How to host a SWF file from any page - visual-studio-2010

Is there a way to host a SWF game like Bloons Tower Defense, onto my ASP.NET page? Can you somehow cache a page containing the .SWF file and then play it on that page?
Also is it legal to get any SWF file you want and play it on a different page, if you have credited the author?
I'm very new to this topic and want to create a website that will search for all avaliable, online games, and then play it on the page of my website.
How will I go about this approach? I have thought of creating foreign pages as a string through the WebRequest and WebResponse class, and then searching for the .swf, then downloading it to my server and rehosting it on a page, but that seems too much of a hassle and like it won't work.
What way should I use and how should I go about this?

If not crazy, at least this is illegal. You can't host stealed content from other sites without the written approval of the copyright owner or conforming to its licence.
Talk to the site owner and ask him for his content and read the licence therms if any. This applies to any content you want from any other sources.
Answering your question: Don't do it! and Don't do it to yourself!


Can I set cookies for discord.Embed.set_thumbnail in

I am making an online encyclopedia searching bot with But the encyclopedia site is opened only for my school students. So I had to use cookies to get documents' contents. But I got a problem. The site provides changing the logo for each document, and I'm going to put it in discord.Embed.thumbnail. As I mentioned above, the encyclopedia site is opened only for my school students, and the logo file as well as.
Can I use my cookies to access file link for discord.Embed.set_thumbnail? If possible, how? Thanks for your help.
you could currently use the requests module to get the image URL setting cookies. Then, you get the URL of the image and you just put it into the thumbnail field.

Parsing data: is img link slower then image from own server?

I'm parsing data from other website, and question wether it's better to download images and show them on my own or just links to website images I parsed . Is the link to image by default slower then image from own source?
Couldn't find answer to the simple question. If question is discussable and doesn't belong here, someone comment down please in order to delete it.
Some rules of thumb:
Don't display content on your page which you 'source' from another site without the other sites permission. ('Share this' links provided by youtube are okay, directly linking to the .flv file of someones video from another site to display on yours is not).
Don't copy content from other domains onto your domain without their permission first (doing so would be a copyright violation).
So to answer your question: You should copy the content onto your domain/host, but only if they have given permission to allow this kind of use.
Edit: I am interpreting your question as "I am taking content from another website [and putting it on my own] and I am wondering if I should link directly to their content ( tags pointing to the other domain) or if I should download/copy the content to my website and have my server handle everything?"
The "technical" answer is "it depends on how good your host is compared to the other host when serving content to the average visitor". Compare a page run by Google vs. the same thing run on a home server behind a 56k modem. It matters if you have broadband, but if you're on a 33.3k modem it doesn't.

Website creation query

I need to create a website which stores the list of all games the player has played and it shows right on your profile. As the player goes on completing a game, he adds the game into his list.
So i would need a basic lo-gin configuration and then by using AJAX, I will populate the list of games which he wants to add to his list. So that he can track the list with games that he has played.
So now I need suggestion on how to go on with it?
How to start building?
Which language do I need to pickup?
I am well versed with Java and j2ee.
Is this enough?
Also I am a freelancer so I can't afford to pay for a website. So any free website hosting service which will help me to build the website which I have in mind??
Also if I use any free website hosting service, will they provide me with a database and AJAX capabilities?
Here's the basic setup:
You need a domain first. Try to pick something unique, as it will be cheaper. You can find one on namecheap:
You need hosting. Again, go with namecheap.
To start building, you need to learn some HTML and CSS. HTML is markup of the web, and CSS is the stylesheet of the web. They aren't hard languages to start off in. You can start for free at Khan Academy:
I believe namecheap offers database support as well. Ajax isn't provided by a hosting service. It's more of a group of languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
This should get you going. I can't really give you more detailed information than this because your question is really broad. If you Google your questions, you'll get good answers and guides.
Best of luck.

When trying to integrate one website with another what is the way to go? Iframe or pulling content?

