ASP.NET MVC 3.0 automatically adding rows and cols attribute -

We have some code that calls the Html.TextArea(string name, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes) extension method. This method is adding rows="2" cols="20" automatically. I see in Reflector that these are internal values (part of an implicitRowsAndColumns dictionary).
Is there a way to force ASP.NET MVC to not output these attributes? I don't understand why their code would do this in the first place since CSS is a much better way to establish the size of a textarea.

Try including new { rows = "", cols = "" } to your TextAreaFor call.
It is likely because validators require the rows and cols attributes. But just because they are required does not mean they need to have a value.


How to query data-attribute for a whitespace-separated value in Cypress component tests?

When testing a complex component, I want to assign multiple whitespace-separated values to data-cy attribute, for example
<div data-cy="my-component disabled" />
and use the ~= attribute selector to query for the element:
Now, having already queried for my-component, how can I further assert that it:
does contain "disabled" in data-cy
does not contain "disabled" in data-cy
in broader sense, does or does not satisfy a css selector?
I know I can explicitly re-query with all parameters for each assertion, eg.:
but this feels overly complicated and doesn't read very well - I want to query the element first, and further assert against it in a later step - for example:
cy.get('...').should(el => {
// assert here
The approach seems like a good one. If you used individual attributes, likely they would clash with other "native" attributes.
For example if data-cy="disabled" means the "Person" has a disability, but used unwrapped the browser would disable the element.
Ref Using data attributes
data-* attributes allow us to store extra information on standard, semantic HTML elements without other hacks such as non-standard attributes, or extra properties on DOM.
Also some frameworks (React) are fussy about the attributes allowed on an element.
You might be looking for a function to provide the selector for the test.
const asDataCy = (attrs) => {
return attrs.split(' ').map(attr => {
let op = '~'
if (item.charAt(0) === '!') {
op = '!'
attr = attr.slice(1)
return `[data-cy${op}="${attr}"]`
cy.get(asDataCy('my-component !disabled'))
// [data-cy~="my-component"][data-cy!="disabled"])
The Chai-jQuery assertion expect($el).match(selector) does exactly that!
// should form
.should('match', '[data-cy~="some-value"]')
.should('match', ':not([data-cy~="something-else"])')
// expect form
.then(el => expect(el).to.match('[data-cy~="some-value"]'))
.then(el => expect(el).to.match(':not([data-cy~="something-else"])'))

Getting values from Kendo Grid row on DetailExpand

I have got a Kendo Grid and I want to access the data from the row whose detail I expanded. For testing purposes, I have this:
function detailExpand(e)
var aux = e.sender.MyModelId;
var aux2 = this.MyModelId;
But none of those variables have the MyModelId in it.
I have inspected it and I can't find the model properties unless inside the e.sender._data[index-here] but I don't know the index of the row whose detail I've expanded.
For the record, you should try to avoid using methods starting with an underscore (_). I believe kendo uses the underscore to show it's an internal method (a "private"). Unexpected behavior could occur.

MaxLength attribute and unobtrusive validation

If I add a MaxLengthAttribute to a property like this:
public string Notes { get; set; }
The markup is rendered like this:
<textarea class="form-control" data-bind="value: Notes" data-val="true" data-val-maxlength="The field Notes must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '-1'." data-val-maxlength-max="-1" id="Notes" name="Notes"></textarea>
and the validation result looks something like this:
This is obviously not the intended result. The text area should allow A LOT more characters than '-1'.
I can think of multiple ways of addressing this (e.g. removing the attribute via jQuery, manually updating the rule with javascript, etc).
What is the most elegant way of addressing this issue? Is this a bug with MVC/Validator
You are not specifying the desired maximum length of the string, what do you expect? This overload of the MaxLength attributes takes an integer as argument which specifies the actual maximum allowed length of the string. When you use the parameter-less constructor it will use the maximum length allowed by the database, not sure why jQuery Validation chose to implement this as -1 though.

