Ruby: No such file or directory -- C:\Documents <LoadError> - ruby

I'm just learning Ruby and making a simple Hello World program, put for some reason the command prompt can not find the directory (which is C:\Documents and Settings\Matt\My Documents\Ruby Testing Zone\hello.rb). With the directory set to C:\Ruby193\bin, I tried to type this command to run my program:
ruby C:\Documents and Settings\Matt\My Documents\Ruby Testing Zone\hello.rb
And I end up with this error:
ruby: No such file or directory -- C:\Documents <LoadError>
I have checked many times to make sure I'm not misspelling any part of the file name. What is going on?

Put double-quotes around the whole filename. Windows won't treat it as a single parameter otherwise.

In your open command, make sure that the spaces between Documents, and, and Settings are proceded with a backslash. In other words, here's what the path should be:
C:\\Documents\ and\ Settings\\Matt\\My\ Documents\\Ruby\ Testing\ Zone\\hello.rb
Or, replace the double-backslashes with slashes:
C:/Documents\ and\ Settings/Matt/My\ Documents/Ruby\ Testing\ Zone/hello.rb


Unable to load/require file from Lua running from Atom in Windows

I'm trying to use Atom to run a Lua script. However, when I try to load files via the require() command, it always says it's unable to locate them. The files are all in the same folder. For example, to load utils.lua I have tried
require 'utils'
require 'utils.lua'
require 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua'
require 'D:\\Users\\Mike\\Dropbox\\Lua Modeling\\utils.lua'
require 'D:/Users/Mike/Dropbox/Lua Modeling/utils.lua'
I get errors like
Lua: D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\main.lua:12: module 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua' not found:
no field package.preload['D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua']
no file '.\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua\init.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
The messages says on the first line that 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua' was not found, even though that is the full path of the file. What am I doing wrong?
The short answer
You should be able to load utils.lua by using the following code:
And by starting your program from the directory that utils.lua is in:
cd "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling"
lua main.lua
The long answer
To understand what is going wrong here, it is helpful to know a little bit about how require works. The first thing that require does is to search for the module in the module path. From Programming in Lua chapter 8.1:
The path used by require is a little different from typical paths. Most programs use paths as a list of directories wherein to search for a given file. However, ANSI C (the abstract platform where Lua runs) does not have the concept of directories. Therefore, the path used by require is a list of patterns, each of them specifying an alternative way to transform a virtual file name (the argument to require) into a real file name. More specifically, each component in the path is a file name containing optional interrogation marks. For each component, require replaces each ? by the virtual file name and checks whether there is a file with that name; if not, it goes to the next component. The components in a path are separated by semicolons (a character seldom used for file names in most operating systems). For instance, if the path is
then the call require"lili" will try to open the following files:
Judging from your error message, your Lua path seems to be the following:
.\?.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?\init.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\?.lua
To make that easier to read, here are each the patterns separated by line breaks:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?.lua
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?\init.lua
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\?.lua
From this list you can see that when calling require
Lua fills in the .lua extension for you
Lua fills in the rest of the file path for you
In other words, you should just specify the module name, like this:
Now, Lua also needs to know where the utils.lua file is. The easiest way is to run your program from the D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling folder. This means that when you run require("utils"), Lua will expand the first pattern .\?.lua into .\utils.lua, and when it checks that path it will find the utils.lua file in the current directory.
In other words, running your program like this should work:
cd "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling"
lua main.lua
An alternative
If you can't (or don't want to) change your working directory to run the program, you can use the LUA_PATH environment variable to add new patterns to the path that require uses to search for modules.
set LUA_PATH=D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\?.lua;%LUA_PATH%;
lua "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\main.lua"
There is a slight trick to this. If the LUA_PATH environment variable already exists, then this will add your project's folder to the start of it. If LUA_PATH doesn't exist, this will add ;; to the end, which Lua fills in with the default path.

