Should I use specifications for simple validation logic? - validation

I have been reading about specifications lately and I am really keen on using them. However, I am afraid to overdo it.
For example, if I have a User entity with a phone number property, do I need to put the phone number specification test in the setter, or is the validation logic in the setter enough?
For more context:
I think I would like the validation to be in the domain, and not in the presentation. I will implement the validation in presentation, but that will be more of a UI feature. The idea (i believe) is that the domain cannot be in an invalid state, nor can it rely on the presentation. I actually have a phone number Entity, and many entities have phone numbers, though I suppose this could value object, but that is another debate:)
I was just wondering if it overkill to use Specifications in Property setters. One advantage I could see is that Specifications can be shared between layers, ie the Presentation Layer, so that you can share the validation code.
As you can see, I am unsure if this is the right approach.
Much Thanks,

You might look into the notion of pre and post conditions (invariants or design by contract).
Pre conditions are things that must be true for your function to operate correctly.
Post conditions are things that will be true when your function is complete and exits normally.
"user's phone number valid" is probably a good post condition to have for your setter function. However you have 2 choices for the pre-condition: (1) make it a precondition of your setter function that whatever is passed to it is valid, or (2) make a much looser pre condition to your setter function and perform the error checking in your setter function. Option (1) essentially passes responsibility for validation to the client. Option (2) endows your User entity with the responsibility for error handling.
I think the design you choose would depend on the bigger picture for your specific application.
Here are a few links for invariants and design by contract:


What are your best practices when using an MVC-based web framework?

