ruby socket connection to outside - ruby

I trying to make a connection with following ruby code
require 'socket'
puts "server"
socket =
client = socket.accept
puts "connected"
require 'socket'
puts "client"
puts "connected"
but client side always says target machine refused it.
no "connected" printing on both side
when I change "" to "localhost", it works.
I wonder why I can't connect to my self
"" is my IPv4 address
when I type ipconfig on cmd,
it says "" is my ip.
I configure DMZ and port-forwarding too.
and all firewall is off.
I tried on windows xp and windows 7.
can someone help me?
(I want to connect to my computer from outside. and that's why I tried "")

In order to create server use"",1000)


How to get other computer to connect to my localhost server?

I recently started learning Ruby Sockets and decided to research the topic. I came across the ruby-doc which had some example code that ran smoothly:
This is the example code for the server:
require 'socket'
server = 2000 # Server bound to port 2000
loop do
client = server.accept # Wait for a client to connect
client.puts "Hello !"
client.puts "Time is #{}"
And the example code for the client:
require 'socket'
s = 'localhost', 2000
while line = s.gets # Read lines from socket
puts line # and print them
s.close # close socket when done
So this ran well but I was wondering how I would get the client to connect if it is running from a different computer. So I attempted to replace the "'localhost'" in the client code with my public IP address courtesy of, however, when I tried running the new client code on a different computer I merely got a timeout error. I even attempted running the new client code on the same machine running the server but still I got a timeout error.
Does anyone know how I can get this to work properly?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Greg Hewgill helped me figure this out:
My first problem was that I was using the wrong address. Greg suggested I check my actual address through the cmd command "ipconfig". The command gave me the actual address that the server was being hosted on. Through this I changed the "'localhost'" in the client code and changed it to the actual IP address. Upon running, I received an error that stated that the server had actively refused the connection. This was fixed by also changing the 'localhost' in the server code to the IP address of the server's machine.
Thank you Greg for the help!

How to open a port in Windows using Ruby?

My windows system has the firewall enabled.
I would like to allow incoming connections on a particular port (say: 4546).
Is there a ruby library that can help me do this ?
I have a sinatra application (webserver) running on port 4546. I needed to bring down the firewall in order for it to work.
I am looking for a way to not keep the port 4546 under the firewall list.
Yes, you can do that with this:
require 'socket' # Get sockets from stdlib
server = # Socket to listen on port 4546
loop { # Servers run forever
client = server.accept # Wait for a client to connect
client.puts( # Send the time to the client
client.puts "Closing the connection. Bye!"
client.close # Disconnect from the client

Simple socket program in Ruby

I want to write a simple server socket in Ruby, which, when a client connects to it, prints a message and closes the client connection. I came up with:
require 'socket'
server ='localhost',8800)
loop {
client = server.accept
Thread.start do
s = client
s.puts "Closing the connection. Bye!"
However, when I access "localhost:8800" in my browser, I am not getting that message, instead, it says page not found.. What am I doing wrong here?
It is quite likely that your browser is expecting something on the remote end that talks Http.
This is dependant upon your browser and also the exact URI you typed in. It is also possible that your browser is connecting getting the connection close and then displaying an error page.
If you want to see the server working then use telnet from a command prompt. So in one window type ruby ./myfilename.rb and then in another type telnet localhost 8800

TCPServer socket in ruby

I would like to establish a connection between 2 computers using socket. For this purpose one of them is a server and this is the code I've write:
sock='localhost', 6666)
the client try to establish the connection:
client =, 6666)
but is not working. I've notice scanning server's ports that the server does not open the port to the network, only works in local mode.
Any suggestion, thk in advance
I've used this code successfully. Server side:
serverSocket = "", port )
and on the client
t =, port.to_i)
However, recently I've started using the 'EventMachine' gem, which made handling sockets 10 times easier
It's already been said that the service is running in "Local Mode" using the loopback "localhost".
sock='localhost', 6666)
TCPServer is a handy interface for the underlying file descriptor. Frankly, it almost makes socket programming too easy.
Like what has already been said, 'localhost' is a loopback to Therefore, your statement is equivalent to:
sock='', 6666)
If you will be using the network connection on a local network, assuming the server has an assigned IP of, you can assign a local IP address to listen on:
sock='', 6666)
For an open port, conceivably open to all, use:
Remember that everything is a file – the connection you're making is reading and writing to the same file or series of files from two (or more) locations. It's important to control who might have access to those files, and to what extent.
Yes, and it allright so, because you said it should bind the server port to the interface of 'localhost' and this is and is bind to your loopback interface and not to any real interface connecting to the realworld.
You should try
sock =
It works in "local mode" because it listens on localhost wich is loopback address for the computer the server is launched in. The IP address of your server should be address your computer has on local network (something like 192.168.x.x).

Why am I not receiving UDP Packets sent to my own IP?

I've written this ruby program to send a UDP Packet to port 16800:
require 'socket'
sock =
sock.bind("", 47123)
sock.send("Hello!", 0, "", 16800)
where is my own ip address. However, the packet doesn't show in Wireshark and my UDP server listening on port 16800 on the same PC (running Linux) isn't receiving anything.
When I slightly rewrite the program to
require 'socket'
sock =
sock.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_BROADCAST, true)
sock.bind("", 47123)
sock.send("Hello!", 0, "<broadcast>", 16800)
the packet does show up in Wireshark, but my server still isn't receiving anything.
Am I missing something obvious?
The server code, for completeness
require 'socket'
sock =
sock.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_BROADCAST, true)
sock.bind(nil, 16800)
while true
packet = sock.recvfrom(1024)
puts packet
However, this was copied somewhere from the internet, and while editing it for stackoverflow, i found out that the server always receives packets sent to but when I change nil to "", the server suddenly also receives the packets sent above. Is this a bug in the ruby socket implementation?
I just used your very code and the problem is you're not binding to a specific IP address. I don't know about Linux but on OS X there's an issue where sometimes the default will attach to an unused IP6 address rather than the interface you were expecting.
Changing "" to on the server, and including "" on the bind in the client made all this work for me :)
UDPSocket.BIND takes a host and a port. Try changing the nil to your IP address. From; use
require 'socket'
def local_ip
orig, Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup, true # turn off reverse DNS resolution temporarily do |s|
s.connect '', 1
Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig
to get your IP
Have you tried sending to "localhost" or ""? This will send directly to the local computer and will help diagnose the problem further.
Kind of speculating here, but you might want to consider something like this - when you use the computer's own IP, the packets aren't visible on the physical link b/c the tcp/ip stack doesn't have to push them that far to get them where they are going, it can turn them around internally to the computer at one of the higher layers in that seven-layer stack model (the 'transport' layer, perhaps?)
If such a connection is supposed to work, and you see the packages using Wireshark, then you should also check the software firewall on your machine. If it blocks traffic to the UDP port you want to use you can still see the package using Wireshark!
