Get User custom fields without SOQL (like $User in formulas)? - apex-code

I have some custom fields on my User object that I want to access with APEX code in my VisualForce trigger. When I access it from a Formula field I get to use a nifty $User reference like this:
From APEX I have to query the User object by UserId like this:
[select my_prop__c from User where id = :UserInfo.getUserId()].my_prop__c;
Is there something baked into APEX already that would let me get at the user properties without the SOQL query? If not, does anyone know of a utility class for lazy loading and caching user properties so the overhead is minimal.

I would use something similar to the following code sample. It uses a singleton pattern to statically store the information in memory for the duration of your transaction. It's similar to the lazy loading that twamley proposed but I feel this is a much simpler approach.
Usage 1: UserUtil.CurrentUser.Email;
Usage 2: User someUser = UserUtil.getUser(someUserId);
This will allow you to access the same information on the current user or other users in the system. Notice the queryUsers method just returns a query result. This makes it easy to add and remove fields from your query as it is isolated in its own method keeping things simple.
Note: that this code pulls in all users when used. Most orgs do not have multiple hundreds of users so heap size shouldn't be a concern. But if it is you can just modify the queryUsers() method to only return active users or filter down based on other criteria.
public class UserUtil {
//Protected Members
private static final UserUtil instance = new UserUtil();
private Map<Id, User> mapUsers;
public static User CurrentUser {
get { return getUser(UserInfo.getUserId()); }
private UserUtil() {
mapUsers = new Map<Id, User>(queryUsers());
//Public Methods
public static User getUser(Id userId) {
if (instance.mapUsers.containsKey(userId)) {
return instance.mapUsers.get(userId);
else {
throw new InvalidUserIdException('Unable to locate user id: ' + userId);
//Private Methods
private List<User> queryUsers() {
return [SELECT
, Name
, UserName
, Email
, Alias
//Internal Classes
public class InvalidUserIdException extends Exception {}

I wrote my own utility class. I'm still interested in better techniques though.
This utility class lazy loads when the first property is accessed. Update_Closed_Won_Opportunities__c and Set_Opportunities_to_Closed_Won__c are my custom fields on the User object (visible only to System Administrators so people can't upgrade their permissions).
public with sharing class MyUserInfo {
private Id userId;
private User myUser; // Hold onto the user object once we've loaded it
// Default constructor uses the active user id
public MyUserInfo() {
userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
// Secondary constructor accepts a user id as a parameter
public MyUserInfo(Id someOtherUserId) {
userId = someOtherUserId;
// Only called one time when we first need it so grab all of the custom fields now
private void LazyLoadUser() {
System.AssertNotEquals(null, userId);
myUser = [
SELECT Update_Closed_Won_Opportunities__c, Set_Opportunities_To_Closed_Won__c
WHERE id = :userId
System.AssertNotEquals(null, myUser, 'Unable to load user with id ' + userId); // could return defaults instead
// Getters (be sure to include each field in the SOQL of LazyLoadUser)
public boolean UpdateClosedWonOpportunities { get {
if (myUser == null) LazyLoadUser();
return myUser.Update_Closed_Won_Opportunities__c;
} }
public boolean SetOpportunitiesToClosedWon { get {
if (myUser == null) LazyLoadUser();
return myUser.Set_Opportunities_To_Closed_Won__c;
} }
Here is my trigger utilizing that class. The first line myUserInfo = new MyUserInfo(); doesn't run any SOQL. That won't happen until the first custom get property is used. Subsequent calls don't need SOQL.
trigger LockClosedOpportunity on Opportunity (before update) {
MyUserInfo myUserInfo = new MyUserInfo();
for (Opportunity o : trigger.old)
if (!myUserInfo.UpdateClosedWonOpportunities && o.StageName == 'Closed Won')
trigger.newMap.get(o.Id).addError('You do not have permission to change an Opportunity after it has been set to Closed Won.');
for (Opportunity o :
if ( !myUserInfo.SetOpportunitiesToClosedWon && o.StageName == 'Closed Won' && trigger.oldMap.get(o.Id).StageName != 'Closed Won' )
o.addError('You do not have permission to set an Opportunity to Closed Won.');
It reads similar to $User in formulas and I don't have to worry about tacking on multiple SOQL calls when one (or zero) suffices.


How to get user context during Web Api calls?

