How can I work with Windows security groups without knowing their localized names in advance? - windows

I've searched around online but can't find what I'm after. Basically, during an install, we fire off a separate executable that basically brute forces a few folders to be read/write enabled for the user group "EVERYONE".
Now, the person that wrote this never took into consideration system language. I had a call with a customer in France that kept failing installation because "EVERYONE" isn't what we would expect.
I'm after an API call to Windows that would return a security group name which would be "safe" to use in a localized environment. Essentially I'm looking to safely edit this code so instead of hardcoding in "EVERYONE", we call a function instead.

The fundamental mistake here is not so much the use of EVERYONE, but rather that the code is using names at all. Instead of using names you should use the well-known SIDs. In your case you need S-1-1-0.


How to ignore folders in ImageProcessor

Using the execlent library ImageProcessor is really easy. Thanks James
How do you prevent ImageProcessorModule from intercepting images from certain folder?
Say I have a folder named "DontResizeMe" - how make ImageProcessor ignore this folder?
I think there are a few ways to achieve this, depending on which part you want to avoid.
You could inherit the ImageProcessingModule, and make your own pre-checks to determine if the request should be processed by the base class.
You could use the OnValidatingRequest event, and cancel any requests in the folder you choose.
There is a config setting for InterceptAllRequests that will ignore any request without query string params.
You could make your own "noop" service, and configure that for the prefixes you want. See examples here:

Change Rails 4 production.rb constants based on request.url

Please can someone point me in the right direction for what I'm sure is a simple problem, but is causing me to go round in circles.I have three domains
I'm trying to keep a single code base for maintenance.
I've done some manual localisation work to change titles, contact details etc based on the url, using request.original_url and stripping out the relevant parts and setting some constants in the application controller (SITE, EMAIL, TELEPHONE etc).
It all works fine, except for my config.action_mailer.smtp_settings in the production.rb.
These obviously should change so the localised email account is used ( or etc) but
I can't get the constants to be initialised before the environment is loaded. It makes perfect sense why it's not working, but I have no idea how to fix it.
I've tried putting it in initializers, the application.rb and setting it in the production.rb itself. If I move the code anywhere out of the application controller I get a no method error on request.original_url.
Is there a way of pulling out mailer settings so they can be exposed to variables? Or is the production.rb loaded at app start up and after that is unaffected by the end user.
Also, even though the language is remaining the same should I look at i18n for manipulating the site for these features? or is it not worth the effort for the few variables I want to change.
Thanks in advance.
You can just change settings in runtime:
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:host] = 'yourhostfromrequest'
You could just change the constants in your mailers, since constants in Ruby are mutable.

windows folder for temporary files created by my application

I'm trying to decide where the 'correct folder' to store documents and logs created by my windows form application. The application is used in education and has all paths held in the SQL server. Some (like logs file paths are shared) are accessible on network but specifically for temporary documents where should I default the storage to? I've recently tried the Users/username/AppData/ folder but I seem to be getting differing results after installation; so far I have put this down to people user credentials as often in schools they can do whatever they want (yes I know shocking indeed).
If anyone can point me in the direction of an MSDn article or knows better please reply - Thanks.
** Edit 10/09/2013 - Sorry all I should be further explicit. I'm looking for the folder / structure Microsoft has designed for this sort off activity. My application already provides users with the ability to create thier own working directories (there are several required) but I'm keen to use the 'correct' locations for this sort of activity... I thought the right place would be c:/Users/USERNAME/Appdata/APPLICATION FOLDER/ but as I mention I've come across a few access rights issues when uses install the application.... hope that explains better - thanks
To create temporary directory you can use something like this:
public string GetTempDirectory() {
string path = Path.GetRandomFileName();
Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), path);
return path;
Path class info
Directory class info

