How to use include function in another custom function? - smarty

I am using Smarty 3.1.8
I want to include a tpl file only one time on page even if tpl file called more times.I dont know that I can do the that with Smarty without write a new custom function.So I think to write a new custom include function for this.
Can I use include function of smarty in the custom include function ?
I want to use smarty include function in my the custom include function for compile given template.
How am I do this ?
I want to use as follow :
{include_js file="script.users.tpl"}

Are you using PHP? If, so try this:
Even though it's in Smarty, use the php include_once("/dir/filename"); function.
using smarty_bc or smarty2:
<p>ex paragraph one</p>
<p>ex paragraph two</p>
{php} include_once("script.users.tpl"); {/php}
This way you can rely on having PHP monitor that the file is only being inserted once.


Laravel Blade directive adding extra quotes

Im using Laravel 7 so I didnt think this was going to be an issue.
Just a note on my installation, it was an upgrade from 5.3.
My issue is with a custom Blade directive I created.
It is aded additional quotes around the input
I added a dd() to see why my Helper didnt work.
My ServiceProvider
Blade::directive('setting', function ($expression) {
return SettingHelper::value($expression);
View file
Output of dd()
Expected output
I dont know why the extra quotes are being added.
You are right, I get the same behavior with a fresh laravel 7 installation.
I created some little tests, to see what's going on. I think the behavior is best explained like this. Imagine you are calling a view with one variable:
return view('welcome', ['var' => "Hallo"]);
You have a custom blade directive like this:
Blade::directive('dirtest', function ($expression) {
If you use that in your template the output is this:
// output of dd in the browser:
So it seems like the blade directives are just meant to replace some shorthand directive with more verbose php code. The actual code get's executed later in the blade templating engine. That makes sense, since blade templates are also cached for faster execution. In the cached version that custom directive is already embedded and your custom function doesn't get fired anymore. I hope that explanation makes sense to you.
What that means for you
It really depends on your use case. If you have a custom directive, that only gets passed constant strings, you could probably get away with just writing:
But if there's just a slight chance, that you might pass in a variable from time to time, like
You really have to return code, that utilizes that variable and can be evaluated later.

Unable to make Smarty tag meaning

I have below code in smarty template. I am unable to interpret what paging does. calc, total, current, per_page, url are variable but what is paging
{paging calc=$pInfo.calc total=$dealers|#count current=$pInfo.current per_page=$config.dealers_per_page url=$search_results_url}
{paging} seems to be a custom Smarty plugin.
as #Iko mentioned, {paging} is likely a smarty plugin
Check your smarty plugins folder for a file named 'functions.paging.php' - you should be able to find the php code that processes those parameters. If you're lucky that code might have links to documentation or the publisher if created by a third party.

Codeigniter extend helper but want to call old helper

I am developing an Application in Bonfire.
They have extended the form helper.
Is there a way to call the original form helper from Codigniter without removing the extended one from Bonfire?
"Helpers" are just files with PHP functions in them. They aren't actually "extended", Codeigniter loads it's default helpers after loading yours, and checks if you "overwrote" a function like so:
if ( ! function_exists('form_open'))
function form_open() {/* default code */}
So unfortunately, no - there's no way to call the original function if you already declared your own.
HOWEVER: It appears that Bonfire does the exact same thing, checking with function_exists, so if you want to - you should be able to load your own form helper before it, but you still cannot simply load the original one without hacking Bonfire and removing the functions (which could have terrible side effects).
Faced the same prob, user742736's comment is the only answer that solved the prob.
Explained in detail, may be this can help some one
You can create your own helper function with out the divs surrounding the drop down here
make a copy of the function form_dropdown, name it like form_dropdown_plain
modify the last few lines of the function to output with out divs
call form_dropdown_plain instead of form_dropdown

How do I declare a freemarker macro/function to be used within a few ajax views?

I currently have a <#macro format_phone phone> within my code, and a few different pages use it. How could I make this function be available to many pages? ie. globally. Currently it's copied and pasted, breaking the DRY principle.
You can put it in a macros.ftl file, <#import "macros.ftl" as m>, and then <#m.format_phone phone>

Resolve view helper location from within the controller or form

I have a few view helpers that add JavaScript files when they're needed (for instance, so that only forms use CKEditor and such). My directory structure (simplified to include only the relevant files) is this:
What I want to do:
include CKEditor in the view project/project/issueadd
include jQuery UI in project/project/version
When I'm inside the view script, calling <?php $this->jQueryUI(); ?> works like a charm, even though the helper is in the default module's helpers directory. However, the same is not true for the controller and the form.
In the controller ProjectController.php, versionAction(), I tried to call:
and the effect was an exception:
Message: Plugin by name 'JQueryUI' was not found in the registry; used paths: Project_View_Helper_: C:/xampp/htdocs/bugraid/application/modules/project/views\helpers/ Zend_View_Helper_: Zend/View/Helper/
Similarly, in the AddIssue.php form, I tried this:
and there was an exception again:
Message: Plugin by name 'Wysiwyg' was not found in the registry; used paths: Project_View_Helper_: C:/xampp/htdocs/bugraid/application/modules/project/views\helpers/ Zend_View_Helper_: Zend/View/Helper/
Obviously, both would work if my view helpers were in the helper directories of the modules/controllers they're being called from, but since they're used across many modules, I'd like to have them in the default module's view helpers directory.
So, my questions are:
How do I access those view helpers from within the controller and the form?
Is there a simpler way to get around this (apart from simply including all javascript files in the layout)? Like creating a plugin or an action helper? (I haven't done these things before, so I really don't know, I'm only starting my adventure with ZF).
Regarding Q1 (based on the comments). You should be able to access the helpers in a usual way. However since it does not work, I think there is a problem with the way you bootstrap your view resource and/or the way how you perform concrete registration of the helpers or how you add helper path to it. I paste an example of adding helper path in Bootsrap.php:
#file: APPLICATION_PATH/Bootstrapt.php
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap {
public function _initViewHelperPath() {
$view = $this->getResource('view');
APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/views/helpers',
'My_View_Helper' // <- this should be your helper class prefix.
This off course should normally work for modular setup of ZF.
Regarding Q2:
You can use headScript view helper to manage what scripts do you load in the head tag of your layout. Using this helper you can do it from your actions.
For example. If in a layout.php you have:
<?php echo $this->headScript(); ?>
then in, e.g. indexAction you can append some JS file as follows:
As much as I hate answering my own questions, there's one more solution I came up with, based on what Marcin has suggested in his answer. It can also be done in application.ini:
resources.view[] =
resources.view.helperPath.My_View_Helper = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules/default/views/helpers"
The caveat is that the lines need to appear in this order. Should it be reversed, anything before resources.view[] = will be ignored.
I'd rather get rid of your JQueryUI.php and would use ZendX. Something like that:
In controller:
ZendX_JQuery::enableView ($this->view);
$this->view->jQuery ()->enable ()->setRenderMode (ZendX_JQuery::RENDER_ALL);
In layout:
<?php echo $this->jQuery () ?>