I have an web front end calling an ASP Web Api 2 backend. Authentication is managed with ASP Identity. For some of the controllers I'm creating I need to know the user making the call. I don't want to have to create some weird model to pass in including the user's identity (which I don't even store in the client).
All calls to the API are authorized using a bearer token, my thought is the controller should be able to determine the user context based on this but I do not know how to implement. I have searched but I don't know what I'm searching for exactly and haven't found anything relevant. I'm going for something like...
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Post(ApplicationIdentity identity, WalkthroughModel data)
I found the below which looked very promising... but the value is always null! My controller inherits from ApiController and has an Authorize header.
var userid = User.Identity.GetUserId();
Update 2
I have also tried all of the solutions in Get the current user, within an ApiController action, without passing the userID as a parameter but none work. No matter what I am getting an Identity that is valid and auth'd, but has a null UserID
Update 3
Here's where I'm at now.
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get()
var testa = User.Identity.GetType();
var testb = User.Identity.GetUserId();
var testc = User.Identity.AuthenticationType;
var testd = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
return Ok();
testa = Name: ClaimsIdentity,
testb = null,
testc = Bearer,
testd = true
The user is obviously authenticated but I am unable to retrieve their userID.
Update 4
I found an answer, but I'm really unhappy with it...
ClaimsIdentity identity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
string username = identity.Claims.First().Value;
That gets me the username without any db calls but it seems very janky and a pain to support in the future. Would love if anyone had a better answer.
What if I need to change what claims are issued down the road? Plus any time I actually need the user's id I have to make a db call to convert username to ID
A common approach is to create a base class for your ApiControllers and take advantage of the ApplicationUserManager to retrieve the information you need. With this approach, you can keep the logic for accessing the user's information in one location and reuse it across your controllers.
public class BaseApiController : ApiController
private ApplicationUser _member;
public ApplicationUserManager UserManager
get { return HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>(); }
public string UserIdentityId
var user = UserManager.FindByName(User.Identity.Name);
return user.Id;
public ApplicationUser UserRecord
if (_member != null)
return _member ;
_member = UserManager.FindByEmail(Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name);
return _member ;
set { _member = value; }
I use a custom user authentication (I dont use AspIdentity because my existing user table fields was far different from IdentityUser properties) and create ClaimsIdentity passing my table UserID and UserName to validate my bearer token on API calls.
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
User user;
var scope = Autofac.Integration.Owin.OwinContextExtensions.GetAutofacLifetimeScope(context.OwinContext);
_service = scope.Resolve<IUserService>();
user = await _service.FindUserAsync(context.UserName);
if (user?.HashedPassword != Helpers.CustomPasswordHasher.GetHashedPassword(context.Password, user?.Salt))
context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect.");
catch (Exception ex)
context.SetError("invalid_grant", ex.Message);
var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.UserID.ToString() },
{ ClaimTypes.Name, context.UserName }
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);
properties.ToList().ForEach(c => identity.AddClaim(new Claim(c.Key, c.Value)));
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(identity, new AuthenticationProperties(properties));
And how I use the ClaimsIdentity to retrieve my User table details on User ApiController Details call.
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Details()
var user = await _service.GetAsync(RequestContext.Principal.Identity.GetUserId<int>());
var basicDetails = Mapper.Map<User, BasicUserModel>(user);
return Ok(basicDetails);
Notice the
ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier = GetUserId() and ClaimTypes.Name = GetUserName()

