how to concatenate text & view model item -

Hi I am trying to join two bits of information on an MVC view to create one long string on screen. I have a bit of text within <\a> and a returned variable in the model (model.item.number).
Currently I have the following in my view :
a>01643< / a> #Html.DisplayFor(modelItem =>
this returns the correct value, but gives a space between 01634 and the value. I have tried wrapping the whole thing with < a > but to no avail.
I am sure this is dead simple & so easy in webforms. can someone put me out of my misery and let me know how to do this.. I'm an MVC3 noob.

Remove the space:
a>01643</a>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem =>
Or, Just write the value:
a>01643< / a>#Html.DisplayText(

Related send an object to a html table

I am a real newbie - I was given a leg up to create something and it is using I'm trying to fiddle around the edges, learning odd things as I go now. But have hit a wall in a really early stage of my project. It May well be too deep ... but just in the case asking here gives me an answer I can make sense of - here goes:
I have essentially three files working together. server.js, client.js, and index.ejs (which is my html file). I have a series of stuff happening in a "room" and now I want to display the values (next I will want to do more with them, but for now display) of an object in a html table.
... it creates the information of interest (uses a database call that currently works) and then:'room-location-update', result.rows);
... receives data. My console.log has it all there. Then I assign a variable to hold it for use in the html:
socket.on("room-location-update", (data_information) => {
//I think I need code in here?
var wp = data_information;
... fails to show anything. I have a table constructed to use the variable from client.js in a series of table cells essentially all constructed as:
<td><td id=wp.radius>
but nothing is displayed. the .name and .radius attributes are valid in the database when data_information is first created.
why nothing displayed? Google searches imply (to me) that this is basic stuff and should work. So clearly I am missing something basic (?) Any ideas what?
sorry, I don't actually know what you are talking about with edits. Apologies if I have done something wrong - I am a genuine newbie.
In the end I gave up on doing it in the ejs file and created a big string containing the html table codes and substituting in values where I wanted them in the client.js. And just popped that into the ejs file. No idea if this is efficient or not but it works, so hooray.
truncated code snippet of what worked for me (in client.js):
var $table = "<table border='1'>"
$table += "<thead><tr><th>Player</th><th>Location</th></tr></thead><tbody>"
for (var i = 0; i < display_information.length; i++) {
$table += '<tr><td>' + display_information[i].id + '</td>'
$table += '<td>' + display_information[i].name + '</td>'
$table += "</tr></tbody></table>"
and then in my index.ejs is: <pre><span id="displayinfo"></span></pre>

Using one variable for multiple items data in descriptive programming

I know that with Descriptive programming you can do something like this:
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("StackOverflow").Link("text:=Go To Next Page ", "html tag:=A").Click
But is it possible to create some kind of string so I can assign more than one data value and pass it as single variable? I've tried many combinations using escape characters and I always get error.
For example in the case above, let's say I have more properties in the Page object, so I'd normally have to do something like this:
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID")...etc...
But I'd like to pass "name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID" as a single variable, so when writing many objects I'd only have to write:
And the first part would remain static, so if the parents' data needs to be modified I'd only have to modify two variables and not all the objects created in all libraries.
Is it possible?
If I was not clear enough please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
I think what you're looking for is UFT's Description object
This allows you finer grained control on the description since in descriptive programming all values are regular expressions but with Description you can turn the regular expression functionality off for a specific property.
Set desc = Description.Create()
desc("html tag").Value = "A"
desc("innertext").Value = "More information..."
desc("innertext").RegularExpression = False
Browser("Example Domain").Navigate ""
Browser("Example Domain").Page("Example Domain").WebElement(desc).Click
If you want to represent this with plain string then it's a bit more of a problem, you can write a helper function but I'm not sure I would recommend it.
Function Desc(descString)
Set ret = Description.Create()
values = Split(descString, "::")
For Each value In values
keyVal = Split(value, ":=")
ret(keyVal(0)).Value = keyVal(1)
Set Desc = ret
End Function
' Usage
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("StackOverflow").WebElement(Desc("html tag:=H2::innertext:=some text")).Click
Further reading about descriptive programming.
As an alternative to Motti's excellent answer, you could also Set a variable to match your initial descriptive object and then extend it as required:
Set myPage = Browser("StackOverflow").Page("name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID")
after which you can then use
throughout the rest of the code, so long as the myPage object stays in scope...

