Using the Netflix Odata service with WP71 - windows-phone-7

I'm trying to use the Netflix Odata service with WP71 but it aint working. What's wrong with this code?
private const string NETFLIX_CATALOG_URI = "";
public ObservableCollection<Title> SearchByTitle(string searchKey)
NetflixCatalog catalog = new NetflixCatalog(new Uri(NETFLIX_CATALOG_URI));
var query = catalog.Titles.Where(t => t.Name.Contains(searchKey));
DataServiceCollection<Title> titles = new DataServiceCollection<Title>(catalog);
return titles;

If you look at the HTTP request generated from your Linq, you will notice that the format is not supported by Netflix. It will work if you change it to:
var query = catalog.Titles.Where(t => t.Name.StartsWith(searchKey));
But, of course, it is not exactly the search you want... and I am looking for the answer on that too.


How to get all items of container in cosmos db with dotnet core

Hi I would like to get all items of a container in a database in cosmos DB. I can see that there are already a lot of methods available but I don't see any getAllItems or a lookalike.
Is there an easy way to do it like using LINQ or something?
If you want to do this using Linq, you can do the following (As suggested in this answer here: How can I use LINQ in CosmosDB SDK v3.0 async query?):
var db = Client.GetDatabase(databaseId);
var container = db.GetContainer(containerId);
var q = container.GetItemLinqQueryable<Person>();
var iterator = q.ToFeedIterator();
var results = await iterator.ReadNextAsync();
If you want a non-Linq solution, use this (taken from the v3 SDK samples:
QueryDefinition query = new QueryDefinition(
"select * from sales s where s.AccountNumber = #AccountInput ")
.WithParameter("#AccountInput", "Account1");
FeedIterator<SalesOrder> resultSet = container.GetItemQueryIterator<SalesOrder>(
requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("Account1"),
MaxItemCount = 1
while (resultSet.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<SalesOrder> response = await resultSet.ReadNextAsync();
// Work through iterator list here
Hope this helps!
You can use LINQ like described in Microsoft Azures documentation.
Something like this should be the solution of your problem:
var db = Client.GetDatabase(databaseId);
var container = db.GetContainer(containerId);
//Get iterator or use some LINQ queries here
var iterator = container.GetItemLinqQueryable<YourType>().GetEnumerator();

Mock Elastic Search response in.Net

I have Elastic Search Nest library code and need to mock the response i am getting from elastic search index.
var obj = service.Search<TestDocument>(new student().Query());
var Name= obj.Aggs.Terms("Name");
For Testing :
I am creating the Nest object after doing quick watch but facing issue -Aggregations - is a internal protected property and i am not able to set this value.
new Nest.KeyedBucket<object>
Key="XYZ school",
Aggregations=new Dictionary<string, IAggregationContainer>{}
Please suggest solution or any other approach i can use to mock elastic search nest object .
If you really want to stub the response from the client, you could do something like the following with Moq
var client = new Mock<IElasticClient>();
var searchResponse = new Mock<ISearchResponse<object>>();
var aggregations = new AggregateDictionary(new Dictionary<string, IAggregate> {
["Name"] = new BucketAggregate
Items = new List<KeyedBucket<object>>
new Nest.KeyedBucket<object>(new Dictionary<string, IAggregate>())
Key = "XYZ school",
KeyAsString = null,
DocCount = 5
searchResponse.Setup(s => s.Aggregations).Returns(aggregations);
client.Setup(c => c.Search<object>(It.IsAny<Func<SearchDescriptor<object>, ISearchRequest>>()))
var response = client.Object.Search<object>(s => s);
var terms = response.Aggregations.Terms("Name");
Another way would be to use the InMemoryConnection and return known JSON in response to a request..
For testing purposes however, it may be better to have an instance of Elasticsearch running, and perform integration tests against it. Take a look at Elastic.Xunit which provides an easy way to spin up an Elasticsearch cluster for testing purposes. This is used by the client in integration tests.
You can get Elastic.Xunit from the Appveyor feed.

ObjectId.ToString not working in projection (LINQ)

I get an exception when executing this code:
List<TenantSelectorDto> foundSelectors = null;
foundSelectors = tenants
.Select(ts => new TenantSelectorDto
Id = ts.Id.ToString(),
Name = ts.Name,
ShortName = ts.ShortName,
TenantCode = ts.TenantCode,
The exception is:
NotSupportedException, Message: ToString of type System.Object is not supported in the expression tree {document}{_id}.ToString().
Id in the DTO is defined as string while the Id of the Tenant object is a MongoDB ObjectId. The DTO is part of a REST API and I do not want to force consumers to link with the entire MongoDB driver libraries just because of the data type ObjectId.
Is this a bug or why does .ToString not work when using in a projection?
Seems to be a LINQ problem! Instead of using LINQ I tried to use the Aggregation Framework and here it works as expected!
var filterDefinition = Builders<Tenant>.Filter.Where(<Build whatever filter you need here>);
var foundSelectors = tenantCollection
.Project(ts => new TenantSelectorDto
Id = ts.Id.ToString(),
Name = ts.Name,
ShortName = ts.ShortName,
TenantCode = ts.TenantCode,
Does the trick without exception!
Don't know if this is a general LINQ problem or a problem of the MongoDB LINQ implementation though.