sql loader without .dat extension

Oracle's sqlldr defaults to a .dat extension. That I want to override. I don't like to rename the file. When googled get to know few answers to use . like data='fileName.' which is not working. Share your ideas, please.
Error message is fileName.dat is not found.
Sqlloder has default extension for all input files data,log,control...
data= .dat
log= .log
control = .ctl
bad =.bad
PARFILE = .par
But you have to pass filename without apostrophe and dot
sqlloder pass/user#db control=control data=data
sqloader will add extension. control.ctl data.dat
Nevertheless i do not understand why you do not want to specify extension?
You can't, at least in Unix/Linux environments. In Windows you can use the trailing period trick, specifying either INFILE 'filename.' in the control file or DATA=filename. on the command line. WIndows file name handling allows that; you can for instance do DIR filename. at a command prompt and it will list the file with no extension (as will DIR filename). But you can't do that with *nix, from a shell prompt or anywhere else.
You said you don't want to copy or rename the file. Temporarily renaming it might be the simplest solution, but as you may have a reason not to do that even briefly you could instead create a hard or soft link to the file which does have an extension, and use that link as the target instead. You could wrap that in a shell script that takes the file name argument:
# set variable from correct positional parameter; if you pass in the control
# file name or other options, this might not be $1 so adjust as needed
# if the tmeproary file won't be int he same directory, need to be full path
# optionally check file exists, is readable, etc. but overkill for demo
# can also check temporary file does not already exist - stop or remove
# create soft link somewhere it won't impact any other processes
ln -s ${filename} /tmp/${filename##*/}.dat
# run SQL*Loader with soft link as target
sqlldr user/password#db control=file.ctl data=/tmp/${filename##*/}.dat
# clean up
rm -f /tmp/${filename##*/}.dat
You can then call that as:
./ /path/to/filename
If you can create the link in the same directory then you only need to pass the file, but if it's somewhere else - which may be necessary depending on why renaming isn't an option, and desirable either way - then you need to pass the full path of the data file so the link works. (If the temporary file will be int he same filesystem you could use a hard link, and you wouldn't have to pass the full path then either, but it's still cleaner to do so).
As you haven't shown your current command line options you may have to adjust that to take into account anything else you currently specify there rather than in the control file, particularly which positional argument is actually the data file path.
I have the same issue. I get a monthly download of reference data used in medical application and the 485 downloaded files don't have file extensions (#2gb). Unless I can load without file extensions I have to copy the files with .dat and load from there.

Ruby invalid multibyte character

I'm use to move folder like this:"/home/sean/_site/", "/home/sean/projects/_site/")
its returns invalid multibyte character error, the reason is the _site folder contains the following files:
but I don't know how to solve it, and when I use system command everything is ok, like this:
mv /home/sean/_site /home/sean/projects/_site
My system is ubuntu 12.04 LTS server, ruby is 2.0.0p195.
PS: On Debian system the command its ok.
Just like in bash, don't append a slash if you want to move the folder (and not its content):"/home/sean/_site", "/home/sean/projects/_site")

How to run javac with paths as argument that contain white spaces?

