Hbase quickly count number of rows - hadoop

Right now I implement row count over ResultScanner like this
for (Result rs = scanner.next(); rs != null; rs = scanner.next()) {
If data reaching millions time computing is large.I want to compute in real time that i don't want to use Mapreduce
How to quickly count number of rows.

Use RowCounter in HBase
RowCounter is a mapreduce job to count all the rows of a table. This is a good utility to use as a sanity check to ensure that HBase can read all the blocks of a table if there are any concerns of metadata inconsistency. It will run the mapreduce all in a single process but it will run faster if you have a MapReduce cluster in place for it to exploit.
$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter <tablename>
Usage: RowCounter [options]
<tablename> [
[<column1> <column2>...]

You can use the count method in hbase to count the number of rows. But yes, counting rows of a large table can be slow.count 'tablename' [interval]
Return value is the number of rows.
This operation may take a LONG time (Run ‘$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar
hbase.jar rowcount’ to run a counting mapreduce job). Current count is shown
every 1000 rows by default. Count interval may be optionally specified. Scan
caching is enabled on count scans by default. Default cache size is 10 rows.
If your rows are small in size, you may want to increase this
hbase> count 't1'
hbase> count 't1', INTERVAL => 100000
hbase> count 't1', CACHE => 1000
hbase> count 't1', INTERVAL => 10, CACHE => 1000
The same commands also can be run on a table reference. Suppose you had a reference to table 't1', the corresponding commands would be:
hbase> t.count
hbase> t.count INTERVAL => 100000
hbase> t.count CACHE => 1000
hbase> t.count INTERVAL => 10, CACHE => 1000

If you cannot use RowCounter for whatever reason, then a combination of these two filters should be an optimal way to get a count:
FirstKeyOnlyFilter() AND KeyOnlyFilter()
The FirstKeyOnlyFilter will result in the scanner only returning the first column qualifier it finds, as opposed to the scanner returning all of the column qualifiers in the table, which will minimize the network bandwith. What about simply picking one column qualifier to return? This would work if you could guarentee that column qualifier exists for every row, but if that is not true then you would get an inaccurate count.
The KeyOnlyFilter will result in the scanner only returning the column family, and will not return any value for the column qualifier. This further reduces the network bandwidth, which in the general case wouldn't account for much of a reduction, but there can be an edge case where the first column picked by the previous filter just happens to be an extremely large value.
I tried playing around with scan.setCaching but the results were all over the place. Perhaps it could help.
I had 16 million rows in between a start and stop that I did the following pseudo-empirical testing:
With FirstKeyOnlyFilter and KeyOnlyFilter activated:
With caching not set (i.e., the default value), it took 188 seconds.
With caching set to 1, it took 188 seconds
With caching set to 10, it took 200 seconds
With caching set to 100, it took 187 seconds
With caching set to 1000, it took 183 seconds.
With caching set to 10000, it took 199 seconds.
With caching set to 100000, it took 199 seconds.
With FirstKeyOnlyFilter and KeyOnlyFilter disabled:
With caching not set, (i.e., the default value), it took 309 seconds
I didn't bother to do proper testing on this, but it seems clear that the FirstKeyOnlyFilter and KeyOnlyFilter are good.
Moreover, the cells in this particular table are very small - so I think the filters would have been even better on a different table.
Here is a Java code sample:
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.RowFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.KeyOnlyFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FirstKeyOnlyFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.CompareFilter.CompareOp;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.RegexStringComparator;
public class HBaseCount {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
HTable table = new HTable(config, "my_table");
Scan scan = new Scan(
Bytes.toBytes("foo"), Bytes.toBytes("foo~")
if (args.length == 1) {
System.out.println("scan's caching is " + scan.getCaching());
FilterList allFilters = new FilterList();
allFilters.addFilter(new FirstKeyOnlyFilter());
allFilters.addFilter(new KeyOnlyFilter());
ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
int count = 0;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
for (Result rr = scanner.next(); rr != null; rr = scanner.next()) {
count += 1;
if (count % 100000 == 0) System.out.println(count);
} finally {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long elapsedTime = end - start;
System.out.println("Elapsed time was " + (elapsedTime/1000F));
Here is a pychbase code sample:
from pychbase import Connection
c = Connection()
t = c.table('my_table')
# Under the hood this applies the FirstKeyOnlyFilter and KeyOnlyFilter
# similar to the happybase example below
print t.count(row_prefix="foo")
Here is a Happybase code sample:
from happybase import Connection
c = Connection(...)
t = c.table('my_table')
count = 0
for _ in t.scan(filter='FirstKeyOnlyFilter() AND KeyOnlyFilter()'):
count += 1
print count
Thanks to #Tuckr and #KennyCason for the tip.