LINQ-To-Sharepoint Multiple content types for a single list

I'm using SPMetal in order to generate entity classes for my sharepoint site and I'm not exactly sure what the best practice is to use when there are multiple content types for a single list. For instance I have a task list that contains 2 content types and I'm defining them via the config file for SPMetal. Here is my definition...
<List Member="Tasks" Name="Tasks">
<ContentType Class="LegalReview" Name="LegalReviewContent"/>
<ContentType Class="Approval" Name="ApprovalContent"/>
This seems to work pretty well in that the generated objects do inherit from WorkflowTask but the generated type for the data context is a List of WorkflowTask. So when I do a query I get back a WorkflowTask object instead of a LegalReview or Approval object. How do I make it return an object of the correct type?
public Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.EntityList<WorkflowTask> Tasks {
get {
return this.GetList<WorkflowTask>("Tasks");
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm not sure how I recreate the type based on the SPListItem and would appreciate any feedback.
ContractManagementDataContext context = new ContractManagementDataContext(_url);
WorkflowTask task = context.Tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id ==5);
Approval a = new Approval(task.item);
public partial class Approval{
public Approval(SPListItem item){
//Set all properties here for workflowtask and approval type?
//Wouldn't there be issues since it isn't attached to the datacontext?
public String SomeProperty{
get{ //get from list item};
set{ //set to list item};
Linq2SharePoint will always return an object of the first common base ContentType for all the ContentTypes in the list. This is not only because a base type of some description must be used to combine the different ContentTypes in code but also it will then only map the fields that should definitely exist on all ContentTypes in the list. It is however possible to get access to the underlying SPListItem returned by L2SP and thus from that determine the ContentType and down cast the item.
As part of a custom repository layer that is generated from T4 templates we have a partial addition to the Item class generated by SPMetal which implements ICustomMapping to get the data not usually available on the L2SP entities. A simplified version is below which just gets the ContentType and ModifiedDate to show the methodology; though the full class we use also maps Modified By, Created Date/By, Attachments, Version, Path etc, the principle is the same for all.
public partial class Item : ICustomMapping
private SPListItem _SPListItem;
public SPListItem SPListItem
get { return _SPListItem; }
set { _SPListItem = value; }
public string ContentTypeId { get; internal set; }
public DateTime Modified { get; internal set; }
public virtual void MapFrom(object listItem)
SPListItem item = (SPListItem)listItem;
this.SPListItem = item;
this.ContentTypeId = item.ContentTypeId.ToString();
this.Modified = (DateTime)item["Modified"];
public virtual void MapTo(object listItem)
SPListItem item = (SPListItem)listItem;
item["Modified"] = this.Modified == DateTime.MinValue ? this.Modified = DateTime.Now : this.Modified;
public virtual void Resolve(RefreshMode mode, object originalListItem, object databaseObject)
SPListItem originalItem = (SPListItem)originalListItem;
SPListItem databaseItem = (SPListItem)databaseObject;
DateTime originalModifiedValue = (DateTime)originalItem["Modified"];
DateTime dbModifiedValue = (DateTime)databaseItem["Modified"];
string originalContentTypeIdValue = originalItem.ContentTypeId.ToString();
string dbContentTypeIdValue = databaseItem.ContentTypeId.ToString();
case RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues:
this.Modified = dbModifiedValue;
this.ContentTypeId = dbContentTypeIdValue;
case RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues:
databaseItem["Modified"] = this.Modified;
case RefreshMode.KeepChanges:
if (this.Modified != originalModifiedValue)
databaseItem["Modified"] = this.Modified;
else if (this.Modified == originalModifiedValue && this.Modified != dbModifiedValue)
this.Modified = dbModifiedValue;
if (this.ContentTypeId != originalContentTypeIdValue)
throw new InvalidOperationException("You cannot change the ContentTypeId directly");
else if (this.ContentTypeId == originalContentTypeIdValue && this.ContentTypeId != dbContentTypeIdValue)
this.ContentTypeId = dbContentTypeIdValue;
Once you have the ContentType and the underlying SPListItem available on your L2SP entity it is simply a matter of writing a method which returns an instance of the derived ContentType entity from a combination of the values of the base type and the extra data for the missing fields from the SPListItem.
UPDATE: I don't actually have an example converter class as we don't use the above mapping extension to Item in this way. However I could imagine something like this would work:
public static class EntityConverter
public static Approval ToApproval(WorkflowTask wft)
Approval a = new Approval();
a.SomePropertyOnWorkflowTask = wft.SomePropertyOnWorkflowTask;
a.SomePropertyOnApproval = wft.SPListItem["field-name"];
return a;
Or you could put a method on a partial instance of WorkflowTask to return an Approval object.
public partial class WorkflowTask
public Approval ToApproval()
Approval a = new Approval();
a.SomePropertyOnWorkflowTask = this.SomePropertyOnWorkflowTask;
a.SomePropertyOnApproval = this.SPListItem["field-name"];
return a;
public LegalReview ToLegalReview()
// Create and return LegalReview as for Approval
In either situation you would need to determine the method to call to get the derived type from the ContentTypeId property of the WorkflowTask. This is the sort of code I would normally want to generate in one form or another as it will be pretty repetitive but that is a bit off-topic.

