MVC3 MapRoute to convert aspx query params into the route -

I'm working on a project to rewrite an aspx site as MVC3. I want to make the old URLs work on the new site. I have named my controllers and actions such that the URLs actually contain enough info in the query string to route correctly but I'm having trouble getting the routing to work since it doesn't like the ? in the URL.
Basically I have old URLs like this:
I tried to create a route using:
new { controller = "Task", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
I want it to route to the correct new URL which is:
I know that all traffic to the MyPage.aspx page should go to my new Task controller and the beginning of the Section parameter always matches one of a few corresponding actions on that controller.
Unfortunately I have found that I get an error that a route can't contain a question marks. How should I handle this? Would it be better to use URL rewriting? Because this is a private site I'm not concerned with returning permanent redirects or anything - no search engine will have links to the site anyway. I just want to make sure that customers that have a URL in an old email will get to the right page in the new site.

In this one case I think the simplest way would be to have your old page mapped to a route:
new { controller = "Task", action = "MyPageHandler" }
And have this route mapped to an action method in TaskController:
public ActionResult MyPageHandler(string section, string taskId)
if (section.Contains("Detail"))
// execute section
This way you're treating your old site's query string for what it is: a query string. Passing those parameters straight into an action method is the most MVC-y way to interpret your old site.


Dynamic Controllers in CodeIgniter

I am in the process of creating a new website which loads all master and child categories from the database. I have tested the navigation as well, i.e., if I click any master category, it perfectly loads all the respective child categories without any issue. However, at present, I am doing this by passing query string in the URL. For instance
Let's assume that the id, 32145, represents a master category namely 'About us'. My question is how can I change the above URL to something like:
and if there is any child category under About us than it should display as:
Please help me out as I am really stuck with this problem.
by default CodeIgniter uses a segment-based approach, you can do URL routing in way like your second part of the question - "and if there is any child category under About us"
$route['product/(:any)'] = "catalog/product_lookup";
more here:
but if you want to rewrite complete URL than you should probably check .htaccess rewriting
It is not easy, do once for migration.
In database you can store the New controller/url for products (if it is not have yet)
Create new Controllers
Route controller which redirect the old Url to the New Url
Route old urls to Route controller
Route controller something like this:
public function old_url($aProdId) {
if (is_null($aProdId)) {
// error cannot be null
$NewUrl = $this->new_url_model->getNewUrl($aProdId);
if (!$NewUrl) {
// error new url not exist
redirect(base_url($NewUrl), 'refresh');

ASP.NET MVC Routing - Thousands of URL's

My ecommerce application stores URL's for item pages in the database. There are thousands of these URL's, which are all root level (i.e.{item-page-url}).
If I add all of these URL's to the route table by using a simple for loop to call RouteCollection.MapRoute for each URL site performance degrades exponentially. Why? The reason for this is here.
How should I properly handle this situation? Adding all of the routes to the route table doesn't seem right (not to mention the performance pretty much confirms that). I've seen a few ideas about inspecting all incoming URL's and then trying to match that to the URL's in the database but don't fully understand how I'd implement that, nor am I sure if it's the best approach.
Any ideas or suggestions? This seems like it would be not so uncommon, but I haven't found a concrete way to handle it.
If you can change your route to then adding following route to the top of your route config file can help you.
new { controller = "yourcontrollername", action = "Index" }
and in the action map the parameter value with name of your product name
public ActionResult Index(string id)
//var prdName = id.Replace("-", " ");
//look up prdName in database
return View();
Added following as a top route
new { controller = "Content", action = "Index" }
and by accessing http://localhost:12025/Car-Paint I was directed to Index action of ContentController where I accessed "Car-Paint" in parameter id
But, above having above blocks patterns like http://localhost:12025/Home/ (here Home is also treated as a product)