AutoUnlock a Windows User Session

Recently, I have been working on a CredentialProvider in order to unlock automatically (the trigger can be any event, so let’s say the end of a timer) a Windows Vista (or more recent version) user session.
For that I read some useful articles on the subject, the change between GINA and this new architecture.
I think, like everyone in the process of creating a custom CredentialProvider, I didn’t start from scratch but from the sample code provided by Microsoft. And then I tried to change the behaviour (things like logging) in the different functions.
So in the end I can use the custom CredentialProvider, enter the SetUsageScenario methods but still I cannot reach the Set or GetSerialization method. From what I’ve understood in the technical documentation on CredentialProvider (still provided by Microsoft) theses two methods should be called automatically. Is there something I missed ?
Also, my original idea was to get an authentication package using Kerberos in order to perform an implicit user authentication. I got this idea by seeking information on other SO or MSDN threads like
Is this approach the good one ?
Thank you very much for your time answering my questions. Any clarifications are welcomed, even if they don’t directly resolve my problems :-)
First of all - you need to set autologon flag to true in your implementation of the ICredentialProviderCredential::SetSelected(BOOL *pbAutoLogon) and ICredentialProvider::GetCredentialCount methods.
Next, you need to call ICredentialProviderEvents::CredentialsChanged when your timer is hit.
LogonUI will recreate your credentials, and because autologon is set to true it will call your GetSerialization() method.
SetSerialization and GetSerialization functions are called from your provider by LogonUI. After user enters username/password and presses ENTER button, LogonUI calls GetSerialization function and provides a pointer, as one of the four parameters, that will point in future to CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_SERIALIZATION structure created and filled by you, and then this structure will be sent from LogonUI to Winlogon to perform authentication. I don't know how to make LogonUI to call GetSerialization from your credential provider code and as far as I know you can't call GetSerialization by your own because where will you pass your filled CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_SERIALIZATION structure if no one requested it, but only LogonUI can path it to Winlogon?
There is a document called "Credential Provider Technical Reference", there you can read some details about credential providers. In the Shell samples folder there is a strange folder called "Autologon", maybe it will help you! Good Luck!

Magento - Mage::getModel not working on Linux server

I'm struggling with an issue for which I can't find an explanation. I have two development environments that I use for my projects. I created a simple module for Magento and I tested it on one environment. After overcoming all Magento's complications, the module works as expected. This is on XAMPP.
I then copied the module to the development Linux environment, on a hosted server, and it crashes miserably. I did some debugging, and I found out that a call to Mage::getModel() returns bool(false) instead of the instance of the Model I requested.
I double checked all files and directories, and they match. Database is not involved (not from my side, at least, I don't need tables) and both environments have only me as a User, with Admin permissions.
Any suggestion on where should I start looking is welcome, thanks.
Added on 2012/07/09
Model contains a class named Diego_ClientCustomModule_Model_ExternalUserData, which is invoked with $model = Mage::getModel('clientcustommodule/externaluserdata');. Model file resides in Diego_ClientCustomModule\code\local\Diego\ClientCustomModule\Model\. The curious thing is:
If model file is named Externaluserdata.php, it works.
If model file is named ExternalUserData.php (i.e. it matches the class name), it doesn't work.
I'm aware of case sensitivity stuff etc, but, if the alias is all lower-case, how comes it can load a file having the first letter capitalized?
Configuration file
Snarking about the framework for which you are asking for help may not be the best strategy for receiving help.
Your issue is likely one of cache (remove var/cache folder to check) or one of improper casing. Note that the first letter of each directory and filename for files loaded by the autoloader (blocks, models, and helpers).
It seems I have found the root cause of the issue, although I can't figure out what kind of logic has been implemented to make it happen.
Model's file name was UserCustomModule.php, which reflected the class name UserCustomModule. That made sense, and worked wonderfully in XAMPP. Once I installed the same module on a Linux box, Magento silently ignored the file and, as previously stated, there's been no way to track down Magento's actions.
Following benmark suggestion, I went through all the files again to check the casing, and everything seemed to match. I then made something, in my opinion, completely stupid, and I renamed the Model file to Usercustommodule.php, leaving the class name untouched (after all, PHP should behave the same on both platforms, unlike the file system). Magically, the module now works! The file name looks cr*p, but it works.
This solved the problem, yet it raises more questions:
For what reason Magento has troubles loading a file with a CamelCase name? If it's Autoloading, it should simply find a file and load it. After all, it loads the Controller, the Block and everything else, and they are all in CamelCase.
Is it written anywhere that one or more files must have only the first letter capitalized? I got enough surprises already, I'd like to avoid new ones, if possible.
Thanks again for the help.