EF force model refresh after logout site

I have an issue with my model in EF model first. I have a web app, with security layer and entity layer and mvc3 layer. So in each layer I put a instance of my context db (one for each class in the main declaration section). the problem is when y find any user of my db for validate the login process, simple search, not make any changes in entity, is like this:
var usr = db.Usuarios.First(user => user.UserName.Equals(userName));
If I change the password for example in other layer (in my controller user), and the logout an login again, the linq search (see code up) always return the old password. This is for the context db dont dispose and dont go to database for the data, simple load the user for the model.
So, how I can force the model to refresh the data from the database?
I try, put lazy load in false but not work.
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
partial work if I decalre a instance of my context in the metod to validate passwork and dispose this instance, but I think it is the best practice.
like that:
public static bool ValidateUser(string userName, string password)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
var dbtmp = new ConorContainer();
var usr = dbtmp.Usuarios.First(user => user.UserName.Equals(userName));
if (usr != null)
var passDescrypt = Decript(usr.Password);
return passDescrypt.Equals(password);
return false;
return false;
You have to decide the lifetime of the context in each case. It is preferred to use short lived contexts in web applications specially in static methods.
Your method can be improved by employing the using block that will call the Dispose method when going out of scope.
public static bool ValidateUser(string userName, string password)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
using(var dbtmp = new ConorContainer())
var usr = dbtmp.Usuarios.First(user => user.UserName.Equals(userName));
if (usr != null)
var passDescrypt = Decript(usr.Password);
return passDescrypt.Equals(password);
return false;
return false;

How I keep entity object after DataContext disposed?

I use this style when I get data from database
public class User
public static List<User> GetUsers()
List<User> users = new Users();
using ( var context = new DataContext())
users = context.Users.ToList();
return users;
After I get data from database then I want to Filter user likes this
List<User> userResultList = User.GetUsers();
userResultList.Where(u => u.IsActive == true);
But cannot filter and I get this error
The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used
for operations that require a connection.
My Question :
Is possible way to filter result object after DataContext disposed?
Thank you very much for every support.
Update !!!
I think it possible if I create new DbContext in method scope that I want to retrieve data
Is it good enough approach?
public class User
public static List<User> GetUsers()
List<User> users = new Users();
var context = new DataContext())
users = context.Users.ToList();
return users;
I wonder if you clone the list will get around the error?
User[] L = new User[users.Count];
What you had looks like it should work on the surface.
I wonder if the thing that is returned by ToList() is something that inherits from list, and retains some hidden context awareness inside.
I can't test this idea right now. Something to think about for later though.

Play Framework: Image Display question

I'm uneasy about one point in this example
#{list items:models.User.findAll(), as:'user'}
<img src="#{userPhoto(}">
At this point I'm already holding the user object (including the image blob). Yet the userPhoto() method makes another dip into the backend to get the Image
public static void userPhoto(long id) {
final User user = User.findById(id);
Any way to avoid this unnecessary findById call?
You're not actually holding the user object any more though, because the userPhoto action is invoked in a separate request that's sent when the browser tries to load the image from the URL generated by #{userPhoto(}.
Of course, you could use the cache to store data from each user's photo Blob, which would reduce the likelihood that you had to go to the database on the image request. It's more trouble than it's worth in this case though since you're just doing a simple primary key lookup for the user object, and that should be relatively inexpensive. Plus Blobs aren't serializable, so you have to pull out each piece of information separately.
Still, if you were to try that it might look something like this:
// The action that renders your list of images
public static void index() {
List<User> users = User.findAll();
for (User user : users) {
// The action that returns the image data to display
public static void userPhoto(long id) {
InputStream photoStream;
String path = Cache.get("image_path_user_" + id);
String type = Cache.get("image_type_user_" + id);
// Was the data we needed in the cache?
if (path == null || type == null) {
// No, we'll have to go to the database anyway
User user = User.findById(id);
photoStream =;
type =;
} else {
// Yes, just generate the stream directly
try {
photoStream = new FileInputStream(new File(path));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new UnexpectedException(ex);
// Convenience method for caching the photo information
private static void cachePhoto(Blob photo) {
if (photo == null) {
Cache.set("image_path_user_" +,
Cache.set("image_type_user_" +,
Then you'd still have to worry about appropriately populating/invalidating the cache in your add, update, and delete actions too. Otherwise your cache would be polluted with stale data.
