XQuery and BaseX- How to store the output to a combobox? - xpath

I am using BaseX as backend to store XML Files. Front end is in Java. I want to populate
certain elements data into a combobox. The output of the XQuery is string. I am facing problem to load this string in a combobox. Below is the XML file-
<City><C>New Delhi</C></City>
<City><C>New Delhi</C></City>
Using this XML file, I want to populate all the distinct cities in a combobox. This will be done by following XQuery-
for $x in distinct-values(doc("City")/Cities/City/C)
return $x
The output of this is a simple string -
`London New Delhi Mumbai Moscow Tokyo`
There are 5 cities resulting from the query.
How can I populate this in a combobox..?

This might help:
element select {
distinct-values(doc("City")/Cities/City/C) ! element option { . }


How to show an array (multiple values) in a webix datatable column

I need to show multiple values (rank and vote) together separated by space as key:value in a webix datatable cell from the following structure :
id2: [{"rank":2, "vote":50}, {"rank":3, "vote":10}]
I want to show only the first element of this above array.
My snippet is here : https://webix.com/snippet/ca50874d
I am not able to figure out how to show these two values together in one cell.
Please help.
To show multiple values in the cell, or if you want to format the value according to you, you just need to use to template for that cell:
While specifying column configuration, you can specify the template for that particular column like below:
template:function(obj) {
This template will be called for each row, and obj contains the row object.
For your example you can specify the template like below:
template:function(obj) {
return obj.column1 +':' + obj.column2;
I further tried and could figure out the answer on my own. To show the first element of that array object, the 'map' attribute has to be used as below:
{ id:"id2", header:"Rank", width:80, map:"#id2[0].rank# : #id2[0].vote# "}
The working snippet for the same is here : https://webix.com/snippet/928bab77

Spring Data Rest - Sort by multiple properties

I have an entity as below
Class Person{
String id;
String name;
String numberOfHands;
With Spring Data Rest (Gosling Release Train), I'm able to specify
for sorting name name ascending. Now, in a case where I need to sort by numberOfHands descending and name ascending. I'm able to specify
But, I'm not able to specify
Is there a way to specify multiple sort order?
Solution (tl;dr)
When wanting to sort on multiple fields you simply put the sort parameter multiple times in the URI. For example your/uri?sort=name,asc&sort=numberOfHands,desc. Spring Data is then capable of constructing a Pageable object with multiple sorts.
There is not really a defined standard on how to submit multiple values for a parameter in a URI. See Correct way to pass multiple values for same parameter name in GET request.
However there is some information in the Java Servlet Spec which hints on how Java servlet containers parse request parameters.
The getParameterValues method returns an array of String objects containing all the parameter values associated with a parameter name. ... - Java Servlet Spec, section 3.1
The sample further in that section states (although it mixes request and body data)
For example, if a request is made with a query string of a=hello and a post body of a=goodbye&a=world, the resulting parameter set would be ordered a=hello, goodbye, world.
This sample shows that when a parameter (a in the example) is presented multiple times the results will be aggregated into a String[].
Here is how to construct the multi Sort object manually/programatically.
Sort sort = Sort.by(
return personRepository.findAll(sort);
Note: This solution does not directly solve the original question asked, but may help visitors that landed on this question while searching for a solution how to sort on multiple properties from a backend perspective / in a somewhat "hardcoded" way. (this solution does not require/take any URI parameters)
When dynamic fields are there then you simply do match with fields and add in sorting list like.
List<Sort.Order> sorts= new ArrayList<>();
if (sort == "name" && sortingOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("DESC")) {
sorts.add(new Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC,"name"));
} else if (sort == "numberOfHands" && sortingOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("DESC")) {
sorts.add(new Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC,"numberOfHands"));
return personRepository.findAll(Sort.by(sorts));
If you are using Pagination then directly add in PageRequest Request.
return personRepository.findPersons(PageRequest.of(pageNo, pageSize, Sort.by(sorts)));

Is it possible to filter the descendant elements returned from an XPath query?

