How to run Firefox on a Debian server - firefox

I have installed Firefox on my Server (running Debian 6.0) but when I try to launch it I get the following message:
Error: no display specified
After googling I installed xvfb and now I have this error;
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":99.0".
and it freezes.
Can anybody help me?
Update: I'm now able to run Firefox, but I don't want it to open up a local window but everything should be done on the server side. It should just open up, play a macro (made with iMacros) and then shut down. The opening and the closing will be handled by a script.

You are connecting with SSH to that Debian machine? Then call next time the ssh-command with -X as argument, this will pass the correct display options to the server.

Launch this from your box's xterm:
ssh -X debian-server dbus-launch firefox


How to kill server via terminal in VS Code?

Our local Macs are set up to run our local server via grep serve
When running from standard terminal, that command builds the project then spins up the local server. To kill it, I can use the break command (command-.).
We're doing a lot more in VS Code now which has the great feature of Terminal built in. However, it appears the command-. doesn't apply to that version of the terminal. So I'm at a bit of a does one stop the server via the terminal in VS Code?
Crtl+c should kill the currently running process in your terminal (VSCode or otherwise).

Getting node-inspector to open debugging browser page on Windows

When I first installed the latest version of node-inspector (0.9.2) running it with 'node-inspector app.js' I had the debugging session opened automatically in Chrome and the app was automatically running at localhost:5000.
Now running the same command I just get this:
D:\Work\examples\mozaik-demo-master>node-inspector app.js
Node Inspector v0.9.2
Visit to start debugging.
And then I have to open another prompt window and run the app with 'node --debug app.js' then open the browser windows at '' and 'localhost:5000'.
This is so much an overhead, how can I make it work as it did the first time? Installing and uninstalling node-inspector doesn't help.
The command node-inspector was never opening Chrome. It was always starting the backend web server only.
You should use the command node-debug instead. This command will start the backend, start the application in debug mode, and open the browser for you.
D:\Work\examples\mozaik-demo-master>node-debug app.js
node-debug is NOT well maintained. I'm now using devtool: It's great.

Git bash not opening on Win7

I have been using Git-1.8.3 from a flash drive successfully from both work and at home on win7 machines. Yesterday I noticed that when I try to open git-bash at home, the window flashes open and disappears instantaneously. I don't see an error message. Thinking the file may be corrupted, I tried it at work and it opens normally. Are there any logs that I can check to at least get an error message on what is happening?
Try downloading it again? If that doesn't work can you give the file name and location you are using for git bash?

XAMP Refuses to Start Apache on Mac os 10.8

I have been trying to fix a composer error which didn't allow me to download due to ssl not being enabled and I simply removed the ";" from the php.ini file and restarted my computer.
However I now get an error
"XAMPP's Apache can not start while Web Sharing is on! Please go to System Preferences > Sharing and turn it off."
when trying to start apache... however I do not even have a setting for "Web Sharing" in my System Preferences. How can I fix this issue?
Thank you.
open Terminal and enter this command:
sudo apachectl stop

How to get memcached working on Windows 7 for xampp?

I'm trying to get memcached working, but I have failed. I've read many tutorials, but to no avail. This is what I get when I try to install through c:/xampp/memcached/memcached.exe
failed to install service or service already installed
I'm pretty sure that this is not installed. I checked the processes and it's not on the list.
you must run command prompt as administrator.
to do this in windows you can right click on start menu then click command prompt (admin)
