Reading line by line from a file in unix - shell

I am a newbie in Unix I have a file which contains a list of file names. I am trying to copy every file in the same directory but with a different extension. Its not working. Can anyone tell me why my code is bellow csl_nl.sts is the file with name of other files?
set files = ("csl_nl.sts")
foreach file ('cat files')
echo "Copying" $file "to" $file.cdc
cp $file $file.cdc
exit 0

this worked for me
foreach file (`cat csl_nl.sts`)
set a=`echo $file | awk -F"." '{print $1}'`
echo "$a"

cat csl_nl.sts | while read line;
if [ ! -f $line];
echo $line does not exist ;
newfn=$(dirname $line)/$(basename $line .$OLD_EXTN).$NEW_EXTN
echo Copy from $line to $newfn
cp $line $newfn;

see if this helps:
set files = ("abc")
foreach file (`cat $files`)
set ext = ("cdc")
set file2 = "$file.$ext"
echo "Copying" $file "to" $file2;
cp $file $file2;
exit 0

Can't say I'm familiar with (t)csh, but, here's the obligatory bash example:
for file in `cat csl_ns.tst`; do
echo $file " -> " $file.cdc
cp $file $file.cdc
Depends on the formatting of the input file, but that should work if they're seperated by whitespace or lines.


Extract a line from a text file using grep?

I have a textfile called log.txt, and it logs the file name and the path it was gotten from. so something like this
basically the file name and its previous location. I want to use grep to grab the file directory save it as a variable and move the file back to its original location.
for var in "$#"
if grep "$var" log.txt
# code if found
# code if not found
this just prints out to the console the 2.txt and its directory since the directory has 2.txt in it.
Maybe flip the logic to make it more efficient?
while read prev
do case "$prev" in
*/*) f="${prev##*/}"; continue;; # remember the name
*) [[ -e "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "$prev";;
done < log.txt
That walks through all the files in the log and if they exist locally, move them back. Should be functionally the same without a grep per file.
If the name is always the same then why save it in the log at all?
If it is, then
while read prev
do f="${prev##*/}" # strip the path info
[[ -e "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "$prev"
done < <( grep / log.txt )
Having the file names on the same line would significantly simplify your script. But maybe try something like
# Convert from command-line arguments to lines
printf '%s\n' "$#" |
# Pair up with entries in file
awk 'NR==FNR { f[$0]; next }
FNR%2 { if ($0 in f) p=$0; else p=""; next }
p { print "mv \"" p "\" \"" $0 "\"" }' - log.txt |
Test it by replacing sh with cat and see what you get. If it looks correct, switch back.
Briefly, something similar could perhaps be pulled off with printf '%s\n' "$#" | grep -A 1 -Fxf - log.txt but you end up having to parse the output to pair up the output lines anyway.
Another solution:
for f in `grep -v "/" log.txt`; do
grep "/$f" log.txt | xargs -I{} cp $f {}
grep -q (for "quiet") stops the output

create and rename multiple copies of files

I have a file input.txt that looks as follows.
I have a folder ff. The filenames of this folder are abas.txt, 1fgh.txt, 3ghl.txt. Based on the input file, I would like to create and rename the multiple copies in ff folder.
For example in the input file, abas has three copies. In the ff folder, I need to create the three copies of abas.txt and rename it as abas_1.txt, abas_2.txt, abas_3.txt. No need to copy and rename 1fgh.txt in ff folder.
Your valuable suggestions would be appreciated.
You can try something like this (to be run from within your folder ff):
while IFS= read -r fn; do
[[ $fn =~ ^(.+)_[[:digit:]]+\.([^\.]+)$ ]] || continue
echo cp -nv -- "$fn_orig" "$fn"
done < input.txt
Remove the echo if you're happy with it.
If you don't want to run from within the folder ff, just replace the line
echo cp -nv -- "$fn_orig" "$fn"
echo cp -nv -- "ff/$fn_orig" "ff/$fn"
The -n option to cp so as to not overwrite existing files, and the -v option to be verbose. The -- tells cp that there are no more options beyond this point, so that it will not be confused if one of the files starts with a hyphen.
using for and grep :
for i in $(ls)
x=$(echo $i | sed 's/^\(.*\)\..*/\1/')"_"
for j in $(grep $x in)
cp -n $i $j
Try this one
while read newFileName;do
#split the string by _ delimiter
arr=(${newFileName//_/ })
#check for empty : '1fgh.txt' case
if [ -n "${arr[1]}" ]; then
#check if file exists
if [ -f $fileToCopy ];then
echo "copying $fileToCopy -> $newFileName"
cp "$fileToCopy" "$newFileName"
# echo "File $fileToCopy does not exist, so it can't be copied"
You can call your script like this:
cat input.txt | ./
If you could change the format of input.txt, I suggest you adjust it in order to make your task easier. If not, here is my solution:
for cand in `ls $SRC_DIR`; do
grep "^${cand%.*}_" $INPUT | while read new
cp -fv $SRC_DIR/$cand $BACKUP_DIR/$new

