Command Not Found when writing a Node Shell Script - shell

I am attempting to create a shell script using Node.js similar to packages like express and mocha. My initial test reported command not found so I backed the script to the following:
#!/usr/bin/env node
console.log("printing stuff");
The above should just output "printing stuff" when ran; however, that too doesn't work.
I'm attempting to execute the script via ./script in the directory of the file in order to ensure it's not a pathing issue. Attempting to execute under a privileged state (i.e. sudo) yields the same results/error message.
Any idea what I need to do?

When you shebang (#!) /usr/bin/env node, you are saying "look for a program called node on my PATH". If doing node -v works, as #Ryan says, the shebang should work fine. Any chance you have a shell alias or shell function named node? That could be giving you the illusion that your PATH is correct even when it is not. But essentially, just make sure the directory where the node binary lives (the bin directory under your node install) is on your PATH environment variable, and things really should work at that point.
export PATH=/usr/local/node/bin:$PATH

Figured out my issue. I made the shell script but forgot to set execute permissions onto the file. doing a chmod a+x script resolved the issue.


cron: run a script that sources a function

I have script that does a bunch of stuff. It sources a bunch of functions that are in the directory the script is being run from. i.e.
If I cd into /home/me and run ./ everything works fine. The functions are sourced and do what needs to be done.
However, if I try to run this as a cron job, it will run up until the point I am trying to source the functions, and then it just stops and the process is terminated (if I run it directly from the directory, at least I get some errors).
Like wise, if I try to run this from another directory, I get a bunch of errors. e.g.
cd /opt/
function1: command not found
function2: command not found
I'm sure this has something to do with environmental variables, but I have no idea which ones. I have tried setting (in crontab):
But that doesn't work either. Any help is appreciated. I don't want to hard code in the paths to the functions, and instead make them relative to the path the script is in (preferably the same dir).
Please let me know if you need any more information.
You are most probably aware of this, but just to be clear: A shell function does not have a path. They just need to be loaded into the current shell by sourcing the script that contains them:
source /path/to/functions
cd /path/to/functions
source functions
If you are talking about shell programs (scripts) instead, then you need to account for the fact that on Unix-like OS, the current directory is never in the PATH by default:
cd /path/to/functions
You tagged your question Bash, but note that to be POSIX-compatible (e.g. if using sh), you have to use the . keyword (instead of either . or source on Bash) and the same restrictions regarding the PATH as for command execution apply, see dot:
. ./function1

Simple Bash Script says Command not found

I'm trying to run an extremely simple bash script that runs some commands on the shell. For now, all it is composed of is:
Where "eos" is a perfectly legit command that runs perfectly fine on the server I'm using if I run it manually on the same shell.
However, when I chmod +x and execute this script, I get the error:
./ line 21: eos: command not found
Does anyone have any idea why it won't submit these commands?
Thanks in advance!
What user is running the script? I suspect an environment or pwd issue, although permissions are a possibility.
Try using the full path to eos or setup the necessary environment in the script.
In unix shell "command not found" error comes when the directory at which command is located is not in PATH (an env variable) which is searched to locate the command.
The solution to this is either of any of the 2 approaches mentioned below
a) change PATH and export PATH variable either in shell startup files or user profiles
export PATH=$PATH:/eos-command-directory-location/
b) run the eos command in shell script you have developed with full path

Raspbian: Reset Bash environment variables

I was trying to get a crontab working on my Raspberry PI and I think I messed up my environment variables. I can execute a file from the GUI by right-clicking and choosing execute. However I cannot get the same file to run from command line. I can use ls to see the file (, but when I type, I get "bash: command not found".
I think I messed up my environment variables when I put this in the crontab.
I followed the examples in Script doesn't run via crontab but works fine standalone.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Let me clarify what efforts I took on my part BEFORE posting my question on stackoverflow before getting anymore downvotes.
First of all thanks S. Adam Nissley for your suggestions.
In answer to your steps listed above.
Running this from home path, or fully qualified path does Not work as stated.
Error: bash: command not found
I have also ensured read/write and execute permissions on the file with
chmod +x ./
Also, my bash script starts off with the following shebang
So, what i'm trying to say is, regardless of using crontab or not the issue at hand is that I can not even execute the script from command line. This started happening after I was messing around with the environment variables in the crontab. I'm looking for a way to revert to the situation where I can at least run/execute bash commands from the terminal.
The only way I can effectively execute this script is (right-click execute) through the GUI.
Assuming you are in the same directory as your script, you should just be able to enter
If it does not execute, make sure it is executable with the command
chmod +x ./
chmod 755 ./
And if it still won't execute, make sure it has an appropriate hashbang on the very first line of the script like #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash
When you add it to your crontab, make sure it has the full path like
/home/pi/bin/ <br/>
EDIT: Default PATH and SHELL for Raspbian
You can check your PATH and SHELL environmental variables from the command line as follows:
echo $SHELL
echo $PATH
The default PATH for Rasbian is:
And the default SHELL is:
So if you need to set those it is as simple as:
If you are having other issues with your environment, you may want to disable some of your local settings to see if the problem is in your profile. You can list all files with ls -a, which includes hidden files. Raspbian typically has a .bashrc and a .profile in each user's home directory. To disable them simple rename them:
mv .bashrc .bashrc_disabled
mv .profile .profile_disabled
If that solves the problem, you can inspect the files and make the necessary corrections before renaming them back to their original names.