Returning an odata IQueryable object that differs to the query options

I need to get the following code to work
public IQueryable<BankingDTO> Get(ODataQueryOptions<TillSummaryDTO> options)
I would like to query on TillSummaryDTO because it has the field "TillOpID" on it. However I would like to return BankingDTO as this is the end result which contains the group by and sum. When I run the query I receive the error "Cannot apply ODataQueryOptions of 'Bepoz.Presentation.ViewModels.TillSummaryDTO' to IQueryable of 'Bepoz.Presentation.ViewModels.BankingDTO" what is the best practice for this?
The bankingservice.GetBanking method looks like this
var query = from t in _tillSummaryRepository.Table
join w in _workStationRepository.Table on t.TillOpID equals w.WorkstationID
join s in _storeRepository.Table on w.StoreID equals s.StoreID
join v in _venueRepository.Table on s.VenueID equals v.VenueID
select new TillSummaryDTO
TillOpID = t.TillOpID,
Cash = t.Cash,
Workstation = new WorkstationDTO()
WorkstationID = w.WorkstationID,
Name = w.Name,
Store = new StoreDTO()
StoreID = s.StoreID,
StoreGroup = s.StoreGroup,
Name = s.Name,
Venue = new VenueDTO()
VenueID = v.VenueID,
VenueGroup = v.VenueGroup,
Name = v.Name,
return query.GroupBy(x => x.Workstation.Name)
.Select(x => new BankingDTO()
TotalCash = x.Sum(y => y.Cash),
WorkstationName = x.Key
The scenario you want to achieve is that you have an entity set of TillSummaryDTO that you want to query, and you would like the return type to be a collection of BankingDTO. The query for the BankingDTO is carried out by applying the query options in the URL onto TillSummaryDTO . But the fact that the BankingDTO and TillSummaryDTO are different kind of types makes it impossible achieve that in a simple Get action method, right?
This scenario can be better resolved by the function feature of the OData protocol that the function takes the TillSummaryDTO collection as input parameter, has some internal complicated logic to query for the right BankingDTO, and returns the BankingDTO instead of TillSummaryDTO.
For the concept of function in OData protocol, you can refer to this link for V4 and section "10.4.2. Functions" of this page for V3.
For implementation, this sample can be referred to for Web API OData V4 and this tutorial can be referred to for Web API OData V3.

Calling a query from RIA Services with entities that have children created by other methods

I have this bit of code that does not work because Entity Framework doesn't recognize the CreateItemDC method. CreateItemDC is a modular private method that creates a data contract for the given Item entity. I use CreateItemDC all throughout my service whenever I need to return an Item data contract, but I can't use it here. I can realize the sequence of ProjectItems into an array or enumerable because I would have to do this to all ProjectItem entities in my database as the query criteria is specified on the client and I don't have access to it here. Do I have any better options here? It seems that RIA Services is not worth the trouble. I'm really wishing I had used plain WCF with this project.
public IQueryable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems()
return from projectItem in ObjectContext.ProjectItems
select new ProjectItemDC
ID = projectItem.ID,
LibraryItem = CreateItemDC(projectItem.LibraryItem),
LibraryItemID = projectItem.LibraryItemID,
ProjectID = projectItem.ProjectID,
Quantity = projectItem.Quantity,
Width = projectItem.Width,
Height = projectItem.Height,
Depth = projectItem.Depth,
SheetMaterialID = projectItem.SheetMaterialID,
BandingMaterialID = projectItem.BandingMaterialID,
MaterialVolume = projectItem.MaterialVolume,
MaterialWeight = projectItem.MaterialWeight
P.S. I do love LINQ and E.F. though. :)
Well, if you want to go with plain WCF, you can, no problem, just change the code to
public IEnumerable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems(string myParm1, string myParm2)
return from projectItem in ObjectContext.ProjectItems
select new ProjectItemDC
ID = projectItem.ID,
LibraryItem = CreateItemDC(projectItem.LibraryItem),
LibraryItemID = projectItem.LibraryItemID,
ProjectID = projectItem.ProjectID,
Quantity = projectItem.Quantity,
Width = projectItem.Width,
Height = projectItem.Height,
Depth = projectItem.Depth,
SheetMaterialID = projectItem.SheetMaterialID,
BandingMaterialID = projectItem.BandingMaterialID,
MaterialVolume = projectItem.MaterialVolume,
MaterialWeight = projectItem.MaterialWeight
write your own filtering/sorting logic and you're done.
Yes, you've lost WCF Ria Services dynamic query capabilities, but this is pretty much what you get with plain old WCF, isnt'it ?
If you instead need WCF Ria dynamic sorting/filtering/grouping you must take some additional steps, involving the visit of the Expression that WCF Ria Services create for you.
You can call ToArray() against ObjectContext.ProjectItems to force EF to load all the items, however, your query will no longer be composable on the client.
public IQueryable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems()
return from projectItem in ObjectContext.ProjectItems.ToArray()
select new ProjectItemDC
ID = projectItem.ID,
LibraryItem = CreateItemDC(projectItem.LibraryItem),
LibraryItemID = projectItem.LibraryItemID,
ProjectID = projectItem.ProjectID,
Quantity = projectItem.Quantity,
Width = projectItem.Width,
Height = projectItem.Height,
Depth = projectItem.Depth,
SheetMaterialID = projectItem.SheetMaterialID,
BandingMaterialID = projectItem.BandingMaterialID,
MaterialVolume = projectItem.MaterialVolume,
MaterialWeight = projectItem.MaterialWeight
As mentioned in your comment, it gets all of the data out of the database at once which is not ideal. In order to create the LibraryItem with your private method, you cannot compose the query on the client. Instead, you should filter within the query method and then create the array.
public IQueryable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems(int id, string filter, object blah)
var projectItems = ObjectContext.ProjectItems.Where(...).ToArray();
return projectItems.Select(projectItem => new ProjectItemDC{...};