I need to parse a log file into multiple files based on delimiters

I have a log file which i need to parse it into multiple files.
GTI02152 I gtirreqi 20130906 000034 TC SJ014825 GTT_E_REQ_INF テーブル挿入件数 16件
GTP10000 I NIPS gtgZ5000 20130906 000054 TC SJ014825 シェル開始
I need to create files like 6610.txt which will have all values under 6610 like(GTI02152..) and for z5000(GTP10000) respectively. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Below script would help you to get the information. You can modify them to create the data you require.
cmd=`cat data.dat | paste -d, - - - - - | cut -d ',' -f 2,4 > file.out`
while read p; do
fileName=`echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 1`
echo $fileName
dataInfo=`echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 2`
echo $dataInfo
done< file.out
Here's an awk styled answer:
I put the following into a file named awko and chmod +x it to use it:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { p = 0 } # look for filename flag - start at zero
/^\#/ { p = !p } # turn it on to find the filename
# either make a filename or write to the last filename based on the flag
$0 !~ /^\#/ {
if( p == 1 ) filename = $1 ".txt"
else print $0 > filename
Running awko data.txt produced two files, 6610.txt and Z5000.txt from your example data. It's capable of sending more data lines to the output files as well.
You can do it with Ruby as well:
ruby -e '^[^#].*?(?=^[#])/m).each{|e| name = e.split[0]; File.write("#{name}.txt", e)}' file
Example output:
> for A in *.txt; do echo "---- $A ----"; cat "$A"; done
---- 6610.txt ----
---- GTI02152.txt ----
GTI02152 I gtirreqi 20130906 000034 TC SJ014825 GTT_E_REQ_INF テーブル挿入件数 16件
---- GTP10000.txt ----
GTP10000 I NIPS gtgZ5000 20130906 000054 TC SJ014825 シェル開始
---- Z5000.txt ----
This script makes the following assumptions:
Each record is separated by an empty line
#### lines are purely comment/space filler and can be ignored during parsing
The first line of each record (ignoring ####) contains the basename for the filename
The name of the logfile is passed as the first argument to this script.
# write records to this temporary file, rename later
while read line; do
if [[ $line == "" ]] ; then
# line is empty - separator - save existing record and start a new one
mv $tempfile $filename
# output non-empty line to record file
echo $line >> $tempfile
if [[ $filename == "" ]] ; then
# we haven't yet figured out the filename for this record
if [[ $line =~ ^#+$ ]] ; then
# ignore #### comment lines
# 1st non-comment line in record is filename
done < $1
# end of input file might not have explicit empty line separator -
# make sure last record file is moved correctly
if [[ -e $tempfile ]] ; then
mv $tempfile $filename

assign stat|grep|awk to a variable in bash

I have a file of filenames, and I need to be able to get the size of these files using bash.
I have the following script which does that, but It prints the filename and the size on different lines, i'd prefer it to do it all on one line if possible.
while read -r line
vars=(`echo $name | tr '.' ' '`)
echo $name
stat -x $name | grep Size: | awk '{ print $2 }'
done < "$filename"
I'd love to have it of the form:
filename: $size
How can I do this?
(I am using OSX hence the slightly odd version of stat.)
Pass -n to the echo to prevent a trailing newline from being added. So change
echo $name
echo -n $name
and to add the : separator between the file name and file size
echo -n ${name}": "
This should do the trick:
while read f
echo "${f} : $(stat -L -c %s ${f})"
done < "${filename}"
echo $name: $(stat -x $name | sed -n '/^Size:/s///p')

Skip line in text file which starts with '#' via KornShell (ksh)

I am trying to write a script which reads a text file and saves each line to a string. I would also like the script to skip any lines which start with a hash symbol. Any suggestions?
You should not leave skipping lines to ksh. E.g. do this:
grep -v '^#' INPUTFILE | while IFS="" read line ; do echo $line ; done
And instead of the echo part do whatever you want.
Or if ksh does not support this syntax:
grep -v '^#' INPUTFILE > tmpfile
while IFS="" read line ; do echo $line ; done < tmpfile
rm tmpfile
while read -r line; do
[[ "$line" = *( )#* ]] && continue
# do something with "$line"
done < filename
look for "File Name Patterns" or "File Name Generation" in the ksh man page.