A few general questions to those who are well-versed in developing web-based applications.
Question 1:
How do you avoid the problem of "dependency carrying"? From what I understand, the first point of object retrieval should happen in your controller's action method. From there, you can use a variety of models, classes, services, and components that can require certain objects.
How do you avoid the need to pass an object to another just because an object it uses requires it? I'd like to avoid going to the database/cache to get the data again, but I also don't want to create functions that require a ton of parameters. Should the controller action be the place where you create every object that you'll eventually need for the request?
Question 2:
What data do you store in the session? My understanding is that you should generally only store things like user id, email address, name, and access permissions.
What if you have data that needs to be analyzed for every request when a user is logged in? Should you store the entire user object in the cache versus the session?
Question 3:
Do you place your data-retrieval methods in the model itself or in a separate object that gets the data and returns a model? What are the advantages to this approach?
Question 4:
If your site is driven by a user id, how do you unit test your code base? Is this why you should have all of your data-retrieval methods in a centralized place so you can override it in your unit tests?
Question 5:
Generally speaking, do you unit test your controllers? I have heard many say that it's a difficult and even a bad practice. What is your opinion of it? What exactly do you test within your controllers?
Any other tidbits of information that you'd like to share regarding best practices are welcome! I'm always willing to learn more.
How do you avoid the problem of "dependency carrying"?
Good object oriented design of a BaseController SuperClass can handle a lot of the heavy lifting of instantiating commonly used objects etc. Usage of Composite types to share data across calls is a not so uncommon practice. E.g. creating some Context Object unique to your application within the Controller to share information among processes isn't a terrible idea.
What data do you store in the session?
As few things as is humanly possible.
If there is some data intensive operation which requires a lot of overhead to process AND it's required quite often by the application, it is a suitable candidate for session storage. And yes, storage of information such as User Id and other personalization information is not a bad practice for session state. Generally though the usage of cookies is the preferred method for personalization. Always remember though to never, ever, trust the content of cookies e.g. properly validate what's read before trusting it.
Do you place your data-retrieval methods in the model itself or in a separate object that gets the data and returns a model?
I prefer to use the Repository pattern for my models. The model itself usually contains simple business rule validations etc while the Repository hits a Business Object for results and transformations/manipulations. There are a lot of Patterns and ORM tools out in the market and this is a heavily debated topic so it sometimes just comes down to familiarity with tools etc...
What are the advantages to this approach?
The advantage I see with the Repository Pattern is the dumber your models are, the easier they are to modify. If they are representatives of a Business Object (such as a web service or data table), changes to those underlying objects is sufficiently abstracted from the presentation logic that is my MVC application. If I implement all the logic to load the model within the model itself, I am kind of violating a separation of concerns pattern. Again though, this is all very subjective.
If your site is driven by a user id, how do you unit test your code base?
It is highly advised to use Dependency Injection whenever possible in code. Some IoC Containers take care of this rather efficiently and once understood greatly improve your overall architecture and design. That being said, the user context itself should be implemented via some form of known interface that can then be "mocked" in your application. You can then, in your test harness, mock any user you wish and all dependent objects won't know the difference because they will be simply looking at an interface.
Generally speaking, do you unit test your controllers?
Absolutely. Since controllers are expected to return known content-types, with the proper testing tools we can use practices to mock the HttpContext information, call the Action Method and view the results to see they match our expectations. Sometimes this results in looking only for HTTP status codes when the result is some massive HTML document, but in the cases of a JSON response we can readily see that the action method is returning all scenario's information as expected
What exactly do you test within your controllers?
Any and all publicly declared members of your controller should be tested thoroughly.
Long question, longer answer. Hope this helps anyone and please just take this all as my own opinion. A lot of these questions are religious debates and you're always safe just practicing proper Object Oriented Design, SOLID, Interface Programming, DRY etc...
Regarding dependency explosion, the book Dependency Injection in .NET (which is excellent) explains that too many dependencies reveals that your controller is taking on too much responsibility, i.e. is violating the single responsibility principle. Some of that responsibility should be abstracted behind aggregates that perform multiple operations.
Basically, your controller should be dumb. If it needs that many dependencies to do its job, it's doing too much! It should just take user input (e.g. URLs, query strings, or POST data) and pass along that data, in the appropriate format, to your service layer.
Example, drawn from the book
We start with an OrderService with dependencies on OrderRepository, IMessageService, IBillingSystem, IInventoryManagement, and ILocationService. It's not a controller, but the same principle applies.
We notice that ILocationService and IInventoryManagement are both really implementation details of an order fulfillment algorithm (use the location service to find the closest warehouse, then manage its inventory). So we abstract them into IOrderFulfillment, and a concrete implementation LocationOrderFulfillment that uses IInventoryManagement and ILocationService. This is cool, because we have hidden some details away from our OrderService and furthermore brought to light an important domain concept: order fulfillment. We could implement this domain concept in a non-location-based way now, without having to change OrderService, since it only depends on the interface.
Next we notice that IMessageService, IBillingSystem, and our new IOrderFulfillment abstractions are all really used in the same way: they are notified about the order. So we create an INotificationService, and make MessageNotification a concrete implementation of both INotificationService and IMessageService. Similarly for BillingNotification and OrderFulfillmentNotification.
Now here's the trick: we create a new CompositeNotificationService, which derives from INotificationService and delegates to various "child" INotificationService instances. The concrete instance we use to solve our original problem will delegate in particular to MessageNotification, BillingNotification, and OrderFulfillmentNotification. But if we wish to notify more systems, we don' have to go edit our controller: we just have to implement our particular CompositeNotificationService differently.
Our OrderService now depends only on OrderRepository and INotificationService, which is much more reasonable! It has two constructor parameters instead of 5, and most importantly, it takes on almost no responsibility for figuring out what to do.

