Ruby idiom for do_two_simple_things if something_is_true - ruby

For instance, this takes 4 lines which is too much space for such a simple operation:
if something_is_true
puts 'error'
this one is a one-liner but looks awkward.
if something_is_true; puts 'error'; return; end
Can we do something like
# it would be great if this would work because it is short and readable
puts 'error' and return if something_is_true

I'm not sure why you think space is at such a premium that your original code is "too much." Give your code room to breathe, and let it take the space it needs. Getting too tricky in order to "save space" is a false economy. The most important thing is that your code be readable and understandable. Your original code looks great to me.

I agree with #NedBatchelder that your original code is probably best. Others have pointed out that in your particular example, you can use return puts 'error'.
Still, for the sake of learning, you can group multiple statements with parentheses, and therefore use a small number of statements in places where you could otherwise use only one. You said:
# it would be great if this would work because it is short and readable
puts 'error' and return if something_is_true
You can do this with:
(puts 'error'; return) if something_is_true

This is kind of awful but I think it will work because puts returns nil:
puts 'error' || return if something_else

In this specific case, return without a value will return nil; as this happens to also be the return value of puts, you can get the same effect with just:
return puts "error" if something_else

Someday you will probably care less about how many cycles you can spend in a single line of code. I would use the if-end block because it is simple, clear, and... you know, that's what it's there for.

I'd recommend never to use ; to join statements, it tends to be unreadable. But still there are other approaches, two ideas: first one, join error(msg, return_value = nil) and return:
return(error("Message")) if something_is_true
return(error("Message", value_to_be_returned)) if something_is_true
Second one, in Ruby it's idiomatic to signal problems using exceptions, so you can write this perfectly idiomatic one-liner:
raise"human explanation of the error") if condition
The same idea used in an assignment:
link = doc.at_css(".content") or raise"msg")


Ruby idiom to shovel into a string or nil? (e.g. shovel or assign / safe shovel)

I'd like to do this:
summary << reason
In my case, summary is a string, containing several sentences, and reason is one such sentence.
This works fine if the target already has a value, but sometimes summary can be nil. In that case, this raises:
NoMethodError: undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass
So, I could write something like this:
if summary
summary << reason
summary = reason
This is cumbersome and ugly. I can hide it away in a new method like append(summary, reason), but I'm hoping there's a ruby idiom that can wrap this up concisely.
I've optimistically tried a few variants, without success:
summary += reason
summary &<< reason
In other scenarios, I might build an array of reasons (you can shovel into an empty array just fine), then finally join them into a summary...but that's not viable in my current project.
I also can't seed summary with an empty string (shoveling into an empty string also works fine), as other code depends on it being nil at times.
So, is there a "safe shovel" or simple "shovel or assign" idiom in Ruby, particularly for strings that might be nil?
I prefer #Oto Brglez's answer, but it inspired another solution that might be useful to someone:
summary = [summary, reason].join
This may or may not be easier to read, and probably is less performant. But it handles the nil summary problem without explicit alternation.
You can solve this with something like this; with the help of ||.
summary = (summary || '') + reason
Or like so with the help of ||= and <<:
(summary ||= '') << reason

What's the purpose of using the suffix "if" statement in Ruby?

I know Ruby supports a suffix if like:
number = -42 if opposite
but what's the purpose of this? Why would it be used in place of the prefix if statement?
The suffix-style if and unless can also be good for "guard clauses", in the form of:
return if ...
return unless ...
Here's an example:
# suffix-style
def save
return false if invalid?
# go for it
# indented style
def save
if valid?
# go for it
In the second example, the entire implementation of the method has to be shifted over by one indent due to the valid? check, and we need an extra else clause. With the suffix style, the invalid? check is considered an edge case that we handle and then bail out, and the rest of the method doesn't need an indent or an else clause.
This is sometimes called a "guard clause" and is recommended by the Ruby Style Guide.
It can make the code easier to read in some cases. I find this to be true especially in the case of unless, where you have some action you usually want to perform:
number = -42 unless some_unusual_circumstance_holds
Once you have it for unless, for symmetry it makes sense to support it for if as well.
number = -42 if opposite
is the same as
if opposite
number = -42
Some people prefer the one-liner for readability reasons. Imagine a line like:
process_payment if order_fulfilled?
Doesn't that read nice?
Postfix style does not have the else section. It is useful when you only want to do something with one of the two cases divided by the condition and don't want to mess with the other case.
It's the same as prefix but shorter. The only reason is to save vertical space in the text editor.

