Automate Simple Terminal Commands - macos

So here's an easy one for all you talented people out there. :) What I would like to do is create an Automator application that performs the following simple terminal commands when you drop a .command file on it, whose file name starts with "abc-123", and it's important that it throws an error if these criteria are not met and doesn't try to run the script.
chmod 777 file.command
That's it! I don't have that much experience with this and having tried to Google my way to answer for 2 hours now, I thought I'd just ask, since it's probably quite hopes. :)

Like this in bash shell :
for f in "$#"
if [[ "$name" = abc-123*.command ]];then
chmod 777 "$f"
exit 1;


How to make folders for individual files within a directory via bash script?

So I've got a movie collection that's dumped into a single folder (I know, bad practice in retrospect.) I want to organize things a bit so I can use Radarr to grab all the appropriate metadata, but I need all the individual files in their own folders. I created the script below to try and automate the process a bit, but I get the following error.
#! /bin/bash
for f in /the/path/to/files/* ;
[[ -d $f ]] && continue
mkdir "${f%.*}"
mv "$f" "${f%.*}"
So I've now run the script through per the suggestion of Benjamin W. It doesn't throw any errors according to the site, though I still get the same errors when I try running the command.
No errors now, but the script does nothing when executed.
Assignments are evaluated only once, and not whenever the variable being assigned to is used, which I think is what your script assumes.
You could use a loop like this:
for f in /path/to/all/the/movie/files/*; do
mkdir "${f%.*}"
mv "$f" "${f%.*}"
This uses parameter expansion instead of cut to get rid of the file extension.

Trying to parse a file, check its size, then send report.. this fails. :(

Noob question i'm sure.. But Noob needs help!
I have a script that downloads a ham radio file, does some stuff with it, then sends me an email with its final work. The problem is, Sometime's it comes up short. I'm not sure where it is dropping some data, and quite frankly i'm not sure I care (though I probably should..). My solution was to run the script, check the output of the file, and if it's over 96k, email it. If not.. re-run the script.
It fails on the 'until' process even if the file is above the correct size.
While i'm sure it can be done in other languages, Bash is what i'm currently familiar enough with to try and make this work better. So a bash solution is what i'm looking for. I am also alright with any streamlining that could be done, though it's not intensive by any means to run this currently!
Here's what I have..
dt=`date '+%D %T.%6N'`
wget -O ~/file1 ""
egrep 'Washington,United States|Oregon,United States|Idaho,United States|Montana,United States|British Columbia' ~/file1 > ~/PNW1
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","} {sub(/ .*/, "", $3)} {gsub("Washington", "WA",$5}{gsub("Idaho", "ID",$5)} {gsub("Montana", "MT",$5)} {gsub("Oregon", "OR",$5)} {gsub("Brit$
sed "s/'/ /g" ~/PNW_Contact.txt > ~/PNW_Contacts.txt
rm ~/PNW_Contact.txt
rm ~/file1
rm ~/PNW1
sudo cp ~/PNW_Contacts.txt /var/www/html/PNW_Contacts.txt
until [[ $(find /home/kc7aad/PNW_Contacts.txt -type f -size +96000c 2>/dev/null) ]]; do
echo "$dt" - Failed >> ~/ids.log
sleep 10
echo "$dt" - Success >> ~/ids.log
mail -s "PNW DMR Contacts Update" -A ~/PNW_Contacts.txt < /home/kc7aad/PNW_Message.txt
If I run this script manually, it does succeed. If I let Cron try to complete this, it fails.
I think that's all the detail that is needed. Please let m eknow if there are any questions!

Bash script to run chmod and skip wile with badstr

I apologize for my question but I am a beginner and I am starting to code and learn and I have no clue what am I doing but still I am learning. I took community course and struggled with my homework. 2 of the 3 assignments I've done and I'm struggling with no 3.
Assignment is:
"write BASH script to run CHMOD 644 command on file /folder/file1, /folder/file2 up to file /folder/file28 and skip all files containing string badstr. I have no clue how to do it, I am searching and reading all morning and still didn't figure it out. Can someone please help me?
Go step by step:
Create a loop over the files (which means that you have to generate that list of files) -> for
Check if every file being processed contains the forbidden string -> grep
Perform the chmod if the file passes the test -> if, test, chmod
So based on your answer i got this now. Hopefully i am on right track
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing $f file..."
cat $f
while read -r str
echo "$str"
grep "$str" /path/to/other/files
done < inputfile
chmod g+w `cat inputfile

