AJAX Loader doesn't stay untill the new content is loaded - ajax

I am using AJAX functionality to make my WordPress pages load in real time. I use the following approach to make it load in real time
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #container';
$('#wrapper').append('<span id="load">LOADING...</span>');
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href').length-5);
function loadContent() {
function showNewContent() {
function hideLoader() {
return false;
The problem i am facing is that the loading... text appear for half a second and the old content appears again.. and then after 4-5 seconds, it just replaces the new content with the old one.
How can i keep the Loading Text until the content is fully loaded.

Question is not perfectly clear to me,
should be changed to
We pass the function reference ( we dont call them )
Also, I dont think there's any .fadeIn('normal').
It would be either .fadeIn('slow') or .fadeIn('fast')
lines following this
do not wait for animation completion. They gets called instantly.
I guess, you would want them to put in loadContent function


How can I check with Google Apps Script whether the sidebar opened by "SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showSidebar(html);" is open or not open?

Background: The sidebar cannot be opened with onOpen().
"PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();" should not be used because it is only suitable for one user (possible overlaps). If the sidebar is open, nothing should happen to prevent it from being reloaded, otherwise it should be opened. A global variable could not be overwritten within a function for the next execution.
function sidebar() {
if (? == 'off') {
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('sidebar')
With getUserProperties() it works per user per script. A sidebar can be opened with onOpen() by adding a trigger to the respective script for onOpen() at https://script.google.com/home/.
var status = PropertiesService.getUserProperties(); // global variable
function onOpen() {
status.setProperty('sidebar', 'off');
function sidebar() {
if (status.getProperty('sidebar') == 'off') {
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('sidebar')
status.setProperty('sidebar', 'on');
This is what I found to work in this particular situation. It's not perfect, but it is functional and pretty simple:
}, 10000);
function collectPing() {
CacheService.getDocumentCache().put('sidebar', 'on', 15);
While the sidebar is open, it calls the server-side every 10 seconds and sets a property in the cache which lasts for 15 seconds. You can then write a function on the server-side that looks at the cache and does something based on the cache property. I just came up with this, so it is relatively untested, though my first try seems to indicate that it works.

jQuery Mobile 1.4+ pagecontainerbeforechange bug?

I am experimenting with the new way of handling page events in jqM and have run into a curious issue. When handling the pagecontainerbeforechange event
function test(e,u,msg){console.log($(u.toPage));}
Attempting to put a jQuery object wrapper around u.toPage - as done above - produces strange behavior.
Check out this fiddle to see what I mean
Click on the Second Page button and then view the console. Nothing will happen (the second page is not shown) and you will see a message along the lines of *Uncaught error:syntax error, unrecognized expression http://jsfiddle.net/egn7g5xb/1/show/#second
Now comment out Line 7 and run the fiddle again. No such issue this time and the second page gets shown.
Perhaps someone here might be able to explain what is going on here?
On initial run, jQuery Mobile creates a fake page before navigating to first page in DOM. At that stage, pagecontainerbeforechange fires twice and returns .toPage as an object.
Later on, upon navigating to other pages, it fires twice again; however, it returns a string first time (URL/hash) and second time it returns an object which is the page itself.
Therefore, when using that event, you have to determine whether .toPage is an object or a string.
$(document).on("pagecontainerbeforechange", function (e, data) {
if (typeof data.toPage == "string") {
/* parse url */
if (typeof data.toPage == "object") {
/* manipulate page navigating to */
Note that pagecontainerbeforetransition is similar to beforechange, however, it fires once and returns .toPage as an object.
First, create your pagecontainer events within $(document).on("pagecreate", "#first", function(){ .. }).
Then the selector for these events should be $(":mobile-pagecontainer") or $("body") NOT $(document).
function test(e,u,msg)
var IsJQ = u.toPage instanceof $;
if (IsJQ){
} else {
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#first", function(){
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").on('pagecontainerbeforechange', function (e, u) {
Updated FIDDLE

Website loses performance after some jQuery $.ajax calls

I admit I'm quite noob with full ajax websites, and so I'm surely making some mistakes.
The problem is this:
in http://lamovida.arabianessence.com
every page is loaded with an $.ajax call using this function
function getAjaxPage() {
$('a.ajaxc').click(function() {
var $thishref = $(this).attr('href'),
$thisurl = $thishref.replace("#!/",""),
$urlArr = $thisurl.split('-'),
$urlOk = $urlArr[0],
$dataOk = $urlArr[1];
url : $urlOk + ".php",
data : 'id='+$dataOk,
success : function (data,stato) {
$("li.page_block").css('visibility', 'visible');
var $whgt = $(".wrapper").height(),
$ctop = ( ( $(window).height() - $whgt ) /2 )-40;
$("#content").stop().animate({height: $whgt+40, top: $ctop},1000);
error : function (richiesta,stato,errori) {
Every time this function is called the content gets loader slower, and after about 20 clicks things get real bad, and the loading time grows and grows.
I tried to analyze the situation using the Google Chrome's Timeline, and I saw that after each click the browser uses more memory. If I comment the getAjaxPage(); row in the "success" section the situation starts to get better, but of course I lose all the internal navigation.
What could I do to avoid this problem?
Many thanks to all!
Every call to $('a.ajaxc').click() is adding new event handler thus every click causes more requests to be made. After the first click, every click will cause two requests. Another click? Another three requests. Etc.
Put the handler outside the function and you will have only one AJAX call per click:
$(document).ready(function() {
I also don't see the reason behind calling getAjaxPage again from within the callback, so remove it as well to avoid infinite loop of requests.

