As a follow up to the older question : How can I get a list of all open named pipes in Windows? , I am in a situation where I need to check if a process uses anonymous pipes to communicate with its children. Is there a way to do this ? I've tried pipelist and process-explorer but it looks like they display only lists of NamedPipes
#Deanna : As an answer to close this topic
Indeed procExplorer lists all anonymous objects. But it is not yet possible to view anonymous pipes specifically. Which leads me to assume that, one cannot determine with absolute certainty the un-named pipes used by a process
Is there any way to write a custom function that uses the same pattern as the Open function? Including the fluff keywords like For and As?
I am working on migrating an old VB6 project to use online data via an API, as a first step I'd like to replace all instances of
Open SomeFilename For Binary Access Read As #39
With a custom OpenOnline function
OpenOnline SomeFilename For Binary Access Read As #39
But I do not know how to indicate those keywords are necessary when creating a function, or even if it's possible to do so.
Function openOnline(FileName As String) [For] (Optional Access As AccessType = Binary Access) [As] (Optional FileNumber As Integer) As Boolean
' Do the work of connecting to the online data equivalent of FileName with that access type
End Function
I understand that these keywords are nonsensical in the context of an OpenOnline function. I also understand that I can use regular expressions to find and replace the syntax to remove keywords like "For" and "Read".
There are hundreds of thousands of instances of this Open function, the Put and Get functions and a few other file related functions, I realize that long term the correct solution is changing the mechanisms fundamentally to use online paradigms, and that work is in progress- on schedule to be completed with about 4 months of effort at the rate things are going.
Bonus Question
Secondarily, is there any way for me to pass a "User Defined Type" variable to the new Put/Get replacements in a way that I can access their fields directly without knowing the type beforehand? (I understand that variants are only available for .cls classes or public user defined types in dlls, neither of which apply in this situation)
As for 1), you can get close but you can't exactly replicate the VB Open statement. Which means you won't get around of some search & replace passes for the current Open statement lines with your newly created one.
For 2), can you illustrate that with an example? I'm trying to think of a situation where you know the UDT member's name in advance, but not its type.
That said, perhaps looking at VB's VarType function gives you an idea for solving that.
Using a combination of XInterAtom(disp, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST", False) and XGetWindowProperty, I can successfully obtain a list of running windows.
However, is there a way to convert that data to a pointer to a shell or widget, to be able to determine when a given window is closed, or what it's children are, or to create any callbacks?
I have tried to use XtWindowToWidget and XtHooksOfDisplay to no avail, but I could have been using them incorrectly as well.
Or, is there another way to do this... knowing that the shell and window creation is part of a different application that I cannot modify?
I keep seeing code like this:
.WebButton("locator1", "locator2", "locator3")
What is the type of arguments in WebButton, WebElement, WebEdit etc ? I tried passing an array to .WebButton. So, qtp told me its not the correct type. Is there an alternate way to pass multiple locators ?
Also, what is the return type of .WebButton, .WebElement etc. ?
The "arguments" which you are talking about are the set of properties which are needed by QTP/UFT to identify that particular object(WebElement, WebEdit etc.) uniquely so that one can perform actions on them.
Also, this is not some sort of a function that is going to return you any value.
If you are not sure about what properties you need to mention in those brackets, an easier way would be to add that object to the Object Repository and drag that object from OR to your script. After that you can perform any action on those objects.
If you do not want to use OR, then you need to make use of, what we call, Descriptive Programming(DP) wherein you have to mention the object property names and their values "explicitly" in the script.
Remember that the sole purpose of mentioning these properties is to help QTP identify the objects in your application so that you can perform actions on them(like click, set etc.)
Here are a few links which can help you:
EDIT 2 - for answering your question in the comment:
.WebButton("Locator1","Locator2","Locator3") means .webButton("property1:=value1","property2:=value2","property3:=value3")
Now, I could have only mentioned property-value pair1(which you are referring to as "Locator1") only If it alone was sufficient for identifying that webbutton. If only 1 property-value pair cannot help UFT in UNIQUELY recognizing the webbutton, then I have to provide another property-value pair until I have provided enough of them so that QTP recognizes that webbutton uniquely. Since, I have provided multiple property-value pairs(or locators), they have to be separated by commas. If there was only one property-value pair, no comma is needed. All this explanation only applies to the case when we are using Descriptive Programming. If we are not using Descriptive programming, then in that case the objects and their properties&values are stored in the Object Repository and you just have to mention their logical names(say Button1 as stored in OR) in the script like:
To understand more, you need to do some more research on "How object Identification works in UFT/QTP"
While in a folder with lots of files, one can select many and rename only one. This one will get the name NewName (1) and the rest will follow as NewName (2) etc..
Is there a way to use this algorithm?
I mostly interested in using WinApi methods in general. It is easy to implement this specific algorithm. I don't know how to dig into explorer.exe and see what method it uses but probably it would be something reusable.
I mostly use c# but any language example would be accepted.
Not with a single function call, no. But you can loop through the files one at a time using SHFileOperation() with the FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION flag to rename each file to the same target filename so Windows will generate its own unique filenames.
As pointed out by Remy Lebeau I came up with the official way to do it.
Declares a set of items that are to be given a new display name.
All items are given the same name.
If more than one of the items in the collection at pUnkItems is
in the same folder, the renamed files are appended with a number in
parentheses to differentiate them, for instance newfile(1).txt,
newfile(2).txt, and newfile(3).txt.
Here is the referenced link.
This also answers my question on where to start to using windows shell api to do stuff. The answer is here.
Yes it is possible see here I used this to oganized and Number files in mass
I suspect this may apply to multiple programming languages, but in this context I am referring to .NET.
When I use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start, I can include, as an argument, a System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo object. One of the properties of ProcessStartInfo class is Verb (type of string). There is also a string[] property of Verbs which seems to contain the list of permitted values for Verb.
I notice that within the Verbs array there is a value for "Print" and a value for "PrintTo". What's the difference between the two? I tested both and they both seem to cause the file to print to my default printer.
According to this MSDN article, PrintTo is basically present to support drag-and-drop operations for printing (dragging a document over a printer icon, for example). It sounds like it's probably not meant to be used by your code.
The printto verb is normally used when the user drags a file and drops it on a printer shortcut. You need to supply at least two arguments, the first one is the file you want to get printed, the second one is the printer name. Registry entries on my machine use additional arguments but it is quite unclear to me what they may be.