Why are else statements discouraged in Ruby?

I was looking for a Ruby code quality tool the other day, and I came across the pelusa gem, which looks interesting. One of the things it checks for is the number of else statements used in a given Ruby file.
My question is, why are these bad? I understand that if/else statements often add a great deal of complexity (and I get that the goal is to reduce code complexity) but how can a method that checks two cases be written without an else?
To recap, I have two questions:
1) Is there a reason other than reducing code complexity that else statements could be avoided?
2) Here's a sample method from the app I'm working on that uses an else statement. How would you write this without one? The only option I could think of would be a ternary statement, but there's enough logic in here that I think a ternary statement would actually be more complex and harder to read.
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
if Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?
If you wrote this with a ternary operator, it would be:
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
(Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?) ? deliver_email_verification_instructions! : delay.deliver_email_verification_instructions!
Is that right? If so, isn't that way harder to read? Doesn't an else statement help break this up? Is there another, better, else-less way to write this that I'm not thinking of?
I guess I'm looking for stylistic considerations here.
Let me begin by saying that there isn't really anything wrong with your code, and generally you should be aware that whatever a code quality tool tells you might be complete nonsense, because it lacks the context to evaluate what you are actually doing.
But back to the code. If there was a class that had exactly one method where the snippet
if Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?
# Do stuff
# Do other stuff
occurred, that would be completely fine (there are always different approaches to a given thing, but you need not worry about that, even if programmers will hate you for not arguing with them about it :D).
Now comes the tricky part. People are lazy as hell, and thusly code snippets like the one above are easy targets for copy/paste coding (this is why people will argue that one should avoid them in the first place, because if you expand a class later you are more likely to just copy and paste stuff than to actually refactor it).
Let's look at your code snippet as an example. I'm basically proposing the same thing as #Mik_Die, however his example is equally prone to be copy/pasted as yours. Therefore, would should be done (IMO) is this:
class Foo
def initialize
#target = (Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?) ? self : delay
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
This might not be applicable to your app as is, but I hope you get the idea, which is: Don't repeat yourself. Ever. Every time you repeat yourself, not only are you making your code less maintainable, but as a result also more prone to errors in the future, because one or even 99/100 occurrences of whatever you've copied and pasted might be changed, but the one remaining occurrence is what causes the #disasterOfEpicProportions in the end :)
Another point that I've forgotten was brought up by #RayToal (thanks :), which is that if/else constructs are often used in combination with boolean input parameters, resulting in constructs such as this one (actual code from a project I have to maintain):
class String
def uc(only_first=false)
if only_first
Let us ignore the obvious method naming and monkey patching issues here, and focus on the if/else construct, which is used to give the uc method two different behaviors depending on the parameter only_first. Such code is a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle, because your method is doing more than one thing, which is why you should've written two methods in the first place.
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
subj = (Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?) ? self : delay