How to validate in domain layer

I often see people validating domain objects by creating rule objects which take in a delegate to perform the validation. Such as this example":
What I don't understand is how is this advantageous to say just making a method?
For example, in that particular article there is a method which creates delegates to check if the string is empty.
But is that not the same as simply having something like:
Bool validate()
Result = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name);
Why go through the trouble of making an object to hold the rule and defining the rule in a delegate when these rules are context sensitive and will likely not be shared. the exact same can be achieved with methods.
There are several reasons:
SRP - Single Responsibility Principle. An object should not be responsible for its own validation, it has its own responsibility and reasons to exist.
Additionally, when it comes to complex business rules, having them explicitly stated makes validation code easier to write and understand.
Business rules also tend to change quite a lot, more so than other domain objects, so separating them out helps with isolating the changes.
The example you have posted is too simple to benefit from a fully fledged validation object, but it is very handy one systems get large and validation rules become complex.
The obvious example here is a webapp: You fill in a form and click "submit". Some of your data is wrong. What happens?
Something throws an exception. Something (probably higher up) catches the exception and prints it (maybe you only catch UserInputInvalidExceptions, on the assumption that other exceptions should just be logged). You see the first thing that was wrong.
You write a validate() function. It says "no". What do you display to the user?
You write a validate() function which returns (or throws an exception with, or appends to) a list of messages. You display the messages... but wouldn't it be nice to group by field? Or to display it beside the field that was wrong? Do you use a list of tuple or a tuple of lists? How many lines do you want a rule to take up?
Encapsulating rules into an object lets you easily iterate over the rules and return the rules that were broken. You don't have to write boilerplate append-message-to-list code for every rule. You can stick broken rules next to the field that broke them.

What is the best way to handle domain-centric validation while providing a rich UI experience?

My company is developing a GUI application that allows users to query a legacy database system and have the results displayed back to them on the screen (the results just come back in a blob of plain-text). I'm struggling with the best way to structure the interaction between the user interface and the domain layer, especially validation of user input.
Basic Use Case
User selects a query to run from a menu in the application.
The application code displays the data entry form for the selected query.
The user enters the parameters for the query. If a field contains invalid data, it is immediately highlighted in red, and its tooltip text is changed to display an error message (i.e. if you are entering a Person query, and you enter a date of birth in the future, for example, the date of birth field will immediately turn red).
When the user clicks Run Query, the application runs a second validation pass; this second validation pass is required in order to run validation checks that involve multiple fields. If the this validation check passes, and all the fields are valid, the query is sent; otherwise, the user is prompted to fix any remaining errors.
My Current Validation/Error Reporting Strategy
Currently, I'm using domain-centric validation, but the overall design seems messy to me and maybe a little too over-engineered. A brief overview of the current design:
Domain layer: I have one class per query. Every query class contains a collection of IQueryField objects that hold the values entered by the user. Each query class implements a common IQueryMessage interface, which defines (among other things) a Validate method. This method is called to enforce message-level validation rules (i.e. rules that must examine the state of multiple fields at once). The IQueryField interface also defines a 'Valdate' method (among other things). This is to support per-field validation rules.
Per-field validation: To handle the per-field validation and error reporting, the data entry code binds each input control to an IQueryField; whenever the user changes the value of a control, it calls the the corresponding IQueryField's Validate method, which in turn fills a Notification object (just a collection of strings at the moment) with any errors detected in the value entered by the user. The user interface code then checks the Notification object and changes the appearance of the user control to indicate an error condition, if necessary.
Message-level validation: When the user tries to send a query, the application calls the Validate method on the IQueryMessage instance associated with the data entry form (at this point, the data binding code has also ensured all the message's fields have been populated from the input controls on the form, and the per-field validation code has been run). If there are any validation errors, the user interface displays them at the top of the form. If there are no errors, the data entry form is closed and the query is serialized and sent over the network.
Is Something Wrong Here?
I feel like something isn't "right" here. I have a few issues with the current design:
I would like the domain-level validation code to indicate the name of any fields that are in error, bur I don't want to hard-code the UI label captions into the domain classes. One possibility I thought of was to have the domain-level Validate methods generate messages with a field placeholder, such as "%s cannot be in the future", and have the UI code fill in the placeholder with the correct label.
The IQueryMessage and IQueryField interfaces both have a method called Validate. I'm thinking this should be extracted into a separate interface, (IValidatable perhaps), but I wonder if I am making things needlessly complex.
I'm using VB6, so I can't use inheritance in my classes (VB6 supports classes but not inheritance). I can only define and implement interfaces. Because of this, and because of the way my current interfaces are designed, I'm duplicating a lot of boiler-plate code in my implementation classes. I am thinking of solving this with an inversion-of-control approach. For example, I was thinking of defining a single concrete QueryField class, which could be initialized with a collection of IValidationRule instances that define what validation rules to use, then the QueryField.Validate() method would just collect the results of executing each rule. This way, the validation rules can be tailored to each field, but the QueryField class can handle all the common field-related stuff (field name, field length, required/not required checks, etc.).
How Can I Improve This?
I'm interested in any refactoring suggestions and hints on improving the current design. Also, I'm not necessary tied down to domain-centric validation; other suggestions are welcome. The main motivation behind using domain-centric validation was to keep increase encapsulation, and allow query message and field objects to be used in a non-GUI environment, without having to rewrite all the validation logic.
When you initialize a QueryField object, pass a label to it from the GUI. Then it's the UI that is responsible for setting the label name which seems reasonable to me.
I don't think this is necessary.
What you are describing doesn't really sound like IoC but rather just plain old composition. Since you can't even use inheritance this improvement seems to make sense. Generally you want to prefer composition to inheritance anyways. However if you are almost done with the work then I wouldn't bother refactoring this late in the game.

