Duplicate RequestMapping - spring

I'm working on an open source named OpenMRS supporting Spring MVC. I cannot modify core source for update purpose later. So I must write a module, something like plugin to add functions to the system. The problem is that I want to alter the original screen to mine by using portlet to redirect to my jsp. The controller of the core code is something like this:
protected String renderDashboard(#RequestParam(required = true, value = "patientId") Integer patientId, ModelMap map){
return "patientDashboardForm";
I'm not familiar with Spring but as I know that when the url ends with /patientDashboard.form?patientId=xxx the function will call patientDashboardForm.jsp. Now I want to return to my jsp so I must define a new class with same code but return to my jsp (to do this because cannot modify the core code). But by defining same mapping /patientDashboard.form causes error "Cannot map handler XXX to URL path /patientDashboard.form: There is already handler YYY mapped".
So is there anyway to overcome this situation ?

There is no way to overrule an existing #RequestMapping. Each mapping must be unique. What you could do is the following. Instead of adding a request parameter, add a path parameter like this
#RequestMapping("/patientDashboard.form/{patientId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String renderDashboard(#PathVariable("patientId") final long id, Model model) {
/* your code here */
This will create a new #RequestMapping that will differ from the existing one.

You have to create another #Controller extending the existing one. Then, you can define your custom mappings (you can't reuse the existing one) and reimplement the superclass methods at your convenience, redirecting to your view and defining custom logic there.
public class YourController extends BaseController {
public void renderDashboard(#RequestParam(required = true, value = "patientId") Integer patientId, ModelMap map){
// Call to default functionallity
super.renderDashboard(patientId, map);
// your custom code here
return "yourCustomJSPHere";


Accessing multiple controllers with same request mapping

Please find my HomeController and DemoController
class HomeController{
public void home(){
class DemoController{
public void demo(){
when I try to send a request to index, which one will get executed?
I wanted to know how can we have same request mapping value for multiple controllers
https://stackoverflow.com/a/34590355/2682499 is only partially correct at this point.
You can have multiple controller methods use the same URI so long as you provide Spring enough additional information on which one it should use. Whether or not you should do this is a different question. I would certainly not recommend using the same URI in two separate controller classes to avoid confusion, though.
You can do something like this:
class HomeController{
#RequestMapping(value="/index", params = {"!name", "!foo"})
public List<Something> listItems(){
// retrieve Something list
#RequestMapping(value="/index", params = "name")
public List<Something> listItems(String name) {
// retrieve Something list WHERE name LIKE %name%
#RequestMapping(value="/index", params = {"!name", "foo"})
public List<Something> listItems(String foo) {
// Do something completely different
For the full documentation on what is possible when overloading URIs you should reference the #ReqeustMapping documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/bind/annotation/RequestMapping.html. And, specifically https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/bind/annotation/RequestMapping.html#params-- for the section request parameters.
In Spring Web MVC this is not possible. Each mapping must be unique in your context. If not, you will receive a RuntimeException during context initialization.
You cannot even use parameters to differentiate your endpoints because they are not evaluated while searching for a suitable handler (applicable for Servlet environments). From #RequestMapping javadoc:
In a Servlet environment, parameter mappings are considered as restrictions that are enforced at the type level. The primary path mapping (i.e. the specified URI value) still has to uniquely identify the target handler, with parameter mappings simply expressing preconditions for invoking the handler.
Note that you can do the opposite, so multiple URLs can point to the same handler. Have a look at Spring MVC: Mapping Multiple URLs to Same Controller
Unfortunately, this is not possible. The request mapping has to be unique otherwise the application can't determine which method the incoming request should be mapped to.
What you can do instead is to extend the request mapping:
class HomeController{
public void home(){
class DemoController{
public void demo(){

read Asp.Net Web api GET values from url

I am trying to map /{Controller}/{Variable1}/{Variable2}/{Variable3} to a GET method in controller
public TestController{
public ActionResult Get([FromUrl] Entity instance){}
So I need to map variables to the entity.
To put it into an example
public class ProductSearchRequest
public string Category{get;set;}
public string filter1 {get;set;}
public string filter2 {get;set;}
public ProductController: Controller {
public ActionResult GET([FromUri] ProductSearchRequest productSearchRequest){
Had to do following changes to get this working
Instead of RouteCollection.MapHttpRoute use HttpConfiguration.Routes.MapHttpRoute as this is API routing not MVC routing.
Inherit controller from ApiController rather than Controller which I was before.
Basically you are not going to be able to do that. Complex types are not compatible with the routing mechanism.
Take a read of this article. But this paragraph explains why the routing mechanism cannot do what you are asking.
A complex type can only bind to the URI through a custom binding. But
in that case, the framework cannot know in advance whether the
parameter would bind to a particular URI. To find out, it would need
to invoke the binding. The goal of the selection algorithm is to
select an action from the static description, before invoking any
bindings. Therefore, complex types are excluded from the matching
Therefore the basic rule is:
For every parameter of the action, if the parameter is taken from the
URI, then the parameter name must be found either in the route
dictionary or in the URI query string. (Optional parameters and
parameters with complex types are excluded.)
Which means you need to define your action like so:
public ActionResult GET(string Category, string filter1, string filter2){
And your route template:

