How to run magento project in phpeclipse? - magento

I want to include and run magento project in phpeclipse.How can i do that?

As far as i know, PHP-Eclipse is "on going" development. and not compatible with Magento yet, you might just open file by file. But you can debug it with xDebug.
Example Working Magento with Eclipse

I am using PHPEd.
Works great with magento.


Problem with migration Joomla 1.5.26 to 3.x with jUpgradePro

I need to migrate an old website witch is using Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.x.
I updated Joomla to 1.5.26 and I decided to buy and use tool jUpgradePro from .
I configured everything and I'm trying to start migration but there's one problem and I need Your help.
When I start using cmd of jupgradepro there's one error message after using command composer install.
Cannot update only a partial set of packages without a lock file present
What can I do with this problem, any Issue? I was trying to search something in web, but finally have to ask You for help.
One thing that I can say is that this example is a test so target domain is a subdomain ( and source site has just empty test template, is that a problem? Joomla 3.x is well configured on subdomain.
Finally I need to migrate Joomla 3.x to Wordpress but right now I have to solve this problem.
Thank you in advance for your help :)
I got same problem, and found this solution on my local machine:
In Joomla site, xxx\administrator\components\com_jupgradepro I copied the composer.json file to composer.lock
I started composer install command from command line (in Windows, not in built-in jUpgradePro). It installed all dependencies, and in jUpgradePro command line window the check site command worked fine.

Which MAGMI Github directory to use?

There's two directories in the Github respositories:
Which one should I use?
I had this question as well. After sniffing around, it looks like the magmi-0.8 folder may be reserved for the future releases of Magmi 0.8. The current stable is 0.7.19
I tried to run the magmi-0.8 version but got a bunch of errors, so I am now running the app from the base magmi folder. Fingers crossed this version plays nicely with Magento CE 1.8
This post provides more info:
This is not something standard for GitHub.
You're rather referring to Magento Mass Importer project hosted on GitHub.
As you're starting now, you should use the magmi directory, as it has the most updated code.

Changing the Moodle template

I want to use free moodle template from In its demo it shows how to install theme. It says put the theme on ftp. I put it in the same directory in local and it didn't work. I want to know it's because it's on local or I have another problem?
It looks like they are not working because the themes are designed for Moodle 1.9 which is quite old now.
The latest version of Moodle is 2.6

admin menu is not showing in Magento custom module

I have created custom module everything is fine but its not showing admin menu.As I can see in configuration->advanced,the module is showing there and enabled.I also created a fresh module from and installed to same site but its behaving same as above explained.I have installed same module at another magento installation on another server,its working fine.please help .Any help will be highly appreciated.
Did you try to clear the cache ? I've done one litle project in magento for school and clear cache solve all kind of problems.
The Best way I prefer to create a Module in Magento is Using the Module Creator
There could me many reasons Why your module dosent appear in the might be missin some line in the xml file, or some functions model.

How to debug magento application

I am working with Magento but i didn't find a very good way to debug my modules. For example, many time, i got a blank page with no php error and no apache error. For example, in backend, if one grid controller isn't well set, i don't have an error.
How to debug Magento module?
It sounds like you want to enable Developer mode. Add this to your .htaccess file:
You may also want to enable display errors in index.php:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
The best way I have found to debug is with X-Debug in a local environment. You can also use log files to help debug in a production environment, if your unable to run X-Debug in the environment.
I've got a more detailed posting here:
Consider also installing XDebug
This thread is old but useful.
Debugging tools and tricks are important as it saves lots of time of a developer.
Here is a compiled list My company Uses.
Use of Eclipse debugger: Magento is installed on a desktop using Eclipse debugger we apply breakpoints and other debugging tricks.
Use of Bug commerce as suggested in above post.
Use of Mage::log for error log and exception log.Also Magento Report files.
Use of Varien Object getData, debug.
Use of back trace: Mage::log(Varien_Debug::backtrace(true, true), null, 'backtrace.log')
Remote server level debugging.
var_dump PHP function to echo and exit.
If you are (want to be) a real Magento Developer, here is the best combination of IDE and plugin you must use to work on your Magento Projects.
First of all, phpStorm the best IDE you can find.
Exist a very helpful plugin called magicento that you can use auto-complete, find in path magento, create modules very quickly and without issue, other great stuff you can use with that plugin.
Of course need to install Xdebug (be carefully if you already run a project with ioncube, bc you need to make some trick there, Xdebug doens't work properly with ioncube loader).
This last item on the list is something I need to be reviewing but I think should be great to debugging porpoises, MagentoDebugger Chrome App.
Let me know if you need something else or any help installing some of the stuff.
You can look in var/log/exception.log or system.log in the magento root. These are the directories for Magento excepetions and logs. Otherwise you might need to increase the php error log level.
Alan Storm created a Commerce Bug to help with some inline development issues.
Please try to use this magento debugger, it's chrome extension. it's realy speeds up a work. Just need to configure on the backend once and use Chrome extension.
Here easy to debug blocks, mails. Easy profile your extensions, etc.