At the moment, I'm trying to scrape forms from some sites using the following query:
select * from html
where url="http://somedomain.com"
and xpath="//form[#action]"
This returns a result like so:
form: {
action: "/some/submit",
id: "someId",
div: {
input: [
... some input elements here
fieldset: {
div: {
input: [
... some more input elements here
On some sites this could go many levels deep, so I'm not sure how to begin trying to filter out the unwanted elements in the result. If I could filter them out here, then it would make my back-end code much simpler. Basically, I'd just like the form and any label, input, select (and option) and textarea descendants.
Here's an XPath query I tried, but I realised that the element hierarchy would not be maintained and this might cause a problem if there are multiple forms on the page:
//form[#action]/descendant-or-self::*[self::form or self::input or self::select or self::textarea or self::label]
However, I did notice that the elements returned by this query were no longer returned under divs and other elements beneath the form.
I don't think it will be possible in a plain query as you have tried.
However, it would not be too much work to create a new data table containing some JavaScript that does the filtering you're looking for.
Data table
A quick, little <execute> block might look something like the following.
var elements = y.query("select * from html where url=#u and xpath=#x", {u: url, x: xpath}).results.elements();
var results = <url url={url}></url>;
for each (element in elements) {
var result = element.copy();
for each (descendant in y.xpath(element, filter)) {
result.node += descendant;
results.node += result;
response.object = results;
» See the full example data table.
Example query
use "store://VNZVLxovxTLeqYRH6yQQtc" as example;
select * from example where url="http://www.yahoo.com"
» See this query in the YQL console
Example results
Hopefully the above is a step in the right direction, and doesn't look too daunting.
Open Data Tables Reference
Executing JavaScript in Open Data Tables
YQL Editor
This is how I would filter specific nodes but still allow the parent tag with all attributes to show:
//form[#name]/#* | //form[#action]/descendant-or-self::node()[name()='input' or name()='select' or name()='textarea' or name()='label']
If there are multiple form tags on the page, they should be grouped off by this parent tag and not all wedged together and unidentifiable.
You could also reverse the union if it would help how you'd like the nodes to appear:
//form[#action]/descendant-or-self::node()[name()='input' or name()='select' or name()='textarea' or name()='label'] | //form[#name]/#*

With Oracle XML Tables do XQuery selects use XmlIndexes?

I am trying to retrieve keys and parent keys from some structured xml stored as binary xml in oracle. I have tried created unstructured index and also an index with a structured component. The structured component works fine when doing a SELECT against XMLTABLE() but I cannot retrieve values of parent node using XMLTable. I am therefore trying the following Xquery to retrieve parent values but this is not using the index at all. Does this style of query support using XmlIndexes? I can't find anything in the docs that say either way.
FROM xml_data x, XMLTABLE(xmlnamespaces( DEFAULT 'namespace'),
'for $i in /foo/bar
return element r {
,element parentKey { $i/../someKey }
PASSING x.import_xml
someKey VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'someKey'
,parentKey VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'parentKey'
) y
Thanks, Tom

Can I use linq to join two result sets on an ordinal/ index #?

I'm trying to use linq to objects with html agility pack to join two result sets on their relative ordinal position. One set is a list of headers, the other is a set of tables, with each table corresponding to one of the header values. Each set has a count of five. I've read the post here which looks very similar, but can't get it to translate to my purposes.
Here is what I'm using to get the two html node collections:
HtmlNodeCollection ratingsChgsHdrs = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[#id='calendar-header']");
HtmlNodeCollection ratingsChgsTbls = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[#class='calendar-table']");
The collection ratingsChgsHdrs contains the headers for each of the tables in ratingsChgsTbls, within the InnerText property. The end result I'm looking for is one result set consisting of all of the rows from all five tables, with the header value added as a property to each row. I hope that is clear.. any help would be great.
This might work:
ratingsChgsHdrs.Select((x, i) => new { x, ratingsChgsTbls.ElementAt(i) });