How to get the project name or path of from context or other class?

my project run on:
but when I rebuild on client part it would be:
I want get the parameter of mvc or mvc-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in one of my controller of SpringMVC.
(because I will setting some dynamic picture path)
How to get these names in context or controller class?
Use HttpServletRequest.getContextPath():
public String handle(HttpServletRequest req) {
final String context = req.getContextPath(); //mvc or mvc-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

How can I load multiple controller factories and pass control on to the next one?

I've created a generic controller factory to load entities from the database by parsing out the url:
However, I'd like to be able to load an actual controller if the entity is not found, or to override the default entity behavior if necessary by creating a physical controller, instead of a "virtual" one created by the URL pattern.
Right now, in global.asax.cs I'm doing:
How can I, either in EntityControllerFactory, or here in global.asax.cs, pass control on to another factory, in the event that I'd like MVC's default controller/action scheme to take over?
You could create a composite IControllerFactory implementation:
public class EntityControllerFactory : IControllerFactory {
private IControllerFactory defaultFactory = new DefaultControllerFactory();
public IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName) {
if(needsCustomLogic) {
// do your custom logic here and return appropriate result
} else {
return defaultFactory.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName);
// same for the other methods on IControllerFactory
This works because by default the value of ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory() is an instance of DefaultControllerFactory.
You might also consider making your factory more future-proof (in case a new version of MVC starts returning a different type from GetControllerFactory; unlikely but it could happen) by getting the default instance and passing it into your factory:
// in Global.asax
var defaultFactory = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory();
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetFactory(new EntityControllerFactory(defaultFactory));

Spring MVC 3.0: How do I bind to a persistent object

I'm working with Spring MVC and I'd like it to bind a a persistent object from the database, but I cannot figure out how I can set my code to make a call to the DB before binding. For example, I'm trying to update a "BenefitType" object to the database, however, I want it to get the object fromthe database, not create a new one so I do not have to update all the fields.
public String save(#ModelAttribute("item") BenefitType benefitType, BindingResult result)
...check for errors
...save, etc.
There are several options:
In the simpliest case when your object has only simple properties you can bind all its properties to the form fields (hidden if necessary), and get a fully bound object after submit. Complex properties also can be bound to the form fields using PropertyEditors.
You may also use session to store your object between GET and POST requests. Spring 3 faciliates this approach with #SessionAttributes annotation (from the Petclinic sample):
#SessionAttributes("pet") // Specify attributes to be stored in the session
public class EditPetForm {
public void setAllowedFields(WebDataBinder dataBinder) {
// Disallow binding of sensitive fields - user can't override
// values from the session
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String setupForm(#PathVariable("petId") int petId, Model model) {
Pet pet = this.clinic.loadPet(petId);
model.addAttribute("pet", pet); // Put attribute into session
return "pets/form";
#RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.POST })
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute("pet") Pet pet,
BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {
new PetValidator().validate(pet, result);
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "pets/form";
} else {
// Clean the session attribute after successful submit
return "redirect:/owners/" + pet.getOwner().getId();
However this approach may cause problems if several instances of the form are open simultaneously in the same session.
So, the most reliable approach for the complex cases is to create a separate object for storing form fields and merge changes from that object into persistent object manually.
So I ended up resolving this by annotating a method with a #ModelAttribute of the same name in the class. Spring builds the model first before executing the request mapping:
BenefitType getBenefitType(#RequestParam("id") String id) {
// return benefit type
While it is possible that your domain model is so simple that you can bind UI objects directly to data model objects, it is more likely that this is not so, in which case I would highly recommend you design a class specifically for form binding, then translate between it and domain objects in your controller.
I'm a little confused. I think you're actually talking about an update workflow?
You need two #RequestMappings, one for GET and one for POST:
#RequestMapping(value="/update/{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getSave(ModelMap model, #PathVariable Long id)
model.putAttribute("item", benefitDao.findById(id));
return "view";
then on the POST actually update the field.
In you example above, your #ModelAttribute should already be populated with a method like the above method, and the properties be bound using something like JSTL or Spring tabglibs in conjunction with the form backing object.
You may also want to look at InitBinder depending on your use case.
