Beginners Tutorial for Zend Framework implementing model and call it from Controller - model-view-controller

I'm quite new to ZF, and right now, i try to write a tiny app, based on ZF. It works more or less fine until now. I wanna access my db- data. For starters, i just want to use query-string, before I start messing araound with zend_db. So to keep a nice mvc-structure, I created application/models/IndexMapper.php
class Application_Models_IndexMapper{...}
it just contains one function by now to see if it works
public function test(){
return ('yay');
In my IndexController, which is working, i try to access my model by
$indexMapper = new Application_Models_IndexMapper();
$x = $indexMapper->test();
but the first line throws an
Fatal error: Class 'Application_Models_IndexMapper' not found in /path/to/application/controllers/IndexController.php on line 31
As I'm new, I don't understand the more complex tutorials and they don't help me fix my problem. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to include it somehow?
edit: my application/bootstrap.php
or define('APPLICATION_PATH' , dirname(__FILE__));
or define('APPLICATION_ENVIRONMENT' , 'development');
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$frontController->setControllerDirectory(APPLICATION_PATH . '/controllers');
$frontController->setParam('env', APPLICATION_ENVIRONMENT);
Zend_Layout::startMvc(APPLICATION_PATH . '/layouts/scripts');
$view = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView();
$view->addHelperPath('App/View/Helper', 'App_View_Helper');

The structure for a model would be found under ./application/models/IndexMapper.php. In that file you would have the class As you named it and then the autoloading will work.
A great beginner tutorial would be found on

You have your class in the wrong place and have named it incorrectly.
Your class should be in application/models/Indexmapper.php and should look like this:-
class Application_Model_Indexmapper
public function test(){
return ('yay');
Then you call it thus:-
$indexMapper = new Application_Model_Indexmapper();
$x = $indexMapper->test();
Notice I dropped the 's' from the end of Models, it is not required and will cause an error as you found. Also the class is in the models folder, not modules. If you want to use modules then you need to read this and this from the manual.
Your bootstrap.php should look like this for a first, basic project:-
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
//Yes, it's empty!

Well, I guess my tutorial wasn't very helpful. I'll do as recommended, and start over from scratch. Thanks though


How to work with subdirectory controllers in CodeIgniter 4?

I need help with using sub directory controllers in CodeIgniter 4.
I just can't make it work for some reason.
This is the URL for example:
In the controllers folder, I created a folder named Admin, and a file named Dashboard.php.
I used this code in Dashboard.php:
namespace App\Controllers;
class Dashboard extends BaseController
public function index()
I tried changing the class name to AdminDashboard, Admin_Dashboard, pretty much every logical name but every time I get a 404 error, saying:
Controller or its method is not found:
I know the file itself gets loaded successfully, but I think I don't declare the classname correctly and it keeps throwing me those 404 errors.
The documentation of CI4 isn't providing any information about what the classname should be called unfortunately...
I managed to make it work by changing few things:
namespace App\Controllers\Admin;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class Dashboard extends Controller
public function index()
But now it won't extend the BaseController which has some core functions that I built for my app.
Any ideas to how to make it extend BaseController?
I must admit that I don't have much knowledge about namespacing yet, so that might be the reason for my mistakes.
As I imagined, the problem was that I didn't learn about namespacing.
I needed to point the use line at the BaseController location.
namespace App\Controllers\Admin;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
class Dashboard extends BaseController
public function index()
Now goes directly to that index function, as intended.
php spark make:controller /Subfolder/ControllerName
$routes->add('/(.+?)_(.+?)/(.+?)$', 'subdir\\\\$1_$2::$3');
$routes->add('/(.+?)_(.+?)$', 'subdir\\\\$1_$2::index');
I was able to map with this setting.
The route mapping could be as simple as:
$routes->group('admin', static function ($routes) {
$routes->get('dashboard', 'Admin\Dashboard::index');

Composer/Laravel: Not update specific folder inside vendor

I have installed laravel latest version ..In my application i have used barryvdh/laravel-dompdf package. And i made some font changes in the pdf packages..
Now my problem is while giving composer update this "barryvdh/laravel-dompdf" do not get update ..It should be ignore then only my changes are not affected..
composer update
And here is the package I tried to add to my project:
Any suggestions ?
You should never make any changes in classes inside vendor. You should extend those classes instead to change standard functionality.
#Trent is not so difficult to explain.
if you read about OOP, you will get the idea about hierarchy, which means that a class can have a "father" which it extends.
So in this case the vendors in Laravel are loaded by default. So lets say you have a vendor class called "FatherClass", if you want to extend the functionality of it you can create a "ChildClass" extending of it. This is a simple example:
Class FatherClass{
public function method_one(){
return "Hi, This is method 1";
Class ChildClass extends FatherClass{
public function method_two(){
return "Hi, This is method 2";
//So now you can create a child object and will have the father and its own methods.
$childObject = new ChildClass();
$childObject->method_one(); // Hi, This is method 1
$childObject->method_two(); // Hi, This is method 2
So how is this good to understand it for vendors?
Well in your case this is the class that you should extend PDF (
So it should be something like :
class NewPdfClass extends PDF{
You should be able now to override the methods or create new ones for your purposes.
Let me know if this helps.