.NET MVC Routing works, except for one piece

Little help here and advice.
Working on my first MVC application and I've got an entity of Students setup.
Student Controller and views with basic CRUD capabilities. gets me there.
Now I want to add Payments, so I've added a Payments controller and views with basic crud.
that gives me
I want payments to go a URL that looks like:
So I researched URL routing and (I think) I had it backwards for a long time as nothing seemed to work. But now, I've created this additional Route:
new { Controller = "Payments", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
And now it all seems to work properly. When I send an ActionLink to any action in the Payment controller, the URL is correct. For example: comes up as the URL.
The problem I'm having is that Payments is still a base URL route. So I can also get to payments by going to
How do I "remove" that route, so that is not valid? Or am I doing this all ass-backwards in some way?
Any help appreciated.
Your kind of thinking about it the wring way around. The mapping configuration just supplies a hierachical list of rule to specify where a particular url's code lives.
So when you say it's still hitting That's because it's hitting the default rule in your Global.asax
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional} // Parameter defaults
You could remove this but then no default rules will work.
or you can add an ignore rule. In your case something like
make sure you put this above the default rule.
You need to use overload of MapRoute method for your default route i.e.:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" },
new { controller = ""}); //there constraints for controller goes
Look at this blog post about creating custom constraints, there is example for "not equals"

Delete Action not working MVC 3

Route I have defined is:
map.Route(new Route("Cars/{id}/Delete",
new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Car", action = "Delete"}),
new MvcRouteHandler()));
In my view I've got:
Which when run tries to send a request to http://oursite/Car/122/Delete
My delete action in this Car controller looks like this:
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
//code is here
I noticed a couple things:
If I run this same code locally via my PC, the delete works flawlessly and is able to get to my action method. I'm running this over IIS 7 / Win 7
On our dev server, it's setup obviously via IIS7 but this route fails and says it can't find the route on our route table. But this is the SAME route table class I am using why would I get this:
No route in the route table matches the supplied values.
But why would that not work on a dev server? I see the setup identical in IIS for the most part as far as I can see when I compare my local setup to the server's.
I noticed that also whether localhost or server, if I try and put an [HttpDelete] attribute on my delete action, it doesn't find my action method and I get an error saying it can't find that method. So not sure why when I take that off, the delete works (localhost only)
Use a helper to generate your link:
#Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", "Car");
The first parameter is your link text, the second is your Action method name, and the third is your Controller name.
See this MSDN Reference on ActionLink().
Could you please share code for the View. How do you build the 'a' tag in the view?
Regarding the [HttpDelete] attribute, it means that the method needs the HTTP 'DELETE' request. The 'a' tag always has a GET request.
Please refer this link
I think you answered your own question. There is no route in the route table that matches your supplied values. You could write that route to do that by writing this in your Global.asax.cs file:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
// Specify routes
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new Route
Url = "[controller]/[id]/[action]",
Default = new { controller = "Car" },
RouterHandler = typeof(MvcRouteHandler)
Or, you can use existing routes (my personal recommendation) to use the Delete function in your Car controller. To do that, try switching your code to this:
First name that route
map.Route("DeleteCar",new Route("Cars/{id}/Delete",
new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Car", action = "Delete"}),
new MvcRouteHandler()));
Unless that link goes to a warning screen, I strongly suggest that a delete should be a POST or even a DELETE(I think it can be set via ajax)
There's likely a difference in the URL paths between localhost and oursite. The path "/Car/#Model.Id/Delete" is hard-coded, not resolved and may not work in all environments. As suggested in other answers, use an MVC helper like #Html.ActionLink or #Url.RouteUrl to resolve the path for the local environment.

Routes and Url helpers confusion

I'm a little confused on the MVC front for this reason, I have the following default route defined;
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
When I use a Url helper, i.e.
it generates this url;
and never finds my action method. How are the Urls generated by the helpers and how do I correct this?
Just use the overload to specify the action and controller:
#Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController")
If you use the overload which only takes the action name, the controller is taken from the current route data. Default routing doesn't come into it.
is equivalent to
#Url.Action("MyAction", (string)ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"])
I had the same issue, I had a web app that was built used WebForms and slowly migrating parts to MVC, to support both I had a route entry which ended up breaking the routing evaluation code and caused the funny action urls
this blog post fixed my issue