jQuery .load() wait till content is loaded

How to prevent jQuery $('body').load('something.php'); from changing any DOM till all the content from something.php (including images,js) is fully loaded
-Lets say some actual content is:
Hello world
And something.php content is:
image that loads for 10 seconds
20 js plugins
After firing .load() function nothing should happen, till images an js files are fully loaded, and THEN instantly change the content.
some preloader may appear, but its not subject of question.
My solution for that was css code (css is loaded always before dom is build) that has cross-browser opacity 0.
-moz-opacity: 0.00;
opacity: 0.00;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);
And it prevent from bad flickr of content usually but not always. Now its possible to detect somehow that content is loaded by jQuery ajax and apply some show timeout and so on. But in fact question is still open.
To make now a little more simple example for that question:
How to begin changing DOM after $('body').load('something.php') with 3000ms delay after clicking the link that fire .load('something.php') function? (Browser should start downloading instantly, but DOM changing has to be initiated later)
Use .get instead and assign the contents in the success callback:
$.get('something.php', function(result) {
There are some implementation details you may have to solve yourself, but here's a rough solution:
Don't use .load() directly. It can't be changed to wait for all images to load.
Use $.get() to fetch the HTML into a variable, let's call it frag.
Use $(frag).find('img').each(fn) to find all images and dump each this.src inside a preloader.
var images = [],
$frag = $(frag),
loaded = 0;
function imageLoaded()
// reference images array here to keep it alive
if (images.ready && loaded >= images.length) {
// add $frag to the DOM
$frag.find('img').each(function() {
var i = new Image();
i.onload = i.onerror = imageLoaded;
i.src = this.src;
images[images.length] = i;
// signal that images contains all image objects that we wish to monitor
images.ready = true;
Once all images are loaded, append the earlier frag to the DOM using $frag.appendTo('#container').
Here is a quick proof of concept that loads relevant images before inserting an HTML fragment into the DOM: http://jsfiddle.net/B8B6u/5/
You can preload the images using the onload handler to trigger iterations:
var images = $(frag).find('img'),
loader = $('<img/>');
function iterate(i, callback) {
if (i > 0) {
loader.load(function() {
iterate(i, callback);
loader.attr('src', images[i].src);
This should work, since each image is loaded after the previous one has finished loading.
Have you tried this?
Edit: I just realized you are actually wanting to wait for the stuff to load before it get's placed in the body.
Here are three links to similar questions.
Preloading images with jQuery
Is it possible to preload page contents with ajax/jquery technique?
Preloading images using PHP and jQuery - Comma seperated array?
You can probably adapt those to scripts too.
This might work too.
'url': 'content.php',
'dataType': 'text',
'success': function(data){
var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var tmp = document.createElement('div'), child;
//get str from data here like: str data.str
tmp.innerHTML = str;
while(child = tmp.firstChild){
It's a longer way of doing what Shadow Wizard suggests, but it will probably work.
Hm. Never mind. Jack's answer looks the best. I'll wait a while and if no one likes my answer I'll delete it.
Edit: It looks like appending to documentfragments can do http requests.
Any script using createDocumentFrament may benefit from preloading.
In this question they want no http requests even though that's what createDocumentFragment is doing:
Using documentFragment to parse HTML without sending HTTP requests.
I can't be sure if this is true for all browsers or just when the console.log is run, but it could be a good option for preloading if this behavior is universal.

Element within AJAX-fetched HTML cannot by found by getElementbyID

It's because it hasn't initialized yet. If I put in an alert(), it allows the browser to be freed up and initialize the element. The question, then, is how can I force it to initialize the element without using an alert box?
Here's the pertinent code...
$().ready(function() {
AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement ("mybody", "skin1.txt");
AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement ("contentdiv", "index.txt");
AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement (id, file) simply fetches "file" with an XMLHTTPRequest and loads it into id's innerHTML.
initPage() works until it calls setContentHeight(), which works up until this point:
if (DOMheight > y_lbound) { document.getElementById('containerdiv').style.height = (DOMheight+container_ymod) + 'px'; }
If I put alert(document.getElementById('containerdiv')); prior to this line, it says that it's NULL, even though the "containerdiv" element should have been loaded with the very first call to AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement.
If I put TWO copies of alert(document.getElementById('containerdiv')); prior to this line, the first one says NULL, and the second says "[Object HTMLDivElement]".
Clearly, then, it is just a problem of "containerdiv" not being initialized.
So, once again, the question is how can I force the initialization of these elements after being fetched by the XMLHTTPRequest, without using an alert()?
It seems that AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement() is asynchronous, since it uses XMLHTTPRequest internally. One way to solve your problem would be to modify that function so it takes a callback function argument and calls it when the request succeeds:
function AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement(elementId, fileName, callback)
// Issue XMLHTTPRequest and call 'callback' on success.
Then use the modified function like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement("mybody", "skin1.txt", function() {
AJAX_LoadResponseIntoElement("contentdiv", "index.txt", initPage);