Eloquent cannot find Code Igniter Model

So I am using Eloquent with code igniter and getting some interesting bugs.
class Brand_model extends MY_Model {
public function size()
return $this->hasOne('Size');
That line errors when trying to load my Size model:
class Size extends MY_Model {
public function brand(){
return $this->belongsTo('Brand');
"Unable to find class Size"
Any ideas?
you can try adding autoload part, to your composer.json file, like here:
Then tun php composer.phar dumpautoload, it will load models from specified directories
After this, classes should be found.
Other option is just do $this->load->model('Brand_model'); $this->load->model('size');
Try both, hope it helps!
You need to make sure that you loaded the composer autoload in your index file.
Please check out the full sample at CodeIgniter_with_Eloquent
Insert the code below right before the last line in your index.php:
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
Hope it helped!

MVC confusion, views are not templates

I have been reading an article for many times and yet, I can't still understand some parts.
Link for the article : Model-View-Confusion part 1: Why the model is accessed by the view in MVC
The code below is the one I think I am confused on.
class ListView extends View {
public $model;
public $template;
public $listTemplate;
public $errorTemplate;
public $itemName = 'items';
public function output() {
$result = $this->model->findAll();
if (count($result) > 0) {
$this->template = $this->getTemplate($this->listTemplate);
$this->template->addSet($this->itemName, $result);
} else {
$this->template = $this->getTemplate($this->errorTemplate);
return $this->template->render();
And the controller looks like this :
class UserController extends Controller {
public $viewName = 'ListView';
public function showList() {
$this->view->model = $this->model->user;
$this->view->listTemplate = 'UserList.tpl';
$this->view->errorTemplate = 'ErrorNoUsers.tpl';
As I can understand the template was assigned to a result of a method inherited from the View named getTemplate passed with a method from the View again named listTemplate
like this $this->getTemplate($this->listTemplate)
What I am confused on is that the $template suddenly had a method, which means it becomes a class . right here $this->template->addSet($this->itemName, $result); and `$this->template->render();
Do you have any idea what happened right there?
Firstly, full disclosure: I'm the author of that article.
It wasn't intended to be a complete code solution but an example of the benefits of applying a full MVC separation of concerns instead of the PAC pattern which is claimed to be MVC by most of the PHP community. How it works behind the scenes is beyond the scope of the article. However, what it was supposed to be demonstrating is that the View should encapsulate the template. In that example the template object could be a Smarty Template, a Twig instance or anything.
In hindsight I shouldn't have named the variables which reference file names "template". The confusion you have is understandable: $this->listTemplate; is a reference to the file containing the template code, and $this->template; is an instance of a template object (could be smarty, twig, anything else) that loads the file referenced in listTemplate.
I'll have a look at amending it to be clearer. I wrote that two years ago and there's several things I'd word differently and explain slightly better in the examples if I wrote it again.

Showing a view in Zend Framework

I've never worked with Zend Framework before, but I've worked with others (CodeIgniter, Kohana, etc). Right now I was asked to just show a view that wasn't existing so I started looking into the documentation and examples I could find and I've always found examples that use the Model part of the MVC, but in this case I just need to load a view and I can't figure out how to do that. I have this:
File: "BookController":
class BookController extends Initiate {
public function init() {
public function bookAction(){
#$client = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
$view = new Zend_View();
echo $this->view->render('book.phtml');
#$this->view->assign("book", $client);
#echo $this->view->render('book.phtml');
the view is called "book.phtml" and is found in /application/views/scripts/bookapi/
What am I missing?
Given that eveything is setup correctly with MVC, your Controller should extend Zend_Controller_Action:
class BookController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
$this->view->funnyText = 'This is a funny text.';
Then, in your application/views/scripts/book/ folder, there has to be a index.phtml. Which could look like that:
<?php echo $this->funnyText; ?>
That's it, nothing more required.
Btw. doesn't make sense to have a controller called book and then also an action called book
you don't have to manage view yourself there is an Action Controller Helper called View Renderer it does your job for you all you need to follow is its naming convention i.e if your controller name is 'BookController' then its view file should be located at views/scripts/book/boo.phtml .
Assuming BookController extends Zend_Controller, it should automatically setup the view and you shouldn't have to render it. Your view file should be in /application/views/scripts/book/book.phtml. Follow the quick start for more information.
