express. It answers to HTTPs traffic only. So in this case the -1 error message means the protocol negotiation failed. SQLDEV is trying to talk SQL*NET to something listening for HTTPs.
The port you are looking for is 1521 if it wasn't altered. If it was check the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora for the proper port number.
You need set "tcp.validnode_checking = no" or comment this parameter in sqlnet.ora file then restart listener on db server and test again.
Try it.
I got the same issue but following steps worked for me, it seems Gaurav also has shared it already:
1.Go to the folder where you have installed the database (Like: F:\app)
2.Here you will be able to see many folders, go to product\11.2.0("your databse version")\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN
3.find listener.ora file and open as text file
4.Check for the port number in that file
5.Now provide that port number while doing connection in sql developer.
Seems you have enabled ACL on the listener.
You can follow these steps to avoid the error:
1. Go to directory $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
2. Modify sqlnet.ora file with following parameter:
tcp.validnode_checking = no
3. If you don't want to disable this, you can put the machine names as follows:
tcp.invited_nodes=(machine1, machine2)
3. Bounce the listener.
Hope that helps
Ensure the DB is up and running and you can connect locally AS SYSDBA to the database using Oracle binaries owner (usually oracle:oinstall Unix / Linux user). If it does not work, probably you encounter a different problem.
Check privileges of an Oracle file on Unix / Linux host where database is running:
ls -ltr oracle
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 136803483 Mar 16 20:32 oracle
Change permissions as below:
chmod 6751 oracle
ls -ltr oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 136803483 Mar 16 20:32 oracle
Most of the answers out there for this problem point to using the wrong PORT number in your connection options, or similar. In my case, after a couple hours of searching, the reason showed to be something else.
Mind which user you are using when starting Oracle listener. You should do it with the oracle user, not as root. Otherwise you end up with listener files being created as e.g. user deamon group root instead of user oracle group dba. This in turn leads to:
TNS-12555: TNS:permission denied
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00525: Insufficient privilege for operation
Linux Error: 1: Operation not permitted
To check whether this is the case, go to
and list all files (ls -la). If you find out some of the s#* files being created by a root-group user, stop the listener (lsnrctl stop), delete the above files as root and restart the listener as oracle user.
Unfortunately sqldeveloper doesn't show the full stack-trace when reading "Got minus one from a read call". I could find the problem thanks to switching to SQL-Squirrel.
In my case, I was given wrong host and port. I typed "tnsping yourServiceName" in command line in window 10. It returns a different host and port, then I used the correct one in sql developer and it worked.
In my case, it happened when I was using Docker with Oracle 19C.
The workaround is to find the listener.ora file, change 'PORT' and restart the container, ORACLE DB, listener.
It is presumed to be an error that occurred when the host tried to access TCP because it was already LISENT (HOST) by another process.
(When accessing Docker, consider that in most cases, you are accessing localhost.)
I changed the port to 1523, and all the problems were solved.
Try to do what the link , or check listener directory permission, or use command /dbhome/bin/relink all
Connection name: HR_ORCL
Username: HR ,
Password: hr ,
Connection type : local,
Click on connect.
It will work.
Actually, It is not database specific issue. it is related to port value generated by database during your installation. To overcome on this issue, please follow below.
Go to the folder where you have installed the database (Like: F:\app)
Here you will be able to see many folders, go to product\11.2.0("your databse version")\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN
find listener.ora file and open as text file
Check for the port number in that file
Now provide that port number while doing connection in sql developer.
Hope it will resolve your issue.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