I am trying to run the following
javac -Xlint:unchecked -classpath C:/Users/a b/workspace/ #C:/Users/a b/workspace/files_to_compile
but I'm getting a
javac: invalid flag C:/users/a
I've also tried to surround both paths with double quotes but it doesn't seem to help a bit:
javac -Xlint:unchecked -classpath "C:/Users/a b/workspace/" #"C:/Users/a b/workspace/files_to_compile"
What am I doing wrong? This same code worked correctly in other computers (probably because they didn't have any white space in their paths..).
I've finally come up with the solution to the issue, and I guess no one here could have guessed it.
The cue to the answer lies with the fact that the contents of the files list (signaled as # in the args) generally will have each one of its strings with the initial substring equal to what one passes as both the class path and the # file.
The trouble was never the command line parameters, as suggested, but with the contents of the # file.
Each line of the file must be put in its own line, surrounded by quotes, and having into consideration that if you're in windows, you have to put the file names in the form of C:\\a\\b\\c.txt!!!
Your second try is right
javac -Xlint:unchecked -classpath "C:/Users/a b/workspace/" #"C:/Users/a b/workspace/files_to_compile"
But to be complete, you have to escape the spaces into the text file "files_to_compile" by using:
the same syntax as properties file : \
double quote each line
I suggest the second but I'm not sure.
I have to admit this was more difficult than I had imagined.
After some trial and error I came up with the following:
C:\lol>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\javac" -cp "c:\lol\a b;c:\lol\foo bar"
where the folder structure is like:
./foo bar
./foo bar/
./a b
./a b/
I made an archive with the folders and the java files, which you can grab at:
You should ignore the # option because it is enough to give the compiler one file and a proper class path, it can figure out where everything is on its own. Just give the compiler your and it will figure out what that file depends on.
I would also recommend you to write a .bat script of sorts to make things simpler. Nothing fancy, something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\javac" -classpath "c:\lol\a b;c:\lol\foo bar"
..put that in your project folder and run compile.bat from CMD
First using the cd command in shell shift your directory to the one where your file is saved.
cd /home/sayantani/PERSONAL\ FILES/sem\ 4\ courses/PLC/code/
Note that I've used "\" whenever there is space involved. "PERSONAL FILES" becomes "PERSONAL\ FILES".
Then use "javac"
This should fix your problem.
Note that doing "javac" on the entire path from the default directory isn't working.(for me)
You need to escape spaces.
Put a \ in front of each space and try that.
Its taking only the 1st part of the Source String remove the space between a b from the path and it should work fine C:/Users/a_b/workspace/" #"C:/Users/a_b/workspace/files_to_compile" . Never you should have spaces in the path else the latter part will be ignored by the compiler or else you can put a '\' between a\ b
Bit of a hack, but if you're on Windows 7 you can get around this using the mklink utility to create another folder pointing to the same place, but without spaces.
Edit: perhaps a better solution:
cd "C:/Users/a b/"
javac ... -classpath "Workspace" ...
From usage info for "java /?"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC>cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin>java.exe
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
(to execute a class)
or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
where options include:
-client to select the "client" VM
-server to select the "server" VM
-hotspot is a synonym for the "client" VM [deprecated]
The default VM is client.
-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
-classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files.
-classpath indicates that you need to use a semi-colon (";") for multiple paths.
I can't test it but I'd suggest the following (as dmcgil suggested semicolon should be classpath separator on windows):
javac -Xlint:unchecked -classpath C:\Users\a^ b\workspace\;C:\Users\a^ b\workspace\files_to_compile
It seems that the escape charachter for win shell is caret.
That is also suggested here.
Also, in your question, I noticed usage of slashes (/) in paths, doesn't all versions of windows use backslashes(\) as file separators? I saw your comment somewhere on this thread stating just that, so I'll suppose you typoed in question.

How to use perl dbmopen on Windows and Linux

I have a perl script that runs fine on Linux but fails on Windows at this point:
$freq{total} = 0;
dbmopen(%freq,$dictfile,0666) || die "Error: Cannot open dbmfile $dictfile";
$dictfile points to the proper location on the respective platforms. Changing the 0666 file permissions does not help. The file to open is a text file encoded in gb18030.
Is there a trick? Do I need to declare the encoding to open it on Window? Or possibly a different perl distro on Windows. I'm using Strawberry Perl.
Edit: Sorry, if I'm stating the obvious, but I just re-read the question. When you say
The file to open is a text file encoded in gb18030.
Do you mean a plain text file?
If so I think thats your problem. dbmopen is for indexed database file, ideally created by dbmopen in a previous run of you perl program. For plain text files you cannot bind them to hashes.
My previous resonse...
It works for me on Windows with Strawberry perl 5.12.1 running on Windows7x64. Which windows perl are you using? Make sure your installation has at least one of the DBM modules with it.
Some other points which might help:
You should include $! in your die statement, it will give you the error message for the failed open. So hopefully answer your question.
dbmopen will clear the contents of the %freq hash, so you will lose $freq{total} (because its 0 you may not notice). Usual pattern is: dbmopen, change some hash values, dbmclose
$! is the variable which contains the error test of any failed "system" call. So you open line should be something like:
dbmopen(%freq,$dictfile,0666) || die "Error: Cannot open dbmfile $dictfile: $!";
To check for the standard DBM modules you can run the following from the command prompt
for %m in ( DB_File GDBM_File SDBM_File NDBM_File ODBM_File ) do #perl -M%m -e "print qq(%m: $%m::VERSION\n)"
For me that gives:
DB_File: 1.82
GDBM_File: 1.10
SDBM_File: 1.06
Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains: C:/Nerd/StrawberryPerl/perl/site/lib C:/Nerd/StrawberryPerl/perl/vendor/lib C:/Nerd/StrawberryPerl/perl/lib .)
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains: C:/Nerd/StrawberryPerl/perl/site/lib C:/Nerd/StrawberryPerl/perl/vendor/lib C:/Nerd/StrawberryPerl/perl/lib .)
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
Which effectively meands I have DB_File, GDBM_File, and SDBM_File. But not NDBM_File or ODBM_File. Sorry I don't know how to find out which module dbmopen uses by default.
Personally I always use a specific module and then use the tie operator instead of dbmopen.
