two page different background image ireport 3.0.0 - ireport

i want to generate two page report with different background image (the image is static btw).
The first one would be use for details and the second one would be just a plain image

Do you want one image to be on page one and the other on page two? If so, in the properties menu for the image, find the Print When Expression element and use the $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals() expression.


Drupal resize image on the fly

Is it possible to resize images on the fly and cache the result with Drupal?
I have some big images (e.g. 2000x2000px) and I want to display a preview of the e.g. 100x100px.
I know there is a theme_image_style function. But it seams to only create the <img> with the right size and not effectively resize the image.
I look at modules/images/ and they used the function [image_style_create_derivative][2].
Yes, you should use Drupal's Image styles (Configuration -> Media -> Image styles). There you should create your style.
Then, on front-end, when ever you want to display image with that style (in that resolution) you can use image_style_url() function:!image!image.module/function/image_style_url/7
It accepts 2 parameters - one is image style machine name and other is image URI, which you can get if you print out all image field properties.
You can also select image styles from back-end interface...i.e. when creating a view for some image you can select to be displayed in specific image style.
In both cases those image styles are generated the first time image is used.
In response to your comment on MilanG's answer, using image_style_url() is the best option on the backend. There is also
which may be something worth looking into. From a UX perspective, you don't want to force the user to load a 2000x2000 px image every time they load the page. Regardless of the outputted size, the image is still going to render as a 2000x2000 px image with a large size. image_style_url() or using image styles in the GUI create a new file that will load much quicker and is the preferred method.

VTK display multiple images

Does someone knows how to display multiple images using ActiViz or VTK?
I have a RenderWindowControl, I would like to either display all the images like in a list in there or add multiple RenderWindowControls to display the multiple images..
You have some choices, for the task of visualize multiple images. I hope that at least one of them represents what you want to achieve:
1- Using multiple render windows. Basically, the example provided in the link creates an array of vtkRenderWindowInteractor objects, so that you can visualize multiple images.
2 - Using a single render window with viewports. The render window is splitted into viewports (renderer->SetViewport is the key, here), so that you can visualize n images at a time, where n is the number of viewports.
3 - Using the "slices" approach (the example works on DICOM files). This implements the "list" behaviour, as you said in your question. Basically, you visualize an image at a time, but you can navigate through them simply by pressing the arrow keys. The example derives the vtkInteractorStyleImage class to catch the events regarding key pressures.

Why would I need image placeholder service or library?

Yesterday, I saw a tweet saying about holderJS library. When I read the usage, it says it will generate the image placeholder completely on client side. So I am wondering why in the life would I need a placeholder library?
What is the scenario in which rather than placing div of some size I would use image placeholder?
Image placeholders are generally meant for a page that is either in the process of dynamically loading a real image or the page is only partially designed and the placeholder image shows how the design will be laid out and how big the image should be even though the real image is not yet available. In this way, the HTML design can be nearly completed even though the final images are not yet available or done.
Wikipedia uses image placeholders when they know they want a particular image in a page, but are in search of an image they can use with the appropriate license.
Image placeholders are traditionally served up by a service on the web that automatically creates the placeholder images based on query parameters in a URL, but the holder.js library creates placeholder images entirely on the client (so no outside services are needed).
You can certainly achieve the same look as a placeholder with just a div with a background color and perhaps even some text in the div. But, when someone wanted to plug the final images into place, they would have the change the div tags to img tags. When using a placeholder image, all the HTML tags can be final and left as they are, only the .src values need to be plugged in to finish the design. So, placeholder images allow you to have a closer to complete version of the HTML even though the images are not yet done. It's a minor different, but one that is appreciated by some designers.

Word VBA checkboxes with link to image that needs to be built up

I am having problems with a table containing checkboxes in Word.
I am working with a table containing 10 checkboxes. Next to this table, there is an image.
When the user checks one of the checkboxes, something has to be added to the image, i.e. the image is further completed.
However, the order of checking the checkboxes is not fixed or defined, so there are lots of different combinations.
Is there a way to add the additional parts to the original image, linked to the checkboxes? Or is this way too advanced for Word?
Word doesn't have this type of built-in functionality with images. There are too many state combinations for the checkboxes to make an image for each state in advance. One possibility could be to find a dll or ocx and draw the image programatically (advanced). Another would be to edit your image in photoshop and cut it up into 10 separate files using a transparent background. You could then add and remove layers to wherever you are displaying your image and control the z-ordering with vb.

PDF generation under ruby - block should not cut by page separator

My PDF consists of a number of blocks (actually, a list of quotations), they go one after another till the end of the document. If the text of a quotation
does not fit on the page, the whole quotation should start from the top of the next page, instead of being torn apart. How can I implement that on any library under ruby?
Try PrinceXML - this is a standalone executable that generates PDF out of HTML or XML. It supports a lot of special CSS properties that will even help you to control page breaks. Refer to
This application is available for windows and linux. I was using it for generation of a pretty complicated PDF documents with headers and footers on every page except first one. And since you don't need to output a PDF with precise positioning of elements, it might be a perfect solution for you.
I haven't tried it, but in Prawn I would try using either the Document#text_box method or looking up the table methods and putting your text in cells with invisible borders. The documentation's unclear on how page break functionality fits in with the bounding box models, but it's worth a shot.
HTMLDoc which converts HTML to PDF has a page break facility.