Use the HBase rowcount map/reduce job that's included with HBase

Simple, Effective and Efficient way to count row in HBASE:
Whenever you insert a row trigger this API which will increment that particular cell.
Htable.incrementColumnValue(Bytes.toBytes("count"), Bytes.toBytes("details"), Bytes.toBytes("count"), 1);
To check number of rows present in that table. Just use "Get" or "scan" API for that particular Row 'count'.
By using this Method you can get the row count in less than a millisecond.

To count the Hbase table record count on a proper YARN cluster you have to set the map reduce job queue name as well:
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter -Dmapreduce.job.queuename= < Your Q Name which you have SUBMIT access>

You can use coprocessor what is available since HBase 0.92. See Coprocessor and AggregateProtocol and example

Two ways Worked for me to get count of rows from hbase table with Speed
Scenario #1
If hbase table size is small then login to hbase shell with valid user and execute
>count '<tablename>'
>count 'employee'
6 row(s) in 0.1110 seconds
Scenario #2
If hbase table size is large,then execute inbuilt RowCounter map reduce job:
Login to hadoop machine with valid user and execute:
/$HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter '<tablename>'
/$HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter 'employee'
Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=22594633728
Total committed heap usage (bytes)=5093457920
File Input Format Counters
Bytes Read=0
File Output Format Counters
Bytes Written=0

If you're using a scanner, in your scanner try to have it return the least number of qualifiers as possible. In fact, the qualifier(s) that you do return should be the smallest (in byte-size) as you have available. This will speed up your scan tremendously.
Unfortuneately this will only scale so far (millions-billions?). To take it further, you can do this in real time but you will first need to run a mapreduce job to count all rows.
Store the Mapreduce output in a cell in HBase. Every time you add a row, increment the counter by 1. Every time you delete a row, decrement the counter.
When you need to access the number of rows in real time, you read that field in HBase.
There is no fast way to count the rows otherwise in a way that scales. You can only count so fast.

U can find sample example here:
* Used to get the number of rows of the table
* #param tableName
* #param familyNames
* #return the number of rows
* #throws IOException
public long countRows(String tableName, String... familyNames) throws IOException {
long rowCount = 0;
Configuration configuration = connection.getConfiguration();
// Increase RPC timeout, in case of a slow computation
configuration.setLong("hbase.rpc.timeout", 600000);
// Default is 1, set to a higher value for faster scanner.next(..)
configuration.setLong("hbase.client.scanner.caching", 1000);
AggregationClient aggregationClient = new AggregationClient(configuration);
try {
Scan scan = new Scan();
if (familyNames != null && familyNames.length > 0) {
for (String familyName : familyNames) {
rowCount = aggregationClient.rowCount(TableName.valueOf(tableName), new LongColumnInterpreter(), scan);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new IOException(e);
return rowCount;

Go to Hbase home directory and run this command,
./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter 'namespace:tablename'
This will launch a mapreduce job and the output will show the number of records existing in the hbase table.

You could try hbase api methods!


why is clickhouse writing batch records slowly?

I use clickhouse-jdbc to write data to a distributed "all" table of clickhouse(3 hosts for 3 shards 1 replica).
5000 batch commit using PreparedStatement for 1000000 records costs 6280s.
ps.setString(68, dateTimeStr);
ps.setDate(69, date);
System.out.println("i: " + i);
if(i % 5000 == 0 || i == maxRecords) {
System.out.println(new java.util.Date());
System.out.println(new java.util.Date());
// ps.execute();
System.out.println("commit: " + new java.util.Date());
Is there any better way for inserting one hundred million records a day?
Yes, inserts into a Distributed engine could be potentially slow due to the whole bunch of logic needed to be done on each insert operation (fsync the data to the specific shard, etc).
You can try to tune some settings, which are described in the link above.
However, I found it much convenient and faster to write into the underlying table directly. But it requires you to care about sharding and spreading the data across all of your nodes, ie distributing your data to your own taste.

