Customize LogCat Columns in Eclipse ADT - adt

This SO thread suggests that it's possible to customize LogCat Columns from the command line.
Is it possible to do the same for the DDMS view in Eclipse?
Update: I am looking at ANDROID_LOG_TAGS env var. It looks promising.


How to show Javadoc on hover in VS Code in Java Project?

In my Mac OS 10.14 I have VS Code 1.47.3 and yesterday installed Java Extension Pack 0.9.1. I am able to run Java project (Maven) but I do not see any javadoc on hover feature. For example when mouse pointer is hovering on (line 29) in screenshot, I expect to see hover pane showing docs on show method like it shows in same eclipse project. I have JDK8 and OpenJDK14 installed on my system.
Here is the screenshot:
Below is not important:
Also how to disable annoying logs in Terminal window when I am editing file? These logs look like:
3a6e249d Publish Diagnostics [Done]
6dcf0221 Building [Done]
ebb16695 Building [Done]
0e4416a3 Validate documents [Done]
As can be seen in screenshot.
If you are still stuck, I found a way, just try enabling 'Intellisense' in your red hat java extension. This may work for you.
And for those logs, looks like your are running your application in debug mode. Your can't disable them if that's the case.
EDIT (The actual solution):
Javafx java docs in vs code
To achieve the above results, follow bellow steps.
Go to User/Workspace settings.
Hit ctrl f and type java.project.referencedLibraries.
Click edit in settings.json.
Paste the following setting.
"java.project.referencedLibraries": {
"include": [
"sources": {
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/javafx.base.jar": "%PATH_TO_FX%/",
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/javafx.controls.jar": "%PATH_TO_FX%/",
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/javafx.fxml.jar": "%PATH_TO_FX%/",
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/": "%PATH_TO_FX%/",
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/": "%PATH_TO_FX%/",
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/javafx.swing.jar": "%PATH_TO_FX%/",
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/javafx.web.jar": "%PATH_TO_FX%/",
"%PATH_TO_FX%/lib/javafx.swt.jar": "%PATH_TO_FX%/"
Here %PATH_TO_Fx% is the path to the javafx folder or javafx env variable. Be sure if you are linux/mac user type it like $PATH_TO_FX. To set enviorment vairable for javafx refer the getting started section of
Try viewing it with an Keyboard-Shortcut, to see if the documentation is availible or if your IntelliJ has pathing issues:
The Command for this is editor.action.showHover command. Default it's mapped to cmd+k -> cmd+i, I think.
Another problem which happens often with my JS environment is that i have to select the call (In your case and then hover over it, while selected.

Goland: run arbitrary code quality tool, get clickable results

I have an (in-house) code quality tool that produces results like this, when run from the shell:
fooer/quxxer_bulk_stuff.go:40:16: rhubarb rhubarb...
fooer/quxxer_load.go:22:16: rhubarb rhubarb...
fooer/quxxer_load.go:78:16: rhubarb rhubarb...
How do I configure Goland so that I can run the tool on demand (i.e. not a File Watcher) and have the results appear in a run window? Also, I want to be able to click on a line in the results and jump to the referenced file and line, so I can review/fix the problem.
(Goland version 2019.1, Build #GO-191.6183.86)
You can configure it as an external tool in Settings | External Tools. To get clickable results, define an output filter ($FILE_PATH$:$LINE$:$COLUMN$:.* should work for your case). See the documentation for more information.

prompt missing running delve using gud in emacs?

Here is the experience running delve from the command line on my Windows 10 desktop using MSYS-2:
Now here is the experience running delve from GNU emacs (W64) version 25.1.1 -
ShellPrompt> emacs -nw H:/code/Go/book/chap1_lissajous/lissajous.go
M-x dlv
Run dlv (like this): dlv debug H:/code/Go/book/chap1_lissajous/lissajous.go
Navigate to lissajous.go:34 and hit C-x-C-a-C-b to toggle a breakpoint
Navigate to dlv buffer
Hit 'c', and the experience looks like this for this entire interaction:
Notice the absence of (dlv) in front of the c (continue) command when running using emacs. The result is the same using emacs in non-terminal mode as well.
I tried to find any gud customizations that needed to be applied for the prompt to show up. I could not find any, and I was unable to find anyone else facing this issue online. Does anybody know if I am missing something?
NOTE: I have had to post images instead of formatted text because I couldn't figure how to get markdown to render the code in a formatted way with the line numbers from the debugger. I wasn't allowed to post the question with unformatted code. I apologize to those who are only able to view the text of my post and not the images. The images are needed to view the question completely.

How do you debug on breakpoints in swift on xcode?

I face trouble using po/p command in xcode using swift. It doesn't work always and gives error most of the time. Also its response is not useful most of the time. For example, when i type "po user" it gives instead of its details and items which i could expand while using objective-c
How do you debug any breakpoint? Are there any great external tools or alternatives available for this?
po command works in swift too
po yourvariable.description
po yourvariable.debugDescription
po print(yourvariable)
Having the same problem with Xcode 6 to 7.1.1. Here is a workaround until the gets bug fixed:
Use the p command instead. If this doesnt work then do "step into" before you type the p command.
p yourvariable.yourparameter
Reference this:

XCode lldb autocomplete

I have searched everywhere but can't seem to get answer. I am using Xcode 6.1.1.
I recall (possibly incorrectly) autocomplete being available in the lldb debug pane of XCode. I am currently typing fully all variables and functions; there must be a better way. Is autocomplete/intellisense available in Xcode?
Many Thanks.
The autocomplete available today in Xcode debugger console is for lldb commands. You can type fr<TAB> v<TAB> instead of frame variable. The autocomplete in lldb often can complete function names, for instance br s -n MyClass::MyMeth<TAB>. Or for a source file, br s -f myfil<TAB> -l 15. But once you're entering an expression (expr, or p, or po), the code completion you're used to seeing in the text editor panes is not available.