Core Data - can't set empty string as default value for attribute

I have an entity in my datamodel with a string attribute that is currently optional, and I'd like to convert this to a required attribute with a default value of the empty string.
As others have discovered, leaving the default value blank in the Xcode Core Data data modeler results in validation errors (since the designer interprets this as NULL), but trying '', "", or #"" as the default value results in those literal characters being interpreted as the default, rather than the empty zero-length string, as desired.
I did find this thread on Google, however, apart from the solution being really ugly (model definition split between the .xcdatamodel and objc source), it also doesn't work for lightweight migrations because those migrations are done solely based on the .xcdatamodel files and the objc logic from your entity implementations isn't loaded.
Is there any way to achieve this in the data model designer?
This is a very interesting question. After some testing I don't think this is possible because of the way the text field in the data model is configured.
In principle, you could use the unicode empty-set character of \u2205 to represent a default empty string but the text field does not seem to accept any escapes so it converts any attempt to escape a unicode character code to the literal string of the code characters themselves e.g. entering '\u2205' ends up as the literal text '\u2205'.
In theory you could write a utility app to read in the graphically generated managed object model file and then programmatically set the attribute default to equal an empty string and then save the file back to disk. I say "in theory" because there is no documented way to way to save a managed object model file from code. You can read one and modify it in memory but not persist the changes.
Bit of an oversight, I think.
I don't think you have any choice but to set the default empty string pragmatically when the model first loads. That is simple to do but it's ugly and you'll have to remember you did (especially if you migrate versions) but I think right now that is the only choice.
Whip out your favorite XML editor (I just used Emacs) and dive down to the contents file inside the .xcdatamodel bundle inside the .xcdatamodeld bundle. Then just add a defaultValueString="" XML attribute to the <attribute>...</attribute> element inside the <entity>...</entity> brackets.
Here's an example:
<attribute name="email" attributeType="String" defaultValueString="" syncable="YES"/>
I can't speak to whether this survives migration since I haven't had to do that yet.
I resolved this by overriding the getter for my field - if it contains null, I return an empty string instead:
-(NSString *)unit {
if ([self primitiveValueForKey:#"unit"] == NULL) {
return #"";
} else {
return [self primitiveValueForKey:#"unit"];
So far it seems to be doing the trick, and I would imagine it wouldn't impact migrations (although I don't know enough about them to say for sure). I don't really care whether there's a null or an empty string in the db, after all - so long as I get "" instead of null when I ask for the field.
My approach to resolving this issue was to create an NSManagedObject subclass and handle the substitution of empty strings for NULL values in awakeFromInsert. I then set all entities as children of this subclass rather than children of NSManagedObject. The assumption here is that I want every string attribute within a given entity to be set to an empty string by default (it wouldn't work, or would at least require extra logic, if you wanted some to remain NULL within the same entity).
There's probably a more efficient way of doing this, but since it's only called upon entity creation, I don't think it is too much of a performance hit.
- (void)awakeFromInsert {
[super awakeFromInsert];
NSDictionary *allAttributes = [[self entity] attributesByName];
NSAttributeDescription *oneAttribute;
for (NSString *oneAttributeKey in allAttributes) {
oneAttribute = [allAttributes objectForKey:oneAttributeKey];
if ([oneAttribute attributeType] == NSStringAttributeType) {
if (![self valueForKey:[oneAttribute name]]) {
[self setValue:#"" forKey:[oneAttribute name]];
You can do it manually.
In your model class, override awakeFromInsert and set your strings to empty string
override func awakeFromInsert()
self.stringProperty = ""
- (void) awakeFromInsert
[super awakeFromInsert];
self.stringProperty = #"";
A simpler solution based on Scott Marks answer to avoid syntax errors:
First, temporarily set the default value to be easy to find, something like here you are. Open with any text editor the contents file inside the .xcdatamodel bundle inside the .xcdatamodeld bundle. Then just do a search with replacing the string "here you are" with the "" in this file.
The migration took place without problems.
Here is the Swift solution based on David Ravetti's answer and edelaney05's comment. In addition, I added optionality check.
This solution works fine in my projects.
class ExampleEntity: NSManagedObject {
override func awakeFromInsert() {
for (key, attr) in self.entity.attributesByName {
if attr.attributeType == .stringAttributeType && !attr.isOptional {
if self.value(forKey: key) == nil {
self.setPrimitiveValue("", forKey: key)
Maybe I'm late with this answer, but I was Googling and found this forum.
The solution is very simple:
When you click on the xcdatamodelId (On the left screen)
Change the Entity View to Graph
Double Click on any Attribute you want and the menu will appear on the right.
All changes are easy.
Part 2
Part 3
This appears to have been fixed at some point. Using Xcode 13:
Null String, unchecked Default Value:
<attribute name="myAttributeName" optional="YES" attributeType="String"/>
Empty String, now shown in Xcode interface:
<attribute name="myAttributeName" defaultValueString="" optional="YES" attributeType="String"/>
Entering "" into the field seems wrong and produces """" in the XML:
<attribute name="myAttributeName" defaultValueString="""" optional="YES" attributeType="String"/>

Google AJAX Transliteration API: Is it possible to make all input fields in the page transliteratable?

I've used "Google AJAX Transliteration API" and it's going well with me.
Currently I've a project that I need all input fields in every page (input & textarea tags) to be transliteratable, while these input fields differs from page to page (dynamic).
As I know, I've to call makeTransliteratable(elementIds, opt_options) method in the API call to define which input fields to make transliteratable, and in my case here I can't predefine those fields manually. Is there a way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
Rephrasing what you are asking for: you would like to collect together all the inputs on the page which match a certain criteria, and then pass them into an api.
A quick look at the API reference says that makeTransliteratable will accept an array of id strings or an array of elements. Since we don't know the ids of the elements before hand, we shall pass an array of elements.
So, how to get the array of elements?
I'll show you two ways: a hard way and an easy way.
First, to get all of the text areas, we can do that using the document.getElementsByTagName API:
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
Getting the list of inputs is slightly harder, since we don't want to include checkboxes, radio buttons etc. We can distinguish them by their type attribute, so lets write a quick function to make that distinction:
function selectElementsWithTypeAttribute(elements, type)
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
if (elements[i].getAttribute("type") == type)
return results;
Now we can use this function to get the inputs, like this:
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input")
var textInputs = selectElementsWithTypeAttribute(textInputs, "text");
Now that we have references to all of the text boxes, we can concatenate them into one array, and pass that to the api:
var allTextBoxes = [].concat(textareas).concat(textInputs);
makeTransliteratable(allTextBoxes, /* options here */);
So, this should all work, but we can make it easier with judicious use of library methods. If you were to download jQuery (google it), then you could write this more compact code instead:
var allTextBoxes = $("input[type='text'], textarea").toArray();
makeTransliteratable(allTextBoxes, /* options here */);
This uses a CSS selector to find all of the inputs with a type attribute of "text", and all textareas. There is a handy toArray method which puts all of the inputs into an array, ready to pass to makeTransliteratable.
I hope this helped,