Using an HBase table as MapReduce source

As far as I understood when using an hbase table as the source to a mapreduce job, we have define the value for the scan. LEt's say we set it to 500, does this mean that each mapper is only given 500 rows from the hbase table? Is there any problem if we set it to a very high value ?
If the scan size is small, don't we have the same problem as having small files in mapreduce?
Here's the sample code from the HBase Book on how to run a MapReduce job reading from an HBase table.
Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
Job job = new Job(config, "ExampleRead");
job.setJarByClass(MyReadJob.class); // class that contains mapper
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.setCaching(500); // 1 is the default in Scan, which will be bad for MapReduce jobs
scan.setCacheBlocks(false); // don't set to true for MR jobs
// set other scan attrs
tableName, // input HBase table name
scan, // Scan instance to control CF and attribute selection
MyMapper.class, // mapper
null, // mapper output key
null, // mapper output value
job.setOutputFormatClass(NullOutputFormat.class); // because we aren't emitting anything from mapper
boolean b = job.waitForCompletion(true);
if (!b) {
throw new IOException("error with job!");
When you say "value for the scan", that's not a real thing. You either mean scan.setCaching() or scan.setBatch() or scan.setMaxResultSize().
setCaching is used to tell the server how many rows to load before returning the result to the client
setBatch is used to limit the number of columns returned in each call if you have a very wide table
setMaxResultSize is used to limit the number of results returned to the client
Typically with you don't set the MaxResultSize in a MapReduce job. So you will see all of the data.
Reference for the above information is here.
The mapper code that you write is given the data row by row. The mapper run-time however would read the records by the caching side (i.e. 500 rows at a time in your case).
if the scan size is too small the execution becomes very inefficient (lots of io calls)

Why is counting items in pig so much slower than hive

I have a set of data (~1TB) I imported in both Hive and Pig. Using our entire hadoop cluster but I have huge time differences where Hive is significantly faster than pig for just counting the number of records.
select count(*) from india_tab;
Time taken: 61.103 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
data = LOAD 'warehouse/india_tab/*' USING PigStorage()
AS (ac_id:int, c_code01:chararray, longitude:float, latitude:float, satillite:chararray, month:chararray, day:chararray, timestamp:int, cm:int, li:double, tir:int,vis:int);
grpd = GROUP data ALL;
cnt = FOREACH grpd GENERATE COUNT(data);
DUMP cnt;
Runtime: 6m 9s
Hive Uses only one reducer for the Count for full aggregate irrespective of input data size. if you want more efficiency then turn on the hive.map.aggr= true.
Pig sets the number of reducers using a heuristic based on the size of the input data.
reducers = MIN (pig.exec.reducers.max, total input size (in bytes) / bytes per reducer)
generally by default reducer max is 999
ur total input size = 10^12 / 10^9
so for your pig job reducer = 999. that might be the reason for slowness compare to hive.
Use Parallel key word or set default_parallel to override the reducer num.