The issue started when i installed the server version with already existing client version of Oracle 10g.
Background : The Oracle client version 10g was installed (at c:/oracle) to connect to a database residing in other country. So we can just connect to it and have limited access to it.
Path => c:/oracle/ora_client/network/admin/listener.ora
So to work as admin I installed 10g server at the same location c:/oracle on windows. I can now work as server.
Path => c:/oracle/product/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
But the issue arises when I try to connect with my application installed to setup connection as a client (to server residing in other country), it fails and throws an error ORA-12154.
So, do I have to uninstall my server version (just in case the confusion might have arrived due to the presence of two Oracle databases)?
How can I fix it? What has been the probable cause for it? Please advise!
When you installed the server version it updated the environment variables to point to the server installation and not the client installation. The definition of TNS aliases is done in tnsnames.ora and no the listener.ora. So you would have to copy the already existing entries from c:/oracle/ora_client/network/admin/tnsnames.ora to c:/oracle/product/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora. Be careful that you obey the tnsnames.ora format.
I faced this error today. Spent a lot of time checking what I did wrong while configuring listener. Even after I configured it using netca I still had the same error:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
It appeared that the cause was bad password for sys containing '#' character.
For example when you connect as below:
$sqlplus sys as sysdba
The response is
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed May 27 08:24:19 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter password: ple#se ERROR: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the
connect identifier specified
That is it. Very easy case.

How to connect to newly installed Oracle XE instance?

I have installed Oracle XE on Win7 x64 machine. Installation completed successfully without problem, or perhaps installer didn't tell about them. But after installation I can't connect to database; its web interface is not working. I have looked through list of open ports, and there is no 8080 port as was noted during installation. Also I can't connect via SQLPlus.
SQL> connect SYSTEM
Enter password:
ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed
Somewhere in the web it was told to edit sqlnet.ora file, I have changed it in the following way:
and now I get next error
SQL> connect SYSTEM
Enter password:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
What do I need to change so that I can connect to it?
I figured out the issue.
I was using domain login to install Oracle XE. If you are using domain login to install Oracle XE then the database creation will fail (though you may not get any error messages on that regard).
Install Oracle using a local admin user.
Now login with your domain user to use oracle XE.
Check the Oracle services are started
Did you set your ORACLE_SID environment variable to the name of the instance you're connecting to?
Make sure oracle service is started.
did to ran netca after installation? - if not you can ran it from cmd
You can't connect using system if the instacne is down only as sysdba (user sys)
Make sure your ORACLE_HOME,ORACLE_SID,PATH environment variables are ok
If everything was ok then you can try to start/connect to the instance manually
C:\Documents and Settings\asafm>
C:\Documents and Settings\asafm>
C:\Documents and Settings\asafm>sqlplus "sys as sysdba"
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri May 11 16:21:42
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter password:
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 535662592 bytes
Fixed Size 1375792 bytes
Variable Size 360710608 bytes
Database Buffers 167772160 bytes
Redo Buffers 5804032 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL>select status from v$instance;
As Rejeev Divakaran said, installing oracle XE with local windows user, and switching back to domain user account, started db, able to connect.
Office Laptop
Windows 7 64 Bit
Oracle 11g XE
Can you connect this way from the command line:
sqlplus / as sysdba
if so at the SQL prompt enter
If the command returns ok then try to connect with a username and password.
This error message usually occurs when the database could not be started. The windows service may be running, but still Oracle might not be able to spawn server threads and hand out client connections.
Have a Look into app\oracle\admin\xe\bdump\alert_xe.log for any error messages during the last start of the Oracle service.
Just in case someone is as "lucky" as me: I recently couldn't install Oracle with a local user (as suggested here before) because the target machine (Win2k8 x64) was also the Domain Controller of that network.
All users were in domain - no local users available :(
Here are the steps I performed:
Installed Oracle XE in my local machine (that works fine). Made a backup (using the built-in backup.bat);
Transferred the fast_recovery_area folder to my target machine;
Installed the Oracle XE in the target machine normally;
Edited the %ORA_HOME%\network\admin\sqlnet.ora file and performed this well-known edit:
Edited the %ORA_HOME%\bin\restore.bat file:
Replaced every entry rman target / (...) by rman target sys/MySysDbaPass (...)
Replaced every entry (...) connect / as sysdba^; by (...) connect sys/MySysDbaPass as sysdba^;
Runned restore.bat - when prompted, pointed to the fast_recovery_area I've transferred before.
Done! (pheew!)
Sorry for answering this YEARS old question, but I managed to make it work...
Make sqlnet.ora change.
Run StopDB.bat
Run MakeDB.bat
This will create a demo database, reset the password to 'oracle', and will also allow you to connect without error.