Laravel 5.1 translate an array pass to blade

I have this in my controller
public function editProfile(Request $request){
$question1 = Question::where('group',1)->lists('question', 'id');
$question2 = Question::where('group',2)->lists('question', 'id');
return view('user', compact(''question1', 'question2'));
$question = {\"1\":\"What is the first name of your best friend in high school?\",\"2\":\"What was the name of your first pet?\",\"3\":\"What was the first thing you learned to cook?\",\"4\":\"What was the first film you saw in the theater?\"}
$question2 = {\"5\":\"Where did you go the first time you flew on a plane?\",\"6\":\"What is the last name of your favorite elementary school teacher?\",\"7\":\"In What city or town does your nearest sibling live?\"}
I would like to translate the value in both question 1 and question 2 and pass it to user blade without changing the key, Any suggestions?
As specified at the localization doc, you need to populate a lang file with translation strings. So, let's say you want to show both Spanish and English strings. In this case you'd need to create two files: /resources/lang/en/messages.php and /resources/lang/es/messages.php. The content of one of those files would be somewhat like this:
// resources/lang/es/messages.php
return [
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido'
This way, you could access the strings in there with the following method: __('messages.welcome'), which would return the string for the language set on your config/app.php -- the default entry is en, by the way, but you can set it to whatever you want. The value in there will define which language will be chosen when selecting strings.
Another method to create translation strings is using the string itself as key, storing them in a JSON file instead of PHP. For example, the following translation string:
"I love programming.": "Me encanta programar."
would be accessible through this: __('I love programming.').
Having said that, you may solve your problem through the two methods presented above. You could store in your DB keywords for the questions instead of the whole text, and create translation for as many languages as you want. Also, you could keep the questions in your database and create translation strings for those questions. Finally, you'd need to iterate over the fetched entries and translate each one of them, or use some Collection helper to do the hard work for you, like transform or map.

Bizarre problem with CodeIgniter routing rules

I have set two rules :
$route['followers/(:num)'] = 'hall/filter/subscribers/$1';
And :
$route['see/(:num)'] = 'hall/see/$1';
But while the first one is working all fine, the second one behaves juste like the 2nd argument (the :num) wasn't passed at all (displaying see/4 gives the hall/see/ page, not hall/see/4 !). This is very odd because from my point of view, those 2 routes work the same way !!
Any idea ?
Edit :
If I change $route['see/(:num)'] to $route['foo/see/(:num)'] then it works. This is crazy oO
You should use "" instead '', so it should be
$route['followers/(:num)'] = "hall/filter/subscribers/$1";
$route['see/(:num)'] = "hall/see/$1";

Google AJAX Transliteration API: Is it possible to make all input fields in the page transliteratable?

I've used "Google AJAX Transliteration API" and it's going well with me.
Currently I've a project that I need all input fields in every page (input & textarea tags) to be transliteratable, while these input fields differs from page to page (dynamic).
As I know, I've to call makeTransliteratable(elementIds, opt_options) method in the API call to define which input fields to make transliteratable, and in my case here I can't predefine those fields manually. Is there a way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
Rephrasing what you are asking for: you would like to collect together all the inputs on the page which match a certain criteria, and then pass them into an api.
A quick look at the API reference says that makeTransliteratable will accept an array of id strings or an array of elements. Since we don't know the ids of the elements before hand, we shall pass an array of elements.
So, how to get the array of elements?
I'll show you two ways: a hard way and an easy way.
First, to get all of the text areas, we can do that using the document.getElementsByTagName API:
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
Getting the list of inputs is slightly harder, since we don't want to include checkboxes, radio buttons etc. We can distinguish them by their type attribute, so lets write a quick function to make that distinction:
function selectElementsWithTypeAttribute(elements, type)
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
if (elements[i].getAttribute("type") == type)
return results;
Now we can use this function to get the inputs, like this:
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input")
var textInputs = selectElementsWithTypeAttribute(textInputs, "text");
Now that we have references to all of the text boxes, we can concatenate them into one array, and pass that to the api:
var allTextBoxes = [].concat(textareas).concat(textInputs);
makeTransliteratable(allTextBoxes, /* options here */);
So, this should all work, but we can make it easier with judicious use of library methods. If you were to download jQuery (google it), then you could write this more compact code instead:
var allTextBoxes = $("input[type='text'], textarea").toArray();
makeTransliteratable(allTextBoxes, /* options here */);
This uses a CSS selector to find all of the inputs with a type attribute of "text", and all textareas. There is a handy toArray method which puts all of the inputs into an array, ready to pass to makeTransliteratable.
I hope this helped,