In MVP where to write validations

In Model-View-Presenter pattern where should we write validations of user input.
Domain specific rules/validations should be in the Model. You can have a model.validate() to let you know if the rules are not violated. Look at Rails model (ActiveRecord) classes for a good implementation of this concept.
The View should make it difficult for the user to key in invalid input. So 'entering a string for a numeric value' class of input errors should be nipped before reaching the presenter.
There may be some duplication of validations between model and view. E.g. AttributeX must range between 1-100. This must be validated in the model.. at the same time you may want to slot in a spinner in the UI with the minValue and maxValue range set to 1-100.
I usually keep my view completely clean, no logic there. But I don't do a lot of web development. In Ajax-ish situations you might want to have client side validation that has to go in the view.
Business logic validation goes in the model. With business logic validation I mean things like checking minimum order size etc.
Input validation goes in the presenter. This can be things like checking if a number field doesn't contain non numeric characters. But depending on your situation this can also mean checking if files exist etc.
In more complex cases where validation should be reusable in different places I usually separate it into a validation engine that can be called in different places. This solves some problems with duplicating validation code that is used in the presentation layer as well as the persistence layer for example.
The view should have have "widgets" that prevent invalid input where possible.

MVC - where to implement form validation (server-side)?

In coding a traditional MVC application, what is the best practice for coding server-side form validations? Does the code belong in the controller, or the model layer? And why?
From Wikipedia:
Model-view-controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the application or the underlying business rules without affecting the other. In MVC, the model represents the information (the data) of the application and the business rules used to manipulate the data; the view corresponds to elements of the user interface such as text, checkbox items, and so forth; and the controller manages details involving the communication to the model of user actions such as keystrokes and mouse movements.
Thus, model - it holds the application and the business rules.
I completely agree with Josh. However you may create a kind of validation layer between Controller and Model so that most of syntactical validations can be carried out on data before it reaches to model.
For example,
The validation layer would validate the date format, amount format, mandatory fields, etc...
So that model would purely concentrate on business validations like x amount should be greater than y amount.
My experience with MVC thus far consists of entirely rails.
Rails does it's validation 100% in the Model.
For the most part this works very well. I'd say 9 out of 10 times it's all you need.
There are some areas however where what you're submitting from a form doesn't match up with your model properly. There may be some additional filtering/rearranging or so on.
The best way to solve these situations I've found is to create faux-model objects, which basically act like Model objects but map 1-to-1 with the form data. These faux-model objects don't actually save anything, they're just a bucket for the data with validations attached.
An example of such a thing (in rails) is ActiveForm
Once the data gets into those (and is valid) it's usually a pretty simple step to transfer it directly across to your actual models.
The basic syntax check should be in the control as it translates the user input for the model. The model needs to do the real data validation.