Hive cluster by vs order by vs sort by

As far as I understand;
sort by only sorts with in the reducer
order by orders things globally but shoves everything into one reducers
cluster by intelligently distributes stuff into reducers by the key hash and make a sort by
So my question is does cluster by guarantee a global order? distribute by puts the same keys into same reducers but what about the adjacent keys?
The only document I can find on this is here and from the example it seems like it orders them globally. But from the definition I feel like it doesn't always do that.
A shorter answer: yes, CLUSTER BY guarantees global ordering, provided you're willing to join the multiple output files yourself.
The longer version:
ORDER BY x: guarantees global ordering, but does this by pushing all data through just one reducer. This is basically unacceptable for large datasets. You end up one sorted file as output.
SORT BY x: orders data at each of N reducers, but each reducer can receive overlapping ranges of data. You end up with N or more sorted files with overlapping ranges.
DISTRIBUTE BY x: ensures each of N reducers gets non-overlapping ranges of x, but doesn't sort the output of each reducer. You end up with N or more unsorted files with non-overlapping ranges.
CLUSTER BY x: ensures each of N reducers gets non-overlapping ranges, then sorts by those ranges at the reducers. This gives you global ordering, and is the same as doing (DISTRIBUTE BY x and SORT BY x). You end up with N or more sorted files with non-overlapping ranges.
Make sense? So CLUSTER BY is basically the more scalable version of ORDER BY.
Let me clarify first: clustered by only distributes your keys into different buckets, clustered by ... sorted by get buckets sorted.
With a simple experiment (see below) you can see that you will not get global order by default. The reason is that default partitioner splits keys using hash codes regardless of actual key ordering.
However you can get your data totally ordered.
Motivation is "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide" by Tom White (3rd edition, Chapter 8, p. 274, Total Sort), where he discusses TotalOrderPartitioner.
I will answer your TotalOrdering question first, and then describe several sort-related Hive experiments that I did.
Keep in mind: what I'm describing here is a 'proof of concept', I was able to handle a single example using Claudera's CDH3 distribution.
Originally I hoped that org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.TotalOrderPartitioner will do the trick. Unfortunately it did not because it looks like Hive partitions by value, not key. So I patch it (should have subclass, but I do not have time for that):
public int getPartition(K key, V value, int numPartitions) {
return partitions.findPartition(key);
public int getPartition(K key, V value, int numPartitions) {
return partitions.findPartition(value);
Now you can set (patched) TotalOrderPartitioner as your Hive partitioner:
hive> set hive.mapred.partitioner=org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.TotalOrderPartitioner;
hive> set total.order.partitioner.natural.order=false
hive> set total.order.partitioner.path=/user/yevgen/out_data2
I also used
hive> set hive.enforce.bucketing = true;
hive> set mapred.reduce.tasks=4;
in my tests.
File out_data2 tells TotalOrderPartitioner how to bucket values.
You generate out_data2 by sampling your data. In my tests I used 4 buckets and keys from 0 to 10. I generated out_data2 using ad-hoc approach:
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.NullWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
public class TotalPartitioner extends Configured implements Tool{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
ToolRunner.run(new TotalPartitioner(), args);
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
Path partFile = new Path("/home/yevgen/out_data2");
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(getConf());
HiveKey key = new HiveKey();
NullWritable value = NullWritable.get();
SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, getConf(), partFile, HiveKey.class, NullWritable.class);
key.set( new byte[]{1,3}, 0, 2);//partition at 3; 1 came from Hive -- do not know why
writer.append(key, value);
key.set( new byte[]{1, 6}, 0, 2);//partition at 6
writer.append(key, value);
key.set( new byte[]{1, 9}, 0, 2);//partition at 9
writer.append(key, value);
return 0;
Then I copied resulting out_data2 to HDFS (into /user/yevgen/out_data2)
With these settings I got my data bucketed/sorted (see last item in my experiment list).
Here is my experiments.
Create sample data
bash> echo -e "1\n3\n2\n4\n5\n7\n6\n8\n9\n0" > data.txt
Create basic test table:
hive> create table test(x int);
hive> load data local inpath 'data.txt' into table test;
Basically this table contains values from 0 to 9 without order.
Demonstrate how table copying works (really mapred.reduce.tasks parameter which sets MAXIMAL number of reduce tasks to use)
hive> create table test2(x int);
hive> set mapred.reduce.tasks=4;
hive> insert overwrite table test2
select a.x from test a
join test b
on a.x=b.x; -- stupied join to force non-trivial map-reduce
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test2/000001_0
Demonstrate bucketing. You can see that keys are assinged at random without any sort order:
hive> create table test3(x int)
clustered by (x) into 4 buckets;