SSH heredoc to run Perl script on another server can't find right paths

I have a Perl program on server_B which uses Perl DBI and 5.010 and runs fine from the server_B terminal. I run it from a shell script which first prepares some arguments and then passes them to the Perl program, all works fine.
I need to run a shell script on server_A that will execute that script on server_B. This is because the Perl program creates several files that I want to SFTP back over to server_A. This is the script I'm running on server_A:
ssh server_B <<- EOF
There is some strange behavior which I'm trying to understand:
The script ( on server_B runs mysql, which is not installed on server_A (which is why I have to do this whole thing.) If I try to run it on server_B as-is, I can call mysql just like that. But when I run the above script (on server_A) to ssh into server_B and run that script, it doesn't recognize mysql unless I change the file (on server_B) to call the full path /opt/mysql/client/bin/mysql (even though that file is already on server_B with mysql installed) Does this mean server_B is picking up on the PATH variable from server_A instead of using my PATH variable from server_B? Is it trying to run my programs from server_A on the files on server_B? How and why??
If I make the change above it executes the script, but when it hits Perl it says
Perl v5.10.0- required - this is only v5.8.8
Again, 5.10 works fine on server_B but the version of Perl on server_A is 5.8.8.
So I got rid of use 5.010; because it actually wasn't necessary, but then I have a similar problem with my modules (DBI and DBD::mysql). I get:
Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains.. [my Perl PATH from server_A])
at line 4
I was expecting the ssh heredoc call to (from server_A) to run exactly as does if I call it on server_B, but instead it seems like it's trying to use my programs from server_A on server_B, which I find weird. Can anyone help me understand why it's happening? I feel like I'm misunderstanding something fundamental about how ssh works.
server_A is AIX with ksh
server_B is AIX with bash
Edit - since some of you voted to the effect that I haven't done my research, here's what else I've tried. I didn't mention because I don't understand them fully, these are just guesses based on other SO posts & hunches. It'd be disingenuous if I gave the impression I knew what I was talking about.
If this is a duplicate, which question should I be looking at? If this is a "just read the manual situation", which one? What should I look for?
Read man ssh looking for clues related to environment variables, didn't find anything I understood
Tried running with -t
Tried running with -t -t
Did log in remotely with ssh and manually running it - this DOES work
Sourced my .bash_profile in the update script
Tried to re-assign PATH as the remote server's PATH when ssh
Tried using a different delimiter for the heredoc
Tried < instead of <<
Tried without the "-"
Edit 2 with Saigo's help below I determined that when in interactive ssh, if I echo $PATH I do get the target server's $PATH, but in a shell script I don't. That led me to this:
where I found out that scripted ssh doesn't call .bashrc, but interactive ssh does. So it looks like I was on the right track trying to source .bash_profile inside the scripted SSH heredoc, just need .bashrc not .bash_profile - however I don't have a .bashrc on the target server. I do have .profile but when I source that, I get an error stating it's for interactive bash sessions only. So now I'm just trying to find whatever file would contain my $PATH variable because it's apparently not .bashrc as there isn't one in there.
Edit 3 - tried hard-coding the PATH variable into a file and sourcing that and even then when I echo $PATH I get the origin server's PATH variable. It is reading the file in correctly, I also assigned another test variable and echoed that as part of the script. I tried sourcing /etc/profile and no luck.
I found a solution that works perfectly. I wasn't able to get it to work with ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.ssh/rc but still not sure why it's not picking up my environment variables even with sourcing these.
Since it works when I manually ssh in and then run the commands one-by-one, I used these arguments to run ssh in a forced interactive login.
ssh server_B bash --login -i "~/perl/"
See these for more:
Hope this is useful for someone in the future. Thank you for your assistance Saigo.

Source a script remotly via ssh

I want to run a remote program via ssh which requires a certain environment. Thus before executing the program I source a specific file building up the environment. If I'm logged onto the machine directly this is no problem but when I execute the command via ssh
foo=`ssh user#host "source ~/; ~/run/program"`
I get an error that indicates that the script was not sourced correctly. Do you know what I have to do in order to get the script sourced and the program executed in the same session?
I'm exporting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the script and the executable is complaining that it cannot find the shared object file. The default shell is bash. 'Session' is definitive not the right wording. I meant 'terminal environment'.
This may not be the cleanest way, but if you invoke bash with the interactive option (-i) and send commands through the standard input, it should work.
In particular,
foo=`ssh user#host bash -i <<EOF
source ~/
It would be much easier if you have a script that does exactly the two steps you want:
source ~/
Then you would just need to call ssh user#host
Good luck.
Thank you for all your time and help. I found the issue. The basic idea of how to execute the remote program was right from the beginning. When testing my case locally on the machine, the current working directory was different. For some reason the cwd is important when sourcing this bash script.