better way to do assignment and check result

I have to use String.scan function, which returns empty array if there is no match.
I wanted to assign a variable with the scan function and check it there is a match, but unfortunately I cannot do that because it won't return nil or false on no match.
I wanted to do this (1 line):
if ip = str.scan(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)
#use ip
but because it won't return nil on no match I must do:
ip_match = str.scan(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)
unless ip_match.empty?
#use ip
Is there some more elegant way to write this - to be able to do assignment and empty check at the same time or some other way to beautify the code?
Since scan returns an array, and even if you are sure there would be only one result, you could do this.
str.scan(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/).each do |ip|
#use ip
There's a difference between elegant and cryptic or "concise".
In Perl you'll often see people write something equivalent to:
if (!(ip = str.scan(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)).empty?)
It's a bit more concise, terse, tight, whatever you want to call it. It also leads to maintenance issues because of the = (equate) vs. what should normally be an equality test. If the code is passed to someone who doesn't understand the logic, they might mistakenly "correct" that, and then break the code.
In Ruby it's idiomatic to not use equate in a conditional test, because of the maintenance issue, and instead use the assignment followed by a test. It's clearer code.
Personally, I prefer to not use unless in that sort of situation. It's an ongoing discussion whether unless helps generate more understandable code; I prefer if (!ip_match.empty?) because it reads more like we'd normally talk -- I seldom start a statement with unless in conversation. Your mileage might vary.
I would preferably do something like this using String helper match
ip_validator = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/
# match return nil if no match
if str.match ip_validator
# blah blah blah.....
help me keep code dry and clean.
May be this is not the most elegant , looking for others if any :)
Your ip_validator regex seems to be week check this out Rails 3: Validate IP String

Is assignment in a conditional clause good ruby style?

In order to write more concisely, rather than do this:
test_value = method_call_that_might_return_nil()
if test_value
do_something_with test_value
I've been assigning in the conditional:
if test_value = method_call_that_might_return_nil()
do_something_with test_value
Is this bad style? The still-more-concise syntax:
do_something_with test_value if test_value = method_call_that_might_return_nil()
is not allowed, as discussed in another SO question, and will remain that way in 1.9, according to Matz (
Given the possible confusion of assignment and comparison, does this make it too hard to read the code?
It is GOOD style to use assignments in conditionals. If you do so, wrap the condition in parentheses.
# bad (+ a warning)
if v = array.grep(/foo/)
# some code
# good (MRI would still complain, but RuboCop won't)
if (v = array.grep(/foo/))
# some code
# good
v = array.grep(/foo/)
if v
# some code
See the community style guide for more information
One somewhat widespread idiom is to use and, which would look something like this:
tmp = method_call_that_might_return_nil and do_something_with tmp
Another possibility would be to call #nil? explicitly, that way the intent becomes a little bit clearer; in particular it is really obvious that you actually meant to assign instead of compare:
unless (tmp = method_call_that_might_return_nil).nil?
do_something_with tmp
Concise code is not necessarily better code. Concision is useful when it improves the communication of intended code behavior from author to future maintainers. I think enough of us come from backgrounds in which we've had accidental assignments in if blocks (when we meant to have an equality comparison) that we prefer styles in which it's absolutely clear that assignment is meant, rather than comparison. The .nil? idiom already mentioned has that property, and I'd consider it cleaner than having the bare assignment inside the if condition. Really, though, I don't see the harm in having the extra line of code for the assignment.
The functional-programming way to do this is to use andand. It's a readable way of chaining method calls so that a nil in the middle stops the chain. So your example would be something like:
method_call_that_might_return_nil.andand.tap {|obj| do_something_with obj}
## or, in the common case: ##
Yeah, I would say it's bad style due to the possible confusion between assignment and comparison. It's only one more line to assign and then test, and it avoids having someone in the future think that was a bug and patch it to use == instead.
C programmers do this a lot. I don't see a problem with it in Ruby either so long as it's clear what's happening.
I think it's fine. Aversion to assignment in a condition comes from knowing that a missed key stroke when typing == turns a comparison into an unintended assignment. A stylistic prohibition on using assignment in a condition makes such accidents stand out like to the eye (and sometimes to the language, as in C, where many compilers can be made to emit a warning if they encounter an assignment in a condition). On the other hand, tests also make such accidents stand out. If your code is well covered by tests, you can consider discarding such prohibitions.
Due to the warning, performing the assignment in the if clause has a quite pungent smell. If you do have an else case to handle then the case ... in ... pattern matching can offer something:
case method_call_that_might_return_nil
in nil
# handle nil case
in test_value # pattern match to a new variable
# handle non-nil case with return value of method assigned to test_value
case method_call_that_might_return_nil
in test_value if test_value # pattern match to a new variable if not nil
# handle non-nil case with return value of method assigned to test_value
# handle nil case