hive> set hive.enforce.bucketing = true;
hive> insert overwrite table test3
select * from test;
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test3/000000_0
Bucketing with sorting. Results are partially sorted, not totally sorted
hive> create table test4(x int)
clustered by (x) sorted by (x desc)
into 4 buckets;
hive> insert overwrite table test4
select * from test;
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test4/000001_0
You can see that values are sorted in ascending order. Looks like Hive bug in CDH3?
Getting partially sorted without cluster by statement:
hive> create table test5 as
select x
from test
distribute by x
sort by x desc;
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test5/000001_0
Use my patched TotalOrderParitioner:
hive> set hive.mapred.partitioner=org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.TotalOrderPartitioner;
hive> set total.order.partitioner.natural.order=false
hive> set total.order.partitioner.path=/user/training/out_data2
hive> create table test6(x int)
clustered by (x) sorted by (x) into 4 buckets;
hive> insert overwrite table test6
select * from test;
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test6/000000_0
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test6/000001_0
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test6/000002_0
bash> hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/test6/000003_0
CLUSTER BY does not produce global ordering.
The accepted answer (by Lars Yencken) misleads by stating that the reducers will receive non-overlapping ranges. As Anton Zaviriukhin correctly points to the BucketedTables documentation, CLUSTER BY is basically DISTRIBUTE BY (same as bucketing) plus SORT BY within each bucket/reducer. And DISTRIBUTE BY simply hashes and mods into buckets and while the hashing function may preserve order (hash of i > hash of j if i > j), mod of hash value does not.
Here's a better example showing overlapping ranges
As I understand, short answer is No.
You'll get overlapping ranges.
From SortBy documentation:
"Cluster By is a short-cut for both Distribute By and Sort By."
"All rows with the same Distribute By columns will go to the same reducer."
But there is no information that Distribute by guarantee non-overlapping ranges.
Moreover, from DDL BucketedTables documentation:
"How does Hive distribute the rows across the buckets? In general, the bucket number is determined by the expression hash_function(bucketing_column) mod num_buckets."
I suppose that Cluster by in Select statement use the same principle to distribute rows between reducers because it's main use is for populating bucketed tables with the data.
I created a table with 1 integer column "a", and inserted numbers from 0 to 9 there.
Then I set number of reducers to 2
set mapred.reduce.tasks = 2;.
And select data from this table with Cluster by clause
select * from my_tab cluster by a;
And received result that I expected:
So, first reducer (number 0) got even numbers (because their mode 2 gives 0)
and second reducer (number 1) got odd numbers (because their mode 2 gives 1)
So that's how "Distribute By" works.
And then "Sort By" sorts the results inside each reducer.
Use case : When there is a large dataset then one should go for sort by as in sort by , all the set reducers sort the data internally before clubbing together and that enhances the performance. While in Order by, the performance for the larger dataset reduces as all the data is passed through a single reducer which increases the load and hence takes longer time to execute the query.
Please see below example on 11 node cluster.
This one is Order By example output
This one is Sort By example output
This one is Cluster By example
What I observed , the figures of sort by , cluster by and distribute by is SAME But internal mechanism is different. In DISTRIBUTE BY : The same column rows will go to one reducer , eg. DISTRIBUTE BY(City) - Bangalore data in one column , Delhi data in one reducer:
Cluster by is per reducer sorting not global. In many books also it is mentioned incorrectly or confusingly. It has got particular use where say you distribute each department to specific reducer and then sort by employee name in each department and do not care abt order of dept no the cluster by to be used and it more perform-ant as workload is distributed among reducers.
SortBy: N or more sorted files with overlapping ranges.
OrderBy: Single output i.e fully ordered.
Distribute By: Distribute By protecting each of N reducers gets non-overlapping ranges of the column but doesn’t sort the output of each reducer.
For more information http://commandstech.com/hive-sortby-vs-orderby-vs-distributeby-vs-clusterby/
ClusterBy: Refer to the same example as above, if we use Cluster By x, the two reducers will further sort rows on x:
If I understood it correctly
1.sort by - only sorts the data within the reducer
2.order by - orders things globally by pushing the entire data set to a single reducer. If we do have a lot of data(skewed), this process will take a lot of time.
cluster by - intelligently distributes stuff into reducers by the key hash and make a sort by, but does not grantee global ordering. One key(k1) can be placed into two reducers. 1st reducer gets 10K K1 data, the second one might get 1K k1 data.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Express DataReader performance

