Will Web Deployment Projects still be available in Visual Studio 2012? - visual-studio

It looks like Visual Studio 2012 will not include Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Projects according to MSDN, so I'm currently learning WiX.
Will this loss of functionality extend to Web Deployment Projects?

Web Deployment Projects will NOT be available in VS2012.
Instead we will focus on bringing first class publishing support for Website projects. You can read more details at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2012/08/06/plans-regarding-website-projects-and-web-deployment-projects.aspx. In a nutshell, you will have all the same features that WDP has, but a lot more as well. Also another good thing about this is that we will have one experience for both Web App Project as well as Website Project. So when we make enhancements both project systems get it.
If you had any customizations in your WDP, you should be able to copy/paste those into the new web publish profiles (they are MSBuild as well). Take a look at the blog above and please do let me know if you have any concerns.

I'm note sure if the links from user1069816 are relevant.
Visual Studio 2012 has an unsure inclusion of Web Deployment projects, but you can do something about it.
Vote for their inclusion: http://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio/suggestions/2639368-add-web-deployment-projects-to-vs11

It looks like Web Deployment Projects will still exist in Visual Studio 2012 according to:


visual studio solution organization

I'm trying to get my head around how to best organize my companies code set in visual studio 2013 TFS-git. We have multiple database projects and multiple web application projects. I like the idea of being able to develop a web app and the db at the same time in a particular solution but its not a one to one scenario. Multiple web apps talk to the same databases.
I know you can break things up into solutions and projects but not seeing too much out there in best practices in this area.
Any guidance? Thanks for your help.
I think this will help you what you are trying to do
Git init VS full Git support into all their ALM products. Here they have published for Visual Studio that adds Git source control integration. Git Extension includes add-ins for Older Visual Studio versions and Windows Explorer integration. It's regularly updated. And alternatively you can look for Git Source Control Provider
And you may also a read about TFS-GIT here

Visual Studio 2008 Publish Feature in a desktop app. What are the benefits?

Today I tried to use the publishing feature with visual studio, which creates an application manifest, and not a traditional exe.
What are the benefits of this?
I noticed each time the app starts up it does some kind of check before launching in?
When using Publish on a Windows application, you create a ClickOnce installer. You can find a lot of information about that in the official documentation. Basically, this is an alternative to creating a conventional MSI-based setup project (File/New/Project/Other Project Types/Setup and Deployment/Setup Project).
On MSDN you can find a comparison of the two approaches.

Can I create a visual studio 2008 starter kit that is based on a solution file with multiple projects

I have successfully managed to create Visual Studio starter kits in the past, however as far as I am aware they can only be made at the project level.
I have a solution that contains multiple projects that I want to distribute throughout an organisation for several software projects.
The starter kit that I want to make is at the solution level, and contains multiple visual studio projects, that are clearly seperated, ( e.g. seperate code and test projects).
Does Visual Studio 2008 support this, and if so how is it done ?
I found the solution here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms364046(VS.80).aspx#creatstrtkt_topic3
Instead of deleteing this I thougt that it would be useful reference for someone else.

Visual Studio opens upgraded web application as a web site

I recently upgraded a 1.1 web project to a 2.0 web application. After going through the upgrade wizard and performing the "upgrade to web application" operation, everything looked fine. After closing and reopening Visual Studio, however, it insisted on treating the project as a web site, not a web application, and the "upgrade to web application" option was missing. I understand pretty well the differences between the two project types, but does anyone have a clear understanding of the differences in the csproj/sln/etc. files that tell Visual Studio what type of project it is?
Answering my own question:
I found some information here: http://hamang.net/2008/11/03/bug-vs-2008-web-application-project-opened-as-web-site/
The article is about VS 2008, but the information seems relevant to 2005, and the solution described worked.
Summarized: The .sln file has a "Project" node that in a web site project points to the project's folder, but in a web application project points to the .csproj/.vbproj file itself. Additionally, there may be a .webinfo file, which contains Visual Studio path information for the project; removing this file solved the problem.
I've found plenty of tutorials on upgrading, but little information on the details of how Visual Studio "understands" the type of project. If anyone has more information on the specifics (what is the .webinfo file for?), it would be much appreciated.

Multiple web application deployment targets in Visual Studio 2008?

I currently maintain several different environments for a single application - production, staging, development, etc .
I was wondering if there was a setting or an add-in for visual studio that would facilitate publishing to multiple deployment targets (preferabbly with a different web.config for each target)?
I'm considering writing a couple of nant scripts instead but it would be nice if there was an integrated solution.
It's not possible in VS 2008 out of the box. I don't know if there's an addin for this, but you could try searching VisualStudio Gallery.
From what I've seen from demo videos, VS2010 will support having different web.configs, and deploying to dev/staging/production.