Insert delay between lines of bash

I have a very simple renaming script I'm running in OSX Terminal. It looks like this:
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1140122_alternate1.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1140122_alternate1A.tif
I usually have several hundred lines of rename code like this one for all the files I have to rename.
However I think the network security at work is messing with the code because it will randomly jack up the file names. I think it's interrupting the code, the code is so simple I can't think of another reason why it wouldn't work.
I want to try adding a 1sec delay between each line, but how? I've read that something like sleep 1s might work but do I have to add that between every single line? That's going to be a headache if that's the case. If it is, is there another way?
UPDATE: I have a delay working but still getting the same problems as before. This is what Terminal returns:
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate1.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate1A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate2.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate2A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate3.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Remv -nvest/1247136_alternate3A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate4.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Remv -nTest/1247136_alternate4A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_lifestyle.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Renmv -nv /Volume36_lifestyleA.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_standard.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_standardA.tifç^C^C^C^C^C
It's throwing up all kinds of junk in the rename part. It's messing with the file names and the directory names and I can't figure out why.
If you are planing to perform all those mv commands from terminal you can make a bash alias:
alias mvd='sleep 2s && mv'
In terms of a script, since scripts do not understand bash alias (at least easily) you can built a similar function in the beginning of your script:
function mvd { sleep 2s && mv "$#"; }
The only thing you need to do is to use the new mvd command instead of mv.
Tip: In case of alias you can also name your alias mv (same name as the command).
If you already have a script that has hardcoded paths (eg, the script looks like:
mv -nv /path1 /path2
mv -nv /path3 /path4
Then probably the simplest thing to do would be to define a function at the top of the script by adding:
mv() { command mv "$#"; sleep 1; }
the following script just reads in your file of commands and inserts a sleep after each command
while read curr_line; do
echo curr_line $curr_line
return_msg=$( $curr_line ) # execute cmd
# may want to do error checking on value of error variable $? and return_msg
sleep 1
done < ./input_file_of_original_cmds.txt # read in that file

Simple BASH script needed: moving and renaming files

Decades ago I was a programmer (IBM assembly, Fortran, COBOL, MS DOS scripting, a bit of Visual Basic.) Thus I'm familiar with the generalities of IF-Then-Else, For loops, etc.
However, I'm now needing to delve into Bash for my current job, and I'm having a difficult time with syntax and appropriate commands for what I need.
I'm in need of a trivial (concept-wise) script, which will:
Determine if a specific folder (e.g., ~/Desktop/Archive Folder) exists on the user Desktop
If not, create it ("Archive")
Move all files/folders on desktop - except for ~/Desktop/Archive, into "Archive Folder" - AND appending a timestamp onto the end of the filenames being moved.
It is this very last piece - the timestamp addition - which is holding me up.
I'm hoping a clear and simple solution can be sent my way. Here is what I've come up with so far:
shopt -s extglob
FOLDERARCH="Archive Folder"
cd ~/Desktop
if [ ! -d $"FOLDERARCH" ]; then
echo "$FOLDERARCH did not exist, was created"
One final note: the script above works (without the timestamp piece) yet also ends with the message
mv: rename Archive Folder to Folder/Archive Folder: Invalid argument
Any help will be deeply, deeply appreciated. Please assume I know essentially zilch about the BASH environment, cmds and their arguments - this first request for assistance marks my first step into the journey of becoming at least proficient.
First: much gratitude for the replies I've gotten; they've been very useful.
I've now got was it essentially a working version, but with some oddities I do not understand and, after hours of attempted research, have yet to understand/solve.
I'm hoping for some insight; I feel I'm on the verge of making some real headway in comprehending, but these anomalies are hindering my progress. Here's my (working, with "issues") code so far:
shopt -s extglob
NEWARCH=$(date +%F_%T)
cd ~/Desktop
if [ ! -d $"FOLDERARCH" ]; then
echo "$FOLDERARCH did not exist, was created"
This in fact largely accomplishes my goal, but:
In the case where the desktop Archives folder already exists, I'm expecting the if-then construct to simply follow through (with no echo msg) to the following mkdir command, but instead the msg "Archives not exist, was created" msg is output anyway (erroneously). Any answers as to why?
The script completes with the following msg:
mv: rename Archives to Archives/2016-01-10_00:06:54/Archives: Invalid argument
I don't understand this at all; what should be happening is that all files/folders on the desktop EXCEPT the /Desktop/Archives folder should be moved into a newly created "subfolder" of /Desktop/Archives, e.g., /Desktop/Archives/2016-01-10_00:06:54. In fact, the move accomplishes my goal, but that the message arises makes no sense to me. What is the invalid argument?
One last note: at this point in my newbie-status I'm looking for code which is clear and easy to read, versus much more elegant/sophisticated one-line piped-command solutions. I look forward to working my way up to those in due time.
You have several options. One of the simplest is to loop over the directories below ~/Desktop and if they are not "$FOLDERARCH", move them to "$FOLDERARCH", e.g.:
for i in */; do
[ "$i" != "$FOLDERARCH"/ ] && mv "$i" "$FOLDERARCH"
I haven't run a test case, but something similar to the following should work.
shopt -s extglob
FOLDERARCH="Archive Folder"
cd ~/Desktop || { printf "failed to change to '~/Destop'\n"; exit 1; }
if [ ! -d "$FOLDERARCH" ]; then
if mkdir "$FOLDERARCH" , then
echo "$FOLDERARCH did not exist, was created"
echo "error: failed to create '$FOLDERARCH'"
exit 1
for i in */; do
[ "$i" != "$FOLDERARCH"/ ] && mv "$i" "$FOLDERARCH"
I apologize, I forgot the datestamp portion. As pointed out in the comments, you can include the datestamp (set the format to your taste) with something similar to the following:
tstamp=$(date +%s)
for i in */; do
[ "$i" != "$FOLDERARCH"/ ] && mv "$i" "$FOLDERARCH/${i}_${tstamp}"