I have a database that contains 250,000 records. I am using a DataReader to loop the records and export to a file. Just looping the records with a DataReader and no WHERE conditions is taking approx 22 minutes. I am only selecting two columns (the id and a nvarchar(max) column with about 1000 characters in it).
Does 22 minutes sound correct for SQL Server Express? Would the 1GB of RAM or 1CPU have an impact on this?
22 minutes sounds way too long for a single basic (non-aggregating) SELECT against 250K records (even 22 seconds sounds awfully long for that to me).
To say why, it would help if you could post some code and your schema definition. Do you have any triggers configured?
With 1K characters in each record (2KB), 250K records (500MB) should fit within SQL Express' 1GB limit, so memory shouldn't be an issue for that query alone.
Possible causes of the performance problems you're seeing include:
Contention from other applications
Having rows that are much wider than just the two columns you mentioned
Excessive on-disk fragmentation of either the table or the DB MDF file
A slow network connection between your app and the DB
Update: I did a quick test. On my machine, reading 250K 2KB rows with a SqlDataReader takes under 1 second.
First, create test table with 256K rows (this only took about 30 seconds):
CREATE TABLE dbo.data (num int PRIMARY KEY, val nvarchar(max))
DECLARE #txt nvarchar(max)
SET #txt = N'put 1000 characters here....'
INSERT dbo.data VALUES (1, #txt);
INSERT dbo.data
SELECT num + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.data), val FROM dbo.data
GO 18
Test web page to read data and display the statistics:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text;
public partial class pages_default
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DAL.ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT num, val FROM dbo.data", conn))
conn.StatisticsEnabled = true;
using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
IDictionary stats = conn.RetrieveStatistics();
foreach (string key in stats.Keys)
result.Append(" = ");
this.info.Text = result.ToString();
Results (ExecutionTime in milliseconds):
IduRows = 0
Prepares = 0
PreparedExecs = 0
ConnectionTime = 930
SelectCount = 1
Transactions = 0
BytesSent = 88
NetworkServerTime = 0
SumResultSets = 1
BuffersReceived = 66324
BytesReceived = 530586745
UnpreparedExecs = 1
ServerRoundtrips = 1
IduCount = 0
BuffersSent = 1
ExecutionTime = 893
SelectRows = 262144
CursorOpens = 0
I repeated the test with SQL Enterprise and SQL Express, with similar results.
Capturing the "val" element from each row increased ExecutionTime to 4093 ms (string val = (string)reader["val"];). Using DataTable.Load(reader) took about 4600 ms.
Running the same query in SSMS took about 8 seconds to capture all 256K rows.
Your results from running exec sp_spaceused myTable provide a potential hint:
rows = 255,000
reserved = 1994320 KB
data = 1911088 KB
index_size = 82752 KB
unused 480KB
The important thing to note here is reserved = 1994320 KB meaning your table is some 1866 MB, when reading fields that are not indexed (since NVARCHAR(MAX) can not be indexed) SQL Server must read the entire row into memory before restricting the columns. Hence you're easily running past the 1GB RAM limit.
As a simple test delete the last (or first) 150k rows and try the query again see what performance you get.
A few questions:
Does your table have a clustered index on the primary key (is it the id field or something else)?
Are you sorting on a column that is not indexed such as the `nvarchar(max) field?
In the best scenario for you your PK is id and also a clustered index and you either have no order by or you are order by id:
Assuming your varchar(max) field is named comments:
SELECT id, comments
FROM myTable
This will work fine but it will require you to read all the rows into memory (but it will only do one parse over the table), since comments is VARCHAR(MAX) and cannot be indexed and table is 2GB SQL will then have to load the table into memory in parts.
Likely what is happening is you have something like this:
SELECT id, comments
FROM myTable
ORDER BY comment_date
Where comment_date is an additional field that is not indexed. The behaviour in this case would be that SQL would be unable to actually sort the rows all in memory and it will end up having to page the table in and out of memory several times likely causing the problem you are seeing.
A simple solution in this case is to add an index to comment_date.
But suppose that is not possible as you only have read access to the database, then another solution is make a local temp table of the data you want using the following:
comments NVARCHAR(MAX),
comment_date date
INSERT INTO #T SELECT id, comments, comment_date FROM myTable
SELECT id, comments
ORDER BY comment_date
If this doesn't help then additional information is required, can you please post your actual query along with your entire table definition and what the index is.
Beyond all of this run the following after you restore backups to rebuild indexes and statistics, you could just be suffering from corrupted statistics (which happens when you backup a fragmented database and then restore it to a new instance):
EXEC [sp_MSforeachtable] #command1="RAISERROR('UPDATE STATISTICS(''?'') ...',10,1) WITH NOWAIT UPDATE STATISTICS ? "
EXEC [sp_MSforeachtable] #command1="RAISERROR('DBCC DBREINDEX(''?'') ...',10,1) WITH NOWAIT DBCC DBREINDEX('?')"
EXEC [sp_MSforeachtable] #command1="RAISERROR('UPDATE STATISTICS(''?'') ...',10,1) WITH NOWAIT UPDATE STATISTICS ? "