My company has multiple vendors that all have their own websites. I am creating a website that acts as a dashboard where customers can access all of the vendor's sites. I wanted to know what is the best option for doing this?
Here's what I have so far:
Can bring in the entire website
Seems secure enough (not sure if I'm missing any information on security issues for this)
Users can interact with the vendor's website through our site
Our website cannot fully interact with the vendor's website (Also may be missing info here)
Pulling in the content
Can bring in the entire website
Not very secure from what I hear (Some websites actually say that pulling another website in is a voilation of security and will alert the user of this or something similar...
Users can interact with their website through our site
Our website can fully interact with the vendor's website
Anyone have any other options...?
What are some of the downsides to bringing in a site with an iframe and is this really our only option for doing something like this?
Optimally, we would like to pull in their site to ours without using an iframe- What options do we have on this level? Is there anything better than an iframe?
Please add in as much information as you can about iframes, pulling content, security, and website interactions like this. Anything to add in is appreciated.
As far as "pulling content" is concerned I wouldn't advise it as it can break. All it takes is a simple HTML change on their end and your bot will break. Also, it's more work than you think to do this for one site, let alone the many that you speak of. However, there are 3rd party apps that can do this for you if you have the budget.
You could use an iframe/frames, however, many sites might try to bust out of them and it can ruin the user experience of the site within the frame.
My advice is to use the following HTML for each link in your dashboard.
Vendor Site Link
If you can have the sites that you are embedding add some client-side script, then you could use easyXSS. It allows for easy transferring of data, and also calling javascript methods across the domain boundry.
I would recommend iFrames. Whilst not the most glamorous of elements, many payment service providers use iFrames for the Verified by Visa/Mastercard Secure Code integration.

Content Water Marking

We have members-only paid content that is frequently copied and republished without our permission.
We are trying to ‘watermark’ our content by including each customer’s user id in a fake css class, for example <p class='userid_1234'> (except not so obivous, of course :), that would help us track the source of the copying, and then we place that class somewhere in the article body.
The problem is, by including user-specific information into an article, it makes it so that the article content is ineligible for caching because it is now unique to each user.
This bumps the page load time from ~.8ms to ~2.5sec for each article page view.
Does anyone know of any watermarking strategies that can still be used with caching?
Alternatively, what can be done to speed up database access? ( ha, ha, that there’s just a tiny topic i’m sure.. )
We're using the CMS Expression Engine, but I'd like to hear about any strategies. They don't have to be EE-specific.
If you're talking about images then you could use PHP to add a watermark to the images.
How can I add an image onto an image in PHP like a watermark
its a tool to help track down the lazy copiers who just copy the source code as-is. this is not preventative, nor is it a deterrent. – Ian 12 hours ago
Going by your above comment you are happy with users copying your content, just not without the formatting etc. So what you could do is provide the users an embed type of source code for that particular content just like YouTube does with videos. Into that embed source code you could add your own links back to your site, utilize your own CSS etc.
That way you can still allow the members to use the content but it will always come out the way you intended it with links back to your site.
You could always cache a version that uses a special string, like #!username!#, and then later fill it in with PHP based on which user is viewing it.
Another way I believe is to switch from caching on the server to instead let the browser cache it locally for a little. That way it is only cached per user, and it reduces the calls to your database. Because an article is pretty static, you could just let the local computer cache it, and pull in comments via javascript.
This last one is probably not one you are really looking for, but I'm gonna come out and say it anyway. You could not treat your users like thieves, and instead treat the thieves as thieves. Go to the person hosting the servers your content is on and send them an email telling them copyrighted premium content is being hosted on their servers without your permission. You can even automate that process.
How to find out what sites are posting your content? Put a link in the body content to your site, and do a Google Search/Blog Search for articles linking to that site. To automate it, use Google Blog Search because it offers RSS feeds. Any one that has a link back to your site could go into a database with a link to the page, someone could look at it, and if it is the entire article, go do a Whois and send them an email.
What makes you think adding css to something is going to stop people from copying it without that CSS? It's more likely that they are just coping the source of the content you are showing them and ignoring all the styling around it. For example, I use tamper data to look at all HTTP requests made by Firefox, if I can see it on the page, I can see it in the logs. Even with all the "protection" some sites try to put in place, they generally will never work. I can grab what I want, without using any screen capture/recording.
If you were serving flv's, for example, I would easily be able to grab the source of that even if you overlayed it with some CSS. I think the best approach would be to get the sites publishing your premium content and ask them to remove it. It's either that or watermark the actual content on the fly while sending it to the browser.
